Updated 2012-01-07 14:59:45 by dkf

Proctrace arranges for the proc execution sequence to be printed (i.e. output to the screen) on the standard output with time stamps. Not as powerful as Tcl_CreateTrace but still useful for taking a quick look at the sequence.

Here is a really simple version of this by davidw:
 proc InCommand {} {
    uplevel {puts [info level 0]}

 proc newproc {name args body} {
    set body "InCommand\n$body"
    realproc $name $args $body

 rename proc realproc
 rename newproc proc

glennj: the following shows a little more than David's above, but less than Igor's below...
    % proc introspectiveProc {name arguments body} {
        set entryCode {
            set thisproc [lindex [info level 0] 0]
            for {set lvl 0} {$lvl > -[info level]} {incr lvl -1} {
                set inf [info level $lvl]
                set procname [lindex $inf 0]
                set parms [lrange $inf 1 end]
                puts [format "<%s> %4d: proc='%s', args={%s}" $thisproc $lvl $procname $parms]
        set exitCode {puts "<$thisproc> returning"}
        proc $name $arguments [concat $entryCode \; $body \; $exitCode]
    % introspectiveProc foo args {
        puts "here I am in foo"
    % introspectiveProc bar args {
        puts "bar: calling foo"
        foo with "some args"
        puts "bar: back from foo"
    % proc main {} {
        bar can take many parameters
    % main
    <bar>    0: proc='bar', args={can take many parameters}
    <bar>   -1: proc='main', args={}
    bar: calling foo
    <foo>    0: proc='foo', args={with {some args}}
    <foo>   -1: proc='bar', args={can take many parameters}
    <foo>   -2: proc='main', args={}
    here I am in foo
    <foo> returning
    bar: back from foo
    <bar> returning

proctrace on ?-mute? ?pattern_list?
proctrace off

By default, all procs are traced except the proctrace itself. If a pattern list is specified then only those procedures whose names match one of the patterns are traced. The matching is performed with "string match" command. If -mute switch is used then only the procedures which do not match any of the patterns are traced.

Limitation: if proctrace is run not from the command prompt but from a script, the application must use the event loop.

Hope you'll find it useful...

Igor Volobouev
 proc ::proctrace {args} {
    global proctrace_script_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME
    if {[info exists proctrace_script_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME]} {
        error "previous call is not complete"
    # Check the first argument. Convert to boolean.
    set onoff [lindex $args 0]
    if {[string equal $onoff "on"]} {
        set onoff 1
    } elseif {[string equal $onoff "off"]} {
        set onoff 0
    if {$onoff != 1 && $onoff != 0} {
        error "Invalid option \"$onoff\". Must be \"on\" or \"off\"."
    set body_debug {
        # This is the script which will be executed before
        # each matching proc runs. It should be a single line.
        set debug_line {puts -nonewline "Proctrace @ [clock format\
                [clock seconds] -format {%T}]: ";\
                catch {puts -nonewline "[lindex [info level -1] 0] --> "};\
                puts "[info level 0]"}
    global proctrace_guard_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME
    if {$onoff} {
        if {[llength $args] > 3} {
            error "wrong # of arguments"
        if {[info exists proctrace_guard_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME]} {
            error "proc trace is already on"
        # Parse subsequent arguments
        if {[llength $args] > 1} {
            set arg1 [lindex $args 1]
            if {[string equal $arg1 "-mute"]} {
                set mute 1
                if {[llength $args] != 3} {
                    error "wrong # of arguments"
                } else {
                    set name_patterns [lindex $args 2]
            } else {
                set mute 0
                set name_patterns $arg1
        } else {
            set mute 1
            set name_patterns {}
        proc ::proctrace_existing_procs {namsp} {
            namespace eval $namsp {
                set prefix "[namespace current]::"
                if {$prefix == "::::"} {
                    set prefix "::"
                foreach shortname [info procs] {
                    set name ${prefix}$shortname
                    if {[string compare $name ::proctrace_existing_procs] && \
                            [string compare $name ::proctrace_proc] && \
                            [string compare $name ::proctrace]} {
                        set arglist {}
                        foreach argname [info args $name] {
                            if {[info default $name $argname value]} {
                                lappend arglist [list $argname $value]
                            } else {
                                lappend arglist $argname
                        ::proctrace_proc $name $arglist [info body $name]
                foreach child [namespace children] {
                    ::proctrace_existing_procs $child
        set body2 "foreach pattern \[list ${name_patterns}\] \\"
        if {$mute} {
            set body3 {{
                    if {[string match $pattern $name]} {
                        ::proctrace_real_proc $name $arg $body
                set newbody "${debug_line}\n$body"
                ::proctrace_real_proc $name $arg $newbody
        } else {
            set body3 {{
                    if {[string match $pattern $name]} {
                        set newbody "${debug_line}\n$body"
                        ::proctrace_real_proc $name $arg $newbody
                ::proctrace_real_proc $name $arg $body
        set fullbody [join [list $body_debug $body2 $body3] "\n"]
        proc ::proctrace_proc {name arg body} $fullbody
        rename ::proc ::proctrace_real_proc
        ::proctrace_real_proc ::proc {name arg body} $fullbody
        # If we are not at level 1 then we have to replace the
        # bodies of various procedures from an "after" script.
        # Otherwise we probably have to preserve the procedures
        # from which this procedure was called up to the top level
        # of the stack.
        set script {
            ::proctrace_existing_procs ::
            rename ::proctrace_existing_procs {}
            rename ::proctrace_proc {}
            puts "proc trace is now on"
            global proctrace_script_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME
            unset proctrace_script_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME
        set proctrace_script_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME 1
        if {[info level] > 1} {
            after idle $script
        } else {
            eval $script
        set proctrace_guard_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME 1
    } else {
        if {[llength $args] > 1} {
            error "wrong # of arguments"
        if {[info exists proctrace_guard_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME] == 0} {
            error "proc trace is already off"
        rename ::proc {}
        rename ::proctrace_real_proc ::proc
        proc ::proctrace_debug_line {} $body_debug
        proc ::proctrace_undo {namsp} {
            namespace eval $namsp {
                set prefix "[namespace current]::"
                if {$prefix == "::::"} {
                    set prefix "::"
                foreach shortname [info procs] {
                    set name ${prefix}$shortname
                    set bodylines [split [info body $name] "\n"]
                    if {[string equal [lindex $bodylines 0] \
                            [::proctrace_debug_line]]} {
                        set newlines [lreplace $bodylines 0 0]
                        set newbody [join $newlines "\n"]
                        set arglist {}
                        foreach argname [info args $name] {
                            if {[info default $name $argname value]} {
                                lappend arglist [list $argname $value]
                            } else {
                                lappend arglist $argname
                        proc $name $arglist $newbody
                foreach child [namespace children] {
                    ::proctrace_undo $child
        set script {
            ::proctrace_undo ::
            rename ::proctrace_undo {}
            rename ::proctrace_debug_line {}
            puts "proc trace is now off"
            global proctrace_script_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME
            unset proctrace_script_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME
        set proctrace_script_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME 1
        if {[info level] > 1} {
            after idle $script
        } else {
            eval $script
        unset proctrace_guard_UnlIkELY_VARiAbLE_NaME

Zarutian 20. may 2005: so how can I find out if the current procedure were called by an native eventhandler (such as after or fileevent, etc)?