Updated 2012-01-11 08:55:17 by dkf

I hacked this together for a friend who is fascistically firewalled.

Basically, it lets somebody who can only send and receive email view web pages with all the images by using specially crafted Subject: lines.

Does not, but needs to handle various kinds of redirects, permanent relocation, etc. Coming soon!!

Returns a tarball with the requested page, and all .gif, .jpg, or .png files required to view it as intended, with the page rewritten to use the directory hierarchy in the tarball!

Requires Tcl, curl, and tar.

To use it:

  1. create a new user in group 'users' to run it, because the user it runs as needs mail support. (There are other ways to handle this, this is the simplest.)
  2. edit the configuration options
  3. let er rip.

Please feel free to modify. Modifying it to use Tcl HTTP would be nice.
 # the next line restarts using -*-Tcl-*-sh \
 exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}
 # HTTP over SMTP tunnelling Daemon
 # Version 1.0.0
 # produces a tarball with a rewritten version of the
 # target URL and all image files necessary to view the
 # page as it would be seen in a browser.
 # handles email saved into a special
 # mailbox by parsing the Subject: line
 # when of the form:
 # [email protected]!http://www.insecure.org/
 # notice the "!" separator between the email and URL.
 # optionally, a password can be used by combining it
 # with the email using a '%':
 # [email protected]%password!http://www.insecure.org/
 # which means this script does user authentication.
 # Note that redirects and Permanent Moves and cgi will not
 # necessarily be handled. We are working on it, however.
 # this script processes results one per minute to avoid trouble.
 # this script logs all actions verbosely.
 # copyright 2003 Philip S. Ehrens <[email protected]>
 # assume GPL for all copyright and license concerns
 # don't touch these!
 set ::request_rx {Subject:\s+(\S+@\S+)!(http://\S+)}
 set ::img_rx {src=(\S+\.(jpg|gif|png))}
 # must be a usable smtp mail server
 set ::mailhost localhost
 # From: user for outgoing mail
 set ::hostuser [email protected]
 # working directory for this script, all files
 # created by this script will be created there.
 set ::topleveldir .httpOverSmtp
 # authorized users of this service and their password
 # (optional. delimited by % from their email as in these
 # examples.)
 set     ::valid_users [email protected]%f0o
 lappend ::valid_users [email protected]%b4r
 # this mailbox will be truncated each time it is read,
 # so it should not be a user's mailbox, but a special
 # one for use by this script. you can use procmail or
 # mutt hooks or whatever to get the messages into it.
 # to test this daemon you can create this file with a
 # single line with a properly formatted Subject: line
 # in it as described above. then start the program and
 # it will process the request.
 set ::mailbox httptunnel
 # set the variable ::TEST to 1 to cause script to operate
 # in "one shot" test mode. all output will be preserved
 # in ::topleveldir, and no mail will be sent. script will
 # exit after creating tarball in ::topleveldir.
 set ::TEST 1
 # run as a daemon, or once per invocation?
 set ::DAEMON_MODE 0
 # name of the log file in the ::topleveldir
 set ::logfile httpOverSmtp.log
 namespace eval smtp {}
 proc smtp::parsebox { } {
      if { [ catch {
         ;## read the mailbox
         set fid [ open $::mailbox r ]
         set data [ read $fid [ file size $::mailbox ] ]
         close $fid
         set fid [ open $::mailbox w ]
         close $fid
         set data [ split $data \n ]
         # find formatted subject lines and validate email address
         foreach line $data {
            if { [ regexp $::request_rx $line -> email url ] } {
               if { [ authorisedUser $email ] } {
                  set email [ lindex [ split $email % ] 0 ]
                  set request [ list $email $url ]
                  if { [ lsearch $::requests $request ] == -1 } {
                     lappend ::requests $request
               } else {
                  set msg "smtp::parsebox: unauthorised user, "
                  append msg "request rejected: '$email $url'"
                  log $msg
      } err ] } {
         catch { close $fid }
         log "smtp::parsebox: $err"
 proc smtp::send { mailhost from to subject text { attachments "" } } {
      if { [ catch {
         set seqpt {}
         set seqpt "socket($mailhost,25):"
         set sid  [ socket $mailhost 25  ]
         set seqpt {}
         set from_rx {^\{?\"?([^\"]+)\"?\s+<([^>]+)>\}?$}
         if { [ regexp $from_rx $from -> name address ] } {
            set from "\"$name\" <$address>"
         } else {
            set from [ string trim $from >< ]
