Updated 2013-01-17 17:55:35 by RLE

Peter K 2005: I needed to select parameters for a plot from a list and ended up with a fake listbox, where you can drag entries to different boxes in order to select your plot parameters. So I created a canvas, placed a box and a scrollbar in it and have the list displayed as a group of canvas widgets. By tracking where the user clicks and drops the widgets, I can create a very intuitive GUI for selecting elements from a listbox. The sample code is somewhat lengthy, but it contains all elements, including a check if proper numbers are entered for the axis limits:
#   Sorting for cartesian plots with pseudo-listbox
#   (c)  Peter Kämpf 2003 - 2005
#   mailto:[email protected]
#   This routine reads a text file with data for a X-Y-Plot and
#   opens a dialog to query the user for the parameters of the 
#   X- and Y-axes. Left and right Y-axes are supported, and both
#   can take an unlimited number of parameters.
#   Structure of the plot data:
#   All values are read into the array MP. This array also contains
#   a couple of settings for the plot, as follows:
#   MP(Namen)     List of all parameter names. Read from the first line
#                 of the input file (must be separated by commas)
#   MP_1(n,m)     Value in line n, column m. Must be separated by spaces.
#   MP(YLZeilen)  Number of lines in the file m inus the first line
#   MP(LKurven)   Number of parameters on the left Y-axis
#   MP(RKurven)   Number of parameters on the right Y-axis
#   MP(XLIndex)   Position of the X-axis parameter in the list MP(Namen)
#   MP(YLIndex,i) Position of the i-th left Y-axis parameter in the list MP(Namen)
#   MP(YRIndex,i) Position of the i-th right Y-axis parameter in the list MP(Namen)
#   MP(auto)       Switch for automatic scaling of the plot axes
#   MP(XLinksMin)  Minimum value for the X axis
#   MP(YLinksMin)  Minimum value for the left Y axis
#   MP(YRechtsMin) Minimum value for the right Y axis
#   MP(XLinksMax)  Maximum value for the X axis
#   MP(YLinksMax)  Maximum value for the left Y axis
#   MP(YRechtsMax) Maximum value for the right Y axis
#   MP(XLMajor)    Number of major steps on the X axis
#   MP(YLMajor)    Number of major steps on the left Y axis
#   MP(YRMajor)    Number of major steps on the right Y axis
#   MP(XSubgrid)   Switch for fine gridding of the X axis
#   MP(YLSubgrid)  Switch for fine gridding of the left Y axis
#   MP(YRSubgrid)  Switch for fine gridding of the right Y axis
#   MP(XLog)       Switch for logarithmic scaling of the X axis
#   MP(YLLog)      Switch for logarithmic scaling of the left Y axis
#   MP(YRLog)      Switch for logarithmic scaling of the right Y axis
global MP
set MP(Namen) [list ]
set MP(auto)       1
set MP(XSubgrid)   0
set MP(YLSubgrid)  0
set MP(YRSubgrid)  0
set MP(XLog)       0
set MP(YLLog)      0
set MP(YRLog)      0

global Listfile ; set Listfile [file join [file dirname [info script]] Liste]
global still ; set still 1
# A good GUI has only one mouse button!
event add <<Loslassen>> <ButtonRelease-1>
event add <<Loslassen>> <ButtonRelease-2>
event add <<Loslassen>> <ButtonRelease-3>
event add <<Ziehen>>    <B1-Motion>
event add <<Ziehen>>    <B2-Motion>
event add <<Ziehen>>    <B3-Motion>
event add <<Klick>>     <1>
event add <<Klick>>     <2>
event add <<Klick>>     <3>

