Updated 2010-07-16 22:55:46 by dkf

Mike Tuxford I wrote this simple stock watcher for some folks in the irc channel #Groklaw (irc.fdfnet.net). They seem to find it useful so I thought I'd put it up here.

Bezoar Used code from Following Redirects since Yahoo redirects after the first geturl so without the get redirect it does not work without it.

gzipped version: http://moogy.unstable.org:8080/stockwatch.tcl.gz

 # the next line restarts using wish \
   exec /usr/bin/wish "$0" "$@"
 # copyright 2004 Mike Tuxford (aka moogyCode[TM])
 #   [email protected] 
 #     irc.fdfnet.net  #Linux #Groklaw
 # stockwatch.tcl
 # Relies on yahoo for stock quotes. Have fun!
 # Right mouse click will raise a little menu for exiting
 # or Ctrl-c or key-q will exit safely
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation;  Version  2. 
 # (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) This guarantees your 
 # right to use, modify, and redistribute under certain conditions. 
 ### Features along the bottom of the display ####
 # [<-] [->] Buttons forward/backward through the stocks watched
 # DISPLAY [] SEC is the time delay in seconds between rotating
 #                the displayed stock. You can change the cycle
 #                time by entering a number and pressing <enter>
 # () indicator light will show GREEN while stock quotes are being
 #              fetched, RED when idle, and YELLOW indicates that
 #              one or more new stock quotes failed to be fetched.
 # UPDATE button will fetch new quotes immediately and reset the
 #               fetch cycle.
 # FETCH [] MIN is the cycle time, in minutes, between fetching new
 #              stock quotes. Enter a new value and press <enter> and
 #              it will reset the cycle to the new value.
 # ADD/DELETE button Add or Delete stock symbols.
 # CLOCK  Your current time. :)
 # () indicator light shows GREEN when stock market is open and RED 
 #              when closed.  This affects automated fetching of stock
 #              quotes but you can still always use the UPDATE button 
 #              to fetch the last quotes when stock market is closed
 ### NOTES on array variables ####################
 # "stocks,watched" "symbol symbol" 
 #                   You can add or delete stock symbols but must notice
 #                   that they are quoted all together as a group and not
 #                   indiviually.
 #               Correct: "aaa bbb ccc"
 #             Incorrect: "aaa" "bbb" "ccc"
 # "fecth,cycle" <n>  Where <n> is minutes between fetching stock quotes
 # "display,cycle" <n> Where <n> is seconds between displaying the stocks
 # "daylight,savings"  This should be set either on or off depending on 
 #                    whether NYC is currently on DST or not. This is for
 #                    the sutomated fetching of stock qoutes to know when
 #                    the stock market is open or closed.
 # colors can be RGB in the form "#RRGGBB" or common color names such
 #        as "white", "red", etc... Just keep them in quotes
 package require Tk
 array set opt {
   "stocks,watched" "SCOX NOVL IBM RHAT"
   "fetch,cycle" 10
   "display,cycle" 15
   "daylight,savings" "off"
   "gui,bg" "#000000"
   "clock,bg" "#000000"
   "clock,fg" "#ffd700"
   "title,bg" "#000000"
   "title,fg" "#ff0000"
   "ticker,bg" "#000000"
   "ticker,fg" "#ffd700"
   "title,font" "Helvetica 12"
 array set bmp {
 "dot" "#define dot11_width 11 #define dot11_height 11
 static unsigned char dot11_bits[] = {
    0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfe, 0x03,
