Updated 2014-04-03 02:56:28 by RLE

DDG: Tired of writing again and again those clumsy find dialogs I wrapped all into a Snit's Not Incr Tcl toplevel widget.
 # NAME snitfinddialog
 #    snitfindialog path ?args?
 #   snitfilendialog provides a standard find dialog layout 
 #   all buttons and the entries are accessable via the subcommand
 #   the components are: find, next (standard tk buttons), entry (standard tk entry)
 #   delegated is -textvariable to the entry component
 #   all other options if required must be send via a subcommand
 #   -findcmd The command to invoke if "Find" is pressed.
 #   -findnextcmd The command to invoke if "Find Next" is pressed.
 #   -case Case sensitivity of search either true or false. Defaults to false.
 #   -word Matches whole words only true or false. Defaults to false.
 #   -forward Forward (true) or backward (false) searches. Defaults to true.
 #   pathName componentname ?args?
 #      without args it returns the component path to be saved inside a variable
 #      with args it evaluates args in the context of the component 
 #      if the first argument of args is bind a binding for the component is created 
 #    Dr. Detlef Groth [email protected]
 #    20/11/2003 Version 0.1 initial release
 #    25/11/2003 Version 0.1.1 changed puts to wm title .
 #    27/11/2003 Version 0.2 update to snit 0.91 removing the component subcommand instead 
 #                           using expose
 #    31/12/2005 Version 0.2.1 - added "tkwait" and "grab" to force dialog over other windows + added button to launch

 package require snit 0.91
 snit::widget snitfinddialog {
    hulltype toplevel
    expose entry
    expose find
    expose next
    delegate option -findcmd to find as -command
    delegate option -findnextcmd to next as -command
    delegate option -textvariable to entry
    option -case 0
    option -word 0
    option -forward yes
    constructor {args} {
        wm resizable $win false false
        pack [frame $win.left] -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 \
                  -expand yes -fill both
        pack [frame $win.right] -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 \
                  -expand yes -fill both
        install find using button $win.right.search -text " Find " -width 15  
        pack $find -side top -padx 5 -pady 8
        install next using button $win.right.searchnext -text " Find Next " -width 15
        pack $next -side top -padx 5 -pady 12
        install entry using entry $win.left.entry
        pack $entry -side top -padx 5 -pady 5 -expand yes -fill x
        pack [frame $win.left.bottom] -side top
        pack [frame $win.left.bottom.left] -side left
        pack [checkbutton $win.left.bottom.left.words -text "Whole Words ?  " \
              -variable [varname options(-word)]] -side top -padx 5 -pady 5 -anchor w
        pack [checkbutton $win.left.bottom.left.uclc -text  "Case sensitive ?" \
              -variable [varname options(-case)]]  -side top -padx 5 -pady 5 -anchor w
        pack [labelframe $win.left.bottom.right -text " Direction "] -side left \
                  -expand yes -fill both
        pack [radiobutton $win.left.bottom.right.forward -text "Forward " \
              -variable [varname options(-forward)] -value yes] -side top -anchor w -padx 5
        pack [radiobutton $win.left.bottom.right.backward -text "Backward" \
              -variable [varname options(-forward)] -value no] -side top -anchor w  -padx 5
        $self configurelist $args
 # EXAMPLE of usage
 proc Test_Find {} {
    global textvar
    # testing mFind
    proc Next {} {
        global textvar
        wm title .s "Next $textvar words: [.s cget -word]"
        puts "Next $textvar words: [.s cget -word]"
    proc Find {} {
        global textvar
        wm title .s "Find $textvar words: [.s cget -word]"
        puts "Find $textvar words: [.s cget -word]"
    set textvar test
    snitfinddialog .s -case 1 -findnextcmd Next -findcmd Find -textvariable textvar
    wm title .s "Search "
    .s find configure -bg red
    set btn [.s find]
    $btn configure -bg blue
    bind [.s find] <Enter> {wm title .s "Yeah Here Find, I am entered!" ; puts "Yeah Here Find, I am entered!"}
    bind [.s next] <Enter> {wm title .s "Yeah Here Next, I am entered!" ; puts "Yeah Here Next, I am entered!"} 
    catch {tkwait visibility .s}
    catch {grab .s}

 pack [button .b -text "Launch Find Dialog" -command Test_Find]


DDG: Any suggestions, improvements ? Welcome!

escargo 20 Nov 2003 - Just a couple of things. I have a Windows XP laptop with ActiveState ActiveTcl 8.4.4 installed. That includes tcllib1.5. Apparently the package require snit 0.9 is satisfied with the 0.82 version included in tcllib. You might want to change the require to package require -exact snit 0.9 to avoid that problem (which, admittedly causes a different problem in the future).

Second, since I'm running on Windows, the puts in Test_find have nowhere to go. I changed the bindings on the find and next buttons to change color on enter and leave events instead. You might consider putting some Windows-toleration code in there for people running without consoles.

Re. 0.9 vs. 0.82, note that 9 < 82. If snit was at 0.81 at some point, then a new release should have been bumped to 0.90, not 0.9. The issue could be resolved by releasing 0.91 and never ever using "package require snit 0.9" anywhere -jcw

Mea culpa. I've got some changes to make anyway. -- WHD

DDG: If running on windows why not simply run a wish. Copy the code into the console and see what it's putting! That's the way I Test_Find!

escargo 24 Nov 2003 - I use wish-reaper to download code onto my Windows laptop; I might review what I get with ASED, but then I just want to double-click on the file to run it. Many pages on the wiki are reapable, so that they can run just as they appear. That's a lot simpler than having to start wish, open the code with some application, and copy it into the console. Why make it harder than it needs to be.

DDG 25 Nov 2003 - Aha, I think this wiki is always interesting. So the code should be now reapable and I changed the puts statements.

DDG 27 Nov 2003 - with Snit 0.91 its possible to expose components. So I could delete the components array and the components subcommand. That's simplifies design a lot. Thanks to Will.

See also Snit's Not Incr Tcl, snitbrowser.

Is this widget something that might be useful to provide in tklib?