About Wub: Domains/File
provides a traditional Web view for filesystem hierarchies, maping a URL suffix to a file system path.
File domain correctly interacts with Cache domain, and does not itself interpret content (except directories, which it presents by generating HTML.)
File domain excludes certain files, matching the -hide regexp parameter.
Constructor Options
- root
- filesystem root directory of File domain
- indexfile
- name of the file which stands for a directory, such as index.html
- hide
- a regexp to hide temp and other uninteresting files (default hides .* *~ and #*)
- redirdir
- flag: should references to directories be required to have a trailing /?
- redirindex
- flag: should references to directory indices be resolved or they can be left with just a trailing /?
- expires
- a tcl clock expression indicating when contents expire from caches.
- dateformat
- a tcl clock format for displaying dates in directory listings
- nodir
- don't allow the browsing of directories (default: 0 - browsing allowed.)
- stream
- files above this size will be streamed using fcopy, not loaded and sent
- followextlinks
- follow external symlinks
- sortparam
- parameters for tablesorter
(generated by STX)