Updated 2017-11-01 22:14:06 by bttr

Page Notebook App - User Supplied Patches

NOTE: Notebook patches should now be saved at the Notebook Wiki, http://notebook.wjduquette.com.

To use a patch, copy & paste into regular file and remove the first character, which is always a space here (the Wiki needs it for preformatted text).

Later you can use it like follows:
 $ tar xvzf notebook.tar.gz
 $ cd notebookkit
 $ patch -p1 < patchfile
 patching file Makefile

The patch utility is available on any Unix system. Windows users can get a native port at <http://www.weihenstephan.de/~syring/win32/UnxUtils.html> or get a current Cygwin Environment at <http://www.cygwin.com> which allows the use of a lot of other great Unix tools as well.

In general, every line prefixed by a plus sign has been added, every line with a minus sign has been removed. Lines with an exclamation mark are exchanged against something different usually mentioned below a line of some minus signs. The patch also indicates the changed file names, a rough line position in the file and some context around the patched lines.

For a description of what a patch does, please have a look at the header lines.

Patch 0:
 Patch file for notebook Version 1.1
 Turns original Makefile into Unix Makefile, thereby assuming that
 TCL installation is under /usr/local/tcl, with the library directory
 at  TCLLIB=/usr/local/tcl/lib
 and the packages are located under
 diff -Nawur notebookkit-1.1.orig/Makefile notebookkit-1.1/Makefile
 --- notebookkit-1.1.orig/Makefile      Sun Jul 20 23:26:21 2003
 +++ notebookkit-1.1/Makefile   Mon Jul 21 19:42:13 2003
 @@ -1,41 +1,34 @@
 -WINKIT = /Users/will/tclkit/tclkit-win32.upx.exe
 -OSXKIT = /Users/will/tclkit/tclkit-darwin-ppc
 +WKIT = /Users/will/tclkit/tclkit-win32.upx.exe

        @echo "Use 'make build' to build the executable."
        @echo "Use 'make install' to install it."

 -      cp -r * /Users/will/bin/notebookkit
 -dist: build
 -      cp notebook.exe notebook notebook.kit README.txt \
 -              /Users/will/work/wjduquette/notebook
 -      make clean
 -      cd .. ; tar cvf notebook1.1.tar notebookkit ; gzip notebook1.1.tar
 -      cp ../notebook1.1.tar.gz /Users/will/work/wjduquette/notebook
 -build: update buildvfs buildexe
 +      cp notebook.exe /local/bin

        cp -f help.nbk lib/app-notebook

 +build: update buildvfs buildexe
        mkdir -p ./notebook.vfs
        cp main.tcl ./notebook.vfs
        cp -r lib ./notebook.vfs
        rm -rf ./notebook.vfs/lib/CVS
        rm -rf ./notebook.vfs/lib/*/CVS
 -      cp -r /Library/Tcl/bwidget1.6 ./notebook.vfs/lib
 -      cp -r /Library/Tcl/tcllib1.3 ./notebook.vfs/lib
 -      cp -r /Users/will/Library/Tcl/snit ./notebook.vfs/lib
 -      cp -r /Users/will/Library/Tcl/trycatch ./notebook.vfs/lib
 +      cp -r $(TCLLIB)/bwidget1.6 ./notebook.vfs/lib
 +      cp -r $(TCLLIB)/tcllib1.4 ./notebook.vfs/lib
 +      cp -r $(TCLLIB)/snit ./notebook.vfs/lib
 +      cp -r $(TCLLIB)/trycatch ./notebook.vfs/lib

 -      sdx.kit wrap notebook.exe -runtime $(WINKIT)
 -      sdx.kit wrap notebook -runtime $(OSXKIT)
        sdx.kit wrap notebook.kit
 +      #sdx.kit wrap notebook.kit -writable
 +      # sdx.kit wrap notebook.exe -runtime $(WKIT)

 -      -rm -rf notebook.vfs notebook.exe notebook.kit notebook.bat notebook
 +      -rm -rf notebook.vfs notebook.exe notebook.kit notebook.bat

