Updated 2018-02-12 15:03:20 by pooryorick

Add chaos to Tcl. Probably one of the most profound changes to the language ever. Currently set is untouched but hopefully that too can be chaosified.
## Brings some quantum-like chaos to any Tcl program
## Author: Kristoffer Lawson, [email protected]
## Idea from Tiago Roberti Sampaio

set ChaosFactor 0.5

set SchrodingerBody {
    ::chaos::if {rand() < $::ChaosFactor} {

proc chaosify {cmd} {
    rename $cmd ::chaos::$cmd
    proc $cmd {args} "
         ::chaos::uplevel \[::chaos::list ::chaos::$cmd \{*\}\$args\]

foreach cmd [info commands] {
    if {$cmd ne "if" && $cmd ne "proc" && $cmd ne "rename" &&
        $cmd ne "global" && $cmd ne "chaosify" && $cmd ne "set"} {
        chaosify $cmd

rename if ::chaos::if
proc if {args} "
     ::chaos::if \{*}\$args

rename global ::chaos::global
proc global {args} "
     ::chaos::global \{*}\$args

rename rename ::chaos::rename
proc rename {args} "
     ::chaos::rename \{*}\$args

::chaos::rename proc ::chaos::proc
::chaos::proc proc {name arguments body} {
    set body $::SchrodingerBody$body
    ::chaos::proc $name $arguments $body

#chaosify puts

set animal cat
puts $animal
puts $animal

for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
    puts "The Internet is for $animal videos"

proc test {} {
    puts horse


arjen - 2017-12-08 08:53:03

Somewhat pedantic comment: Schroedinger did not invent the idea of chaos - contrary to the suggestion made here, quantum mechanics is not a theory about chaos, but instead a very precise theory about possibilities that take shape once the system is observed. Perhaps rename this to LorentzTcl, as Edward Lorentz (so not Hendrik Lorentz, who is in fact connected to quantum mechanics) was one of the first to describe the chaotic dynamics of a seemingly ordinary system.

arjen - 2017-12-08 10:22:38

On the other hand, now that I have seen it at work, the effect is really quantum-like, not chaotic though. How about introducing boson- and fermion-like commands? (Just kidding)