# Open a modal dialog to compose the X- and Y-axis parameters.
namespace eval Sortbox {
    variable Breite ; set Breite 630
    variable Hoehe  ; set Hoehe  420

proc Sortbox::plotBereich { {was 0} } {
    global MP
    global Eintrag
    global errorInfo
    variable oben
    variable unten
    variable Breite
    variable Hoehe
    variable Canvashoehe
    variable Listenbreite
    variable Scrollposition
    set base .plotBereich
    if [winfo exists $base] {destroy $base}
    toplevel $base -class Toplevel -cursor left_ptr
    wm focusmodel $base passive
    wm geometry $base [join [list $Breite x $Hoehe +100+60] {}]
    wm maxsize  $base 1280 960
    wm minsize  $base  1 1
    wm overrideredirect $base 0
    wm resizable $base 1 1
    wm deiconify $base
    wm title $base "Define Plot"
# Initialize common variables
    set Canvashoehe    0
    set Listenbreite   0
    set Scrollposition 0
# Read the parameter lists
# To avoid unnecessary work: Is anything to do?
    if {[llength $MP(Namen)] < 3} {
        MessageDlg .error \
            -title "Error" -icon warning -type ok \
            -message "No data for plot"
# Set a default choice
    set MP(RKurven)   0
    set MP(XLIndex)   0
    set MP(LKurven)   0
    frame .plotBereich.f
    pack  .plotBereich.f -expand yes -fill both
# Two frames take all controls
    set oben  [frame .plotBereich.f.box1]
    set unten [frame .plotBereich.f.box2]
    pack $oben  -side top    -expand yes -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3
    pack $unten -side bottom -expand yes -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3
# To facilitate dragging and dropping, the upper frame is filled with
# a canvas, and all widgets only pretend to be a listbox and stuff
    set Canv  [canvas $oben.cv -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0]
# Create the upper frame
    label $oben.l0 -anchor center -text "Available Parameters"
    label $oben.l1 -anchor center -text "Left Y-Axis"
    label $oben.l2 -anchor center -text "Right Y-Axis"
    grid columnconfigure $oben {0 1 2} -weight 1
    grid rowconfigure    $oben  0      -weight 0 -minsize 30
    grid rowconfigure    $oben  1      -weight 1
# Put the canvas in place
    grid $Canv -column 0 -row 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky nsew
# Fill the lower frame with widgets, three rows, one per axis
    label $unten.min -anchor w -text "Minima"
    label $unten.max -anchor w -text "Maxima"
    label $unten.int -anchor w -text "Intervals"
    label $unten.sub -anchor w -text "fine grid"
    label $unten.log -anchor w -text "logarithmic"
    label $unten.xlabel -anchor w -text "X-Axis"
    entry $unten.xmin   -width 12 -textvariable MP(XLinksMin) \
                        -validate focusout -validatecommand {KommaP %W %P} \
                        -invalidcommand {KommaPunkt %W %P %v}
    entry $unten.xmax   -width 12 -textvariable MP(XLinksMax) \
                        -validate focusout -validatecommand {KommaP %W %P} \
                        -invalidcommand {KommaPunkt %W %P %v}
    entry $unten.xint   -width 12 -textvariable MP(XLMajor) \
                        -validate focusout -validatecommand {IntP %W %P}
    checkbutton $unten.xsub \
        -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -variable MP(XSubgrid)
    checkbutton $unten.xlog \
        -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -variable MP(XLog) \
        -command "set MP(XLinksMin) 0.0; set MP(XLinksMax) 0.0; set MP(XLMajor) 0"
    label $unten.ylinks    -anchor w -text "Left Y-Axis"
    entry $unten.ylinksmin -width 12 -textvariable MP(YLinksMin) \
                           -validate focusout -validatecommand {KommaP %W %P} \
                           -invalidcommand {KommaPunkt %W %P %v}
    entry $unten.ylinksmax -width 12 -textvariable MP(YLinksMax) \
                           -validate focusout -validatecommand {KommaP %W %P} \
                           -invalidcommand {KommaPunkt %W %P %v}
    entry $unten.ylinksint -width 12 -textvariable MP(YLMajor) \
                           -validate focusout -validatecommand {IntP %W %P}
    checkbutton $unten.ylinkssub \
        -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -variable MP(YLSubgrid)
    checkbutton $unten.ylinkslog \
        -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -variable MP(YLLog) \
        -command "set MP(YLinksMin) 0.0; set MP(YLinksMax) 0.0; set MP(YLMajor) 0"
    label $unten.yrechts    -anchor w -text "Right Y-Axis"
    entry $unten.yrechtsmin -width 12 -textvariable MP(YRechtsMin) \
                            -validate focusout -validatecommand {KommaP %W %P} \
                            -invalidcommand {KommaPunkt %W %P %v}
    entry $unten.yrechtsmax -width 12 -textvariable MP(YRechtsMax) \
                            -validate focusout -validatecommand {KommaP %W %P} \
                            -invalidcommand {KommaPunkt %W %P %v}
    entry $unten.yrechtsint -width 12 -textvariable MP(YRMajor) \
                            -validate focusout -validatecommand {IntP %W %P}
    checkbutton $unten.yrechtssub \
        -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -variable MP(YRSubgrid)
    checkbutton $unten.yrechtslog \
        -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -variable MP(YRLog) \
        -command "set MP(YRechtsMin) 0.0; set MP(YRechtsMax) 0.0; set MP(YRMajor) 0"
# Place the usual buttons at the bottom
    checkbutton $unten.resetBut -command "Sortbox::PlotUntenZeigen" \
      -text "automatic" -variable MP(auto)
    button $unten.cancelBut \
      -text "Cancel" -width 12 -command "destroy .plotBereich"
    button $unten.okBut \
      -text "OK" -width 12 -default active \
      -command "destroy .plotBereich; exit"
    bind $oben <Return> "destroy .plotBereich; exit"
    bind $base <<Loslassen>> "Sortbox::PlotNeuZeigen"
    foreach x {x ylinks yrechts} {
        foreach y {min int max} {
            bind $unten.$x$y <KeyRelease> \
                "$unten.$x$y configure -background white -foreground black"
    grid rowconfigure  $unten  0      -weight 0 -minsize  6
    grid rowconfigure  $unten {1 2 3} -weight 0 -minsize 24
    grid rowconfigure  $unten  4      -weight 0 -minsize 48
    grid columnconfigure $unten {0 1 2 3 4 5} -weight 1
    grid $unten.min    -row 0 -column 1 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.max    -row 0 -column 2 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.int    -row 0 -column 3 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.sub    -row 0 -column 4 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.log    -row 0 -column 5 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.xlabel -row 1 -column 0 -padx 12 -sticky e
    grid $unten.xmin   -row 1 -column 1 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.xmax   -row 1 -column 2 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.xint   -row 1 -column 3 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.xsub   -row 1 -column 4 -padx 40 -sticky w
    grid $unten.xlog   -row 1 -column 5 -padx 40 -sticky w
    grid $unten.ylinks    -row 2 -column 0 -padx 12 -sticky e
    grid $unten.ylinksmin -row 2 -column 1 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.ylinksmax -row 2 -column 2 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.ylinksint -row 2 -column 3 -padx  6 -sticky ew
    grid $unten.ylinkssub -row 2 -column 4 -padx 40 -sticky w
    grid $unten.ylinkslog -row 2 -column 5 -padx 40 -sticky w
    grid $unten.resetBut  -row 4 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky n
    grid $unten.cancelBut -row 4 -column 2 -columnspan 2 -pady 6
    grid $unten.okBut     -row 4 -column 4 -columnspan 2 -pady 6
# This "grab" is only needed when this dialog is embedded into
# an application, and the user is supposed to finish the dialog
# before switching to other windows.
    grab $base

