Updated 2018-09-28 22:44:39 by ABU

ABU 7-aug-2007 v 1.0 (obsolete)

ABU 9-aug-2007 v 1.1

  • Updated links and screenshots.
  • Coherent look&feel on various platforms ; Tested on WinXp, MacOs, Linux

ABU 19-feb-2012 v 1.2

  • Fixed error in [setLightVector] - Now vector is normalized
  • Changed formula for Specular Light:
     Now a pure "Phong model is used"
     Previously the half-vector was used (as approximation of
     Reflection-Vector); Now a real Reflection Vector is used.

Based on work of G.Sookahet Simple raytracing, here is a more interactive program.

Shading now uses the "Blinn-Phong Shading Model" for handling specular reflection, too.

Note that the geometrical model has been simplified (this implies faster processing-time).

  • The sphere is centered in {0,0,0}, with radius 1.
  • The viewer and the light-source are at infinity (i.e. all light-rays and view-rays have a constant direction)


  • MacOS

  • WinXP

Download at https://sourceforge.net/projects/irrational-numbers/files/RayLab-1.2.zip/download

DKF: Neat!