    0xfe, 0x03, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};"
 set stock(fields) "symbol price change volume low high open time"
 proc safe_exit {} {
   foreach id [after info] {
     catch {after cancel $id}
   catch {destroy .s .}
 proc update_clock {} {
   ## sanity check
   if {![winfo exists .s]} {
   } else {
     .s.ctrl.clock configure -text [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"]
     after 1000 update_clock
 proc init_stock {s} {
   global stock
   foreach field $stock(fields) {
     set stock($s,$field) ""
  proc geturl_followRedirects {url args} {
    array set URI [::uri::split $url] ;# Need host info from here
    while {1} {
        set token [eval [list http::geturl $url] $args]
        if {![string match {30[1237]} [::http::ncode $token]]} {return $token}
        array set meta [set ${token}(meta)]
        if {![info exist meta(Location)]} {
            return $token
        array set uri [::uri::split $meta(Location)]
        unset meta
        if {$uri(host) == ""} { set uri(host) $URI(host) }
        # problem w/ relative versus absolute paths
        set url [eval ::uri::join [array get uri]]
 # ID    price  date        time    change open high low volume
 proc get_stocks {} {
   global opt stock
   set stock(fails) ""
   if {$opt(stocks,watched) == ""} {
     return 0
   bimg(market,ud) configure -foreground #00ff00
   foreach symbol $opt(stocks,watched) {
             http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6"
        if {[catch {geturl_followRedirects http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=$symbol&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv -timeout 30000} tok]} {
       lappend stock(fails) $symbol
     } else {
       # sanity check
       if {[http::status $tok] == "ok"} {
         set stock($symbol,raw) [split [http::data $tok] \n]
         set r [split [lindex $stock($symbol,raw) 0] ","]
         array set v {"symbol" 0 "price" 1 "change" 4 "volume" 8 "low" 7 "high" 6 "open" 5 "time" 3}
         foreach field [array names v] {
           set stock($symbol,$field) [string map {\" ""} [lindex $r $v($field)]]
         http::cleanup $tok
       } else {
         http::cleanup $tok
         lappend stock(fails) $symbol
   if {[llength $stock(fails)] > 0} {
     bimg(market,ud) configure -foreground #ffff00
     return 0
   } else {
     bimg(market,ud) configure -foreground #ff0000
     return 1
 proc cycle_fetch {} {
   global opt
   catch {after cancel $opt(fetch,after)}
   if {[is_market_open]} {
     set result [get_stocks]
     bimg(market,oc) configure -foreground #00ff00
   } else {
     bimg(market,oc) configure -foreground #ff0000
   set opt(fetch,after) [after [expr {$opt(fetch,cycle)*60000}] cycle_fetch]
 proc is_market_open {} {
   global opt
   if {[string tolower $opt(daylight,savings)] == "off"} {
     set ts [expr {[clock scan "now" -base [clock seconds] -gmt 1]-18000}]
   } else {
     set ts [expr {[clock scan "now" -base [clock seconds] -gmt 1]-14400}]
   set day [clock format $ts -gmt 1 -format "%w"]
   if {$day == 0 || $day == 6} {
     return 0
   } else {
     set hh [clock format $ts -gmt 1 -format "%H"]
     scan $hh %d hh
     set mm [clock format $ts -gmt 1 -format "%M"]
     scan $mm %d mm
   if {$hh < 9 || $hh > 15} {
     return 0
   if {$hh == 9 && $mm < 30} {
     return 0
   return 1
 proc change_display {dir} {
   global opt stock
   switch -- $dir {
     forward {
       if {$opt(display,cur) >= [expr {[llength $opt(stocks,watched)]-1}]} {
         set opt(display,cur) 0
       } else {
         incr opt(display,cur)
