Sadly, in 2004 Mike was apparently the victim of foul play by an older brother ([
1], item 52) Attributes edit
- website
Wiki Pages edit
Academic Credentials edit
Director Institute for Insignificant Research
Awarded a posthumous Doctorate of Physics by Haavaahd (snobish Bostonian accent goes here) ... something about brainwaves and jello was mentioned
but in reality, I am in my 50's and have little more than a grade school education. They didn't have PCs in the 60's but my lack of formal education has been balanced by great curiosity and desire to explore and learn.
I feel that it's a testimony to the power of Tcl/Tk that I am able to accomplish most of the programming tasks that I set out to conquer. Mostly this is done for my own Linux system needs or my X desktop wants.
Should you need or desire to contact me directly you can reach me at
mailto:[email protected] postscript edit
One Mr. Ripley, believe it or not, wrote to me and included a clip/paste from his dictionary application feeling that it was necessary to remind me that the word "posthumous" implies "after the death", and in general pooh-poohed my insensitive insult upon his alma mater and the fine city of Boston.
wish to apologize to anyone who is either offended by my page or shares the same brain electrical activity that was therein refered to.