proc class {namespace name body} { set methods [list] puts "namespace eval $namespace \{" # Easier to build the code and substitute in the name afterwards set dispatcher { proc %N {{name ""} args} { variable _methodmap if {[info exist _methodmap($name)]} { return [uplevel 1 $_methodmap($name) $args] } elseif {[string length $name]} { variable _methods return -code error "bad option \"$name\": must be $_methods" } else { return -code error \ "wrong # args: should be \"%N option ?arg arg ...?\"" } }} regsub -all %N $dispatcher [list $name] dispatcher puts $dispatcher puts {} eval $body puts {} set ml [linsert [join $methods ", "] end-1 "or"] puts " [list variable _methods $ml]" puts { variable _methodmap} set methodmap [list] foreach method $methods { lappend methodmap $method [list ${namespace}::_$method] } puts " array set _methodmap [list $methodmap]" puts "\}" } proc variable {name} { puts " variable $name ;# array indexed by name" } proc method {name arg body} { upvar 1 methods methods puts " proc _$name {$arg} \{" puts " $body" puts " \}" lappend methods $name } # here's a test class struct stack { variable stacks method clear {} {} method peek {{count 1}} {} method pop {{count 1}} {} method push {arg1 args} {} method rotate {count steps} {} method size {} {} }
Mark Harrison [email protected] AsiaInfo Computer Networks Beijing / Santa Clara
DKF: Added a dispatcher including code to automagically generate the dispatcher's error messages. The dispatcher is nowhere near robust enough about errors yet (rewriting the error trace is interesting to get right...)