Updated 2013-08-04 18:32:38 by RLE

Keith Vetter - Here's a little tk program that lets you solve the Challenger puzzles that you often find syndicated in the daily paper [1]. In this puzzle you must make each row, column and diagonal add up to a certain sum. This program aids in solving them by giving you running totals, showing illegal, correct and forced squares.

I wrote it with the intention that the user would enter the day's puzzle and then solve it. But I've also include a half-dozen or so puzzles from the last week to give you a taste.

KBK Lovely! Now to do an auto-solver, too, since Tcl is good at Solving cryptarithms and this sort of puzzle is amenable to similar techniques...

KPV Actually I already wrote one a long time ago, I'll see if I can dig it out. I used a brute force guessing solution, but if I remember correctly, if you are smart in which squares to guess first, you only have to guess about four squares before everything gets forced.

KPV You asked and you shall get. This version has a "solve" button. It generates code on the fly to do a brute-force search to solve the first two rows, after which everything is forced. This requires at most 6,561 (9^4) guesses.

uniquename 2013aug01

The image link above, to 'external site' mini.net, has gone dead. Here are a couple of images of the output of Vetter's TkChallenger script, 'locally stored' on this wiki site.

# challenger.tcl
# Challenger -- helps solve the challenger math puzzle
# by Keith Vetter
# Revisions:
# KPV Oct 08, 2002 - initial revision
# KPV Oct 14, 2002 - added auto solve

package require Tk

# All the cells in the puzzle
set state(cells) {      0 4
   1 0  1 1  1 2  1 3  1 4
   2 0  2 1  2 2  2 3  2 4
   3 0  3 1  3 2  3 3  3 4
   4 0  4 1  4 2  4 3  4 4
   5 0  5 1  5 2  5 3  5 4 }

# Some puzzles to play with
set puzzle(0) {16 . 1 . . 9 . . . 3 16 . . 2 . 17 1 . . . 9 11 18 12 10 12}
set puzzle(1) {24 . . 3 . 14 . 9 . . 34 . . . 7 33 6 . . . 30 28 27 29 27 32}
set puzzle(2) {18 . . 3 . 10 . 4 . . 20 . . . 1 10 5 . . . 20 12 13 17 18 12}
set puzzle(3) {7 . 1 . . 8 . . . 1 9 . . 1 . 10 1 . . . 11 9 9 9 11 12}
set puzzle(4) {23 . . . 5 23 6 . . . 23 . . 6 . 23 . 5 . . 23 25 19 25 23 23}
set puzzle(5) {33 . 9 . . 28 . . . 6 30 . . 8 . 29 8 . . . 30 29 30 32 26 27}
set puzzle(6) {35 . . 5 . 23 . 2 . . 21 . . . 9 20 8 . . . 31 20 24 20 31 17}
set puzzle(7) {28 . 9 . . 26 . . 5 . 26 8 . . . 27 . . . 5 27 30 30 22 24 25}
set puzzle(8) {15 5 . . . 16 . . . 3 6 . 3 . . 22 . . 4 . 15 21 12 7 19 9}
set puzzle(9) {23 . . . 9 19 . 4 . . 11 7 . . . 15 . . 8 . 35 22 18 20 20 21}
set puzzle(10) {9 2 . . .  8 . . 4 . 10 . . . 2 11 . 3 . . 15 10  6 14 14 16}
set puzzle(11) {29 . . 8 . 30 2 . . . 22 . 6 . . 32 . . . 9 31 25 27 32 31 33}

# The rows, columns and diagonals
array set rows {
   1,4 {1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3}  2,4 {2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3}  3,4 {3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3}
   4,4 {4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3}  5,0 {1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0}  5,1 {1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1}
   5,2 {1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2}  5,3 {1,3 2,3 3,3 4,3}  5,4 {1,0 2,1 3,2 4,3}
   0,4 {4,0 3,1 2,2 1,3}
array set move {Up {-1 0} Down {1 0} Left {0 -1} Right {0 1}}

set state(locked) 0
set state(undo) {}
set state(forced) {}
set state(who) -1

proc DoDisplay {} {
   wm title . "TkChallenger"

