Updated 2014-01-18 10:43:47 by dkf

mjk: I played with Finnish grammar and hyphenation rules and figured out a simple Tcl program for hyphenating Finnish text.
 ##                                                                  ##
 ## Finnish Hyphenation                                              ##
 ##                                                                  ##
 ## Matti J. Kärki <[email protected]>                                      ##
 ##                                                                  ##
 ## Created:  19.05.2004                                             ##
 ## Modified: 30.11.2004                                             ##
 ##                                                                  ##
 ## The following code is my personal experiment. I tried to find an ##
 ## easy way to hyphenate Finnish text. In theory, it is not an easy ##
 ## task (trust me). However, I did found a simple rule-set for      ##
 ## hyphenation. The following code is an implementation of my idea. ##
 ## I don't know, if this is already invented method or not. If it   ##
 ## is, then I have reinvented a wheel. If not, then, well... cool :)##
 ##                                                                  ##
 ## Tools:
 # Returns true if the character is a vowel. Otherwise returns false.
 proc vowel chr {
     if {$chr != {}} then {
         if {[regexp {[aeiouyäö]} [string tolower $chr]]} then {
             return true
     return false
 # Returns true if the character is a consonant. Otherwise returns false.
 proc consonant chr {
     if {$chr != {}} then {
         if {[regexp {[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]} [string tolower $chr]]} then {
             return true
     return false
 # Returns true if the character is a consonant of a vowel Otherwise
 # returns false.
 proc alphabet chr {
     if {[vowel $chr] || [consonant $chr]} then {
         return true
     return false
 # Returns true only if the character is not vowel or consonant. Otherwise
 # returns false.
 proc nonalphabet chr {
     if {[vowel $chr] == false && [consonant $chr] == false} then {
         return true
     return false
 ## Hyphenation rules:
 ## c = expects a consonant
 ## v = expects a vowel
 ## x = expects a non-alphabet character (or no character, empty {})
 ## a = expects an alphabet character
 ## hyphen is placed before _current_ character ($cc in the engine code,
 ## capitalized character in a rule name)
 # pro-, pre beginning, for example pro-fes-so-ri, presi-dent-ti and
 # all foreign words with pro- or pre- prefix.
 proc rule-xccvA {a b c d e} {
     if {[nonalphabet $a] && [consonant $b] && [consonant $c] && \
             [vowel $d] && [alphabet $e]} then {
         return true
     return false
 # si-tä for example: si-tä, mi-tä
 proc rule-vCv {a b c} {
     if {[vowel $a] && [consonant $b] && [vowel $c]} then {
         return true
     return false
 # -no-in-, for example: pai-no-in-dek-si
 proc rule-acvVccvcc {a b c d e f g h i} {
     if {[alphabet $a] && [consonant $b] && [vowel $c] && [vowel $d] && \
             [consonant $e] && [consonant $f] && [vowel $g] && \
             [consonant $h] && [consonant $i] && ($c ne $d)} then {
         return true
     return false
 # al-la, for example: al-la, ak-tii-vi-nen
 proc rule-vcCv {a b c d} {
     if {[vowel $a] && [consonant $b] && [consonant $c] && [vowel $d]} then {
         return true
     return false
 # link-ki, eng-lan, for example: link-ki, eng-lan-ti
 proc rule-vccC {a b c d} {
     if {[vowel $a] && [consonant $b] && [consonant $c] && [consonant $d]} then {
         return true
     return false
 # -uli-, for example: tu-lin
 proc rule-cvCvv {a b c d e} {
     if {[consonant $a] && [vowel $b] && [consonant $c] && [vowel $d] && [vowel $e]} then {
         return true
     return false
 # pai-no, for example: pai-no
 proc rule-cvvCv {a b c d e} {
     if {[consonant $a] && [vowel $b] && [vowel $c] && [consonant $d] && [vowel $e]} then {
