Updated 2016-09-15 15:29:31 by oehhar

PT 20-Jul-2003: I've been working a little with SSL links through our authenticating proxy server. The current http package needs a bit of help to get this working. To illustrate here is a script that provides a SSL pipe through such a proxy. If you need to provide authentication, then this script supports Basic authentication. You'll need to set the http_proxy environment variable to your proxy (eg: http://myproxy:80/) and the http_proxy_user to your local user is (in a NT domain thats DOMAIN\username) and set http_proxy_pass to your password. You can also specify hosts and ports in the command line.

If the target is actually using SSL then you should specify a scheme of https. If it is just unencrypted on a SSL port number then give the scheme as http.

PT 11-Aug-2003: As a useful example using this tunnel, we can now access the SourceForge CVS from behind our restrictive firewalls. Sourceforge provides a pair of servers designed to help people behind firewalls access CVS using either pserver or ssh. These are cvs-pserver.sourceforge.net and cvs-ssh.sourceforge.net. Now to access these services from behind our authenticating proxy needs a proxy aware tunnel like the one below. If we first setup our authentication environment -- the variables http_proxy, http_proxy_user and http_proxy_pass need to be setup properly (if you don't have to provide authentication then you can just set the http_proxy variable). Then fire up the tunnel:
   tclsh tlspipe.tcl -proxy http://webproxy:80 -local localhost:22 -target http://cvs-ssh.sourceforge.net:443

Now we have a tunnel the will connect our local ssh port to the one at sourceforge through the web proxy. Don't believe me? Then (assuming you have CVS_RSH=ssh) do
 cvs -d:ext:yoursfuserid@localhost:/cvsroot/tcl co -c

If you are a windows user, then I imagine you've been using PuTTY so set CVS_RSH=plink, PLINK_PROTOCOL=ssh and then do
 plink -ssh sfuserid@localhost id

and answer 'y' at the prompt so that you have logged the SF server key id. Now you too can use the above cvs commands. Note that if you already have a CVS checkout that was done using a normal internet connection (for instance, done on a laptop from home) then using cvs -d as above will not change the recorded repository location for any currently checked out directories. So once you get back home you can use cvs update as before. Any newly created directories will record the -d options though and you may need to edit the CVS/Root file for those directories. If you are trying to use pserver access then the following might help:
 tclsh tlspipe.tcl -target http://cvs-pserver.sourceforge.net:443 \
    -local localhost:2401 > log 2>&1 &
 cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@localhost:/cvsroot/tcl login

