#!/bin/sh # Tcl/Tk client to http://dict.org/ server # # (C) 2006 Fedor Zhigaltsov([email protected]), # may be freely distributed under terms and conditions of GNU GPL. # # -*- mode: tcl -*- # next line is a comment for Tcl, but not for bash: \ exec wish "$0" -- "$@" set dictHost localhost set dictPort 2628 set dictClientName tkdict set dictsWithTranscription {mueller7} option add *text.relief sunken startupFile option add *text.borderWidth 2 startupFile option add *text.height 25 startupFile option add *text.width 70 startupFile # <tags> option add *text.searchwordForeground blue startupFile option add *text.matchwordForeground blue startupFile option add *text.transcriptionForeground \#ce5555 startupFile option add *text.transcriptionFont -*-sildoulosipa-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 startupFile # </tags> option add *exitKeySequences {Control-q Alt-q Meta-q} startupFile proc showWordDef {entry text} { set word [$entry get] $text configure -state normal $text delete 0.0 end #$text insert 0.0 [exec dictl $word] if {[dictDefineWord $word $text] < 1} { if {[dictMatchWord $word $text] <1} { $text insert end "No definitions found for \"$word\"" } } $text mark set insert 0.0 #textSearch $text $word updateWmTitle $word $text configure -state disabled # select input text for easy deletion #$entry selection range 0 end recordWordInHistory $word } proc dictDefineWord {word text} { global dictHost dictPort dictClientName set sk [ socket $dictHost $dictPort ] fconfigure $sk -translation crlf -buffering none -encoding utf-8 puts $sk "client \"$dictClientName\"" puts $sk "define * \"$word\"" puts $sk {quit} set STATE_START 0 set STATE_WAIT_DEFINITION 1 set STATE_IN_DEFINITION 2 set state $STATE_START configure_text_tag $text transcription transcription Transcription configure_text_tag $text searchword searchword Searchword set found 0 while { ![ eof $sk ] } { gets $sk line #$rawtext insert end "$line\n" if {$state == $STATE_START} { if [string match {150 *} $line] { # 150 7 definitions retrieved $text insert end [regsub "retrieved" \ [string range $line 4 end] "found"] $text insert end "\n" set state $STATE_WAIT_DEFINITION continue } } elseif {$state == $STATE_WAIT_DEFINITION} { if [string match {151 *} $line] { incr found # 151 "one" mueller7 "Mueller English-Russian Dictionary" # cut "151 " set line [string range $line 4 end] set next [string first " " $line] set word [string range $line 0 $next ] set word [string trim $word " \""] # cut word incr next set line [string range $line $next end] set next [string first " " $line] set dictName [string range $line 0 $next] set dictName [string trim $dictName " \""] # cut dict name incr next set line [string range $line $next end] set dictDesc [string trim $line " \""] $text insert end "\n" $text insert end "From $dictDesc \[$dictName\]:\n" $text insert end "\n" global dictsWithTranscription set useTranscriptionTag \ [expr \ [lsearch -exact \ $dictsWithTranscription \ $dictName] !=-1 ] set state $STATE_IN_DEFINITION continue } } elseif {$state == $STATE_IN_DEFINITION} { if {$line == "."} { # The textual body of each definition is # terminated with a CRLF period CRLF sequence. set state $STATE_WAIT_DEFINITION continue } $text insert end $line # mark search word set cur {insert linestart} while { [set cur \ [$text search -nocase \ -count length -- $word $cur end]] != "" } { set next [ $text index "$cur + $length char" ] $text tag add searchword $cur $next set cur $next } # mark transcription if {$useTranscriptionTag} { set cur {insert linestart} while { [set cur \ [$text search -nocase\ -count length\ -regexp {\[[^\]]*\]} $cur end]] != "" } { set next [ $text index "$cur + $length char" ] $text tag add transcription $cur $next set cur $next } } $text insert end "\n" } } close $sk return $found } proc dictMatchWord {word text} { global dictHost dictPort dictClientName set sk [ socket $dictHost $dictPort ] fconfigure $sk -translation crlf fconfigure $sk -buffering none fconfigure $sk -encoding utf-8 puts $sk {client "$dictClientName"} puts $sk "match * . \"$word\"" puts $sk {quit} set STATE_START 0 set STATE_MATCH 1 set STATE_FINISH 2 set matchesFound 0 set state $STATE_START configure_text_tag $text matchword matchword Matchword while { ![ eof $sk ] } { gets $sk line #$rawtext insert end "$line\n" if {$state == $STATE_START} { if [string match {152 *} $line] { # 150 94 matches found #$text insert end [string range $line 4 end] #$text insert end "\n" $text insert end "No definitions found for \"$word\", perhaps you mean:" set state $STATE_MATCH continue } } elseif {$state == $STATE_MATCH} { if {$line == "."