# Place all elements in the upper half of the dialog
proc Sortbox::PlotObenZeigen {} {
    global MP
    global Eintrag
    global errorInfo
    variable oben
    variable Breite
    variable Hoehe
    variable Liste
    variable Canvashoehe
    variable Listenbreite
    variable Scrollposition
    variable Scrollbereich
# Dimension the canvas
    set Canv $oben.cv
    set hoch  [expr int( 0.5 * $Hoehe - 12)]
    set breit [expr int(($Breite - 96) / 3)]
    set Canvashoehe  $hoch
    set Listenbreite $breit
    $Canv configure -height $hoch
    $Canv delete Box
    destroy $oben.scroll
# Create a list of all entries
    set Liste(0) [list ]
    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $MP(Namen)]} {incr i} {
        set Eintrag($i) "[lindex $MP(Namen) $i]"
        $Canv delete ent$i
        lappend Liste(0) $i
    set Scrollbereich [expr 20 * ([llength $MP(Namen)] - $MP(LKurven) - $MP(RKurven))]
# Sort the entries in their respective lists
    if {$MP(XLIndex) >= 0} {
        lset Liste(0) $MP(XLIndex) X
    set Liste(1) [list ]
    set Liste(2) [list ]
    for {set i 0} {$i < $MP(LKurven)} {incr i} {
        if {$MP(YLIndex,$i) < 0} {
            set Liste(1) [lreplace $Liste(1) $i $i]
            incr MP(LKurven) -1
            for {set j $i} {$j < $MP(LKurven)} {incr j} {
                set MP(YLIndex,$j) $MP(YLIndex,[expr $j + 1])
        } else {
            lappend Liste(1) $MP(YLIndex,$i)
            lset Liste(0) $MP(YLIndex,$i) X
    for {set i 0} {$i < $MP(RKurven)} {incr i} {
        if {$MP(YRIndex,$i) < 0} {
            set Liste(2) [lreplace $Liste(2) $i $i]
            incr MP(RKurven) -1
            for {set j $i} {$j < $MP(RKurven)} {incr j} {
                set MP(YRIndex,$j) $MP(YRIndex,[expr $j + 1])
        } else {
            lappend Liste(2) $MP(YRIndex,$i)
            lset Liste(0) $MP(YRIndex,$i) X
# The list of parameters is the longest, so it gets a longer
# box and a scrollbar:
    $Canv create rectangle 20  3 [expr 4 + $breit] $hoch \
       -outline black -width 1 -fill white -tags Box
    $Canv create rectangle 19  2 [expr 5 + $breit] \
       [expr $hoch + 1] -outline grey50 -width 1 -tags {Box Boxrand}
    scrollbar $oben.scroll -command "Sortbox::ScrollBereich" \
        -borderwidth 0 -orient vert -width 16 -cursor left_ptr
    $oben.scroll set 0.0 [expr double($hoch) / $Scrollbereich]
    set Scrollposition 0
    place $oben.scroll -x [expr 5 + $breit] -y 33 -anchor nw \
        -width 16 -height $hoch
    grid $oben.l0 -column 0 -row 0 -padx 10 -pady 5
# To cutt off the entries at the ends of the box (Clipping only works
# at the edges of the Canvas), a rectangle is painted on top.
# Quite a kludge - but it works. So what!
    $Canv create rectangle   20  0 [expr 20 + $breit] 1 \
        -width 0 -tags {Box Boxrand} -fill white
    $Canv create rectangle [expr 21 + $breit] 0 \
        [expr 38 + $breit] [expr $hoch + 9] \
        -width 0 -tags {Box Boxrand} -fill white
    $Canv create rectangle   20 [expr $hoch + 1] \
        [expr 20 + $breit] [expr $hoch + 9] \
        -width 0 -tags {Box Boxrand} -fill white
# create the other two boxes
    for {set n 1} {$n < 3} {incr n} {
        $Canv create rectangle [expr 20 + $n * ($breit + 20)] 3 \
            [expr ($n + 1) * ($breit + 20)] [expr $hoch - 80] \
            -outline black -width 1 -fill white -tags Box
        $Canv create rectangle [expr 19 + $n * ($breit + 20)] 2 \
            [expr ($n + 1) * ($breit + 20) + 1] [expr $hoch - 79] \
            -outline grey50 -width 1 -tags {Box Boxrand}
        set xPos [expr 24 + $n * ($breit + 20)]
        set yPos 12
        foreach x $Liste($n) {
            if {$x == "X"} continue
            if {$x < 0} break
            $Canv create text $xPos $yPos -text "$Eintrag($x)" \
                -anchor w -fill black -font System -tags ent$x
            incr yPos 20
# These bindings support the dragging and evoke the right function
# when an entry has been dropped.
            $Canv bind ent$x <<Klick>>     "plotDown $Canv %x %y"
            $Canv bind ent$x <<Ziehen>>    "plotMove $Canv %x %y"
            $Canv bind ent$x <<Loslassen>> "plotCopy $Canv %x %y $n $x"
            if {$yPos > $hoch} break
        grid $oben.l$n -column $n -row 0 -padx 10 -pady 5
# The box for the X-axis only holds a single entry
    $Canv create text [expr $breit + 40] [expr $hoch - 55] \
         -anchor w -text "X-Axis" -font System -tags Box
    $Canv create rectangle [expr $breit + 120] [expr $hoch - 65] \
                        [expr 3 * $breit - 20] [expr $hoch - 45] \
        -outline black -width 1 -fill white -tags Box
    $Canv create rectangle [expr $breit + 119] [expr $hoch - 66] \
                        [expr 3 * $breit - 19] [expr $hoch - 44] \
        -outline grey50 -width 1 -tags {Box Boxrand}
    $Canv create text [expr 2 * $breit + 40] [expr $hoch - 12] -font System \
        -anchor center -justify center -width [expr 2 * $breit + 40] -tags Box \
        -text "To drop a parameter into a different list, click on it\
               \nand drag it's name into the desired list\nwhile keeping\
               the mouse button pressed."
# More bindings
    set xWert $MP(XLIndex)
    if {$xWert >= 0} {
        $Canv create text [expr $breit + 140] [expr $hoch - 55] \
            -anchor w -text "$Eintrag($xWert)" -font System -tags ent$xWert
        $Canv bind ent$xWert <<Klick>>     "plotDown $Canv %x %y"
        $Canv bind ent$xWert <<Ziehen>>    "plotMove $Canv %x %y"
        $Canv bind ent$xWert <<Loslassen>> "plotCopy $Canv %x %y 3 $xWert"