Patch 1:
 Patch file for notebook Version 1.1
 Add functionality to use <TAB> for jumping forward to next link,
 and underlining the link; and <RETURN> or <SPACE> to follow the link.
 By Ramon Ribó Rodríguez, Barcelona, Spain
 diff -Nawur notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl notebookkit-1.1/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl
 --- notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl   Sun Jun 29 23:21:31 2003
 +++ notebookkit-1.1/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl    Mon Jul 21 22:35:49 2003
 @@ -121,6 +121,74 @@
          # Prepare to receive preferences events; unregister on
          # destroy.
          prefs register $selfns [mymethod UsePreferences]
 +        # ramsan
 +        bind $win.pane <Tab> {
 +            set range [%W tag ranges act]
 +            if { $range == "" } {
 +                set iniidx 1.0
 +            } else { set iniidx [lindex $range 1] }
 +            set newrange ""
 +            foreach tag "link button img" {
 +                set r [%W tag nextrange $tag $iniidx]
 +                if { $r == "" } { continue }
 +                if { $newrange == "" || \
 +                    [%W compare [lindex $newrange 0] > [lindex $r 0]] } {
 +                    set newrange $r
 +                    set tagname $tag
 +                }
 +            }
 +            if { $newrange == "" && [%W compare $iniidx != 1.0] } {
 +                foreach tag "link button img" {
 +                    set r [%W tag nextrange $tag 1.0 $iniidx]
 +                    if { $r == "" } { continue }
 +                    if { $newrange == "" || \
 +                        [%W compare [lindex $newrange 0] > [lindex $r 0]] } {
 +                        set newrange $r
 +                        set tagname $tag
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +            if { $newrange == "" } {
 +                bell
 +            } else {
 +                %W tag delete act
 +                if { $tagname != "img" } {
 +                    %W tag conf act -underline  1
 +                } else {
 +                    %W tag conf act -background red
 +                    %W image configure [lindex $newrange 0] -padx 1 -pady 1
 +                }
 +                eval %W tag add act $newrange
 +                %W see [lindex $newrange 0]
 +            }
 +            break
 +        }
 +        # ramsan
 +        bind $win.pane <Return> {
 +            set range [%W tag ranges act]
 +            if { $range == "" } { break }
 +            set idx [lindex $range 0]
 +            if { [lsearch [%W tag names $idx] link] != -1 } {
 +                set comm [%W tag bind link <1>]
 +                if { $comm == "" } { set comm [%W tag bind link <ButtonRelease-1>] }
 +            } elseif { [lsearch [%W tag names $idx] button] != -1 } {
 +                set comm [%W tag bind button <1>]
 +                if { $comm == "" } { set comm [%W tag bind button <ButtonRelease-1>] }
 +            } elseif { [lsearch [%W tag names $idx] img] != -1 } {
 +                set ipos [lsearch -glob [%W tag names $idx] img,*]
 +                set tag [lindex [%W tag names $idx] $ipos]
 +                set comm [%W tag bind $tag <1>]
 +                if { $comm == "" } { set comm [%W tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1>] }
 +            } else { break }
 +            foreach "x y wi he" [%W bbox $idx] break
 +            set comm [string map [list %%x $x %%y $y] $comm]
 +            eval $comm
 +        }
 +        # ramsan
 +        bind $win.pane <space> [bind $win.pane <Return>]

      destructor {

Patch 2:
 Patch file for notebook Version 1.1
 Add's support for tag '#unpre' to switch back from preformatted to
 normal mode. Good for inserting code examples.
 Patch supplied by Guido Ostkamp
 diff -Nawur notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl notebookkit-1.1/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl
 --- notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl   Sun Jun 29 23:21:31 2003
 +++ notebookkit-1.1/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl    Mon Jul 21 22:35:49 2003
 @@ -288,6 +356,8 @@
                  if {[string match "#---*" $value]} {
                      $self InsertHLine
                  } elseif {[string match "#pre*" $value]} {
 +                    # Skip it.
 +                } elseif {[string match "#unpre*" $value]} {
                      # Skip it.
                  } else {
                      $self insert end $value pre
 diff -Nawur notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/markupparser/markupparser.tcl notebookkit-1.1/lib/markupparser/markupparser.tcl
 --- notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/markupparser/markupparser.tcl Sun Jun 29 23:12:42 2003
 +++ notebookkit-1.1/lib/markupparser/markupparser.tcl  Mon Jul 21 23:21:41 2003
 @@ -71,6 +71,14 @@
      return -1

 +proc ::markupparser::FindEndOfLine {text} {
 +    if {[regexp -indices {(\n)} $text match]} {
 +        return [lindex $match 0]
 +    }
 +    return -1
  # debugHandler tag value
  # tag:     A parsed markup tag
 @@ -314,6 +322,7 @@
  # Parses text, generating a list directly
  proc ::markupparser::parse {text} {
      set result {}
 +    set premode 0

