I suppose it's better to parse EXE object table correctly. IMHO it's better than scanning through all undetermined content of other code and data object sections. Here is an example just to show how to get file version from exe or dll files. All files I tested answers version correctly.NOTE: THIS IS AN EXAMPLE. THERE IS NO ERROR CHECKING, IT IS NOT OPTIMIZED AND IT IS INCOMPLETE but it works :)USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Sorry for my English. My Russian is much better :)
proc read_data { fn off len } { set ret "" if { ![catch {open $fn "r"} hfn] } { fconfigure $hfn -encoding binary -translation binary seek $hfn $off start set ret [read $hfn $len] close $hfn } return $ret } proc read_dw { fn off } { binary scan [read_data $fn $off 4] "i" ret return $ret } proc read_w { fn off } { binary scan [read_data $fn $off 2] "s" ret return $ret } proc GetExeVersion { fn } { set pe_offs [read_dw $fn 0x3C] set pe_size [expr [read_w $fn [expr $pe_offs + 0x14]] + 0x18] set num_of_obj [read_w $fn [expr $pe_offs + 0x06]] set obj_table_offs [expr $pe_offs + $pe_size] ## for each object for {set i 0} {[expr $i < $num_of_obj]} {incr i} { set obj_rec_offs [expr $obj_table_offs + $i*0x28] ## if object name is not ".rsrc" then go to next set obj_name [string trim [read_data $fn [expr $obj_rec_offs + 0x00] 8] "\0"] if {![string equal $obj_name ".rsrc"]} { continue } # here we found .rsrc object set obj_size [read_dw $fn [expr $obj_rec_offs + 0x10]] set obj_offs [read_dw $fn [expr $obj_rec_offs + 0x14]] set obj_rva [read_dw $fn [expr $obj_rec_offs + 0x0C]] # enumerate resources in .rsrc set dofs $obj_offs set n1 [read_w $fn [expr $dofs + 0x0C]] set n2 [read_w $fn [expr $dofs + 0x0E]] ## for each id entry_rec for {set k 0} {[expr $k < $n2]} {incr k} { ## LEVEL 1 OF RESOURCE TREE ## set rdo [expr $dofs + 0x10] set k_offs [expr $rdo + $n1*8 + $k*8] ## looking for record where id = RT_VERSION set res_id [read_dw $fn $k_offs] if {[expr $res_id != 0x10]} { continue } ## this must be directory... set res_offs [read_dw $fn [expr $k_offs + 4]] if {![expr $res_offs & 0x80000000]} { return -1 } ## LEVEL 2 OF RESOURCE TREE ## set dofs [expr ($res_offs & (0x80000000 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF))+ $obj_offs] set n1 [read_w $fn [expr $dofs + 0x0C]] set n2 [read_w $fn [expr $dofs + 0x0E]] set rdo [expr $dofs + 0x10] if { $n1 != 0 || $n2 != 1 } { return -2 } set k_offs $rdo set res_id [read_dw $fn $k_offs] if {[expr $res_id != 0x01]} { return -3 } ## this must be directory... set res_offs [read_dw $fn [expr $k_offs + 4]] if {![expr $res_offs & 0x80000000]} { return -4 } ## LEVEL 3 OF RESOURCE TREE ## set dofs [expr ($res_offs & (0x80000000 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF))+ $obj_offs] set n1 [read_w $fn [expr $dofs + 0x0C]] set n2 [read_w $fn [expr $dofs + 0x0E]] set rdo [expr $dofs + 0x10] if { $n1 != 0 || $n2 != 1 } { return -5 } set k_offs $rdo ## this must NOT be directory... set res_offs [read_dw $fn [expr $k_offs + 4]] if {[expr $res_offs & 0x80000000]} { return -7 } ## LEVEL 4 OF RESOURCE TREE ## set dofs [expr $res_offs + $obj_offs] set inf_offs [expr [read_dw $fn $dofs] - $obj_rva + $obj_offs] set inf_len [read_dw $fn [expr $dofs + 4]] # here we can read version block and write it to file # set info_block [read_data $fn $inf_offs $inf_len] set mag_stamp [read_dw $fn [expr $inf_offs + 0x28]] if {![string equal [format "%X" $mag_stamp] [format "%X" [expr 0xFEEF04BD]]]} { # maybe we need to follow szKey in VS_VERSION_INFO and look for offset to dwSignature correctly? # http://www.csn.ul.ie/~caolan/publink/winresdump/winresdump/doc/resfmt.txt return -8 } # whew... finaly we can read version set v1 [read_dw $fn [expr $inf_offs + 0x30]] set v2 [read_dw $fn [expr $inf_offs + 0x34]] return [format "%d.%d.%d.%d" [expr ($v1 & 0xFFFF0000)>>16] [expr ($v1 & 0xFFFF)] [expr ($v2 & 0xFFFF0000)>>16] [expr ($v2 & 0xFFFF)]] } break } return 0 }