# Create the lower half with the preferences table
proc Sortbox::PlotUntenZeigen {} {
    global MP
    variable unten
# Adjust the rows depending on the content of the rightmost box
    if {$MP(RKurven) > 0} {
        grid $unten.yrechts    -row 3 -column 0 -padx 12 -sticky e
        grid $unten.yrechtsmin -row 3 -column 1 -padx  6 -sticky ew
        grid $unten.yrechtsmax -row 3 -column 2 -padx  6 -sticky ew
        grid $unten.yrechtsint -row 3 -column 3 -padx  6 -sticky ew
        grid $unten.yrechtssub -row 3 -column 4 -padx 40 -sticky w
        grid $unten.yrechtslog -row 3 -column 5 -padx 40 -sticky w
    } else {
        grid remove $unten.yrechts
        grid remove $unten.yrechtsmin
        grid remove $unten.yrechtsmax
        grid remove $unten.yrechtsint
        grid remove $unten.yrechtssub
        grid remove $unten.yrechtslog
# Activate the entries only when "automatic" has been deselected
    if {$MP(auto) > 0} {
        $unten.xmin       configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
        $unten.xmax       configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
        $unten.xint       configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
        $unten.ylinksmin  configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
        $unten.ylinksmax  configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
        $unten.ylinksint  configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
        $unten.yrechtsmin configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
        $unten.yrechtsmax configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
        $unten.yrechtsint configure -state disabled -foreground grey50
    } else {
        $unten.xmin       configure -state normal -foreground black
        $unten.xmax       configure -state normal -foreground black
        $unten.xint       configure -state normal -foreground black
        $unten.ylinksmin  configure -state normal -foreground black
        $unten.ylinksmax  configure -state normal -foreground black
        $unten.ylinksint  configure -state normal -foreground black
        $unten.yrechtsmin configure -state normal -foreground black
        $unten.yrechtsmax configure -state normal -foreground black
        $unten.yrechtsint configure -state normal -foreground black

