Updated 2012-08-31 01:49:12 by RLE
What:list command enhancements (listx)
Description:Produce a package containing an extensive enhancment of the list functionality with the intent to distribute along side the core and eventually to replace the core's list command.
Contact:mailto:[email protected] (Andreas Kupries)

Package contains these functions:

  • append - append list elements onto a list
  • assign - assign list plus zero or more additional elements
  • concat - insert 0 or more lists into a destination
  • create - create a list
  • empty - test variable to determine if it is an empty list
  • filter - search list for elements matching a pattern
  • first - return first element of a list
  • flatten - given a list with possible sublists as elements, turn into one large list
  • fold - apply command to each element of a list
  • head - return all elements of a list except last
  • index - create a sublist from a given list
  • insert - insert new elements into a list
  • join - create a string by joining all elements of a list
  • last - return last element of a list
  • length - return number of elements in a list
  • map - apply command to each element of a list
  • merge - combine one or more lists into a new list
  • q_add - append an element to a list
  • q_top - return the first element of the list
  • q_remove - remove the first element of the list
  • range - return one or more adjacent elements from a list
  • remove - remove an element from a list
  • repeat - create a list by repeating an element
  • replace - replace elements in a list with new elements
  • reverse - reverse the elements of a list
  • search - search through a list for a pattern
  • sort - sort the elements of a list
  • split - split a list into sublists
  • s_push - add an element to the front of a list
  • s_pop - remove an element from the front of a list
  • s_top - return the first element of a list
  • s_dup - duplicate the first element of the list
  • tail - return all elements of a list except for first
  • unique - remove duplicate elements from a list

See also list, Additional list functions, Striding a list