} { $text insert end "\n" set state $STATE_FINISH continue } incr matchesFound # mueller7 "k" set spaceIdx [string first " " $line] if {$spaceIdx == -1} { continue } set curDict [string trim [string range $line 0 $spaceIdx] " "] set curWord [string trim [string range $line $spaceIdx end ] " \""] if { ! [info exists prevDict] || $prevDict != $curDict } { $text insert end "\n" $text insert end "$curDict:" set prevDict $curDict } $text insert end " " $text insert end $curWord matchword } } close $sk return $matchesFound } set history {} set historyIdx 0 proc recordWordInHistory {word} { global history global historyIdx # don't put duplicate words into history if { [lsearch $history $word] == -1 } { lappend history $word set historyIdx [llength $history] incr historyIdx -1 } } proc historyUp {entry} { global history global historyIdx if { ! [ llength $history ] } { return } if { $historyIdx > 0 } { incr historyIdx -1 } setInputValue $entry [lindex $history $historyIdx] } proc historyDown {entry} { global history global historyIdx if { ! [ llength $history ] } { return } if { $historyIdx < [ llength $history ] - 1 } { incr historyIdx } setInputValue $entry [lindex $history $historyIdx] } # get X selection and insert into entry proc setInputValueFromXSelection {entry} { if { [catch {setInputValue $entry [selection get] } ] } { # error return 0 } return 1 } proc setInputValue {entry value} { $entry delete 0 end $entry insert 0 $value } proc deleteWordBackward {entry} { set insertIndex [$entry index insert] set leftPart [string range [$entry get] 0 $insertIndex] set spaceIndex [string last " " $leftPart] if { $spaceIndex < 0 } { set spaceIndex 0 } else { incr spaceIndex } $entry delete $spaceIndex $insertIndex } proc updateWmTitle {{searchWord ""}} { set s "TkDict" if {$searchWord != ""} { append s ": $searchWord" } wm title . $s } proc configure_text_tag { wt tag rpfx cpfx } { foreach { o s } { -background Background -borderwidth BorderWidth -font Font -foreground Foreground -overstrike Overstrike -relief Relief -underline Underline } { if { [ set v [ option get $wt $rpfx$s $cpfx$s ] ] != "" } { $wt tag configure $tag $o $v } } } proc usage {} { puts {Usage: tkdict [-h host] [-p port] [-s] [word]} puts "\t-h host - dictd server host" puts "\t-p port - dictd server port" puts "\t-x - get word from x selection" exit 0 } proc parseArguments {argv} { global dictHost dictPort set args $argv while { [ llength $args ] } { set cur [ lindex $args 0 ] set args [ lrange $args 1 end ] if { ! [ string match "-*" $cur ] } { lappend nonOptions $cur continue } switch -exact -- $cur { "-h" { set varn dictHost } "-p" { set varn dictPort } "-s" { set xsel t } "--help" { usage ; exit 0 } "--" { set nonOptions [ concat $nonOptions $args ] set args {} } default { puts "unrecognized option `$cur'"; usage } } if { [ info exists varn ] } { if { ! [ llength $args ] } { puts "option requires an argument -- `$cur'" usage } set $varn [ lindex $args 0 ] unset varn set args [ lrange $args 1 end ] } } if [ info exist nonOptions ] { setInputValue .input $nonOptions showWordDef .input .text } elseif [info exist xsel] { if [setInputValueFromXSelection .input] { showWordDef .input .text } } } text .text -yscrollcommand {.scroll set} -setgrid 1 \ -undo 1 -autosep 1 -state disabled entry .input scrollbar .scroll -command {.text yview} grid .input -sticky we -columnspan 2 grid .text .scroll -sticky news grid rowconfigure . 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 bind . <Up> {historyUp .input} bind . <Control-p> {historyUp .input} bind . <Down> {historyDown .input} bind . <Control-n> {historyDown .input} bind . <F1> { if [setInputValueFromXSelection .input] { showWordDef .input .text } } bind .input <Return> {showWordDef .input .text} bind .input <Mod1-BackSpace> {deleteWordBackward .input} bind .input <Prior> {.text yview scroll -1 page} bind .input <Mod1-v> {.text yview scroll -1 page} bind .input <Next> {.text yview scroll 1 page} bind .input <Control-v> {.text yview scroll 1 page} # configure exit key sequences foreach seq [option get . "exitKeySequences" {}] { bind . <$seq> {destroy .} } updateWmTitle parseArguments $argv focus .inputExample .Xresources:
Tkdict.exitKeySequences: Escape !Tkdict.text.markedBackground: Red !Tkdict.text.markedForeground: Yellow Tkdict.input.font: -cronyx-fixed-medium-*-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r Tkdict.text.font: -cronyx-fixed-medium-*-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r !Tkdict.text.background: Black !Tkdict.text.foreground: Yellow