NEM 1010-07-26: For an updated version see
a little backtracking Prolog interpreter.
NEM 2006-08-05: Following on from
a little logic notation editor, here is a small, simple database with a primitive unification implementation that could form the basis of a little
logic programming implementation (see
playing Prolog). It's not quite a
relational database, as rows in this database are ordered tuples rather than unordered sets of named attributes, but it will suffice for my purposes. I quite like the interface to the database here, although the actual implementation is fairly inefficient. The basic interface is:
- ldb create $name
- Creates an empty database with the given name. The name is then a command that can be used to access the database.
- $db relation $name $fields...
- Creates a new relation (table) in the database, and creates a constructor command to form tuples for this relation.
- $db assert $fact
- Adds a new row to the database. $fact must be a tuple that is valid for the database (i.e., created via a relation constructor).
- $db retract $fact
- Removes a row from the database, if it exists.
- $db query $query $rowVar $body
- Executes a query in the database, and for each resulting row sets $rowVar to an array of the elements of the row and evaluates $body. Returns the number of rows that matched. A query is simply a tuple (created with a relation constructor) that may contain variables, indicated by a leading ? sign, or a don't care pattern, "_".
The query engine performs
unification on queries and candidate rows, in order to see if any instantiation of free variables in either will cause the two structures to be equivalent. However, as in Prolog, we currently leave out an occurs-check which is needed for absolute correctness (this only matters if you are trying to unify a variable with a structure that may contain a reference to the same variable). One interesting thing to note is that we perform full unification, and not just pattern matching -- this means that rows in the database can also contain variables! While this may seem a bit weird, it is a useful property when implementing Prolog or other logic languages (which is what I want this code for).
The Code edit
This requires 8.5 out of habit, but I think the only 8.5-ism I use is
namespace ensemble, so you can just comment that out if you want to try with 8.4.
JFL 2006-10-03: Actually there's also the dict command that's Tcl 8.5 specific. Use
forward-compatible dict to emulate it in 8.4
# ldb.tcl --
# A simple in-memory relational/logic database.
# Copyright (c) 2006 Neil Madden ([email protected]).
package require Tcl 8.5
package provide ldb 1.0
namespace eval ldb {
namespace export create relation assert retract query
namespace ensemble create
# create name --
# Creates a new empty database called "name". A database consists
# of an array variable and a command of the same name. The command
# can be used as a short-cut for calling instance methods on the
# database.
proc create name {
interp alias {} $name {} ::ldb::dispatch $name
upvar #0 $name var
array unset var
array set var { }
return $name
# dispatch db method ... --
# Dispatches a method call to the appropriate implementation.
proc dispatch {dbVar method args} {
if {[lsearch -exact [namespace export] $method] < 0} {
error [concat "bad method \"$method\": must be" \
[joinlist [namespace export] , " or "]]
if {[catch {eval [linsert $args 0 $method $dbVar]} msg]} {
return -code error $msg
return $msg
# joinlist list sep1 sep2 --
# Little utility proc to format a list into a human-readable form.
# Each word in the list is joined by $sep1, except for the last
# word which is joined using $sep2.
proc joinlist {list sep1 sep2} {
if {[llength $list] < 2} {
return [join $list]
} elseif {[llength $list] == 2} {
return [join $list $sep2]
} else {
set str [join [lrange $list 0 end-1] $sep1]
append str $sep1$sep2[lindex $list end]
return $str
# db relation name args ... --
# Creates a new type of relation, named "name". A relation is
# essentially a table in the database. For simplicity each
# relation consists of a set of ordered tuples, rather than a set
# of unordered named attributes. This is a departure from the
# relational model but is sufficient for implementing a
# Prolog-style logic language. The command created is
# free-standing and *not* a new method on the database.
proc relation {dbVar name args} {
upvar #0 $dbVar db
set db($name) [list]
