What | cwind |
Where | http://www.interq.or.jp/japan/s-imai/tcltk/cwind.html |
Description | Clone of WinTclSend, allowing you to test applications. |
Not all functions of WinTclSend are cloned so far. | |
This is a free package. | |
Currently at version 1.4. | |
Updated | 26-Oct-2003 |
Contact | mailto:[email protected] |
MHo An addition to wait for a window to appear:
proc ::cwind::findwind {title {max 5} } { set cur [::cwind::wlist] set i 1 set delay 100 set max [expr $max*1000/$delay] while { [lsearch -glob $cur $title]<0 && $i<=$max} { set cur [::cwind::wlist] incr i after $delay update } if {$i>$max} {puts "Can't find the window : $title"; return 0} else { return $i} }
See also:
- SendKeys
- winbatch [1]
- cwind on avi2vcd
- As a definitive resource to look what's possible, see http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/.
- Techniques for 'driving' Windows applications
Also see TWAPI which provides mouse and keyboard input support as part of a broader Win32 API extension (Only explicitly supporting NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP - not Windows 9x).
see cwind on avi2vcd
Mho 2011-11-03: Does someone know how to send the PIPE-character?
[imdave] - 2017-05-15 19:52:14Re: Mho 2011-11-03: Does someone know how to send the PIPE-character? cwind::send \| ; # As a single text string
[imdave] - 2017-05-15 19:53:57I've ported cwind 1.4 to win7x32 & x64 See https://chiselapp.com/user/iamdave/repository/CWind/