# Read the table of parameters and their values
# The format is quite simple: The first line holds the names of the parameters,
# delimited by commas (so parameter names containing spaces can ben used),
# and all other lines the sequence of values, all delimited by spaces.
proc Sortbox::Lesen { } {
    global MP
    global MP_1
    global Listfile
    puts stdout "Dateiname ist voreingestellt auf $Listfile"
    if [file exists $Listfile] {
# The path has been set to the location of the script
        if [catch {open "$Listfile" r} fileID] {
            MessageDlg .error \
                -title "Error in function Sortbox::Lesen" -message \
                [format "List file %s can not be opened" $Listfile] \
                -icon error -type ok
        } else {
            set MP(Namen) [split [gets $fileID] ,]
            foreach Wort $MP(Namen) {
                set Namen [string trim $Wort]
            set Datei [split [read $fileID] \n]
            set n 0
            foreach Zeile $Datei {
                if {[llength $Zeile] < 8} {
                set m 0
                foreach Zahl $Zeile {
                    set MP_1($n,$m) $Zahl
                    incr m
                incr n
            set MP(LZeilen) [expr $n - 2]
            puts stdout "Verlauf::Lesen: Finished reading after $MP(LZeilen) lines"
            close $fileID
# Complain if the file cannot be found
    } else {
        MessageDlg .error \
            -title "Error" -type ok -icon info \
            -message "No data to read"

