An example Tk application using Tk and BWidgets that shows a comparison between two binary files and shows the differences between them.
#! /bin/sh
# bindiff.tcl - Copyright (C) 2003 Pat Thoyts <[email protected]>
# Show a side by side comparison of two binary files with the differences
# highlighted
# This could probably use more work, but it does the job I required it for.
# Differences are highlighted in red.
# usage:
# bindiff fileA fileB
# 16 Jan 2004: Patch provided by Paul Kienzle for different length files.
# $Id: 8545,v 1.3 2005-11-23 07:01:17 jcw Exp $
# \
exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
package require Tk
package require BWidget
set filename0 {}
set filename1 {}
set txt {}
set progress 0
set top {}
set menu {
"&File" {} {} 0 {
{ command "&Left..." {} "Select the left hand side file" {} -command Menu::left }
{ command "&Right..." {} "Select the right hand side file" {} -command Menu::right }
{ separator }
{ command "&Compare" {} "Show the differences in the view window" {} -command Menu::compare}
{ command "E&xit" {} "Exit the application" {} -command Menu::exitApplication }
"&Options" {} {} 0 {
{ command "&Font..." {} "Select a new font" {} -command Menu::fontSelect }
{ checkbutton "&Console" {} "Show console" {} -variable Menu::console -command Menu::toggleConsole}
"&Help" {} {} 0 {
namespace eval Menu {
variable console 0
proc toggleConsole {} {
variable console
if {$console} { console hide } else {console show }
proc exitApplication {} {
destroy $::top
proc fontSelect {} {
global txt top
set font [SelectFont .sel]
font configure fdiff -family [lindex $font 0] -size [lindex $font 1] -weight [lindex $font 2]
proc left {} {
global txt top
set name [tk_getOpenFile -parent $top -title "Select left hand file"]
if {$name != {}} {
set ::filename0 $name
$txt delete 0.0 end
proc right {} {
global txt top
set name [tk_getOpenFile -parent $top -title "Select right hand file"]
if {$name != {}} {
set ::filename1 $name
$txt delete 0.0 end
proc compare {} {
if {[file exists $::filename0] && [file exists $::filename1]} {
cmp $::filename0 $::filename1
} else {
tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Cannot compare" -message "Select two files for comparison."
proc gui {dlg} {
global txt top
set top $dlg
wm title $dlg "Binary diff"
if {$dlg == "."} { set dlg ""}
font create fdiff -family {Courier New} -size 8 -weight normal
set mw [MainFrame $dlg.main -menu $::menu -progressvar ::progress -progressmax 100]
$mw showstatusbar progression
set f1 [frame $mw.f1]
set l0 [label $f1.l0 -font fdiff -width 10 -text "Filename:"]
set l1 [label $f1.l1 -font fdiff -width 49 -textvariable ::filename0]
set l2 [label $f1.l2 -font fdiff -width 49 -textvariable ::filename1]
set l3 [label $f1.l3 -font fdiff -width 34 -textvariable ::filename0]
pack $l0 $l1 $l2 $l3 -side left
pack $f1 -side top -fill x
set txt [text $dlg.txt -font fdiff]
$txt tag configure diff -background red
set sw [ScrolledWindow $mw.view]
$sw setwidget $txt
pack $sw -side top -fill both -expand 1 -anchor n
pack $mw -side top -fill both -expand 1 -anchor n
return $dlg
proc cmp {file0 file1} {
global txt top
set taglist {}
set dlg $top
if {$dlg == "."} {set dlg ""}
set cursors [list $txt [$txt cget -cursor] $top [$top cget -cursor]]
#$txt configure -cursor wait
#$top configure -cursor wait
${dlg}.main configure -progressmax [file size $file0]
set ::progress 0
set f0 [open $file0 r]
set f1 [open $file1 r]
set ::filename0 $file0
set ::filename1 $file1
fconfigure $f0 -translation binary
fconfigure $f1 -translation binary
set off 0
set chunk 16
set linecount 1
while {![eof $f0] || ![eof $f1]} {
set d0 [read $f0 $chunk]
set d1 [read $f1 $chunk]
binary scan $d0 c* c0
binary scan $d1 c* c1
set line "[format 0x%06x $off] "
foreach v $c0 { append line [format { %02x} [expr {$v & 0xFF}]] }
append line [string repeat " " [expr {$chunk-[string length $d0]}]]
append line " "
foreach v $c1 { append line [format { %02x} [expr {$v & 0xFF}]] }
append line [string repeat " " [expr {$chunk-[string length $d1]}]]
append line " "
foreach v $c0 {
set cv [expr {$v & 0xFF}]
if {$cv < 32} { set cv 46 }
append line [format { %c} $cv]
append line "\n"
#set lineno [lindex [split [$txt index current] .] 0]
#if {$lineno != $linecount} {puts ">> $lineno != $linecount"}
$txt insert end $line
set n 9
set diff 0
foreach v0 $c0 v1 $c1 {
if {$diff == 0 && $v0 != $v1} {
lappend taglist "$linecount.[expr {$n + 1}]"
set diff 1
} elseif {$diff == 1 && $v0 == $v1} {
lappend taglist "$linecount.$n"
set diff 0
incr n 3
if {$diff == 1} {
lappend taglist "$linecount.$n"
incr off $chunk
if {$linecount % 50 == 0} {
set ::progress $off
if {[llength $taglist] > 0} {
eval [list $txt tag add diff] $taglist
set taglist {}
incr linecount
close $f0
close $f1
if {[llength $taglist] > 0} {
eval [list $txt tag add diff] $taglist
set taglist {}
#foreach {w c} $cursors { $w configure -cursor $c }
return $taglist
if {!$::tcl_interactive} {
gui .
if {[llength $argv] == 2} {
eval [list cmp] $argv
tkwait window .