     back {
       if {$opt(display,cur) <= 0} {
         set opt(display,cur) [expr {[llength $opt(stocks,watched)]-1}]
       } else {
         incr opt(display,cur) -1
     default {}
   foreach f $stock(fields) {
     .s.stocks.$f configure -text $stock([lindex $opt(stocks,watched) $opt(display,cur)],$f)
 proc cycle_display {} {
   global opt
   catch {after cancel $opt(display,after)}
   if {[llength $opt(stocks,watched)] > 1} {
     change_display "forward"
   set opt(display,after) [after [expr {$opt(display,cycle)*1000}] cycle_display]
 proc set_cycle {type} {
   global opt
   set w ".s.ctrl.$type"
   if {![string is integer [$w get]]} {
   } else {
     set opt($type,cycle) [$w get]
   focus .s
   if {$type == "display"} {
     set delay [expr {$opt($type,cycle)*1000}]
   } else {
     set delay [expr {$opt($type,cycle)*60000}]
   catch {after cancel $opt($type,after)}
   after $delay cycle_$type
 proc init_widgets {} {
   global opt bmp stock
   frame .s.title
   foreach name $stock(fields) {
     label .s.title.$name \
       -bg $opt(title,bg) -foreground $opt(title,fg) \
       -font $opt(title,font) -height 1 -width 9 -text $name
     pack .s.title.$name -side left
   pack .s.title -side top
   frame .s.stocks
   foreach field $stock(fields) {
     label .s.stocks.$field \
       -bg $opt(ticker,bg) -foreground $opt(ticker,fg) \
       -font $opt(title,font) -height 1 -width 9 -text ""
     pack .s.stocks.$field -side left
   pack .s.stocks -side top
   set b(left) "<-"
   set b(right) "->"
   frame .s.ctrl -bg $opt(title,bg)
   foreach but {left right} {
     button .s.ctrl.$but \
       -activebackground #ffffff -activeforeground #0000ff \
       -background #eaeaea -foreground #0000ff \
       -borderwidth 1 -relief solid \
       -height 1 -width 2 \
       -font {Helvetica 10 bold} -text $b($but) \
       -command {}
     pack .s.ctrl.$but -side left -padx 3
   .s.ctrl.left configure -command {change_display "back"}
   .s.ctrl.right configure -command {change_display "forward"}
   label .s.ctrl.displayHead \
     -background #000000 -foreground #ffff00 \
     -borderwidth 0 -relief solid \
     -font {Helvetica 10} -text "DISPLAY" -height 1 -width 7
   pack .s.ctrl.displayHead -side left
   entry .s.ctrl.display -relief sunken -bd 1 -width 3 \
     -background #ffffff -font {Helvetica 12}
   pack .s.ctrl.display -side left
   .s.ctrl.display insert 0 $opt(display,cycle)
   bind .s.ctrl.display <Key-Return> {set_cycle "display"}
   label .s.ctrl.displayTail \
     -background #000000 -foreground #ffff00 \
     -borderwidth 0 -relief solid \
     -font {Helvetica 10} -text "SEC" -height 1 -width 4
   pack .s.ctrl.displayTail -side left
   image create bitmap bimg(market,ud) -data $bmp(dot)
   bimg(market,ud) configure -foreground #ffff00
   label .s.ctrl.ud \
     -background #000000 -foreground #000000 \
     -borderwidth 1 -relief solid \
     -image bimg(market,ud) 
   pack .s.ctrl.ud -side left
   button .s.ctrl.update \
     -activebackground #ffffff -activeforeground #0000ff \
     -background #eaeaea -foreground #0000ff \
     -borderwidth 1 -relief solid \
     -font {Helvetica 10} -text "UPDATE"  -height 1 -width 6 \
     -command {get_stocks}
   pack .s.ctrl.update -side left -padx 5
   label .s.ctrl.fetchHead \
     -background #000000 -foreground #ffff00 \
     -borderwidth 0 -relief solid \
     -font {Helvetica 10} -text "FETCH" -height 1 -width 6
   pack .s.ctrl.fetchHead -side left
   entry .s.ctrl.fetch -relief sunken -bd 1 -width 2 \
     -background #ffffff -font {Helvetica 12}