   frame .play -bd 2 -relief raised -padx 30 -pady 0
   frame .play.tm -height 20
   grid .play.tm
   frame .bottom
   for {set row 0} {$row < 6} {incr row} {
       set cells {}
       if {$row == 0} {set cells "x x x x"}
       for {set col 0} {$col < 5} {incr col} {
           if {$row == 0} {set col 4}
           set tag ".e$row,$col"
           entry $tag -width 6 -textvariable ss($row,$col) -justify c \
               -disabledbackground lightblue -exportselection 0
           $tag config -disabledforeground [$tag cget -foreground]
           bind $tag <Key> [list MyKey %W %A %K]
           if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} {
               $tag config -bg cyan -disabledbackground cyan
           lappend cells $tag
       eval grid $cells -in .play -sticky we
   label .msg -anchor w -bg [.play cget -bg] -textvariable state(msg)
   grid .msg - - - - -in .play -sticky ew -pady 5
   button .forced -text "Do Forced Moves" -command DoForced -takefocus 0
   button .undo -text Undo -command Undo -state disabled -takefocus 0
   button .solve -text Solve -command Solve -takefocus 0

   pack .play .bottom -side top -fill both -expand 1
   pack .solve .forced .undo -in .bottom -side left -pady 10 -expand 1

   array set ::b2m {.lock {.m.puzzle 4} .unlock {.m.puzzle 5} .undo {.m.edit 4}
       .erase {.m.edit 0} .eraseA {.m.edit 1} .forced {.m.edit 3}
       .solve {.m.puzzle 7}
   focus .e1,0
proc DoMenus {} {
   menu .m -tearoff 0
   . configure -menu .m                 ;# Attach menu to main window

   # Top level menu buttons
   .m add cascade -menu .m.puzzle -label "Puzzle" -underline 0
   .m add cascade -menu .m.edit   -label "Edit"   -underline 0
   .m add cascade -menu .m.help   -label "Help"   -underline 0

   menu .m.puzzle -tearoff 0
   .m.puzzle add command -label "Reset Puzzle" -under 0 \
       -command {PickPuzzle -1}
   .m.puzzle add command -label "Blank Puzzle" -under 0 -command {Erase 1}
   .m.puzzle add command -label "New Puzzle" -under 0 -command PickPuzzle
   .m.puzzle add separator
   .m.puzzle add command -label "Lock Puzzle" -under 0 -command Lock
   .m.puzzle add command -label "Unlock Puzzle" -under 0 -command Unlock
   .m.puzzle add separator
   .m.puzzle add command -label Solve -under 0 -command Solve
   .m.puzzle add separator
   .m.puzzle add command -label Exit -under 0 -command exit

   menu .m.edit -tearoff 0
   .m.edit add command -label "Erase" -under 0 -command {Erase 0}
   .m.edit add command -label "Erase All" -under 6 -command {Erase 1}
   .m.edit add separator
   .m.edit add command -label "Do Forced Moves" -under 0 -command DoForced
   .m.edit add command -label "Undo"            -under 0 -command Undo

   menu .m.help -tearoff 0
   .m.help add command -label Help  -under 0 -command Help
proc INFO {msg} { set ::state(msg) $msg ; update}

proc PickPuzzle {{who ""}} {
   global state ss puzzle

   if {$who == ""} {                           ;# Pick one at random
       set names [array names puzzle]
       set len [llength $names]
       while {1} {
           set n [expr {int(rand() * $len)}]
           set who [lindex $names $n]
           if {$who != $state(who)} break
           if {$len == 1} break
   } elseif {$who == -1} {
       set who $state(who)
   if {! [info exists puzzle($who)]} {
       Erase 0
   Erase 1
   set state(who) $who

   foreach {row col} $state(cells) val $puzzle($who) {
       if {$val == "."} {set val {}}
       set ss($row,$col) $val
   INFO "Puzzle #$who"
# DoButtons -- set the buttons state depending on circumstances
proc DoButtons {} {
   global state b2m

   array set s {1 normal 0 disabled}
   set ww [list .lock .unlock .erase .eraseA .solve .undo .forced]