      # Q: Would scanning the string without modification be quicker?
      while {[string length $text] > 0} {
 @@ -329,9 +338,24 @@
              lappend result HASH $para

              if {[string match "#pre*" $para] || [string match "#Tcl*" $para]} {
 -                lappend result PRE $text
 +                set premode 1
 +            } elseif {[string match "#unpre*" $para]} {
 +                set premode 0
 +            }
 +            continue
 +        }
 +        if { $premode == 1 } {
 +            set eop [FindEndOfLine $text]
 +            if {$eop == -1} {
 +                set para $text
                  set text ""
 +            } else {
 +                set para [string range $text 0 $eop]
 +                set text [string range $text [expr {$eop + 1}] end]
 +            lappend result PRE $para

Patch 3:

WHD: Notebook 1.2 includes this patch (or, really, a more thorough version; the Win-style Cut, Copy and Paste keys will work anywhere you can edit or copy text).
 Patch file for notebook Version 1.1
 Add proper mapping to Ctrl-c, Ctrl-x and Ctrl-v for Copy, Cut, and
 Paste functionality under Unix (otherwise this actions are only
 available through Meta-w, Control-w, Control-y).
 Patch supplied by Guido Ostkamp
 diff -Nawur notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/pageeditor.tcl notebookkit-1.1/lib/app-notebook/pageeditor.tcl
 --- notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/pageeditor.tcl       Sun Jul 20 23:14:42 2003
 +++ notebookkit-1.1/lib/app-notebook/pageeditor.tcl    Tue Jul 22 22:54:47 2003
 @@ -118,6 +118,12 @@
              [list $win.pane.text insert insert "&lb;"]
          bind $win.pane.text <Control-bracketright> \
              [list $win.pane.text insert insert "&rb;"]
 +        bind $win.pane.text <Control-c> \
 +            [tk_textCopy $win.pane.text]
 +        bind $win.pane.text <Control-v> \
 +            [tk_textPaste $win.pane.text]
 +        bind $win.pane.text <Control-x> \
 +            [tk_textCut $win.pane.text]

          bind $win.pane.text <Tab> \

Patch 4:

WHD: Notebook 1.2 includes an equivalent fix.
 Patch file for notebook Version 1.1
 Use confirmation for <ESC> key after editing only, if something was
 changed. For copy only actions, this is not necessary.
 Patch supplied by Guido Ostkamp
 diff -Nawur notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/pageeditor.tcl notebookkit-1.1/lib/app-notebook/pageeditor.tcl
 --- notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/pageeditor.tcl       Sun Jul 20 23:14:42 2003
 +++ notebookkit-1.1/lib/app-notebook/pageeditor.tcl    Tue Jul 22 22:54:47 2003
 @@ -148,6 +154,7 @@

          $self Revert

 +        $win.pane.text edit modified 0
          focus $win.pane.text

 @@ -372,6 +379,7 @@

      # Cancel editing.
      method Cancel {} {
 +        if { [$win.pane.text edit modified] == 1 } {
          set result [tk_messageBox -icon question -parent $win \
                          -title "Are you sure?" \
                          -message "Return to browser without saving?" \
 @@ -380,6 +388,7 @@

          if {$result ne "yes"} {
 +            }

          uplevel \#0 $options(-endcmd) [list $current 0]
 +# End of Notebook Database File

Patch 5:
 Patch file for notebook Version 1.1
 Move text 'User Menu' to the bottom of the user menu, so that
 the 'back' button is the first one to appear. This shortens the
 way for the mouse.
 Patch supplied by Guido Ostkamp
 diff -Naur notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/pagebrowser.tcl notebookkit/lib/app-notebook/pagebrowser.tcl
 --- notebookkit-1.1.orig/lib/app-notebook/pagebrowser.tcl  Sun Jul 20 16:51:35 2003
 +++ notebookkit/lib/app-notebook/pagebrowser.tcl   Wed Jul 23 18:52:16 2003
 @@ -1311,12 +1311,6 @@
      # FIRST, delete any existing items.
      $pv.rp.user delete 0 end

 -    # NEXT, add the standard boilerplate.
 -    $pv.rp.user add command \
 -        -label "User Menu" \
 -        -state disabled
 -    $pv.rp.user add separator
      # NEXT, retrieve the user's choices
      set items [$w eval usermenu]

 @@ -1326,6 +1320,12 @@
              -label $label \
              -command [list $w eval $command]
 +    $pv.rp.user add separator
 +    # NEXT, add the standard boilerplate.
 +    $pv.rp.user add command \
 +        -label "User Menu" \
 +        -state disabled

