What: PADE Where: ftp://gams.nist.gov/pub/pade/Description: PADE - Parallel Applications Development Environment - is now available, providing a GUI interface to a virtual console utilizing a parallel make utility to support all development. Tk 4.x is used for the GUI in v1.4. See <URL: http://www.nist.gov/itl/math/mcsd-software.cfm
> for more details. Updated: Contact: mailto:[email protected]
PADE is a flexible, customizable environment for developing parallel applications that use the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) message-passing library. It provides an integrated framework for all phases of development of a message-passing parallel application: editing, compilation, execution, and performance monitoring and enhancement. The PADE package consists of an intuitive graphical user interface, a suite of PVM utilities, and extensive documentation in PostScript, ASCII, and HTML formats. PADE is most useful with a heterogeneous virtual machine consisting of multiple architectures and/or multiple file systems where it aids the parallel developer by helping to keep track of which source files must be sent and compiled on which hosts, sending the files, issuing the compilation commands, and displaying the results of the compilation on the developer's terminal.
see: [1]See also make