         return true
     return false
 # -si-oon, for example: pait-si-oon
 proc rule-cvVv {a b c d} {
     if {[consonant $a] && [vowel $b] && [vowel $c] && [vowel $d] && \
             ($c eq $d)} then {
         return true
     return false
 # nii-aus, for example: nii-aus
 proc rule-cvvVv {a b c d e} {
     if {[consonant $a] && [vowel $b] && [vowel $c] && [vowel $d] && \
             [vowel $e]} then {
         return true
     return false
 # -aa-il-, -toon, for example: maa-il-ma, tais-toon
 proc rule-vvVc {a b c d} {
     if {[vowel $a] && [vowel $b] && [vowel $c] && [consonant $d] && \
             ($b ne $c)} then {
         return true
     return false
 # -ku-oi-ke-, for example: kaut-ta-kul-ku-oi-ke-us
 proc rule-cvVvc {a b c d e} {
     if {[consonant $a] && [vowel $b] && [vowel $c] && [vowel $d] && \
             [consonant $e] && ($b ne $c)} then {
         return true
     return false
 # -aan, -ään, -ian, -uan ending, for example: ku-kaan, pi-an
 proc rule-vVcx {a b c d} {
     if {[vowel $a] && [vowel $b] && [consonant $c] && [nonalphabet $d] && \
             ($a ne $b)} then {
         return true
     return false
 # -ia, -aa ending, for example: vaa-li-a, tär-ke-ää
 # understands to not to hyphenate words like "ei" and "tai"
 proc rule-aavVx {a b c d e} {
     if {[alphabet $a] && [alphabet $b] && [vowel $c] && [vowel $d] && \
             [nonalphabet $e] && ($c ne $d)} then {
         return true
     return false
 # -lla ending, for example: si-vuil-la
 proc rule-cCvx {a b c d} {
     if {[consonant $a] && [consonant $b] && [vowel $c] && \
             [nonalphabet $d]} then {
         return true
     return false
 ## Hyphenation engine:
 # Hyphenates given text and returns list of characters, including hyphenation
 # marks.
 proc hyphenate text {
     set chars  [split $text ""]
     set len    [llength $chars]
     set hyphen false
     set result {}
     for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
         set cpppp  [lindex $chars [expr $i - 4]] ;# Character in the past
         set cppp   [lindex $chars [expr $i - 3]] ;# Character in the past+1
         set cpp    [lindex $chars [expr $i - 2]] ;# Character before previous
         set cp     [lindex $chars [expr $i - 1]] ;# Previous character
         set cc     [lindex $chars $i]            ;# <-- Current character !!!
         set cn     [lindex $chars [expr $i + 1]] ;# Next character
         set cnn    [lindex $chars [expr $i + 2]] ;# Character after next
         set cnnn   [lindex $chars [expr $i + 3]] ;# Character in the future
         set cnnnn  [lindex $chars [expr $i + 4]] ;# Character in the future+1
         set cnnnnn [lindex $chars [expr $i + 5]] ;# Character in the future+2
         if {$hyphen} then {
             set cp {}
         if {![alphabet $cc]} then {
             set cp {}
         if { \
                  [rule-xccvA $cpppp $cppp $cpp $cp $cc] || \
                  [rule-vCv $cp $cc $cn] || \
                  [rule-acvVccvcc $cppp $cpp $cp $cc $cn $cnn $cnnn $cnnnn $cnnnnn] || \
                  [rule-vcCv $cpp $cp $cc $cn] || \
                  [rule-vccC $cppp $cpp $cp $cc] || \
                  [rule-cvCvv $cpp $cp $cc $cn $cnn] || \
                  [rule-cvvCv $cppp $cpp $cp $cc $cn] || \
                  [rule-cvVv $cpp $cp $cc $cn] || \
                  [rule-cvvVv $cppp $cpp $cp $cc $cn] || \
                  [rule-vvVc $cpp $cp $cc $cn] || \
                  [rule-cvVvc $cpp $cp $cc $cn $cnn] || \
                  [rule-vVcx $cp $cc $cn $cnn] || \
                  [rule-aavVx $cppp $cpp $cp $cc $cn] || \
                  [rule-cCvx $cp $cc $cn $cnn] } then {
             lappend result "-"
             set hyphen true
         } else {
             set hyphen false
         lappend result $cc
     return $result
 # Hyphenates a string from stdin. Hyphenated string is returned to stdout.
 puts [join [hyphenate [gets stdin]] ""]