            set from "<$from>"
         fconfigure $sid -buffering line
         fileevent $sid readable [ list smtp::handle gets $sid ]
         smtp::handle puts $sid "HELO localhost"
         set bare [ string trim [ lindex $from end ] >< ]
            smtp::handle puts $sid "MAIL From:<$bare>"
         smtp::handle puts $sid "RCPT To:<$to>"
         smtp::handle puts $sid DATA
         smtp::handle puts $sid "From: $from"
         smtp::handle puts $sid "To: $to"
         smtp::handle puts $sid "Subject: $subject"
            set text [ smtp::multipart $text $attachments ]
         foreach line [ split $text "\n" ] {
            smtp::handle puts $sid $line
         smtp::handle puts $sid ".\nQUIT"
         ::close $sid
     } err ] } {
        catch { ::close $sid }
        log "smtp::send:$seqpt $err"
 # manages the socket connected to the smtp server
 proc smtp::handle { action sid { line "" } } {
      if { [ catch {
            fconfigure $sid -blocking off
         $action $sid $line
         fconfigure $sid -blocking on
      } err ] } {
            # nothing to be done, socket has gone
 # turns tarball into base64
 proc smtp::dump { attachment } {
      if { [ catch {
         set fid [ open $attachment r ]
         fconfigure $fid -encoding binary
         fconfigure $fid -translation binary
         set data [ read $fid [ file size $attachment ] ]
         close $fid
            set data [ smtp::encode64 $data ]
      } err ] } {
         catch { close $fid }
         return -code error "smtp::dump: $err"
         return $data
 # attaches base64 encoded tarball to outgoing email
 proc smtp::multipart { text { attachments "" } } {
      if { [ catch {
            set attachments [ split $attachments , ]
            set boundary HTTP-over-SMTP_attachment_HTTP-over-SMTP
            if { [ string length $attachments ] } {
               set    msg "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
               append msg "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n"
               append msg " boundary=\"$boundary\"\n\n"
               append msg "--$boundary\n"
               append msg "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\n\n"
               append msg "$text\n"
               foreach attachment $attachments {
                  set attachment [ string trim $attachment ]
                     if { ! [ file readable $attachment ] } {
                        set err "attachment not found: '$attachment'"
                        return -code error $err
                  append msg "--$boundary\n"
                  append msg "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n"
                     append msg "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
                     append msg "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n"
                     append msg " filename=\"[ file tail $attachment ]\"\n\n"
                     append msg [ smtp::dump $attachment ]
               append msg "\n\n--${boundary}--\n\n"
         } else {
               set msg "\n$text"
         } err ] } {
         return -code error "smtp::multipart: $err"
         return $msg
 # internal base64 encoding engine. really slow!!
 proc smtp::encode64 { string } {
      set i 0
      foreach char [ list A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S \
                   T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o \
                   p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + / ] {
         set tmp($char) $i
         lappend b64 $char
         incr i
      set wrapchar "\n"
      set maxlen 60
      set result {}
      set state  0
      set length 0
      binary scan $string c* X
      foreach { x y z } $X {
         if { $maxlen && $length >= $maxlen } {
            append result $wrapchar
            set length 0
         append result [ lindex $b64 [ expr {($x >>2) & 0x3F} ] ] 
         if { $y != {} } {
            append result \
               [ lindex $b64 \
               [ expr {(($x << 4) & 0x30) | (($y >> 4) & 0xF)} ] ] 
            if { $z != {} } {
               append result \
                  [ lindex $b64 \
                  [ expr {(($y << 2) & 0x3C) | (($z >> 6) & 0x3)} ] ]
               append result \
                  [ lindex $b64 [ expr {($z & 0x3F)} ] ]
            } else {
               set state 2
         } else {
            set state 1
         incr length 4
      if { $state == 1 } {
          append result \
             [ lindex $b64 [ expr {(($x << 4) & 0x30)} ] ]== 
      } elseif { $state == 2 } {
          append result \
             [ lindex $b64 [ expr {(($y << 2) & 0x3C)} ] ]=  
      return $result
 proc handleRequest { args } {