# USAGE:set fn {C:\WINDOWS\winhlp32.exe} # set fn {C:\WINDOWS\twain.dll}puts [format ">%s<" [GetExeVersion $fn]]
AF 24-07-2003
proc getdword {fh} { binary scan [read $fh 4] i* tmp return $tmp } proc getword {fh} { binary scan [read $fh 2] s* tmp return $tmp } proc getFixedInfo {file array} { set fh [open $file r] fconfigure $fh -encoding unicode -eofchar {} set data [read $fh] set s [string first "VS_VERSION_INFO" $data] if {$s < 0} {close $fh; error "no version information found"} unset data fconfigure $fh -encoding binary seek $fh [expr {($s * 2) - 6}] start seek $fh [expr {[tell $fh] % 4}] current binary scan [read $fh 6] sss len vlen type seek $fh 34 current if {[getdword $fh] != 4277077181} {close $fh; error "version information corrupt"} upvar $array ret array set ret {} seek $fh 4 current binary scan [read $fh 8] ssss b a d c set ret(FileVer) $a.$b.$c.$d binary scan [read $fh 8] ssss b a d c set ret(ProductVer) $a.$b.$c.$d seek $fh 4 current #binary scan [read $fh 4] B32 flagmask set ret(Flags) [getdword $fh] set ret(OS) [getdword $fh] set ret(FileType) [getdword $fh] set ret(FileSubType) [getdword $fh] binary scan [read $fh 8] w ret(Date) close $fh } proc getFixedInfo2 {file array} { set fh [open $file r] fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -eofchar {} set data [read $fh] set s [string first "VS_VERSION_INFO" $data] if {$s < 0} {close $fh; error "no version information found"} unset data seek $fh [expr {$s - 6}] start seek $fh [expr {[tell $fh] % 4}] current seek $fh 22 current if {[getdword $fh] != 4277077181} {close $fh; error "version information corrupt"} upvar $array ret array set ret {} seek $fh [expr {[tell $fh] % 4}] current binary scan [read $fh 8] ssss d c b a set ret(FileVer) $a.$b.$c.$d binary scan [read $fh 8] ssss d c b a set ret(ProductVer) $a.$b.$c.$d seek $fh 8 current set ret(Flags) [getdword $fh] set ret(OS) [getdword $fh] set ret(FileType) [getdword $fh] set ret(FileSubType) [getdword $fh] binary scan [read $fh 8] w ret(Date) close $fh } proc getStringInfo {file array} { upvar $array ret array set ret {} set fh [open $file r] fconfigure $fh -translation lf -encoding unicode -eofchar {} set data [read $fh] close $fh if {[set s [string first "StringFileInfo\000" $data]] < 0} {error "no string information found"} incr s -3 if {![regexp {(.)\000(.)StringFileInfo\000(.)\000(.)(....)(....)\000} [string range $data $s end] --> len type len2 type2 lang code]} { error "string information corrupt" } array set ret [list Language $lang CodePage $code] set len [expr [scan $len %c] / 2] set len2 [expr [scan $len2 %c] / 2] set data [string range $data $s [expr {$s + $len}]] set s 30 while {$s < $len2} { scan [string range $data $s end] %c%c%c slen vlen type if {$slen == 0} return set slen [expr {$slen / 2}] set name [string range $data [expr {$s + 3}] [expr {$s + $slen - $vlen - 1}]] set value [string range $data [expr {$s + $slen - $vlen}] [expr {$s + $slen - 2}]] set s [expr {$s + $slen + ($slen % 2)}] set ret([string trimright $name \000]) $value } } proc getStringInfo2 {file array} { upvar $array ret array set ret {} set fh [open $file r] fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -eofchar {} set data [read $fh] if {[set s [string first "StringFileInfo\000" $data]] < 0} {close $fh; error "no string information found"} seek $fh [expr {$s + 17}] start set len [getword $fh] seek $fh 2 current array set ret [list Lang [read $fh 4] CodePage [read $fh 4]] seek $fh 2 current seek $fh [expr {[tell $fh] % 4}] current set end [expr {$s + $len}] while {[tell $fh] < $end} { set slen [getword $fh] set vlen [getword $fh] set name [read $fh [expr {$slen - $vlen - 4}]] set value [read $fh [expr {$vlen + ($slen % 2)}]] seek $fh [expr {[tell $fh] % 4}] current set ret([string trimright $name \000]) [string trimright $value \000] } } proc writeStringInfo {file array} { upvar $array val set fh [open $file r+] fconfigure $fh -translation lf -encoding unicode -eofchar {} set data [read $fh] set s [string first "StringFileInfo\000" $data] if {$s < 0} { close $fh; error "no stringfileinfo found" } if {![info exists val(CodePage)]} { set val(CodePage) 04b0 } if {![info exists val(Language)]} { set val(Language) 0409 } incr s -3 set len [scan [string index $data $s] %c] seek $fh [expr {$s * 2}] start puts -nonewline $fh [format "%c\000\001StringFileInfo\000%c\000\001%s%s\000" $len [expr {$len - 36}] $val(Language) $val(CodePage)] unset val(CodePage) val(Language) set olen $len set len [expr {($len / 2) - 30}] foreach x [array names val] { set vlen [expr {[string length $val($x)] + 1}] set nlen [string length $x] set npad [expr {$nlen % 2}] set tlen [expr {$vlen + $nlen + $npad + 4}] set tpad [expr {$tlen % 2}] if {($tlen + $tpad) > $len} { set error "too long" ; break } puts -nonewline $fh [format "%c%c\001%s\000%s%s\000%s" [expr {$tlen * 2}] $vlen $x [string repeat \000 $npad] $val($x) [string repeat \000 $tpad]] set len [expr {$len - $tlen - $tpad}] } puts -nonewline $fh [string repeat \000 $len] puts -nonewline $fh [string range $data [expr {$s + ($olen / 2)}] end] close $fh if {[info exists error]} { error $error } } proc readFixedInfo {file} { if {[catch {getFixedInfo $file results} err]} { puts "Error reading fixed file information: $err" return } puts "File version: $results(FileVer)" puts "Product version: $results(ProductVer)" set flags {} foreach x [lsort -integer -decreasing [array names ::ffi_flags]] { if {$results(Flags) > $x} { incr results(Flags) -$x lappend flags $::ffi_flags($x) } } if {$flags == ""} { set flags None } puts "Flags: [join $flags ", "]" set blah {} if {$results(OS) == 0} { puts "OS: Unknown" } else { foreach x [lsort -integer -decreasing [array names ::ffi_os]] { if {$results(OS) >= $x} { incr results(OS) -$x lappend blah $x } } switch -exact -- [llength $blah] { 0 { puts "OS: Unidentified" } 1 { puts "OS: $::ffi_os([lindex $blah 0])" } default { puts "OS: $::ffi_os([lindex $blah 1]) on $::ffi_os([lindex $blah 0])" } } } if {[info exists ::ffi_type($results(FileType))]} { puts "File Type: $::ffi_type($results(FileType))" } else { puts "File Type: Unidentified" } if {$results(FileType) != 3 && $results(FileType) != 4} { } elseif {[info exists ::ffi_${ft}_subtype($results(FileSubType))]} { puts "File SubType: [set ::ffi_${ft}_subtype($results(FileSubType))]" } else { puts "File SubType: Unidentified" } if {$results(Date) == 0} { puts "Date: None" } else { puts "Date: [clock