Updated 2012-07-11 11:06:00 by RLE

See Don Porter's 2001 Tcl Conference presentation:


Fulfilling the Promise of package unknown  edit

Don Porter http://math.nist.gov/~DPorter/tcltk/
   Mathematical & Computational
   Sciences Division
   Information Technology Laboratory
   National Institute of Standards and Technology
   Gaithersburg, Maryland

Introduction  edit

What color is a Tk button?

Naive answer: Grey.
   pack [button .b -text Example]

True answer: What ever color you want.
   pack [button .b -text Example -bg red]

Grey is merely the default.

How does Tcl find and load packages?

Naive answer: Uses $::auto path as a search path... Looks for pkgIndex.tcl files created by pkg_mkIndex, source's them, etc. ...

True answer: However you choose!

Why don't people know this? Why don't people use this?

Outline Mini-tutorial on package  edit

Define provide script and index script

Three parties involved in package management

  • Package Author - writes the package
  • Package User - controls the interp
  • Sysadmin - controls the filesystem.

Defacto interface: tclPkgUnknown - Features and Limitations

Propose: New customization hook [package fsindex] - Sysadmin control over how packages are installed

Tutorial: What is a package?  edit

A package starts as a collection of related Tcl commands, namespaces, and/or variables grouped together as a single unit.

Grouping simplifies loading and introspection.

Collection becomes a package by calling package provide
   namespace eval :: {
     package provide hw 1.0
     namespace eval hw {
       namespace export hello; variable Who world

       proc hello {} {
         variable Who; puts "Hello, $Who!"

Load package into interp: eval provide script

Tutorial: Loading packages  edit

Evaluation of provide script must call Tcl_PkgProvide()

Simplest possible provide scripts:
   set pscript1 {package provide hw 1.0}
   set pscript2 {package provide hw 2.0}

Exactly one version of each package per interp:
   namespace eval :: $pscript1
   namespace eval :: $pscript2
   -> conflicting versions provided for package "hw": 1.0, then 2.0

Tutorial: Package version selection  edit

Authors register provide scripts with package ifneeded
   package ifneeded hw 1.0 {package provide hw 1.0}
   package ifneeded hw 1.1 {package provide hw 1.1}
   package ifneeded hw 2.0 {package provide hw 2.0}

Users call package require to select and eval one registered provide script
   package require hw 1
   -> 1.1

Explains how provide scripts are evaluated.

How are package ifneeded commands evaluated?

Tutorial: Index scripts  edit

Authors provide an 'index script' for each package

Index script includes package ifneeded - Just as provide script includes package provide

Simplest possible index script:
   set iscript {package ifneeded hw 1.0 {package provide hw 1.0}}

User needs evaluation of index script
   eval $iscript

Mechanism? package unknown !

Tutorial: package unknown  edit

User calls package require
   package require $package $requiredVersion

When no registered provide script will satisfy the requirement, package require evaluates:
   namespace eval :: [package unknown] [list $package $requiredVersion]

package unknown returns command to be used for finding and evaluating index scripts.
   package unknown
   -> tclPkgUnknown

Promise of package unknown  edit

Why not call tclPkgUnknown directly? - package unknown enables customization
   package unknown ?command?

User can select any command for finding and evaluating index scripts.
   proc falseWitness {p v args} {
     package ifneeded $p $v [list package provide $p $v]
   package unknown falseWitness

Opens up many possibilities...for the user .

But What About the Sysadmin?  edit

  • NOTE: So far no mention of files, only scripts
  • Left out the sysadmin and the filesystem
  • In order to install a package, storage in a filesystem must enter the picture.

provide Script of Installed Package  edit

An installed package has its provide script in a file.
   $ cat /usr/lib/hw1.0/hw.tcl
   -> package provide hw 1.0

Scripts registered with package ifneeded refer to files
   package ifneeded hw 1.0 {source /usr/lib/hw1.0/hw.tcl}
   package ifneeded foo 2.0 {load /usr/lib/foo2.0/../libfoo2.0.so}

But the sysadmin, not the author, decides the installation directory for the package!

Index Script of Installed Package  edit

The provide script needs to know the installation directory. - Unknown to the author who would write provide script.

Index script has job of registering provide script.

Give index script job of creating provide script too!
   package ifneeded hw 1.0 [list source [file join $dir hw.tcl]]
   package ifneeded foo 2.0 [list load [file join $dir .. libfoo2.0.so]]

Interface requirement: index script evaluated incontext where $dir is the installation directory.

How does tclPkgUnknown work?  edit

Called with arguments '$package' and '$requiredVersion'

  • Meant to specify unsatisfied package requirement.
  • tclPkgUnknown ignores them.

