Updated 2012-11-11 04:49:53 by hkoba

hkoba Basic idea: ssh has port forwarding. It is ready-to-run MUX (multiplexer). With this, we can avoid re-inventing a MUX protocol on single ssh stream. Also, we already have proven package for script remoting: comm.

So, I simply glued these two.

2012-11-11: Now revised version of sshcomm is available on github.
  # -*- mode: tcl; tab-width: 8 -*-
  # $Id: 13351,v 1.7 2005-12-19 07:01:24 jcw Exp $
  #  Usage:
  #   set num [sshcomm::client::create $host]
  #   comm::comm send $num {script...}
  package provide sshcomm 0.1
  namespace eval ::sshcomm {
      namespace eval server {}
      namespace eval client {
        variable SCRIPT [info script]
  proc ::sshcomm::definition-of-proc {proc} {
      set args {}
      foreach var [info args $proc] {
        if {[info default $proc $var default]} {
            lappend args [list $var $default]
        } else {
            lappend args $var
      list proc $proc $args [info body $proc]
  proc ::sshcomm::definition {{ns {}}} {
      if {$ns == ""} {
        return [definition [namespace current]]
      } else {
        set result {}
        append result [list namespace eval $ns {}]\n
        foreach proc [info procs [set ns]::*] {
            append result [definition-of-proc $proc]\n
        foreach ns [namespace children $ns] {
            # puts "ns=$ns"
            append result [definition $ns]\n
        set result
  proc ::sshcomm::sshcmd {} {
      set cmdName [namespace current]::sshcmd/$::tcl_platform(platform)
      if {[info procs $cmdName] != ""} {
      } else {
        return "ssh -T"
  proc ::sshcomm::sshcmd/windows {} {
      return plink
  # Server
  proc ::sshcomm::create-comm {port listen args} {
      lappend args -port $port -listen $listen
      if {[info exists ::comm::comm]} {
        eval [list ::comm::comm config] $args
      } else {
        namespace eval ::comm {variable comm; array set comm {comm,port 0}}
        package require comm
        unset ::comm::comm(comm,port)
        eval [list ::comm::comm new ::comm::comm] $args
  proc ::sshcomm::server::create {port args} {
      ::sshcomm::create-comm $port 1
      puts "OK port $port"
      fileevent stdin readable [list [namespace current]::terminator stdin]
      vwait [namespace current]::forever
  proc ::sshcomm::server::keepalive {{sec 30}} {
      puts [clock seconds]
      variable keepalive_id [after [expr {$sec * 1000}] \
                               [namespace code [info level 0]]]
  proc ::sshcomm::server::terminator {fh args} {
      set count [gets $fh line]
      if {$count < 0} {
        close $fh
      if {$count > 0} {
        uplevel \#0 $line
  # Client
  proc ::sshcomm::client::probe-available-port host {
      package require comm
      # To recycle local listener port
      set local [comm::comm self]
      comm::comm destroy
      ::comm::comm new ::comm::comm
      eval [list lappend cmd] [sshcomm::sshcmd]
      lappend cmd $host tclsh
      lappend cmd << {
        package require comm
        puts [comm::comm self]
      set remote [eval [list exec] $cmd]
      list $local $host $remote
  # ::sshcomm::client::create --
  # Arguments:
  #      host   remote hostname.
  # Results:
  #      comm id.
  proc ::sshcomm::client::create host {
      set forward [probe-available-port $host]
      if {[llength $forward] != 3} {
        error "Can't detect available ports for $host"
      eval [list create-forward] $forward
  proc ::sshcomm::client::create-forward {lport host rport} {
      set fh [connect $lport $host $rport]
      setup-server $fh $rport
      wait-server $lport $fh $rport
  proc ::sshcomm::client::connect {lport host rport} {
      variable $lport; upvar 0 $lport data
      set cmd "| [sshcomm::sshcmd] -L $lport:localhost:$rport $host"
      append cmd " tclsh"
      set fh [open $cmd w+]
      fconfigure $fh -buffering line
      array set data [list fh $fh host $host rport $rport]
      set fh
  proc ::sshcomm::client::setup-server {fh rport} {
      puts $fh {
        fconfigure stdout -buffering line
        fconfigure stderr -buffering line
      puts $fh [sshcomm::definition]
      puts $fh {}
      puts $fh [list ::sshcomm::server::create $rport]
      flush $fh
  proc ::sshcomm::client::wait-server {lport fh rport} {
      if {[gets $fh line] <= 0} {
        error "Can't invoke sshcomm!"
      if {$line != "OK port $rport"} {
        error "Unknown result: $line"
      fileevent $fh readable [list gets $fh [namespace current]::last-click]
      comm::comm connect $lport
      set lport
  proc ::sshcomm::client::last-click {} {
      variable last-click
      set last-click
  proc ::sshcomm::fread {fn} {
      set fh [open $fn]
      set data [read $fh]
      close $fh
      set data