Updated 2013-10-16 06:28:39 by pooryorick

Automata is the correct (Greek) plural of automaton. Marina Vaillant wrote [1] in comp.lang.tcl:

I'm looking for an example of an automaton written in Tcl. This is to be sure I can do it with a global transition table, which would be a list of variable sized lists.

Also if my automaton calls another automaton to get the next transition, and the other automaton has the same skeleton: is there a mechanism of switching context? If I have a variable current_node for each, is the one of the first automaton overwritten by the second one?

Donal Fellows replied: You can implement an automaton in Tcl. It's easy.
  proc automaton {name definition} {
     global definingAutomaton
     set definingAutomaton $name
     upvar #0 automaton_$name a state($name) s
     array set a {}
     set s {}
     uplevel #0 $definition
  proc node {key definition} {
     global definingAutomaton
     upvar #0 automaton_$definingAutomaton a
     set a($key) $definition
  proc start {key} {
     global definingAutomaton
     upvar #0 state($definingAutomaton) s
     set s $key
  proc transition {key} {
     global currentAutomaton
     upvar #0 state($currentAutomaton) s
     set s $key
  proc step {automaton} {
     global currentAutomaton errorInfo errorCode
     set currentAutomaton $automaton
     upvar #0 state($automaton) s automaton_$automaton a
     if {![info exist s]} {return}
     set code [catch [list uplevel 1 $a($s)] msg]
     unset currentAutomaton
     return -code $code -errorcode $errorCode -errorinfo $errorInfo $msg
  proc halt {} {
     global currentAutomaton
     upvar #0 state($currentAutomaton) s
     unset s

  ### DEMO CODE ###
  automaton foo {
     start 4
     node 2 {
        puts "foo is 2"
     node 7 {
        puts "foo is 7"
        transition 2
     node 4 {
        puts "foo is 4"
        transition 7
  automaton bar {
     node 42 {
        puts "bar is 42"
        # Random transition!
        transition [lindex {7 twentyone 42} [expr {int(rand()*3)}]]
     start 42
     node 7 {
        puts "bar is 7"
     node twentyone {
        puts "bar is twentyone"
        transition 7
  while {[array size state]} {
     step foo
     step bar

There's only one restriction with this code: do not step an automaton as part of the definition of any of the steps of an automaton. Bad things will happen!

Donal Fellows further answered the follow-up question: What kind of "bad things"?

Well, the problem stems from the fact that a global variable is used to communicate what is the current automaton, so that inherently makes the automata created through that process non-nestable. Making the system reentrant is more interesting and can be done in several ways.

  • Method 1: Use a stack of "current" automata
  • Method 2: Examine the call stack using info level
  • Method 3: Rewrite the node definitions to refer to the right automaton
  • Method 4: Rewrite the procs called to refer to the right automaton

I'll describe method #1 here as it seems to be simplest:
  # The rest of the code is the same as my previous message, so I won't
  # repeat it.  :^)
  proc transition {key} {
     global currentAutomata
     upvar #0 state([lindex $currentAutomata end]) s
     set s $key
  proc step {automaton} {
     global currentAutomata errorInfo errorCode
     set savedAutomata $currentAutomata
     lappend currentAutomata $automaton
     upvar #0 state($automaton) s automaton_$automaton a
     if {![info exist s]} {
        set currentAutomata $savedAutomata
     set code [catch [list uplevel 1 $a($s)] msg]
     set currentAutomata $savedAutomata
     return -code $code -errorcode $errorCode -errorinfo $errorInfo $msg
  proc halt {} {
     global currentAutomata
     upvar #0 state([lindex $currentAutomata end]) s
     unset s

[Volker Hetzer added this idea that does without a global state table - every node is a proc that nominates it successor: However, here's a totally different idea for an automaton:
 proc state0 {} \
 global NextState ExitFlag
 do something, perhaps manipulate the ExitFlag
 set NextState state1

 proc state1 {} \
 global Nextstate ExitFlag
 do something, perhaps manipulate the ExitFlag
 set NextState state0

 set ExitFlag 0
 set NextState state0
 while {!$ExitFlag} \

See, you don't need any state table at all in this case. Even if you want a state table, you could still put the state procedures directly into the table thus saving that big switch. I don't know at which point the cost of recompiling is lower than the cost of a big switch.

comp.lang.tcl has hosted many, many other implementations of automata, and there are quite a few others loose "in the wild". They're common throughout the whole area of [Tcl agents]. Also, they often appear under the rubric of "finite-state machine" (FSM--see the Acronym collection).

For related discussion, see also: