Updated 2003-11-20 11:54:49

Title: TiVo Hacks
 Subtitle: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
 Authors: Raffi Krikorian
 Publisher: O'Reilly
 Publication date: August 2003
 ISBN: 0596005539
 Pages: 288
 Price: 24.95 US
 WWW book information: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/tivohks/index.html
 Book's examples:

This book covers the TiVo line of digital video recording hardware and software, which uses Tcl inside.

O'Reilly's also has a web site for discussing the hacks in their book. See http://hacks.oreilly.com/pub/h/577#code for instance for an example of some Tcl code that allows you to get information on the shows that you have recorded to your TiVo.

Most of these codes require you to have hacked programming functionality into your hardware.

See also COMPANY: TiVo Inc.

Category Book