Updated 2016-12-29 15:47:09 by mistachkin

Also known as the "Package Downloader Client".

Part of the Package Client Toolset.

The Package Downloads Client is not typically invoked directly; instead, it is (optionally) used by the scripts fetched from the Package Repository Server in order to download package files in a secure and orderly manner.

Here is an example of this usage:
apply [list [list] {
  package require Eagle.Package.Downloader


  set fileNames [list]

  lappend fileNames [file join tcllib1.15 aes aes.tcl]
  lappend fileNames [file join tcllib1.15 aes pkgIndex.tcl]

  set options [list \
      -persistent false -usePgp true -useAutoPath true]

  ::PackageDownloader::downloadFiles tcl 8.4 "" $fileNames $options

Also see edit

This project is sponsored by Eyrie Solutions.

More details to follow.

--- aspect 2016-11-10: waiting here with bated breath to play with this .. it sounds very exciting. But the repository requires login for all URLs at present. Please stop teasing! ;-)