is used for electron device characterization, procedural circuit simulation and analysis of electronic circuits, or more general data analysis tasks.
From the README:
decida provides procedures for data visualization:
X-Y plots, histograms, eye-diagrams, oscilloscope plots,
smith-chart plots, pole-zero plots
decida provides procedures for data and signal analysis:
Fourier and inverse-Fourier Transforms, jitter analysis,
delay analysis, table interpolation
decida provides several general-purpose optimizers
decida is used to build parameter extractors for electron devices such as
MOS transistors and integrated resistors. decida provides several optimizers
which are used to fit device models to measured or simulated device data.
The parameter extractors use the built-in decida parameter, model, data,
and extractor objects to configure the extraction process.
decida is a Tcl/Tk scripting engine which can drive circuit simulations
in Celerity, HSpice, Spectre, Nanosim and other circuit simulators.
Procedural simulation and post-processing greatly improves the efficiency of
many circuit design tasks, such as: simulating process/voltage/temperature
case-combinations, initial module design involving changes to component
values, final design verification with post-layout netlist, post-processing
intermediate and final simulation results, and circuit optimization.