Updated 2014-03-25 23:23:04 by AMG

I am looking for a simple line of code to incorporate in the program below which send a zip file to the user as an attachment. Here is my program:
proc EmailSendMessage {args} {
    # Verify and set the command line arguments.
    set requiredArgs {-recipient -subject -body}
    set smtpServer
    set smtpPort 25
    set originator [email protected]
    set token [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -string $body]
    mime::setheader $token Subject $subject
    smtp::sendmessage $token -recipients $recipient -servers $smtpServer \
        -ports $smtpPort -originator $originator
    mime::finalize $token

E-mail attachments constitute a surprisingly large and even unwieldy subject. The first clarification is to distinguish emission of e-mail with attachments, from its reception and interpretation. The Wiki page on the MIME package focuses mostly on the latter.

2002-10-31: Roberto Mello provides the following example:
package require mime
package require smtp

set rcpts [open email-list.txt]
set files [lsort [glob *.JPG]]

set text {Ooops! Some of the pictures got mixed up in the last e-mail.}
append text \n {Let's try this again.} \
            \n \n {Happy Halloween!} \
            \n {Your friendly MASA Villages Staff}

set i 0
while {[gets $rcpts rcpt] != -1} {
    set this_image [lindex $files $i]

    # create an image and text
    set imageT [mime::initialize -canonical \
        "image/jpg; name=\"$this_image\"" -file $this_image]
    set textT [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -string $text]

    # create a multipart containing both, and a timestamp
    set multiT [
        mime::initialize -canonical multipart/mixed -parts [
            list $imageT $textT]]

    # send it to some friends
    puts "Sending to $rcpt: $this_image"
    smtp::sendmessage $multiT \
        -header [list From {Juliane Mello <jmello@usu>}] \
        -header [list To $rcpt] \
        -header [list Subject Ooops!]
    incr i

The variety of ways to transmit e-mail attachments with Tcl is large. CL keeps a few models in [1].

One of the reasons for active interest in the range of possibilities is typical for Tcl: one wants to compensate for various constraints. mime had severe flaws before tcllib 0.8 (and still has other errors--more on that, later) and is essentially unreliable with Tcl before 8.2.

CL frequently needs to set up quick e-mail operations on hosts equipped with old interpreters; 7.6, for example, in the case of a client met in January 2002. For older interpreters, it's best to enlist outside help, as with
set tmpfile /tmp/abc[pid]
set subject {This is the subject line.}

exec /usr/local/bin/mpack -s $subject -o $tmpfile $standard_name
set To {The distribution list}
set recipients {[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]}
set recipients [join $recipients ,]
exec $sendmail -t << \
"To: ($To)
Bcc: $recipients
[exec cat $tmpfile]"

Mutt: Someone had contributed a mutt example that was not correct (mutt tossed back a "bad usage" message). CL's taken the liberty of simplifying the example from four lines to one, in the process of correcting it:
exec mutt -s $subject -a $attachment $to << $body

Other useful external Unix utilities include pine and uuencode [give examples].

CMM: Can anyone enlighten on the proper way to unencode incoming binary attachments for output to disk?

CMM: Note for the unwise (like me), properly used the mime package will automatically unencode base64 encoding by default. My issue was that I wasn't outputting in binary mode. To fix this: fconfigure $fileid -translation binary

FP: Another useful Unix utility for this job is UUDeview
uuenview -b -m [email protected] -s {The Subject} filename