format $results(Date) -gmt 1]" } } proc readStringInfo {file} { if {[catch {getStringInfo $file results} err]} { puts "Error reading string file information: $err" return } foreach x [array names results] { puts "$x: $results($x)" } } array set ffi_os { 1 "Windows 16bit" 2 "Presentation Manager 16bit" 3 "Presentation Manager 32bit" 4 "Windows 32bit" 65536 DOS 131072 "OS/2 16bit" 196608 "OS/2 32bit" 262144 "Windows NT" } array set ffi_flags { 1 Debug 2 Prerelease 4 Patched 8 "Private Build" 16 "Info Inferred" 32 "Special Build" } array set ffi_type { 0 Unknown 1 Application 2 DLL 3 Driver 4 Font 5 VXD 7 "Static Library" } array set ffi_3_subtype { 0 Unknown 1 Printer 2 Keyboard 3 Language 4 Display 5 Mouse 6 Network 7 System 8 Installable 9 Sound 10 Communications } array set ffi_4_subtype { 0 Unknown 1 Raster 2 Vector 3 TrueType }
Usage:The get* procs represent a programatic interface to the information. The read* procs output this information in a nice human readable format. The *2 procs exist because there are 2 slightly different types of files, the newer ones are unicode.getFixedInfo returns array with the fixed file infogetFixedInfo2 returns array with the fixed file infogetStringInfo returns array with the string file infogetStringInfo2 returns array with the string file inforeadFixedInfo prints the formatted/decoded fixed file inforeadStringInfo prints the formatted/decoded string file infowriteStringInfo writes the info in an array to a files string file infothe output looks like this:
getFixedInfo tclkit.exe test parray test test(Date) = 0 test(FileSubType) = 0 test(FileType) = 2 test(FileVer) = test(Flags) = 0 test(OS) = 4 test(ProductVer) = getStringInfo tclkit.exe test parray test test(CodePage) = 04b0 test(CompanyName) = Equi4 Software test(FileDescription) = Tclkit, a standalone runtime for Tcl/Tk test(FileVersion) = 8.4.2 test(Language) = 0409 test(LegalCopyright) = Copyright © 1989-2003 by J.Ousterhout et al. test(OriginalFilename) = tclkit.exe test(ProductName) = Tclkit 8.4 for Windows test(ProductVersion) = 8.4.2 readFixedInfo tclkit.exe File version: Product version: Flags: None OS: Windows 32bit File Type: DLL Date: NoneI support writing any stringinfo values to the file but here is a list of the ones normally used.CodePage and Language are required but will default to 04b0 and 0409 respectively if not specified.
- Comments
- CompanyName
- FileDescription
- FileVersion
- InternalName
- LegalCopyright
- LegalTrademarks
- OriginalFilename
- PrivateBuild
- ProductName
- ProductVersion
- SpecialBuild
some relevant linkshttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/resources/versioninformation/versioninformationreference/versioninformationstructures/stringfileinfo.asp




Vince adds - this is great! I particularly like the code to adjust the version/name/etc of a tclkit. I do notice, however, that there seem to be two different 'File version' fields, one of which I can set, but the other of which I can't. Is that true?AF replies - windows will display the fixedfileinfo version string if it exists instead of the stringfileinfo version string.
27jan04 jcw - If someone is interested in creating a command-line wrapper (at least for the key items), I'd be delighted to include it in the SDX utility to make it easier for developers to adjust it (see [1]).
hanzl The above mentioned inclusion to SDX already happened, see SDX under Windows, Modifying executable resources, tclkit.inf