Treats $::auto_path as an input

  • List of directories to be searched
  • Finds files named 'pkgIndex.tcl' in those directories and their child directories

Evaluates the pkgIndex.tcl files

  • That's where the index scripts must be.
  • Evaluation in context where $dir is directory containing pkgIndex.tcl

tclPkgUnknown Limitations  edit

Ignores arguments telling what to search for

  • Always evaluates all pkgIndex.tcl files.
  • Startup time (first tclPkgUnknown evaluation)
    • not determined by number of packages used.
    • not determined by number of packages installed.
    • determined by number of sibling directories of info library!

Errors in index scripts of all installed packages reported. Even in packages that are never used

Keeps no map to be more selective.

tclPkgUnknown Limitations  edit

Shares $::auto_path with the auto-loader

  • Two different methods ofloading code into aninterp.
  • No reason to assume they should look in the same places.

Only one pkgIndex.tcl file per directory.

  • Either one package per installation directory ,or
  • One index script actually indexes several packages.

No installed package introspection.

So why not use package unknown to replace tclPkgUnknown with something better?

Unfulfilled Promise of package unknown  edit

Can package unknown allow sysadmins to customize the way in which packages are installed on their systems?

Not alone.

package unknown :Half the Battle  edit

package unknown only solves half the problem.

  • Enables customized routine for retrieving index scripts from the filesystem.
  • User just keeps calling package require .

No customizable interface for storing index scripts

  • That is,for installing packages
  • Authors write installation routines for their packages

Once packages are installed as tclPkgUnknown expects, no other retrieval routine can do better.

The Missing Half  edit

Need another customization hook in package

Allow sysadmins to customize package installation conventions on their filesystems.
 ... like [package unknown]

Preserve an unchanging interface to authors writing package installation routines.
 ... like [package require]

Proposal: [package fsindex]  edit

The customizable interface to the collection ofi ndex scripts stored in the filesystem.

Customization just like package unknown
   package fsindex ?command?

[package fsindex] with no arguments -Returns the command that manages index scripts on the filesystem

[package fsindex $command] - Registers $command as the command that manages index scripts on the filesystem

Responsibility of sysadmin to register [package fsindex] command matching package installation convention ofthe filesystem.

[package fsindex] Interface  edit

For each installed package, the command registered with [package fsindex] must keep track of

  • the package name
  • the package version
  • the installation directory
  • the index script

provides access to this information through an interface of several subcommands.
   namespace eval :: {
     [package fsindex] $subcommand $args

For simplicity, assume [package fsindex foo].

[package fsindex] satisfy  edit

Implements the package unknown function.
   foo satisfy $package $version

* Finds all index scripts for all versions of package $package that might satisfy the $version requirement * Limit search to search path set by [foo searchpath] * Evaluate all found index scripts in search path order, set $dir

New default package unknown
   proc default {args} {
     uplevel 1 [package fsindex] satisfy $args
   package unknown default

[package fsindex] searchpath  edit

Limit packages searched by installation directory.

Three forms:
foo searchpath
Returns the current search path
foo searchpath set $path
Sets the search path
foo searchpath append $directory
Append directory to search path

Generalizes setting of $::auto path

[package fsindex] insert  edit

Add new index script tothe system
   foo insert $p $v $d $indexScript

Part of package installation

Called after files of version $v of package $p have been installed into installation directory $d

Registers its $indexScript

Generalization of part of pkg_mkIndex

[package fsindex] delete  edit

Remove index script from the system
   foo delete $p $v $d

Part of package uninstallation

Called after files of version $v of package $p have been removed from installation directory $d

Generalization of deleting pkgIndex.tcl file

Increased Promise: Introspection  edit

What packages are installed, where?
   foo names
   foo versions $p
   foo directories $p $v

provides what users want from package names

Can use with [foo searchpath] to carefully limit search to just the directories needed.

Package Providing the Proposed Interface  edit

Coming Soon: the package fsidb

Simple implementation of the [package fsindex] interface

Collection of index scripts and installation directories associated with packages kept as simple Tcl array read in from a single file.

  • "Poor man's database"
  • Proof of concept "Registry" approach. (which has its own problems)
  • Should mean faster startup times
  • Definitely improved introspection

Migration Steps  edit

Add [package fsindex]

Wrap (parts of) [package fsindex] interface around existing tclPkgUnknown .

Initialize package unknown with default that uses [package fsindex] toquery installed packages.

Migrate package installation scripts to use new installation interface - Installer packages and tools?

Still one hook missing to allow use of fsidb, etc. ...

Customized Tcl Initialization for Sysadmins  edit

Installed packages available for any Tcl interp -tclsh -wish -embedded interps

Index scripts are stored how they're stored.

  • Need to eval matching [package fsindex foo] in all Tcl interps.
  • Much like [package unknown tclPkgUnknown]

Could "hack" the init.tcl file

...or init.tcl could explicitly eval a system customization file. (Feature Request 219375. Patch 403526.)

Summary  edit

A straightforward extension of package offers

  • ability to use other managers of installed packages
  • improved introspection
  • decoupling from auto-loader
  • primitive commands on which to build installers