MEd 2006/02/21: This may be useful for debugging purposes. All widgets which are hierarchically below a given
widget (default = root) are displayed in tree format on stdout.
The procedure can be easily adapted to show more detailed information for each widget (e.g.
bind and
bindtags info).
# Name: wlist.tcl
# Author: Martin Eder, [email protected]
# Description: All widgets which are hierarchically below a given widget
# (default = root) are displayed in tree format on stdout.
package require Tk
proc wlist {{top {.}} {in {}} {rec {0}}} {
set in "$in |"
set children [winfo children $top]
set cnt 0
if {!$rec} {puts "$top"}
foreach child $children {
incr cnt
if {$cnt == [llength $children]} {
set in "[string replace $in end-1 end] "
puts "$in\\\__$child"
} else {
puts "$in\__$child"
wlist $child $in 1
proc demo {} {
### Creating some nested GUI
pack [button .b1 -text "Just"] [button .b2 -text "Testing"] -pady 5
pack [frame .f1 -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -padx 5 -pady 5] -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5
pack [frame .f2 -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -padx 5 -pady 5] -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5
pack [frame .f3 -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -padx 5 -pady 5] -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5
pack [button .f1.b1 -text "Button"]
pack [label .f2.l1 -text "Label1"] [label .f2.l2 -text "Label2"] [entry .f2.e1 -text "B"]
pack [frame .f3.f1 -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 -padx 5 -pady 5]
pack [button .f3.f1.b1 -text "Child1"] [button .f3.f1.b2 -text "Child2"]
puts "\nStarting with root widget:"
puts "\nStarting with .f3 widget:"
wlist .f3
### End of Script
The result for this demo will look like this:
Starting with root widget:
| \__.f1.b1
| |__.f2.l1
| |__.f2.l2
| \__.f2.e1
Starting with .f3 widget: