mailto:[email protected]Homepage: timeout - no data | 403 - forbiddenSee: [
GitHub: [
- AOLserver emulation layer for Tclhttpd - This includes dqkit.
- TclDB - uniform database API
- DQkit - TclKit like single file executable with batteries included
- Iapp - Itcl and thread based web application framework (for both TclHttpd and AOLserver)
- TclMentor ( 404 - server not found - Tcl mentoring blog where I put my Tcl related thoughts and try to create Tcl tutorial, contents and other interesting materials.
- TTING - tool to manipulate line-based text easily
I have also written a book about Nagios 3 where I mention Tcl as well. It can be found here:
RLH 2009-10-04: Do you write your Nagios plugins in Tcl?
WK Yes, some of them. I'll perhaps publish some of them sometime soon.
Most recent book I've written -
BOOK Tcl 8.5 Network Programming is a book created with
[Piotr Beltowski
] about Tcl and how along with some technologies Tcl can be used to create network-aware applications easily.
Some of my pages on the Wiki:
- Tcl_Obj Deep Copy
- qstarpack - a quick starpack wrapper
- mk4vfs encryption - small example on how to encrypt mk4vfs
- ramvfs - a simple code that allows ramvfs
- mapvfs - a vfs that allows mapping directories
- WikIndenTk - a nice Tk tool for indenting/unindenting Tcl code to for Wiki page
- Itcl overhead - some benchmarks of Itcl and how it affects performance
- IP Calculator GUI - small GUI that shows how nice traces are :)
- Endorser - a piece of code and data that generates endorsement texts
- xtcl - Small script that can be used to apply Tcl code to various files and so on
- zevents - My personal event sending+binding mechanism
- Threaded Itcl test - Test for threaded Tcl and errors with sharing Tcl_Obj
- tclrapi - Tcl API to PocketPC filesystem via ActiveSync (via RAPI calls)
- Bloom Filters - Bloom Filters
I'm planning to put up some of my free available code on the Web. This will be the place to find links to it...