Updated 2016-03-19 09:36:43 by APN (Redirected from ØMQ)

ØMQ, also written as ZeroMQ or 0MQ, is an open source (LGPL) [1] socket/messaging framework.

Bindings for version 2.1, 2.2 and 3.2.1, 3.2.4 and 4.0.1 can be found at http://github.com/jdc8/tclzmq

The ØMQ project has been forked in Crossroads I/O.

nanomsg is a project implemented by the author (or one of the authors) of ZeroMQ as its "successor" using lessons learnt from ZeroMQ.


package require Tcl 8.5

package require zmq ?4.0.1?

  • zmq context ?contextName? ?-io_threads <ioThreads>?
  • contextName cget optionName
  • contextName configure ?optionName? ?optionValue optionName optionValue ...?
  • contextName destroy
  • contextName get optionName
  • contextName set optionName optionValue
  • zmq socket ?socketName? contextName socketType
  • socketName bind endPoint
  • socketName cget optionName
  • socketName close
  • socketName configure ?optionName? ?optionValue optionName optionValue ...?
  • socketName connect endPoint
  • socketName destroy
  • socketName disconnect endPoint
  • socketName dump
  • socketName get optionName
  • socketName monitor endPoint ?eventsList?
  • socketName readable ?command?
  • socketName recv ?flagsList?
  • socketName recv_monitor_event
  • socketName recv_msg message ?flagsList?
  • socketName send data ?flagsList?
  • socketName send_msg message ?flagsList?
  • socketName sendmore data ?flagsList?
  • socketName set optionName optionValue ?optionSize?
  • socketName unbind endPoint
  • socketName writable ?command?
  • zmq message ?messageName? ?-size <integer>? ?-data <string>?
  • messageName cget optionName
  • messageName close
  • messageName configure ?optionName? ?optionValue optionName optionValue ...?
  • messageName copy destinationMessageName
  • messageName data
  • messageName destroy
  • messageName dump
  • messageName get optionName
  • messageName more
  • messageName move destinationMessageName
  • messageName recv socketName ?flagsList?
  • messageName send socketName ?flagsList?
  • messageName sendmore socketName ?flagsList?
  • messageName set optionName optionValue
  • messageName size
  • zmsg add messageList data
  • zmsg dump messageList
  • zmsg pop messageListName
  • zmsg push messageList data
  • zmsg recv socketName
  • zmsg send socketName messageList
  • zmsg unwrap messageListName
  • zmsg wrap messageList data
  • zmq poll pollList timeout ?timeoutUnit?
  • zmq device deviceType inputSocketName outputSocketName
  • zmq monitor contextName socketName callbackCommand ?eventsList?
  • zmq version
  • zmq errno
  • zmq strerror errorNumber
  • zmq max_block_time blockTime


The zmq package is a wrapper for the ZeroMQ library. ZeroMQ can be found at http://www.zeromq.org. The wrapper is based on version 4.0.1 of the ZeroMQ library. The package is written using critcl 3. Use this documentation in combination with the ZeroMQ documentation for more details. All sockets in this documentation refer to ZeroMQ sockets. The ZeroMQ API use set and get functions to set or get context, socket and message options. This wrapper provides set and get methods for contexts, sockets and message for compatibility with the ZeroMQ API but also provides the more Tcl style cget and configure methods. The ZeroMQ API uses destroy for contexts and close for sockets and messages. This wrapper provides the same methods for compatibility with the ZeroMQ API but also provides a destroy method for sockets and messages.

Contexts edit


zmq context ?contextName? ?-io_threads <ioThreads>?
This command creates a new ZeroMQ context object and associated Tcl object command whose name is contextName if specified or auto generated if not specified. The object command will be created under the current namespace if the contextName is not fully qualified, and in the specified namespace otherwise. The object command name is returned by this command. The object command methods are explained in section Context OBJECT METHODS.


contextName cget optionName
Get context option. See configure method for list of supported options.
contextName configure ?optionName? ?optionValue optionName optionValue ...?
Query or modify context options. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options. If option is specified with no value, then the command returns the value for the specified option. If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given context option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Supported options with associated data type are:
contextName destroy
Destroy the ZeroMQ context and delete the associated Tcl object command.
contextName get optionName
Get context option. See configure method for list of supported options.
contextName set optionName optionValue
Set context option. See configure method for list of supported options.

