Updated 2017-12-17 16:26:47 by jhgl

tcldb, by Wojciech Kocjan, is a database abstraction layer

See Also  edit

Resolving Table Creation Dependencies with tcldb

# move the old proc command out of the way rename proc ::tcl::proc # create a replacement proc that registers all occurrences of proc creation # into the global proc_to_filename_map variable ::tcl::proc proc args {
    global proc_to_filename_map
    set proc_to_filename_map([lindex $args 0]) [info script]
    uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::tcl::proc]


Description  edit


It may not be the most lightweight interface, but it seems to do the trick. It also (which IMHO is more important) handles some differences between databases (like FORMAT_DATE vs TO_CHAR, NOW vs CURRENT_* and so on).

tcldb includes a record and replay system for Tcl/Tk: "... all that is needed to do this (and do fancy widget matching). See ... http://dqsoftware.cvs.sourceforge.net/dqsoftware/tcldb/lib/tcldb/tests/ to have a quick tour on how it works. Look for tcldb::testwidget."