 # tlspipe.tcl - Copyright (C) 2003 Pat Thoyts <[email protected]>
 # Test sampler to check the usage for opening a SSL link through an
 # authenticating HTTP proxy server.
 # $Id: 9411,v 1.14 2005-05-17 06:00:20 jcw Exp $
 package require tls  1.4;               # http://tls.sf.net/
 package require http 2;                 # http://tcl.sf.net/
 package require uri  1;                 # http://tcllib.sf.net/
 package require base64;                 # http://tcllib.sf.net/
 namespace eval tlspipe {
     variable uid
     if {![info exists uid]} {set uid 0}
     variable opts
     if {![info exists opts]} {
         array set opts {
             targetUrl    http://max.tclers.tk:443
             serverPort   8080
             proxyHost    {}
             proxyPort    {}
             proxyAuth    {}
             proxyUser    {}
             proxyPass    {}
             buffering    none
             translation  binary
         if {[info exists ::env(http_proxy)]} {
             if {![catch {array set URL [uri::split $::env(http_proxy)]}]} {
                 set opts(proxyHost) $URL(host)
                 set opts(proxyPort) $URL(port)
                 unset URL
             if {[info exists ::env(http_proxy_user)]} {
                 set opts(proxyUser) $::env(http_proxy_user)
             if {[info exists ::env(http_proxy_pass)]} {
                 set opts(proxyPass) $::env(http_proxy_pass)
         set opts(userAgent) "Mozilla/4.0\
                ([string totitle $::tcl_platform(platform)];\
                $::tcl_platform(os)) http/[package provide http]\
     variable NonPrinting
     if {![info exists NonPrinting]} {
         for {set n 0} {$n < 256} {incr n} {
             if {$n < 32 || $n > 127} {
                 append NonPrinting [format "\\x%x . " $n]
 proc tlspipe::Log {msg} {
     puts stderr $msg
 proc tlspipe::Accept {chan clientAddr clientPort} {
     variable opts
     variable uid
     Log "connect from $clientAddr:$clientPort"
     if {$opts(proxyHost) != {}} {
         Log "connected via $opts(proxyHost)"
         set tok [Open $opts(targetUrl)]
         upvar 0 $tok state
         Log "waiting for tls connect"
         Wait $tok
     } else {
         Log "direct connection"
         set tok [namespace current]::[incr uid]
         variable $tok
         upvar 0 $tok state
         array set URL [uri::split $opts(targetUrl)]
         if {$URL(port) == {}} { 
             set URL(port) [expr {$URL(scheme) == "https" ? 443 : 80}]
         set state(sock) [socket $URL(host) $URL(port)]
         if {$URL(scheme) == "https"} {
             ::tls::import $state(sock)
         fconfigure $state(sock) \
             -buffering $opts(buffering) -translation $opts(translation)
         set state(status) "ssl"
     set state(connectTime) [clock seconds]
     Log "tunnel $tok created"
     if {[info exists state(after)]} {
         after cancel $state(after)
         unset state(after)
     set state(client) $chan
     fconfigure $state(client) \
         -blocking 0 -buffering $opts(buffering) -translation $opts(translation)
     fileevent $chan readable \
         [list [namespace origin Fcopy] $tok $chan $state(sock)]
     fileevent $state(sock) readable \
         [list [namespace origin Fcopy] $tok $state(sock) $chan]
 proc tlspipe::Fcopy {token source target} {
     upvar 0 $token state
     variable NonPrinting
     if {[eof $source]} {
         set msg "eof on $source"
         set status 1
     } else {
         set status [catch {
             set data [read $source]
             puts -nonewline $target $data
             set pdata [string map $NonPrinting $data]
             Log "$source->$target [string length $data] bytes {$pdata}"
         } msg]
     if {$status != 0} {
         close $source
         catch {close $target}
         Finish $token $msg
         if {[info exists state(error)]} {
             Log $state(error)
 proc tlspipe::Open {url} {
     variable uid
     variable opts
     set tok [namespace current]::[incr uid]
     variable $tok
     upvar 0 $tok state
     set state(sock) [socket $opts(proxyHost) $opts(proxyPort)]
     fconfigure $state(sock) -blocking 0 -buffering line -translation crlf
     set state(after) [after 30000 \
                           [list [namespace origin Finish] $tok timeout]]
     set state(url) $url
     set state(status) unconnected
     set state(body) {}
     fileevent $state(sock) writable [list [namespace origin Connect] $tok]
     fileevent $state(sock) readable [list [namespace origin Link] $tok]
     return $tok
 # At this point we have an open HTTP connection to the proxy server.
 # We now ask it to make a connection for us.
 proc tlspipe::Connect {token} {
     variable $token
     variable opts
     upvar 0 $token state
     if {[eof $state(sock)]} {
         Finish $token "error during connect"
     } else {
         set state(status) connect