   # Get into bb the states we want
   if {$state(locked)} { set bb {0 1 1 0 1} } { set bb {1 0 0 1 0} }
   lappend bb [expr {[llength $state(undo)]   > 0 ? 1 : 0}]
   lappend bb [expr {[llength $state(forced)] > 0 ? 1 : 0}]

   foreach w $ww b $bb {
       if {[winfo exists $w]} {                ;# Configure the button
           $w configure -state $s($b)
       foreach {m e} $::b2m($w) {              ;# Configure the menu
           $m entryconfigure $e -state $s($b)
# Lock -- locks (by disabling) all cells w/ values in them
proc Lock {} {
   global ss state

   foreach {row col} $state(cells) {
       set tag ".e$row,$col"
       if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} {
           append ss($row,$col) "/  "
       } elseif {$ss($row,$col) == ""} continue
       $tag config -state disabled
   set state(locked) 1
   set state(undo) {}
   set w [focus -lastfor .]

   catch {
       if {[$w cget -state] != "normal"} {
           event generate $w <Tab>
# Unlock -- unlocks (by enabling) all cells
proc Unlock {} {
   global ss state

   foreach {row col} $state(cells) {
       set tag ".e$row,$col"
       $tag config -state normal

       if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} {
           regsub {/.*} $ss($row,$col) {} ss($row,$col)
   set state(locked) 0
# Erase -- erases either all non-locked cells, or all cells
proc Erase {all} {
   if {! $all && $::state(locked) == 0} return

   set undo {}
   foreach {row col} $::state(cells) {
       set tag ".e$row,$col"
       if {$all || [$tag cget -state] == "normal"} {
           set was [$tag get]
           lappend undo $tag "$row,$col" $was
           set ::ss($row,$col) ""
   lappend ::state(undo) $undo
   if {$all} {
       INFO ""
       set ::state(who) "user"
   focus .e1,0
proc GetPuzzle {} {
   global state ss

   set p ""
   foreach {row col} $state(cells) {
       set val $ss($row,$col)
       if {$val == ""} {set val .}
       regsub {/.*} $val "" val
       append p "$val "
   return [string trim $p]

# SumRows -- the workhorse of our program. Sums up each row and
# updates the running total (deficit actually) and does cell
# configuring for bad, good and forced cells.
proc SumRows {} {
   global state ss

   if {$::state(locked) == 0} { return 0}

   foreach {row col} $state(cells) {           ;# Put all cells back to white
       set tag ".e$row,$col"
       if {[$tag cget -state] == "normal"} { $tag config -bg white }
       if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} { $tag config -disabledbackground cyan }

   _SumRows ss

   foreach cell $state(good) {
       .e$cell config -disabledbackground green
   foreach cell $state(bad) {
       .e$cell config -disabledbackground red
   foreach {cell value} $state(forced) {
       .e$cell config -background yellow
   if {[llength $state(good)] == 10} { return 1 } ;# Solved
   if {[llength $state(bad)] != 0} { return -1 } ;# Bad
   return 0
proc _SumRows {_SS} {
   global rows state
   upvar 1 $_SS SS

   set state(forced) {}
   set state(bad) {}
   set state(good) {}

   foreach scell [array names rows] {          ;# Loop on each row/col/diagonal

       set n [regexp {\s*([0-9]+)/?} $SS($scell) => max]
       if {! $n} continue
       set sum 0
       set missing {}
       foreach cell $rows($scell) {            ;# Each cell in row/col/diag
           set val $SS($cell)
           if {[string is integer -strict $val]} {
               set sum [expr {$sum + $val}]
           } else {
               lappend missing $cell
       # Show running deficit
       set SS($scell) [format "%2d/%2d" $max [expr {$max - $sum}]]
       set SS(d,$scell) [expr {$max - $sum}]