Sockets edit


zmq socket ?socketName? contextName socketType
This command creates a new ZeroMQ socket object and associated Tcl object command whose name is socketName if specified or auto generated if not specified within the specified context and of the specified type. The object command will be created under the current namespace if the socketName is not fully qualified, and in the specified namespace otherwise. The object command name is returned by this command. The object command methods are explained in section Socket OBJECT METHODS. Valid values for socketType are:


socketName bind endPoint
Accept connections on a socket for specified endpoint.
socketName cget optionName
Get socket option. See configure method for list of supported options.
socketName close
See destroy method.
socketName configure ?optionName? ?optionValue optionName optionValue ...?
Query or modify socket options. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options. If option is specified with no value, then the command returns the value for the specified option. If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given socket option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Supported options with associated data type are:
unsigned wide integer
list of poll flags: POLLIN, POLLOUT or POLLERR
integer, write-only
binary, read-only
wide integer
enum: NULL, PLAIN, or CURVE, read-only
integer, read-only
integer, write-only
binary, write-only
string, write-only
binary, write-only
integer, write-only
integer, write-only
socketName connect endPoint
Connect to a socket on the specified endpoint.
socketName destroy
Close the ZeroMQ socket and delete the associated Tcl object command.
socketName disconnect endPoint
Disconnect from a socket on the specified endpoint.
socketName dump
Read message from the socket and return it in human readable debug format.
socketName get optionName
Get socket option. See configure method for list of supported options.
socketName monitor endPoint ?eventsList?
Arrange for monitoring the specified events. If no events are specified, all events are monitored. Monitoring information is available on a socket of type PAIR on the specified end-point. Known events can be found in Socket monitoring
socketName readable ?command?
If specified set, or if not specified get, the socket readable callback command.
socketName recv ?flagsList?
Read a message part from the socket and return it as a string. Only the DONTWAIT flag is supported.
socketName recv_monitor_event
Read a monitor event part from the monitor socket and return it as a dictionary. The socket must be of type PAIR and must be connected to the end-point passed to the socket monitor command. The dictionary will contain the triggered event and extra information depending on the triggered event (e.g address, error code, ...). More infomation about monitoring and possible events can be found in Socket monitoring.
socketName recv_msg message ?flagsList?
Read a message part from the socket and place it in the specified message object. Only the DONTWAIT flag is supported.
socketName send data ?flagsList?
Send the specified data to the socket as message part. Supported flags are DONTWAIT and SNDMORE.
socketName send_msg message ?flagsList?
Send the message part in the specified message object to the socket. Supported flags are DONTWAIT and SNDMORE.
socketName sendmore data ?flagsList?
Send the specified data to the socket as message part and indicate there are more message parts to come. Supported flags are DONTWAIT and SNDMORE.
socketName set optionName optionValue ?optionSize?
Set socket option. See configure method for list of supported options.
socketName unbind endPoint
Stop accepting connections on a socket for the specified endpoint.
socketName writable ?command?
If specified set, or if not specified get, the socket writable callback command.

Messages edit


zmq message ?messageName? ?-size <integer>? ?-data <string>?
This command creates a new ZeroMQ message object and associated Tcl object command whose name is messageName if specified or auto generated if not specified with specified size and data. The object command will be created under the current namespace if the messageName is not fully qualified, and in the specified namespace otherwise. The object command name is returned by this command. The object command methods are explained in section Message OBJECT METHODS. The use of this message type is not needed with the wrapper. Check the Socket OBJECT METHODS for socket commands directly reading and writing string and Message helper functions for utility functions to read and write strings.


messageName cget optionName
Get message option. See configure method for list of supported options.
messageName close
See destroy method.
messageName configure ?optionName? ?optionValue optionName optionValue ...?
Query or modify message options. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options. If option is specified with no value, then the command returns the value for the specified option. If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given message option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Supported options with associated data type are:
integer, read-only
messageName copy destinationMessageName
Copy the message to the specified message.
messageName data
Get the message data as a (binary) string.
messageName destroy
Close the ZeroMQ message and delete the associated Tcl object command.
messageName dump
Get the message as a human readable string.
messageName get optionName
Get message option. See configure method for list of supported options.
messageName more
Get indication if more messages are to be received as part of a multi part message.
messageName move destinationMessageName
Move contents to the specified message.
messageName recv socketName ?flagsList?
Receive a message on the specified socket. Only the DONTWAIT flag is supported.
messageName send socketName ?flagsList?
Send a message to the specified socket as message part. Supported flags are DONTWAIT and SNDMORE.
messageName sendmore socketName ?flagsList?
Send a message to the specified socket as message part and indicate there are more parts to come as part of a multi part message. Supported flags are DONTWAIT and SNDMORE.
messageName set optionName optionValue
Set message option. See configure method for list of supported options.
messageName size
Return the size of the message data part.