         fileevent $state(sock) writable {}
         array set URL [uri::split $state(url)]
         if {$URL(port) == {}} { 
             set URL(port) [expr {$URL(scheme) == "https" ? 443 : 80}]
         puts $state(sock) "CONNECT $URL(host):$URL(port) HTTP/1.1"
         puts $state(sock) "Host: $URL(host)"
         puts $state(sock) "User-Agent: $opts(userAgent)"
         puts $state(sock) "Proxy-Connection: keep-alive"
         puts $state(sock) "Connection: keep-alive"
         if {$opts(proxyUser) != {} && $opts(proxyPass) != {}} {
             set auth "Proxy-Authorization: Basic\
                          [base64::encode $opts(proxyUser):$opts(proxyPass)]"
             puts $state(sock) $auth
         puts $state(sock) ""
 proc tlspipe::Finish {token {err {}}} {
     variable opts
     variable $token
     upvar 0 $token state
     set state(disconnectTime) [clock seconds]
     Log "shutdown $token  duration:\
          [expr {$state(disconnectTime) - $state(connectTime)}]s"
     catch {close $state(sock)}
     catch {after cancel $state(after)}
     if {$err != {}} {
         set state(error) $err
         set state(status) error
     } else {
         set state(ok)
 proc tlspipe::Link {token} {
     variable opts
     variable $token
     upvar 0 $token state
     if {[eof $state(sock)]} {
         Finish $token "connection closed"
     switch -exact -- $state(status) {
         connect {
             # At this point our proxy has opened up a link to the
             # remote site. Lets read the result.
             # FIX ME: we should check for failure here.
             set block [read $state(sock)]
             set reply [split [lindex [split $block \n] 0] " "]
             Log "CONNECT: << $block >>"
             if {![string match "2*" [lindex $reply 1]]} {
                 Log "CONNECT failed."
             # Configure the channel for the tunnel comms.
             fconfigure $state(sock) \
                 -buffering $opts(buffering) \
                 -translation $opts(translation)
             array set URL [uri::split $state(url)]
             if {$URL(scheme) == "https"} {
                 # Now we upgrade the link to SSL.
                 if {[catch {::tls::import $state(sock)} msg]} {
                     Log "connect error: $msg"
             # Now we are talking through the proxy to the remote site.
             fileevent $state(sock) readable {}
             # Signal our SSL connection
             set state(status) ssl
 proc tlspipe::Wait {token} {
     variable $token
     upvar 0 $token state
     # watch it: we have to wait on the real name of this variable
     if {[info exists state(status)]} {
         while {$state(status) == "unconnected" \
                    || $state(status) == "connect"} {
             Log "waiting: status currently $state(status)"
             vwait "$token\(status\)"
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Description:
 #  Pop the nth element off a list. Used in options processing.
 proc ::tlspipe::Pop {varname {nth 0}} {
     upvar $varname args
     set r [lindex $args $nth]
     set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth]
     return $r
 proc ::tlspipe::Main {args} {
     # Create a server socket
     variable opts
     # Process the command line arguments
     while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $args 0]]]} {
         switch -exact -- $option {
             -proxy {
                 # eg: -proxy http://wwwcache:8080
                 array set URL [uri::split [Pop args 1]]
                 if {$URL(port) == {}} { set URL(port) 80 }
                 set opts(proxyHost) $URL(host)
                 set opts(proxyPort) $URL(port)
             -target {
                 # eg: -target https://max.tclers.tk:443
                 set opts(targetUrl) [Pop args 1]
             -local {
                 # eg: -local
                 foreach {if port} [split [Pop args 1] :] {}
                 if {$if != {}} { set opts(serverAddr) $if }
                 if {$port != {}} { set opts(serverPort) $port }
             -buffering {
                 set opts(buffering) [Pop args 1]
             -translation {
                 set opts(translation) [Pop args 1]
             --   { Pop args ; break }
             default {
                 return -code error "invalid option \"$option\":\
                        must be one of -buffering, -proxy, -target or -local"
         Pop args
     Log "Config: [array get opts]"
     set server [socket -server [namespace origin Accept] \
                     -myaddr $opts(serverAddr) $opts(serverPort)]
     Log "listening on [fconfigure $server -sockname]"
     vwait ::forever
     close $server
 if {!$::tcl_interactive} {
     eval [list ::tlspipe::Main] $argv

autoproxy edit

HaO 2016-09-15: I suppose, the tcllib autoproxy package command '::autoproxy::tunnel_connect' features the upper in one command.

See also tls, tunnel, autoproxy