Patch 6:

bttr 2017-11-01: Notebook 2.2.0 includes an equivalent fix. Probably also earlier versions.
 Patch file for notebook Version 1.1
 If viewing (not editing) a page, make key up and down immediately
 scroll the page by one line - and not just an invisible cursor.
 Attention: Patch1 must be applied before using this one.
 Patch supplied by Guido Ostkamp
 diff -Naur notebookkit-patch1/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl notebookkit/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl
 --- notebookkit-patch1/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl Sat Jul 26 13:00:28 2003
 +++ notebookkit/lib/app-notebook/renderpane.tcl        Sat Jul 26 13:01:29 2003
 @@ -189,6 +189,9 @@
          # ramsan
          bind $win.pane <space> [bind $win.pane <Return>]
 +        bind $win.pane <Key-Down> { %W yview scroll 1 units }
 +        bind $win.pane <Key-Up> { %W yview scroll -1 units }

      destructor {

Patch 7:

WHD: Please note, this patch won't work on Windows or Mac OS X. But then, Windows does this kind of file locking automatically.
 Patch file for notebook Version 1.1
 Use lockfile for currently open notebook file, so the file cannot
 get destroyed by erroneously running several instances on the same
 file. The code for AcquireLock and ReleaseLock was borrowed from
 the wikit-starkit and slightly modified.
 Patch supplied by Guido Ostkamp
 diff -Naur notebookkit/lib/app-notebook/notebookbrowser.tcl notebookkit.new/lib/app-notebook/notebookbrowser.tcl
 --- notebookkit/lib/app-notebook/notebookbrowser.tcl   Wed May  7 01:36:37 2003
 +++ notebookkit.new/lib/app-notebook/notebookbrowser.tcl   Mon Jul 28 23:38:22 2003
 @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
      $p.menubar.file add command \
          -label "Exit" \
          -underline 1 \
 -        -command {exit 0}
 +        -command [list $w exit]

      # Next, create the Page menu
      menu $p.menubar.page -tearoff no
 @@ -328,6 +328,7 @@
          open    -
          new     -
 +        exit    -
          message {
              return [eval Op$cmd $w $args]
 @@ -471,5 +472,16 @@

 +# Opexit w
 +# Exits from notebook file in the page browser

 +proc ::Notebook::Browser::Opexit {w {filename ""}} {
 +    variable ""

 +    # detach from the old database
 +    if {"" != $($w-db)} {
 +        db.$w detach $w
 +    }
 +    exit 0
 diff -Naur notebookkit/lib/notebookdb/notebookdb.tcl notebookkit.new/lib/notebookdb/notebookdb.tcl
 --- notebookkit/lib/notebookdb/notebookdb.tcl  Sun Jul 20 23:03:56 2003
 +++ notebookkit.new/lib/notebookdb/notebookdb.tcl  Mon Jul 28 23:41:00 2003
 @@ -39,6 +39,33 @@

  snit::type ::notebookdb::notebookdb {

 +    proc AcquireLock {lockFile} {
 +        catch {
 +            set fd [open $lockFile]
 +            set opid [gets $fd]
 +            close $fd
 +            if {$opid != "" && ![file exists [file join / proc $opid]]} {
 +                file delete $lockFile
 +                set fd [open savelog.txt a]
 +                set now [clock format [clock seconds]]
 +                puts $fd "# $now drop lock $opid -> [pid]"
 +                close $fd
 +            }
 +        }
 +        catch {close $fd}
 +        if {![catch {open $lockFile {CREAT EXCL WRONLY}} fd]} {
 +            puts $fd [pid]
 +            close $fd
 +            return 0
 +        }
 +        return 1
 +    }
 +    proc ReleaseLock {lockFile} {
 +        file delete $lockFile
 +    }
      # OPTIONS
 @@ -89,6 +116,11 @@

          # Next, try to load the file from disk, if it exists; otherwise,
          # save the default contents
 +        if { [AcquireLock $filename.lck] != 0 } {
 +            error "Could not load notebook file:\n\n'$filename'\n\nlock failed - file already in use"
 +            exit 1
 +        }
          if {[file exists $filename]} {
              interp create $self.loader
              $self.loader alias page $self Loader.Page
 @@ -145,6 +177,8 @@
      # Destroys the interpreter; all other cleanup is done by snit.
      destructor {
          if {[info commands $self.interp] != ""} {
 +            set filename $options(-dbfile)
 +            ReleaseLock $filename.lck
              interp delete $self.interp

NOTE: Notebook patches should now be saved at the Notebook Wiki, http://notebook.wjduquette.com.

See also Notebook App, Snit.