       # Figure out bad, good or forced cells stuff
       set num [llength $missing]
       if {$num == 0 && $sum == $max} {
           lappend state(good) $scell
       } elseif {$num == 0 || $sum > $max} {
           lappend state(bad) $scell
       } else {
           set delta [expr {1.0 * ($max - $sum) / $num}]
           if {$delta < 1 || $delta > 9} {
               lappend state(bad) $scell
           } elseif {$num == 1 || $delta == 1.0 || $delta == 9.0} {
               foreach who $missing {
                   lappend state(forced) $who [expr {int($delta)}]
proc IsSolved {} {
   return [expr {[llength $::state(good)] == 10 ? 1 : 0}]
# DoForced -- fills in the values for all forced cells
proc DoForced {{repeat 0}} {
   global state ss
   set undo {}                                 ;# So we can undo this action

   while {[llength $state(forced)] > 0} {
       catch {unset done}
       foreach {cell val} $state(forced) {
           if {[info exists done($cell)]} continue
           lappend undo ".e$cell" $cell $ss($cell)
           set ss($cell) $val
           set done($cell) $val
       lappend state(undo) $undo
       if {! $repeat} break
proc _DoForced {_SS} {
   global state
   upvar 1 $_SS SS

   _SumRows SS
   while {[llength $state(forced)] > 0} {
       foreach {cell val} $state(forced) {
           set SS($cell) $val
       _SumRows SS
       if {[llength $state(bad)] > 0} { return -1 }
   if {[llength $state(good)] == 10} { return 1 } ;# Solved
   if {[llength $state(bad)] != 0} { return -1 } ;# Bad
   return 0
# MyKey -- handles all keystrokes for each cell
proc MyKey {w char sym} {
   regexp {([0-9]),([0-9])} $w who row col
   set before [$w get]                         ;# For undo info

   switch -- $sym {
       "Tab" { return -code continue }
       "asterisk" { Undo }
       z { if {$char == "\x1A"} Undo }
       "space" { $w delete 0 end }
       "BackSpace" - "Delete" {
           set pos [$w index insert]
           $w delete [incr pos -1] end
       "Home" - "End" {
           if {$sym == "End"} {set event <Shift-Tab>} {set event <Tab>}
           focus .e0,4 ; event generate .e0,4 $event
       "Up" - "Down" - "Left" - "Right" {
           foreach {drow dcol} $::move($sym) break
           while {1} {
               incr row $drow ; incr col $dcol
               set ww ".e$row,$col"
               if {! [winfo exists $ww]} {return -code break}
               if {[$ww cget -state] != "normal"} continue
               focus $ww
       default {
           if {! [string is integer -strict $char]} { return -code break }
           if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} {               ;# Sum cells
               set val [$w get]
               if {$val != ""} {
                   set char [expr {(($val * 10) + $char) % 100}]
           } elseif {$char == "0"} {
               set char ""
           $w delete 0 end
           $w insert 0 $char
           #$w selection range 0 end
           $w icursor end
           if {$row < 5 && $col < 4} {
               event generate $w <Tab>         ;# Move to next cell
   set now [$w get]
   if {$before != $now} {lappend ::state(undo) [list $w $who $before]}
   return -code break
# Undo -- Undoes the last operation
proc Undo {} {
   global state ss

   # Pop off the event to undo
   set item [lindex $state(undo) end]
   set state(undo) [lrange $state(undo) 0 end-1]

   foreach {w who was} $item {
       set ss($who) $was
       focus $w

proc Help {} {
   catch {destroy .help}
   toplevel .help
   wm title .help "TkChallenger Help"
   wm geom .help "+[expr {[winfo x .] + [winfo width .] + 10}]+[winfo y .]"

   text .help.t -relief raised -wrap word -width 70 -height 34
   .help.t config -padx 10 -pady 10
   button .help.dismiss -text Dismiss -command {destroy .help}

   pack .help.t -side top -expand 1 -fill both
   pack .help.dismiss -side bottom -expand 1 -pady 10

   set bold "[font actual [.help.t cget -font]] -weight bold"
   .help.t tag configure title -justify center -foreground red \
       -font "Times 20 bold"
   .help.t tag configure title2 -justify center -font "Times 12 bold"
   .help.t tag configure bullet -font $bold
   .help.t tag configure bn -lmargin1 15 -lmargin2 15
   .help.t tag configure bn2 -lmargin1 15 -lmargin2 20

   .help.t insert end "TkChallenger\n" title
   .help.t insert end "by Keith Vetter\n\n" title2

   set m "This program helps you solve the Challenger puzzles that you often "
   append m "see in the daily paper. I wrote this program because I'm "
   append m "horrible at solving these puzzles--this helps but I'm still bad."
   .help.t insert end $m n \n\n