# When the window has changed, it is redrawn
proc Sortbox::PlotNeuZeigen {} {
    variable oben
    variable Breite
    variable Hoehe
    variable Canvashoehe
    variable Listenbreite
# If the size has changed, the canvas is rebuilt
    set hoch  [expr int( 0.5 * $Hoehe - 12)]
    set breit [expr int(($Breite - 96) / 3)]
    if {$Canvashoehe != $hoch || $Listenbreite != $breit} {

# React to clicks in the scrollbar. This is a complete low-level
# programming for a scrollbar, since we cannot use a regular listbox.
proc Sortbox::ScrollBereich { {was moveto} {Zahl 0.0} {Einheit units} } {
    global MP
    global Eintrag
    variable oben
    variable Liste
    variable Canvashoehe
    variable Scrollposition
    variable Scrollbereich
    if {$was == "scroll"} {
        if {$Einheit == "pages"} {
            incr Scrollposition [expr $Zahl * $Canvashoehe - 20]
        } else {
            incr Scrollposition [expr 20 * $Zahl]
    } else {
        set Scrollposition [expr int($Zahl * $Scrollbereich)]
# Don't exceed the target
    if {$Scrollposition > [expr $Scrollbereich - $Canvashoehe]} {
        set Scrollposition [expr $Scrollbereich - $Canvashoehe]
    if {$Scrollposition < 0} {set Scrollposition 0}
# Erase the list and rebuild it from scratch. This is simpler than
# shifting it around, because it avoids trouble at the edges.
    set yPos [expr 12 - $Scrollposition]
    set Canv $oben.cv
    foreach x $Liste(0) {
        if {$x == "X"} continue
        $Canv delete ent$x
        if {$yPos < 0} {
            incr yPos 20
        if {$yPos < [expr $Canvashoehe + 4]} {
            $Canv create text 24 $yPos -text $Eintrag($x) -anchor w \
                -fill black -font System -tags ent$x
            incr yPos 20
# Recreate the bindings.
            $Canv bind ent$x <<Klick>>     "plotDown $Canv %x %y"
            $Canv bind ent$x <<Ziehen>>    "plotMove $Canv %x %y"
            $Canv bind ent$x <<Loslassen>> "plotCopy $Canv %x %y 0 $x"
    $Canv raise Boxrand
    $oben.scroll set [expr double($Scrollposition) / $Scrollbereich] \
      [expr double($Canvashoehe + $Scrollposition) / $Scrollbereich]

# Parser for Entry-Inputs. Complains when non-numeric data is entered.
proc IntP { e Zahl } {
    global still
# Scan the string letter by letter. A minus sign is not OK, since
# in this version only positive numbers are allowed.
    $e configure -background white -foreground black
    foreach Ziffer [split $Zahl {}] {
        if {[string match {[+0-9]} $Ziffer] == 0} {
            if {$still != 0} bell
            $e configure -background red -foreground white
    return 1

