- The gsm0338 encoding must be available in the Tcl installation. Download it from http://search.cpan.org/src/JHI/perl-5.7.2/ext/Encode/Encode/
and save it as e.g. $tcl_library/encoding/gsm0338.enc
- A Tcl-Version which supports encoding convertto and encoding convertfrom (Tcl 8.1 or above)
set gsmString [encoding convertto gsm0338 "[email protected]"] # will return me?domain.com instead of me\x00domain.comWorkarounds
# The string is split at each "@", and the pieces are converted # separately. proc toGsm {aString} { set partsWithoutAt [split $aString "@"] set convertedPartsWithoutAt {} foreach part $partsWithoutAt { lappend convertedPartsWithoutAt [encoding convertto gsm0338 $part] } return [join $convertedPartsWithoutAt "\x00"] }An alternative workaround, which is shorter but relies on an implementation detail of encoding convertto:
proc toGsm {aString} { return [encoding convertto gsm0338 [string map {@ \x00} $aString] ] }
Lars H, 4 July 2005: I wouldn't label that as an implementation detail of encoding convertto; aren't you simply using the fact that gsm0338 maps NUL to itself? The string map maps \x40 to \x00.As for the encoding error, is this a shortcoming in the encoding mechanism (impossible to map non-NUL characters to NUL) or an error in the particular encoding definition file? I wouldn't be entirely surprised if other languages have trouble with NULs in strings, but Tcl handles it correctly AFAIK.schlenk, 5 July 2005: One could simply add the txt file from http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/ETSI/GSM0338.TXT

willdye For what it's worth, the following (edited) conversation about GSM encoding took place in the Tcl chatroom on 2005-10-14:Cameron_: Why would a telephone handset, which seems to be using 7-bit ASCII for the most part, encode a '$' as decimal 2 (where blank is 32, '.' is 46, and so on--the normal ascii table)?schlenk: Maybe some SMS/GSM specification stuff? Something like this: http://wiki.tcl.tk/14441

BAS - yeah, from what I remember, gsm03.38 looks like ASCII, except they took out a lot of the control characters, and replaced them with chars from LATIN-1 upper table.