   .help.t insert end "How to Play" bullet \n
   set m "Fill in each square with a number, 1-9. "
   append m "Horizontal square should add to the total on "
   append m "the right, vertical squares to the number on the "
   append m "bottom and the main diagonals to the number in "
   append m "the upper and lower right."
   .help.t insert end $m bn \n\n

   .help.t insert end "What the Different Colored Squares Mean" bullet \n
   set m "- Cyan squares show the value each row or column must add up "
   append m "to along with the amount still needed to reach that value.\n"
   append m "- Light blue squares are playing squares with known values.\n"
   append m "- Green squares show when a row or column is correct.\n"
   append m "- Red squares show when a row or column is in an illegal state.\n"
   append m "- Yellow squares show squares for which the value is forced."
   .help.t insert end $m bn2 \n\n

   .help.t insert end "Built in Puzzles" bullet \n
   set m "TkChallenger comes with about half-a-dozen built in puzzles, "
   append m "but is really designed for you to create your own. "
   append m "Unlocking the puzzle allows you to enter values into "
   append m "any square. Once you've entered the puzzle, lock it and "
   append m "solve away."
   .help.t insert end $m bn \n\n

   .help.t insert end "Auto Solve" bullet \n
   set m "TkChallenge can solve the puzzle for you. It does a brute "
   append m "force search trying all possibilities for the top two "
   append m "rows, after which the remaining squares are usually forced. "
   append m "This requires at most 6,561 (9^4) guesses for the typical "
   append m "published Challenger puzzle that has 4 squares already filled "
   append m "in."
   .help.t insert end $m bn \n\n

   .help.t config -state disabled
proc Solve {} {
   INFO "searching for solution..."
   DoForced                                    ;# Fill all forced cells
   set start [clock click -milliseconds]
   set code [GenerateCode]                     ;# This code will solve it
   eval $code
   foreach {solved cnt} [solvex] break
   set start [expr {([clock click -milliseconds] - $start)/1000.0}]
   set guesses "guess" ; if {$cnt != 1} {set guesses guesses}
   if {$solved} {
       INFO "Solved: $start sec and $cnt $guesses"
       set ::state(undo) {}
   } else {
       INFO "No solution: $start sec and $cnt $guesses"
proc GenerateCode {} {
   set braces 0
   set code "proc solvex {} \{\n set cnt 0\n"
   append code " array set SS \[array get ::ss]\n\n"

   set indent 1
   foreach row {1 2} {
       foreach {b code2} [GenCodeRow $row [string repeat " " $indent]] {
           incr braces $b
           append code $code2 "\n"
           incr indent $b
   set ind [string repeat " " $indent]

   append code $ind "set save \[array get SS]\n"
   append code $ind "incr cnt\n"
   append code $ind "set n \[_DoForced SS]\n"
   append code $ind "if {\$n == 1} \{\n"
   append code $ind " array set ::ss \[array get SS]\n"
   append code $ind " SumRows\n"
   append code $ind " return \[list 1 \$cnt]\n"
   append code $ind "\}\n"
   append code $ind "array set SS \$save\n"
   append code [string repeat "\}\n" $braces]
   append code " return \[list 0 \$cnt]\n"
   append code "\}"

   return $code
proc GenCodeRow {row indent} {
   global ss

   set missing {}
   foreach col {0 1 2 3} {
       if {$ss($row,$col) == {}} { lappend missing "SS($row,$col)" }
   set num [llength $missing]
   if {$num == 0} {
       return [list 0 "$indent; # complete row\n"]

   set last [lindex $missing end]
   set code ""
   set code2 "set $last \[expr {$ss(d,$row,4)"
   for {set i 0} {$i < $num-1} {incr i} {
       set cell [lindex $missing $i]
       append code $indent
       append indent " "
       append code "for {set $cell 1} {\$$cell < 10} {incr $cell} \{\n"
       append code2 " - \$$cell"
   append code $indent $code2 "}]\n"
   append code $indent "if {\$$last < 1 || \$$last > 9} continue\n"
   return [list [incr num -1] $code]