# Parser for Entry-Inputs. Tests for Commas in entries.
proc KommaP { e Zahl } {
    global still
# To be precise: The last point is interpreted as the decimal point,
# all commas and points before are ignored.
    set Punkt 1
    $e configure -background white -foreground black
    foreach Ziffer [split $Zahl {}] {
        if {$Ziffer == ","} {
            return 0
        } elseif {$Ziffer == "."} {
            if {$Punkt == 0} {
                return 0
            } else {
                set Punkt 0
        } else {
            if {[string match {[+-\ e0-9]} $Ziffer] == 0} {
                if {$still != 0} bell
                $e configure -background red -foreground white
    return 1

# Parser for Entry-Inputs. Changes Commas to points.
proc KommaPunkt { e Zahl v } {
# If the user inputs a decimal comma, it is changed into a point.
    set Variable [lindex [$e configure -textvariable] end]
    set Liste    [split $Zahl {}]
    set Ende     [expr {[llength $Liste] - 1}]
    set Ergebnis [list ]
    set Punkt    0
    for {set i $Ende} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
        set Ziffer [lindex $Liste $i]
        if {$Ziffer == ","} {
            if {$Punkt == 0} {
                set Ergebnis [linsert $Ergebnis 0 .]
                set Punkt 1
        } elseif {$Ziffer == "."} {
            if {$Punkt == 0} {
                set Ergebnis [linsert $Ergebnis 0 .]
                set Punkt 1
        } else {
            set Ergebnis [linsert $Ergebnis 0 $Ziffer]
    set $Variable [join $Ergebnis {}]
    after idle "$e config -validate $v -validatecommand {KommaP %W %P} \
                          -invalidcommand {KommaPunkt %W %P %v}"

# plotDown --
# This procedure is invoked when the mouse is pressed over one of the
# data points. It sets up state to allow the point to be dragged.
# Arguments:
# w -       The canvas window.
# x, y -    The coordinates of the mouse press.
proc plotDown {w x y} {
    global plot
    $w dtag selected
    $w addtag selected withtag current
    $w raise current
    set plot(lastX) $x
    set plot(lastY) $y

# plotMove --
# This procedure is invoked during mouse motion events. It drags the
# current item.
# Arguments:
# w -       The canvas window.
# x, y -    The coordinates of the mouse.
proc plotMove { w x y } {
    global plot
    $w move selected [expr {$x-$plot(lastX)}] [expr {$y-$plot(lastY)}]
    set plot(lastX) $x
    set plot(lastY) $y
    set plot(Lage) -1

# When the mouse button is released, this routine determines the new
# position and re-orders the list.
proc plotCopy { Cv x y woher i } {
    global plot
    global MP
    set Breite [expr {20 + int(([winfo width  $Cv] - 80) / 3)}]
    set Hoehe  [expr {[winfo height $Cv] - 100}]
    set Versatz 0
# First remove it from the old list
    if {$woher == 0} {
    } elseif {$woher == 1} {
        incr MP(LKurven) -1
        for {set n 0} {$n < $MP(LKurven)} {incr n} {
            if {$i == $MP(YLIndex,$n)} {set Versatz 1}
            if {$Versatz} {set MP(YLIndex,$n) $MP(YLIndex,[expr {$n + 1}])}
    } elseif {$woher == 2} {
        incr MP(RKurven) -1
        for {set n 0} {$n < $MP(RKurven)} {incr n} {
            if {$i == $MP(YRIndex,$n)} {set Versatz 1}
            if {$Versatz} {set MP(YRIndex,$n) $MP(YRIndex,[expr {$n + 1}])}
    } elseif {$woher == 3} {
        set MP(XLIndex) -1
    } else {
        MessageDlg .error \
            -title "Fehler in Funktion plotCopy" \
            -message "Die Aktion wurde nicht verstanden: (woher = $woher)" \
            -icon info -type ok
# Now find the target and add the parameter.
# If the parameter is already there, nothing changes.
    if {$x > $Breite} {
        if {$y > $Hoehe} {
            set MP(XLIndex) $i
        } else {
            if {$x < [expr {2 * $Breite}]} {
                for {set n 0} {$n < $MP(LKurven)} {incr n} {
                    if {$i == $MP(YLIndex,$n)} {
                set MP(YLIndex,$MP(LKurven)) $i
                incr MP(LKurven)
            } else {
                for {set n 0} {$n < $MP(RKurven)} {incr n} {
                    if {$i == $MP(YRIndex,$n)} {
                set MP(YRIndex,$MP(RKurven)) $i
                incr MP(RKurven)