An example:

Source text (from my home page[1]):
Pitkään mietittyäni kotisivujani ja sitä, mitä haluan maailmalle näillä sivuilla tarjota, päädyin lopulta tähän varsin karuun esitystapaan. Tulin siihen tulokseen, että on parempi yrittää tarjota näillä sivuilla jotain minulle tärkeää ja aidosti muillekin hyödyllistä kuin julkaista taas uutta linkkilistaa, jollaisia Internet on nykyään väärällään. Sivut ovat suomeksi, koska äidinkieltä pitää vaalia. Poikkeuksena ovat ohjelmointisivut, koska ohjelmoinnin de facto -kielenä on englanti.

Hyphenated text:
Pit-kään mie-tit-tyä-ni ko-ti-si-vu-ja-ni ja si-tä, mi-tä ha-lu-an maa-il-mal-le näil-lä si-vuil-la tar-jo-ta, pää-dy-in lo-pul-ta tä-hän var-sin ka-ruun e-si-tys-ta-paan. Tu-lin sii-hen tu-lok-seen, et-tä on pa-rem-pi y-rit-tää tar-jo-ta näil-lä si-vuil-la jo-ta-in mi-nul-le tär-keää ja ai-dos-ti muil-le-kin hyö-dyl-lis-tä ku-in jul-kais-ta taas uut-ta link-ki-lis-taa, jol-lai-si-a In-ter-net on ny-kyä-än vää-räl-lään. Si-vut o-vat suo-mek-si, kos-ka äi-din-kiel-tä pi-tää vaa-li-a. Poik-keuk-se-na o-vat oh-jel-moin-ti-si-vut, kos-ka oh-jel-moin-nin de fac-to -kie-le-nä on eng-lan-ti.

The algorithm is not perfect. Above text extract seems to be correctly hyphenated, but I think, that there are some cases, when the program will place hyphens in wrong places.

So, how Finnish is normally hyphenated and how my implementation differs from them? I have only seen few examples of hyphenation and if I recall, they all did their work by manipulating words backwards. My code - not scientifically exact in any way - walks through the text from the beginning to end. It doesn't try to find exceptions or spesific rules from the text (in other words, it doesn't directly depend on the grammatical rules), it just applies few predefined rules, which are crafted to represent the way human brain "hears" the correct hyphenation. Also, other implementations usually travel through words and see only forward in the string, so they check the current character and the next to come. My implementation examines the word also one character at a time, but it also checks both forward and backward, what kind of characters are around the current one.

Because the current implementation doesn't follow written rules, I'm going to improve the code so it will meet the official grammatical rules of Finnish language.

Rules for Finnish hyphenation: [2] (in Finnish).

Update: I checked the grammar and it seems, that my code meets the standards pretty well. Only weak spot is a set of exceptions, which is hard to come up anyway, because there is no single rule for exceptions. They are something that "you just have to know". Oh well... -mjk

Update (30.11.2004): I added couple of new rules and now the hyphenation is a bit more complete. The algorithm still sucks with multipart words and with some exceptions, but now it can handle words with pre- and pro- prefixes. Oh, I also was told that for example the hyphenation used in TeX hyphenates Finnish with similar algorithm. So, the above method for hyphenating is nothing new. But my algorithm is still one of the smallest and simplest one around :-) -mjk