   pack .s.ctrl.fetch -side left
   .s.ctrl.fetch insert 0 $opt(fetch,cycle)
   bind .s.ctrl.fetch <Key-Return> {set_cycle "fetch"}
   label .s.ctrl.fetchTail \
     -background #000000 -foreground #ffff00 \
     -borderwidth 0 -relief solid \
     -font {Helvetica 10} -text "MIN" -height 1 -width 4
   pack .s.ctrl.fetchTail -side left
   button .s.ctrl.edit \
     -activebackground #ffffff -activeforeground #0000ff \
     -background #eaeaea -foreground #0000ff \
     -borderwidth 1 -relief solid -font {Helvetica 10} \
     -text "ADD/DEL"  -height 1 -width 8 -command {pop_win "edit" "Add/Del Stocks"}
   pack .s.ctrl.edit -side left -padx 5
   image create bitmap bimg(market,oc) -data $bmp(dot)
   bimg(market,oc) configure -foreground #ff0000
   label .s.ctrl.market \
     -background #000000 -foreground #000000 \
     -borderwidth 1 -relief solid \
     -image bimg(market,oc) 
   pack .s.ctrl.market -side right -padx 5
   label .s.ctrl.clock \
     -bg $opt(clock,bg) -foreground $opt(clock,fg) \
     -font {Helvetica 14} -text "00:00:00"  -height 1 -width 8
   pack .s.ctrl.clock -side right
   pack .s.ctrl -side top -anchor w -fill x
   set opt(display,cur) 0
 proc edit_stock {t} {
   global opt
   set w .edit
   focus $w
   if {[$w.$t.$t get] == ""} {
     focus $w.$t.$t
     pop_win "error" "Illegal value!"
   } else {
     set sym [string trim [string toupper [$w.$t.$t get]]]
     $w.$t.$t delete 0 end
   switch -- $t {
     "add" {
       if {[lsearch $sym $opt(stocks,watched)] != -1} {
         focus $w.add.add
         pop_win "error" "$sym already being watched"
       if {[string first " " $sym] != -1} {
         focus $w.add.add
         pop_win "error" "Can only add one stock at a time."
       pop_win notice "$sym added to stocks watched"
       set result [init_stock $sym]
       lappend opt(stocks,watched) $sym
       set result [get_stocks]
     "delete" {
       if {[lsearch -exact $opt(stocks,watched) $sym] == -1} {
         focus $w.add.add
         pop_win "error" "I don't see \"$sym\" among the stocks watched."
       } else {
         set idx [lsearch -exact $opt(stocks,watched) $sym]
         set opt(stocks,watched) [lreplace $opt(stocks,watched) $idx $idx]
         catch {after cancel $opt(display,after)}
         set opt(display,cur) 0
     default {}
 array set win {
   "about,x" 220 "about,y" 100
   "about,bg" "#0000ff"
   "edit,bg" "#000000"
   "error,bg" "#eaeaea"
   "notice,bg" "#eaeaea"
 proc pop_win {n txt} {
   global opt win
   set w .$n
   # Abort if window already exists
   if {[winfo exists $w]} {
     raise $w
     focus $w
   toplevel $w
   wm deiconify $w
   $w configure -background $win($n,bg)
   $w configure -cursor draft_small
   switch -- $n {
     "about" {
       wm geometry $w $win($n,x)x$win($n,y)+[expr {[winfo x .s]+50}]+[winfo y .s]
       wm title $w $txt
       label $w.title \
         -bg #0000ff -foreground #ffffff \
         -font {Helvetica 14 bold} -height 3 -width 30 \
         -text "Stock Watch was written by\nmoogyCode\[TM\] 2004\nMike Tuxford" 
       pack $w.title -side top
       button $w.close \
         -activebackground #ffffff -activeforeground #0000ff \
         -background #eaeaea -foreground #0000ff \
         -borderwidth 1 -relief solid -height 1 -width 20 \
         -font {Helvetica 14} -text "I knew that!" -command {destroy .about}
       pack $w.close -side top
       bind $w <Control-c> "destroy $w"
     "edit" {
       wm geometry $w +[expr {[winfo x .s]+50}]+[winfo y .s]
       wm title $w $txt
       frame $w.add -relief groove -bd 5
       label $w.add.head \