interp alias {} $name {} ::ldb::construct $name $args
return $name
# construct name fields args... --
# Constructs a row of the specified relation type and returns it.
# Note that this does not assert the row into any database and so
# can be used for constructing patterns as well as facts.
proc construct {name fields args} {
if {[llength $fields] != [llength $args]} {
error "wrong # args: should be \"$name $fields\""
return [linsert $args 0 $name]
# db assert fact --
# Asserts a fact into the database.
proc assert {dbVar fact} {
upvar #0 $dbVar db
if {[llength $fact] < 1} {
error "fact has no type"
set rel [lindex $fact 0]
if {![info exists db($rel)]} {
error "no such relation: \"$rel\""
set idx [lsearch -exact $db($rel) $fact]
if {$idx < 0} {
lappend db($rel) $fact
# db retract fact --
# Removes a fact from the database.
proc retract {dbVar fact} {
upvar #0 $dbVar db
if {[llength $fact] < 1} {
error "fact has no type"
set rel [lindex $fact 0]
if {![info exists db($rel)]} {
error "no such relation: \"$rel\""
set idx [lsearch -exact $db($rel) $fact]
if {$idx >= 0} {
set db($rel) [lreplace $db($rel) $idx $idx]
# db query query rowVar body --
# Evaluates a query against the database. For each entry that
# unifies with the query the rowVar is set to an array of the
# variable bindings resulting from the query, and the body script
# is evaluated in the caller's scope. Returns the number of
# rows that matched the query.
proc query {dbVar query rowVar body} {
upvar #0 $dbVar db
upvar 1 $rowVar row
if {[llength $query] < 1} {
error "query has no type"
set rel [lindex $query 0]
if {![info exists db($rel)]} {
error "no such relation: \"$rel\""
set count 0
foreach entry $db($rel) {
set ret "No"
if {![catch { unify $query $entry } env]} {
incr count
array set row $env
set rc [catch {uplevel 1 $body} result]
if {$rc == 0 || $rc == [catch continue]} {
} elseif {$rc == [catch break]} {
} else {
return -code $rc $result
return $count
# unify x y env --
# Implements the unification algorithm. Based on psuedo-code from
# Russell/Norvig "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach".
proc unify {x y {env ""}} {
if {[string trim $x] eq [string trim $y]} {
return $env
} elseif {[list? $x] && [list? $y]} {
return [unify [tail $x] [tail $y] \
[unify [head $x] [head $y] $env]]
} elseif {[var? $x]} {
return [unify-var $x $y $env]
} elseif {[var? $y]} {
return [unify-var $y $x $env]
} else {
error "unification failure"
proc unify-var {var x env} {
if {[dict exists $env $var]} {
return [unify [dict get $env $var] $x $env]
} elseif {[dict exists $env $x]} {
return [unify $var [dict get $env $x] $env]
} elseif {$var eq "_"} {
# Don't care pattern
return $env
} else {
# TODO: occurs-check goes here...
return [dict set env $var $x]
proc var? x {
expr {$x eq "_" || [string index $x 0] eq "?"}
proc list? x { expr {[llength $x] > 1} }
proc head xs { lindex $xs 0 }
proc tail xs {
# Bit of a hack here
if {[llength $xs] == 2} {
return [lindex $xs 1]
} else {
lrange $xs 1 end
First we create a little database and add some facts to it.
ldb create db ; # In Tcl 8.4 use instead: ::ldb::create db
db relation author name book
db assert [author "Brent Welch" "Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk"]
db assert [author "Jeff Hobbs" "Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk"]
db assert [author "Christopher Nelson" "Tcl/Tk Programmer's Reference"]
db assert [author "Cliff Flynt" "Tcl: A Developer's Guide"]
Now we add a little read-eval-print loop for executing queries. This is very much based on typical Prolog interactive prompts. Just type in a query as a list of elements and press return to execute. If multiple results are available then you can type ";" and press return to get the next result or just type return to skip the remaining results.
while 1 {
puts -nonewline stdout "?- "
flush stdout
gets stdin query
if {[eof stdin]} {break}
set count 0
if {[catch {db query $query row {
if {[incr count] > 1} {
if {[gets stdin] ne ";"} { break }
foreach {var value} [array get row] {
puts -nonewline "\n$var = $value "
flush stdout
}} res]} {
puts $res
} elseif {$res} {
puts \nYes
} else {
puts \nNo
An example interactive session:
?- author ?name ?book
?name = Brent Welch
?book = Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk ;
?name = Jeff Hobbs
?book = Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk ;
?name = Christopher Nelson
?book = Tcl/Tk Programmer's Reference ;
?name = Cliff Flynt
?book = Tcl: A Developer's Guide
?- author ?a "Practical Programming in ?lang"
?a = Brent Welch
?lang = Tcl/Tk ;
?a = Jeff Hobbs
?lang = Tcl/Tk
?- author "Brent Welch" "Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk"
?- author "Neil Madden" ?book
?- author "Jeff Hobbs" ?title
?title = Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk
And to demonstrate full unification, add the following to the database:
db assert [author ?author "My Latest Novel"]
and try a query:
?- author "Neil Madden" ?book
?book = My Latest Novel
?author = Neil Madden