Updated 2013-10-16 06:54:41 by pooryorick

Keith Vetter wrote in comp.lang.tcl:

My solution to edit, test, debug development cycle is a procedure I call restart which does its best to restore the wish session back to its original state. It deletes child windows, resets images, fonts, bindings, after events, etc. If you give it a file name, it will source that file. This works for any console, not just tkcon as the page title suggests.

So, after I make some changes to the source in emacs, I type in the console window restart myfile.tcl.

To use it, add the following to your .wishrc file:
 foreach p [info procs] { set kpv(p,$p) 1 }
 foreach p [info vars]  { set kpv(v,$p) 1 }
 set kpv(p,bgerror) 1

 # Restart
 # Deletes all non-root widgets and all bindings This allows us to
 # reload the source file without getting any errors.
 proc restart {{f ""}} {
    global kpv tk_version
    ;#catch {auto_reset}                        ;# Undo all autoload stuff
    if [info exists tk_version] {               ;# In wish not tclsh
        . config -cursor {}
        eval destroy [winfo children .]         ;# Kill all children windows
        foreach v [bind .] {                    ;# Remove all bindings also
            bind . $v {}
        if {$tk_version >= 4.0} {               ;# Kill after events
            catch {foreach v [after info] {after cancel $v}}
        if {$tk_version >= 8} {                 ;# Font stuff
            catch { eval font delete [font names] }
            eval image delete [image names]     ;# Image stuff
        wm geom . {}                            ;# Reset main window geometry
        . config -width 200 -height 200
        raise .
    foreach v [info procs] {                    ;# Remove unwanted procs
        if {[info exists kpv(p,$v)] == 0} {
            catch {rename $v {}}
 #     foreach v [namespace children] {
 #       if {[info exists kpv(n,$v)] == 0} {
 #           catch {namespace delete $v}
 #       }
 #     }
    uplevel {                                   ;# Get at global variables 
        foreach _v [info vars] {                ;# Remove unwanted variables
            if {[info exists kpv(v,$_v)] == 0} {;# Part of the core?
                catch {unset $_v}
        catch { unset _v }
    if [file exists $f] {
        uplevel source $f