         -background #eaeaea -foreground #000000 \
         -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \
         -font {Helvetica 12} -text "Add a Stock" -height 1 -width 15
       pack $w.add.head -side left -padx 10 -pady 5
       entry $w.add.add -relief sunken -bd 3 -width 6 \
         -background #ffffff -font {Helvetica 12}
       pack $w.add.add -side left -padx 10 -pady 5
       bind $w.add.add <Key-Return> {edit_stock "add"}
       pack $w.add -side top -padx 10 -pady 5
       frame $w.delete -relief groove -bd 5
       label $w.delete.head \
         -background #eaeaea -foreground #000000 \
         -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \
         -font {Helvetica 12} -text "Delete a Stock" -height 1 -width 15
       pack $w.delete.head -side left -padx 10 -pady 5
       entry $w.delete.delete -relief sunken -bd 3 -width 6 \
         -background #ffffff -font {Helvetica 12}
       pack $w.delete.delete -side left -padx 10 -pady 5
       bind $w.delete.delete <Key-Return> {edit_stock "delete"}
       pack $w.delete -side top -padx 10
       button $w.close \
         -activebackground #ffffff -activeforeground #0000ff \
         -background #eaeaea -foreground #0000ff \
         -borderwidth 1 -relief solid -height 1 -width 26 \
         -font {Helvetica 12} -text "CLOSE WINDOW" -command "destroy .$n"
       pack $w.close -side bottom -pady 5
       bind $w <Control-c> "destroy $w"
     error - notice {
       wm geometry $w +[expr {[winfo x .s]+50}]+[winfo y .s]
       wm title $w "Error"
       label $w.msg \
         -background #eaeaea -foreground #000000 \
         -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -font {Helvetica 12} \
         -text $txt -width [expr {[string length $txt]+2}]
       pack $w.msg -side top -padx 10 -pady 5
       button $w.close \
         -activebackground #ffffff -activeforeground #0000ff \
         -background #eaeaea -foreground #0000ff \
         -borderwidth 1 -relief solid -height 1 -width 4 \
         -font {Helvetica 12} -text "OK" -command "destroy $w"
       pack $w.close -side bottom -pady 5
       bind $w <Control-c> "destroy $w"
     default { destroy $w }
 proc GUI {} {
   global opt
   wm withdraw .
   set w .s
   toplevel $w
   $w configure -background $opt(gui,bg)
   wm title $w "Stock Watcher"
   wm deiconify $w
   menu $w.main -tearoff 0
   $w.main configure -font {Helvetica 10}
   set ma $w.main.file
   menu $ma -tearoff 0
   $ma configure -font {Helvetica 10}
   $w.main add cascade -label "Menu" -menu $ma
   $ma add separator
   $ma add command -label "About" -command {pop_win "about" "About"}
   $ma add command -label "Exit" -command {safe_exit}
   $ma add separator
   $w configure -cursor draft_small
   # END MAIN MENU ###
   # bind some Hotkeys
   bind $w <Control-c> {safe_exit}
   bind $w <Key-q> {safe_exit}
   bind $w <ButtonPress-3> {tk_popup .s.main [expr [winfo pointerx .s] -5] [expr [winfo pointery .s] -5]}
 ### End GUI ##########
 # Get the show started
 package require http
 package require uri
 foreach stk $opt(stocks,watched) {
   init_stock $stk
 foreach f $stock(fields) {
   .s.stocks.$f configure -text $stock([lindex $opt(stocks,watched) $opt(display,cur)],$f)
 if {[is_market_open]} {
   bimg(market,oc) configure -foreground #00ff00
 } else {
   bimg(market,oc) configure -foreground #ff0000
 change_display forward
 set opt(display,after) [after [expr {$opt(display,cycle)*1000}] cycle_display]

Feb 27, 2004: Added copyright and GPL notice at the request of a groklaw member. March 4, 2004 Minor bug fix.

See also Tcl Ticker