
package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk; package require tdom; package require BWidget; package require tablelist; namespace import ::tablelist::*; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # helper procedures # proc ExcelDateToClock {excelDate} { return [clock scan $excelDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}]; } # syntax: processNodes nodeToken ?commandPrefix? ?arg arg ...? # desc: this procedure uses the given node name as command name # probably prepending the commandPrefix to process the # children of the given node # proc processNodes {node args} { # separate the command prefix and the optional arguments # if {[llength $args] > 0} { set args [lassign $args commandPrefix]; } else { set commandPrefix ""; } # loop over all child nodes, working currently only on ELEMENT_NODE's # set result [dict create]; set child [$node firstChild]; set lastChild [$node lastChild]; while {1} { if {[$child nodeType] eq "ELEMENT_NODE"} { # build the procedure/command name # set procedureName ${commandPrefix}[$child nodeName]; if {[llength [info procs $procedureName]] == 1} { # execute the procedure/command to process the child node # set childData [$procedureName $child {*}$args]; # use the results # if {[llength $childData] == 1} { set childData [list [$child nodeName] $childData]; } foreach {token data} $childData { if {[dict exists $result $token] == 1} { dict lappend result $token $data; } else { dict set result $token $data; } } } } if {$child eq $lastChild} { break; } set child [$child nextSibling]; } return $result; } proc tableSort {args} { lassign $args first second; if {$first eq $second} { return 0; } set args [lsort -dictionary $args]; if {[lindex $args 0] eq $second} { return 1; } return -1; } proc createTable {w tableName tableLabel columns} { set w [$w insert end $tableName -text $tableLabel]; set columnsCount [expr {[llength $columns] / 2}]; labelframe $w.lf1 -text $tableLabel; set table $w.lf1.tlSheet tablelist $w.lf1.tlSheet \ -listvariable ::data($tableName) \ -height 20 \ -width 100 \ -stretch all \ -selectmode browse \ -selecttype cell \ -movablerows 1 \ -movablecolumns 1 \ -resizablecolumns 1 \ -showseparators 1 \ -showarrow 1 \ -labelcommand ::tablelist::sortByColumn \ -labelcommand2 ::tablelist::addToSortColumns \ -sortcommand tableSort \ -columns $columns \ -xscrollcommand [list $w.lf1.sbx set] \ -yscrollcommand [list $w.lf1.sby set]; scrollbar $w.lf1.sby \ -orient vertical \ -command [list $w.lf1.tlSheet yview]; scrollbar $w.lf1.sbx \ -orient horizontal \ -command [list $w.lf1.tlSheet xview]; $w.lf1.tlSheet columnconfigure 0 \ -showlinenumbers 1 \ -resizable 0 \ -stretchable 0; for {set index 1} {$index < $columnsCount} {incr index} { $w.lf1.tlSheet columnconfigure $index -maxwidth 0; } if {[$w.lf1.tlSheet columncount] >= 2} { $w.lf1.tlSheet sortbycolumn 1 -increasing; } grid $w.lf1.tlSheet -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nesw -padx {3 0} -pady {3 0}; grid $w.lf1.sby -column 1 -row 0 -sticky nes -padx {0 3} -pady {3 0}; grid $w.lf1.sbx -column 0 -row 1 -sticky new -padx {3 0} -pady {0 3}; grid columnconfigure $w.lf1 0 -weight 1; grid rowconfigure $w.lf1 0 -weight 1; pack $w.lf1 -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3 -pady 3; return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # node processing procedures # proc DocumentProperties {node} { return [list documentProperties [processNodes $node DocumentProperties.]]; } proc DocumentProperties.Author {node} { return [list author [$node text]]; } proc DocumentProperties.Created {node} { return [list ctime [ExcelDateToClock [$node text]]]; } proc DocumentProperties.Company {node} { return [list company [$node text]]; } proc DocumentProperties.Version {node} { return [list version [$node text]]; } proc Worksheet {node} { # accessing the name attribute to get the worksheet name # set worksheetName [$node getAttribute ss:Name]; set tableData [processNodes $node Worksheet. $worksheetName]; if {[llength $tableData] == 0} { # there was a worksheet without data, so a dummy data structure # must be created # set tableData [list \ $worksheetName \ [dict create \ attributes [dict create] \ data [list] \ rowsCount 0 \ columnsCount 0 \ ] \ ]; } return [dict create \ worksheets $worksheetName \ {*}$tableData \ ]; } proc Worksheet.Table {node worksheetName} { # handling the table attributes # set attributes [dict create]; foreach attribute [$node attributes] { lassign $attribute attributeName "" attributeNameSpaceUri; set attributeValue [$node getAttributeNS $attributeNameSpaceUri $attributeName]; dict set attributes $attributeName $attributeValue; switch -exact -- $attributeName { ExpandedColumnCount { set columnsCount $attributeValue; } ExpandedRowCount { set rowsCount $attributeValue; } } } # collecting the table data # set tableData [list]; foreach rowNode [$node getElementsByTagName Row] { set rowData [list]; foreach cellNode [$rowNode getElementsByTagName Cell] { set dataNode [$cellNode getElementsByTagName Data]; lappend rowData [$dataNode text]; } lappend tableData $rowData; } return [list \ $worksheetName \ [dict create \ attributes $attributes \ rowsCount $rowsCount \ columnsCount $columnsCount \ data $tableData \ ] \ ]; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main procedure # proc main {argc args} { wm withdraw .; if {$argc != 1} { tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -icon error \ -title "wrong # args" \ -message "wrong # args: should be \"[file rootname [file tail [info nameofexecutable]]] xmlFileName\""; exit 1; } if {[catch { # read the xml file # set xmlFile [lindex $args 0]; set xml [tDOM::xmlReadFile $xmlFile] # parse the xml data # set document [dom parse $xml]; } reason] == 1} { tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -icon error \ -title "invalid XML file or data" \ -message "couldn't load and/or parse the xml file ...\n\n... \"[file nativename $xmlFile]\":\n\n$reason"; exit 2; } # process the parsed XML data # set root [$document documentElement]; set processedContents [processNodes $root]; if {[dict exists $processedContents worksheets] == 0} { error "no such defined worksheets"; } # cleanup the xml document tree # $document delete; # create tables using the tablelist package, # inside the BWidget NoteBook widget # wm title . "MS Excel to tablelist"; NoteBook .worksheets -homogeneous 1; # create the NoteBook page with the read document properties # set columns [list \ 0 "" \ 0 "Property Name" \ 0 "Property Value" \ ]; set ::data(properties) [list]; foreach {token value} [dict get $processedContents documentProperties] { if {$token eq "ctime"} { set value [clock format $value -format {%Y-%m-%d, %T}]; } lappend ::data(properties) [list "" $token $value]; } createTable .worksheets properties "Document Properties" $columns; # create each worksheet table as NoteBook page # foreach worksheet [dict get $processedContents worksheets] { set table [dict get $processedContents $worksheet]; set ::data($worksheet) [dict get $table data]; # create the columns description list # set columnsCount [dict get $table columnsCount]; set A [scan "A" {%c}]; set columns [list 0 ""]; for {set index 0} {$index < $columnsCount} {incr index} { lappend columns 0 [format {%c} [expr {$index + $A}]]; } # prepare the data to be able to contain the line numbers column # set rowIndex 0; foreach row $::data($worksheet) { lset ::data($worksheet) $rowIndex [linsert $row -1 ""]; incr rowIndex; } # add a new page to the NoteBook containing the current worksheet # createTable .worksheets $worksheet $worksheet $columns; } pack .worksheets -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3 -pady 3; .worksheets raise properties; update; wm minsize . 640 480; wm deiconify .; grab .worksheets; focus .worksheets; raise .; return; } main $argc $argv;
LV Note that Tcl does not require statements to be terminated by semi-colon. Having them just adds a number of additional characters to be transferred and interpreted.Shrug
male I'm just used to them, so I forgot to remove them. But ... please don't start a discussion if its good or not to use semi-colons. For me it's just a habit, that helps a lot while developing in C, C++ and tcl.