Multi-part message helper functions edit

ZeroMQ sends multi-part messages (e.g. when using envelopes). These helper functions can be used to make it easier to handle those. Data is specified as a (binary) string. A multi-part message is specified a a list of (binary) strings.
zmsg add messageList data
Add a message part to a multi-part message. The updated multi-part message is returned.
zmsg dump messageList
Return the multi-part message in a human readable form.
zmsg pop messageListName
Pop a message part from the beginning of the specified multi-part message. The popped message part is returned and the specified multi-part message is modified.
zmsg push messageList data
Push a message part to the beginning of a multi-part message. The modified multi-part message is returned.
zmsg recv socketName
Receive a multi-part message on the specified socket. The received message is returned.
zmsg send socketName messageList
Send a multi-part message to the specified socket.
zmsg unwrap messageListName
Unwrap multi-part message. The unwrapped message part is returned. An empty message-part following the unwrapped message part (e.g as part of an envelope) is also removed.
zmsg wrap messageList data
Wrap the multi-part message with the specified data. An empty message part is inserted between the specified data and the spoecified multi-part message.

Polling edit

zmq poll pollList timeout ?timeoutUnit?
Poll the specified sockets for the specifed events. A maximum timeout must be specified. If the value of timeout is 0, the command returns immediately. If the value of timeout is -1, the command will block indefinitely until a specified event occurs. The polling list if specified as a list of poll requests. Such a poll request is a list of:

  1. socket
  2. list of event flags Supported event flags are:
The poll command will return a list in the same format as the input polling list with list items for each item in the original list for which an event occured and in the list of event flags the events which occured.

Devices edit

zmq device deviceType inputSocketName outputSocketName
Start a built-in ZeroMQ device. Known devices are:

Socket monitoring edit

zmq monitor contextName socketName callbackCommand ?eventsList?
Helper function for monitoring socket events. This function is a wrapper for the socket monitor and socket recv_monitor_event commands. The event dictionary as read with the socket recv_monitor_event is lappended to the callback-command and the callback command is executed each time one of the specified events is triggered for the specified socket. The event-loop must be executed in order to be able to receive monitoring callback in this way. Supported events for monitoring are:

Miscellaneous edit

zmq version
Return the ZeroMQ version used by the Tcl wrapper.
zmq errno
Return the last returned ZeroMQ error code.
zmq strerror errorNumber
Return the human readable string for a ZeroMQ error code.
zmq max_block_time blockTime
Set maximum blocking time for the Tcl event loop waiting for ZeroMQ event in micro seconds. Default is 1000 micro seconds.

Examples edit

A weather data publishing server, also found in the ZeroMQ Guide:
# Weather update server
# Binds PUB socket to tcp:#*:5556
# Publishes random weather updates

package require zmq

# Prepare our context and publisher
zmq context context

zmq socket publisher context PUB
publisher bind "tcp://*:5556"
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
    publisher bind "ipc://weather.ipc"

# Initialize random number generator
expr {srand([clock seconds])}

while {1} {
    # Get values that will fool the boss
    set zipcode [expr {int(rand()*100000)}]
    set temperature [expr {int(rand()*215)-80}]
    set relhumidity [expr {int(rand()*50)+50}]
    # Send message to all subscribers
    set data [format "%05d %d %d" $zipcode $temperature $relhumidity]
    if {$zipcode eq "10001"} {
        puts $data
    zmq message msg -data $data
    publisher send_msg msg
    msg destroy
    update idletasks

publisher destroy
context destroy

And the corresponding client:
# Weather update client
# Connects SUB socket to tcp:#localhost:5556
# Collects weather updates and finds avg temp in zipcode

package require zmq

# Socket to talk to server
zmq context context
zmq socket subscriber context SUB
subscriber connect "tcp://localhost:5556"

# Subscribe to zipcode, default is NYC, 10001
if {[llength $argv]} {
    set filter [lindex $argv 0]
} else {
    set filter "10001"

subscriber setsockopt SUBSCRIBE $filter

# Process updates
set total_temp 0
for {set update_nbr 0} {$update_nbr < 10} {incr update_nbr} {
    zmq message msg
    subscriber recv_msg msg
    lassign [msg data] zipcode temperature relhumidity
    puts [msg data]
    msg close
    incr total_temp $temperature

puts "Averate temperatur for zipcode $filter was [expr {$total_temp/$update_nbr}]F"

subscriber destroy
context destroy

Or the client rewritten to process the messages from the publisher asynchronously:
# Weather update client
# Connects SUB socket to tcp:#localhost:5556
# Collects weather updates and finds avg temp in zipcode

package require zmq

# Socket to talk to server
zmq context context
zmq socket subscriber context SUB
subscriber connect "tcp://localhost:5556"

# Subscribe to zipcode, default is NYC, 10001
if {[llength $argv]} {
    set filter [lindex $argv 0]
} else {
    set filter "10001"

proc get_weather {} {
    global total_temp cnt done
    set data [subscriber recv]
    puts $data
    lassign $data zipcode temperature relhumidity
    incr total_temp $temperature
    incr cnt
    if {$cnt >= 10} {
        set done 1

subscriber setsockopt SUBSCRIBE $filter
set total_temp 0
set cnt 0
subscriber readable get_weather

# Process updates
vwait done

puts "Averate temperatur for zipcode $filter was [expr {$total_temp/$cnt}]F"

subscriber destroy
context destroy

More Tcl example can be found in the ZeroMQ Guide.

Bugs, ideas, feedback edit

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such at the Github tracker. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

License edit

zmq uses different licenses for different parts of the code. The 'core' of zmq (located in zmq.tcl) is licensed under LGPLv3. This just means that if you make any changes to how that code works, you must release those changes under the LGPL. If you just use zmq, then you can use any license you want for your own code. Check COPYING.LESSER for more info. The restrictions imposed by the LGPL make no sense for the 'non-core' functionality in zmq (derivative code must also be LGPL or GPL), especially for examples, so all 'non-core' code is relicensed under the more permissive BSD license (specifically Modified BSD aka New BSD aka 3-clause BSD), where possible. This means that you can copy this code and build your own apps without needing to license your own code with the LGPL or GPL. Check COPYING.BSD for more info.


RPC, broadcast, communication, inter process communication, message queue, messaging, producer - consumer, publish - subscribe, queue




 Copyright (c) Jos Decoster <[email protected]>

More examples edit

A publishing example, also found in the ØMQ Guide:
# Weather update server
# Binds PUB socket to tcp:#*:5556
# Publishes random weather updates

package require zmq

# Prepare our context and publisher
zmq context context
zmq socket publisher context PUB
publisher bind "tcp://*:5556"
publisher bind "ipc://weather.ipc"

# Initialize random number generator
expr {srand([clock seconds])}

while {1} {
    # Get values that will fool the boss
    set zipcode [expr {int(rand()*100000)}]
    set temperature [expr {int(rand()*215)-80}]
    set relhumidity [expr {int(rand()*50)+50}]
    # Send message to all subscribers
    set data [format "%05d %d %d" $zipcode $temperature $relhumidity]
    if {$zipcode eq "10001"} {
        puts $data
    zmq message msg -data $data
    publisher send_msg msg
    msg close

publisher close
context term

with corresponding client:
# Weather update client
# Connects SUB socket to tcp:#localhost:5556
# Collects weather updates and finds avg temp in zipcode

package require zmq

# Socket to talk to server
zmq context context
zmq socket subscriber context SUB
subscriber connect "tcp://localhost:5556"

# Subscribe to zipcode, default is NYC, 10001
if {[llength $argv]} {
    set filter [lindex $argv 0]
} else {
    set filter "10001"

subscriber setsockopt SUBSCRIBE $filter

# Process 100 updates
set total_temp 0
for {set update_nbr 0} {$update_nbr < 100} {incr update_nbr} {
    zmq message msg
    subscriber recv_msg msg
    lassign [msg data] zipcode temperature relhumidity
    puts [msg data]
    msg close
    incr total_temp $temperature

puts "Averate temperatur for zipcode $filter was [expr {$total_temp/$update_nbr}]F"

subscriber close
context term

Rewriting the client to process the messages from the publisher asynchronously:
# Weather update client
# Connects SUB socket to tcp:#localhost:5556
# Collects weather updates and finds avg temp in zipcode

package require zmq

# Socket to talk to server
zmq context context
zmq socket subscriber context SUB
subscriber connect "tcp://localhost:5556"

# Subscribe to zipcode, default is NYC, 10001
if {[llength $argv]} {
    set filter [lindex $argv 0]
} else {
    set filter "10001"

proc get_weather {} {
    global total_temp cnt done
    set data [subscriber recv]
    puts $data
    lassign $data zipcode temperature relhumidity
    incr total_temp $temperature
    incr cnt
    if {$cnt >= 10} {
        set done 1

subscriber setsockopt SUBSCRIBE $filter
set total_temp 0
set cnt 0
subscriber readable get_weather

# Process 100 updates
vwait done

puts "Averate temperatur for zipcode $filter was [expr {$total_temp/$cnt}]F"

subscriber close
context term

There is also a Tcl binding [2] for V1.0.

AK - 2012-04-04 16:24:27

Does this mean that GSoC Idea: Updated Tcl bindings for ZeroMQ is out of date ?

jdc - 2012-04-04 18:50:34

I guess so. All ZeroMQ commands are wrapped and most of the examples are ported to Tcl. Still work to do to make the package thread safe and to improve the asynchronous processing of messages.

ABU - 2012-04-27

Please, can you provide a Prêt-à-porter package (binaries for Windows, MacOSX) ? Thanks

jdc Windows 32 or 64 bit? I don't have access to a mac to create a compiled package.

ABU 32-bit, please

Check http://github.com/jdc8/tclzmq/downloads for 32 and 64 bit Windows packages.