LM - 2006/02/08
Linear Feedback Shift Registers - LFSR - are used as pseudo-random number generators for Cryptography and Spread Spectrum Radio applications. See [
1] or Bruce Schneier,
BOOK: Applied Cryptography for more information.
Testing LFSR, we need information on runs length: i.e. the number of consecutive Ones or Zeroes occurring in a sequence of generated stream of bytes. This is my solution to the problem.
# runs_len
# calculates the runs lengths given a list of bytes.
# It returns a list of runs-lengths
proc runs_len {bytelist} {
# Change Bytes_list into hexadecimal_string
foreach b $bytelist {
append bstr [format "%02X" [expr {$b & 0xff}]]
# Change into Binary_string
binary scan [binary format H* $bstr] B* bits
# Runs extraction
set runlist [split [regsub -all {(0+|1+)} $bits "&-"] -]
set runlist [lreplace $runlist end end]
# Runs-length list creation
foreach r $runlist {
lappend lenlist [string length $r]
return $lenlist
# A simple tester
set bytelist { 0xa6 0xb0 0x35 0xf2 0x18 0xc4}
puts [runs_len $bytelist]