#console hide

To play with this, you need a text file called "Liste" in the same directory as the script (in case you ask: No, the file does not have an extension. Just because others do stupid things doesn't mean I have to repeat them). Here is a short sample for this file:
Time [h],Distance N-S [nm],Distance E-W [nm],TAS [kts],EAS [kts],used Fuel [lbs],Thrust [lbs],Altitude [ft],Heading [∞],Mass [lbs],Mach,Alfa [∞],Elevator Deflection [∞],Flap Deflection [∞],Climb Speed [ft/min],Load Factor [g],L/D,Cm,Prop. Pitch [∞],Prop. Efficiency [%],RPM,Throttle Setting [%],Fuel Flow [lbs/min]
    0.00000      0.0000      0.0000       2.508       2.484       0.000     174.895     656.168       0.000    2218.156       0.004       0.000       0.000       0.000       0.000     1.00000    10.39654    -0.11972       0.000      45.815     460.097      10.000       0.469
    0.16667      0.0000      0.0000       0.000       0.000       4.693     174.895     656.168       0.000    2213.463       0.000       0.000       0.000       0.000       0.000     1.00000    10.39654    -0.11972       0.000      45.815     460.097      10.000       0.469
    0.16694      0.0001      0.0006       4.070       4.031       4.739     472.581     656.168      80.000    2213.417       0.006       0.000       0.000      10.000       0.000     1.00000    16.91763    -0.13621       0.000      44.466    2629.527     100.000       2.761
    0.16722      0.0004      0.0022       7.607       7.534       4.785     466.472     656.168      80.000    2213.371       0.012       0.000       0.000      10.000       0.000     1.00000    12.79023    -0.13856       0.000      46.660    2633.984     100.000       2.761
    0.16750      0.0008      0.0047      11.115      11.008       4.831     463.592     656.168      80.000    2213.325       0.017       0.000       0.000      10.000       0.000     1.00000    14.01656    -0.13854       0.000      48.568    2637.859     100.000       2.761
    0.16778      0.0015      0.0082      14.589      14.449       4.877     460.665     656.168      80.000    2213.279       0.022       0.000       0.000      10.000       0.000     1.00000    14.74881    -0.13850       0.000      50.460    2641.700     100.000       2.761
    0.16806      0.0022      0.0127      18.026      17.854       4.923     457.568     656.168      80.000    2213.233       0.027       0.000       0.000      10.000       0.000     1.00000    15.26024    -0.13846       0.000      52.334    2645.506     100.000       2.761
    0.16833      0.0032      0.0181      21.423      21.218       4.969     454.260     656.168      80.000    2213.187       0.032       0.000       0.000      10.000       0.000     1.00000    15.64373    -0.13840       0.000      54.187    2649.270     100.000       2.761
    0.16861      0.0043      0.0244      24.774      24.537       5.015     450.744     656.168      80.000    2213.141       0.038       0.000       0.000      10.000       0.000     1.00000    15.94240    -0.13833       0.000      56.019    2652.990     100.000       2.761

MG Assuming your script runs cross-platform, you might find it's stupid not to do "the stupid thing". On Windows, with certain options set (which are, of course, the default), it's difficult to make a file with no extension at all. It wouldn't be difficult in the above to make it look for "Liste.txt" (etc) if "Liste" isn't present. Just changing the line
global Listfile ; set Listfile [file join [file dirname [info script]] Liste]

global Listfile ; set Listfile [file join [file dirname [info script]] Liste]
if { ![file exists $Listfile] } {
     set Listfile [file join [file dirname [info script]] Liste.txt]

would make the necessary change, and still default to "Liste" with no extension.