      set request [ lindex $::requests 0 ]
      if { [ string length $request ] } {
         set ::requests [ lrange $::requests 1 end ]
         foreach [ list email url ] $request { break }
         log "getting $url for $email"
         set localname [ localName $url ]
         getCurlUrl $url $localname
         set tarball [ getImages $url [ file dirname $localname ] ]
         after 5000 [ list emailResult $email $url $tarball ]
 proc emailResult { email url tarball } {
      set local [ localName $url ]
      if { [ string length $tarball ] } {
         set local $tarball
      set size unknown
      catch { set size [ file size $local ] }
      set time  [ clock seconds ]
      log "$email $url httpOverSmtp $local ($size bytes)"
      smtp::send $::mailhost $::hostuser $email $url httpOverSmtp $local
      file delete -force $local
 # generic logging function
 proc log { args } {
    set timestamp [ clock format [ clock seconds ] ]
    if { [ catch {
       set fid [ open $::logfile a+ 0644 ]
    } err ] } {
       set fid stderr
    puts $fid "${timestamp}: ${::requests}: $args"
    close $fid
 # turns remote URL into a local filename
 proc localName { url } {
      regsub {(http|ftp):/+} $url {} localname
      set localname [ string trimleft $localname / ]
      if { [ regexp {\/$} $localname ] } {
         set localname ${localname}index.html
      return $localname
 # wrapper for curl
 proc getCurlUrl { url localname } {
      if { [ catch {
         file mkdir [ file dirname $localname ]
         if { [ file exists $localname ] } {
            return {}
         ;## -s : no progress meter
         ;## -N : no output buffer
         ;## -w %{size_download} : how many bytes were read?
         set msg [ exec curl -s -N --connect-timeout 10 -m 60 -w %{size_download} $url -o $localname ]
         if { [ regexp {^\d+$} $msg ] } {
            set msg "$url $msg bytes"
         log "getCurlUrl: $msg"
      } err ] } {
         if { [ string length $err ] } {
            log "getCurlUrl: $err"
 # iterator for retrieving images
 proc getImages { url subdir } {
      if { [ catch {
         set data    [ list ]
         set tarball [ list ]
         set localname [ localName $url ]
         # if it was an html page we parse it and handle
         # all the images.
         if { [ regexp {html?$} $localname ] } {
            set url [ split $url / ]
            set url [ join [ lrange $url 0 end-1 ] / ]
            set url ${url}/
            set fid [ open $localname r ]
            set data [ read $fid [ file size $localname ] ]
            close $fid
            set output [ list ]
            foreach line [ split $data "\n" ] {
                if { [ regexp -nocase $::img_rx $line -> image ] } {
                   set image [ string trim $image "'\"" ]
                   if { ! [ regexp {^(http|ftp):/+} $image ] } {
                      set image $url$image
                   set localimg [ localName $image ]
                   regsub "^$subdir\/" $localimg {} localimg
                   regsub $image $line $localimg line
                   set localimg $subdir/$localimg
                   getCurlUrl $image $localimg
                append output "$line\n"
            set fid [ open $localname w ]
            puts $fid $output
            close $fid
         # otherwise we're done
         } elseif { ! [ regexp {/$} $url ] } {
            set url ${url}/
         set tarball [ tarUp $subdir ]
      } err ] } {
         catch { close $fid }
         log "getImages: $err"
      return $tarball
 proc tarUp { subdir } {
      set tarball ${subdir}.tar.gz
      exec tar czf $tarball $subdir
      if { $::TEST == 1 } { exit }
      file delete -force $subdir
      return $tarball
 # simpleminded user auth
 proc authorisedUser { user } {
      set auth 0
      if { [ lsearch -exact $::valid_users $user ] > -1 } {
         set auth 1
      return $auth
 # scheduler
 proc runner { } {
      if { $::DAEMON_MODE == 0 } {
      after 60000 runner
 # Tcl background error handler
 proc bgerror { args } {
      log "bgerror: $args"
 ## :TODO: make image retrieval optional.
 ## MAIN ##
 file mkdir $::topleveldir
 cd $::topleveldir
 set ::requests [ list ]
 log "START!"
 vwait forever

TV I remember a place where I worked (for hardly any pay) where email would work via Lotus Notes, and the 'firewall' would be passed by the equivalent of an old lorry, every, what, hour or so, so that the even the above approach would leave you to wait such amount of time to get your url message accross and your http reply back... Your provider/mailbox maintainer might also not like you for it, for instance for pages containing many large images, streaming is absent in this way, so you get all you called for. Kind of fun.