Updated 2017-03-28 16:13:30 by SEH
What: Bita
Where: ftp://www.tcl.tk/pub/tcl/mirror/ftp.procplace.com/sorted/misc/bita/2.1.1/bita-2.1.1.tar.gz
Description: Implements binary typed arrays with dynamic length.  Allows
        user to create arrays of type short, ushort, int, unsigned, float
        and double.  Includes subcommands for copy, get, minimum/maximum,
        inserting, removing, sizing, pop and push, read and write, etc.
Updated: 10/1998
Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Harald Kirsch)
bita -- BInary Typed Arrays (for Tcl/Tk)
        (C) 1995, 1996 [email protected] (Harald Kirsch)

What is bita? --- An excerpt from the manual page:
       The  Tcl/Tk-extension  Bita implements binary typed arrays
       with dynamic length. Access to and handling  of  Bitas  is
       quite  similar  to  the handling of widgets in Tk. The new
       Tcl-commands Short, UShort, Int, Unsigned, Float and  Dou-
       ble create for each of their name-arguments a binary array
       with the obvious type and bind it to name.  ...

       Bitas are designed to  efficiently  store  and  manipulate
       large numbers of binary values of a given type. Initially,
       a Bita contains no values and has length zero.  As  values
       are added or deleted, the length varies accordingly.

Currently, every bita understands the following sub-commands:
  copy, get, insert, length, pop, push, read, remove, set, trunc, type
  and write  

What is contained in this package?
  With the source code in this package, the following files can be
  generated and installed.
  o tclbsh: The tclsh linked with the bita-extension.
  o bwish: The wish linked with the bita-extension.
  o libbita.a: A library to enable you to extend your favorite tclsh
    with bitas  
  o bita.n: manual page for the commands added to tcl by the
  o bita.3: manual page describing how to add bitas to your favorite
  o t2a: A tclbsh-script which uses bita-features to convert our
    favorite binary data format to ascii.

APN See also Tarray