I would like to see the entire index, with all the chapters' titles. - LES
LV Anyone bought this book yet? For the wiki reader, here's the chapter info on the above web page:
Index 0. FRONT COVER 1. INTRODUCTION 2. FOUNDATIONS 2.1 Anatomy of a command 2.2 Grouping 2.3 Program structure 2.4 Substitution of commands 2.5 Substitution of variables 2.6 More on interpolation 2.7 Comments 2.8 That's it 3. EVERYTHING IS A STRING 3.1 User defined procedures 3.2 The if command 4. LISTS 4.1 Tcl list 4.2 The foreach command 4.3 The lrange command 4.4 The lappend command 4.5 The lset command 4.6 The lsort command 4.7 List values against variable names 5. STRINGS 5.1 The append command 5.2 The string command 5.3 string range 5.4 string index 5.5 string equal 5.6 string compare 5.7 string match 5.8 string map 5.9 string is 5.10 More string subcommands 5.11 Advanced string matching 6. LISTS AND STRINGS 6.1 Converting strings to lists 6.2 From strings to list of chars 6.3 Converting lists to strings 6.4 Manipulating strings as lists 7. MORE ON PROCEDURES 7.1 Local variables 7.2 Top level 7.3 Global variables 7.4 Procedures arguments and pass by value 7.5 Procedures with a variable number of arguments 7.6 Procedures with default arguments 7.7 Recursion 7.8 Recursion limit 8. CONTROL CONSTRUCTS 8.1 The switch command 8.2 The for command 8.3 break and continue 8.4 The lack of goto 9. EXTENDING TCL IN TCL 9.1 Programs executing programs: the eval command 9.2 Breaking the rules with uplevel 9.3 Passing variable names to procedures 9.4 Mapping scripts to lists 9.5 The rename command 9.6 Expanding lists into arguments in Tcl 8.5Apparently there are an additional 20 chapters in the printed version.
Few suggestions:
- Consider releasing the book under a GPL like license
- Consider adding a readers comments on the bottom of each chapter page, to get feedback and improve the book
- Consider using a top to bottom approach in explaining Tcl and especially Tk, i.e. describe how to think in Tcl, describe how things fits together, describe design choices and trade offs, describe why things are done this way, describe Tcl model for doing work before you go into the detail