Following on from
Websocket on TclHttpd I was reading that the RFB protocol used by VNC could be layered on top of WebSocket. Searching the Wiki,
Mac Cody had written
TclRFB which is a
pure-Tcl Client and Server for the RFB protocol in 2003. On the
TclRFB homepage it mentions one of the Future Goals was
"Combine TclRFB with tclhttpd to allow serving of the Java VNC client to a browser. Alternately, the Java VNC client could be replaced with a TclRFB client that would run on the Tcl/Tk plugin." Well 11 years later the "Java VNC client" can be replaced by
noVNC, a VNC client using HTML5 WebSockets written in Javascript.
I thought if I could combine
TclHttpd with
TclRFB, WebSocket and
noVNC this would be an interesting project to test the WebSocket library.
I wanted to run the
TclRFB server in the same event loop as
TclHttpd and WebSocket. So I decided to run the
TclRFB Server in a Slave Interpreter and redirect its socket I/O to the WebSocket Library via alias commands. This worked out well. Testing was done using the rfbcounter demo that came with
TclRFB. The
TclRFB homepage says the server needs the VNC client to support BGR233. I had to modify rfbcounter.tcl as
noVNC works with 24bit True Colour.
I have created a
Starkit with the latest
TclHttpd from the Fossil repository. This works with Tcl8.6 and Tcl8.5. It's available from [
1] (Right click on the link and select "Save target as...")
Point your browser to
and click on "WebSocket
TclRFB noVNC Test" on the homepage.
TclRFB looks to be very interesting. It's a shame it never progressed.
Below is the tclRFB-novnc.tcl file in the custom directory of
TclHttpd# I made a few modifications to the Websocket library to make it work with Tclhttpd.
# 1. In the procedure ::websocket::test changed the following line from
# [string equal -nocase $v "upgrade"] } {
# to
# [string compare -nocase $v "*upgrade*"] } {
# Most browsers send the header "Connection: Upgrade" but Firefox sends
# "Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade"
# 2. In the procedure ::websocket::takeover changed the following line from
# fconfigure $sock -translation binary -blocking on
# to
# fconfigure $sock -translation binary -blocking off
# 3. In the procedure ::websocket::Receiver changed the following line from
# binary scan $dta Iu mask
# to
# binary scan $dta I mask
# Without this change the symptoms were intermittent starting of TclRFB
# server.
# So make the above modifications and then save the following to
# tclRFB-novnc.tcl and drop in the custom directory.
Url_PrefixInstall /novnc [list ::novnc::domain /novnc]
package require websocket
namespace eval ::novnc {
# ensure ::novnc namespace exists
namespace eval ::rfbcounter {
# ensure ::rfbcounter namespace exists
proc ::novnc::domain {prefix sock suffix} {
upvar #0 Httpd$sock data
# Use the Session Module in TclHttpd to create a slave interpreter to run the
# TclRFB package in but rename certain commands to redirect the I/O to the webSocket library.
set session [Session_Create Rfb 0]
# To get started register the socket as a websocket server.
::websocket::server $sock
# The callback procedure when a message/data is present.
::websocket::live $sock /novnc [list ::novnc::TclRFB $session]
# Test the Http headers via data(headerlist) to see if it is a websocket request.
set wstest [::websocket::test $sock $sock /novnc $data(headerlist) $data(query)]
# If ::websocket::test returns 1 it's a valid websocket request so suspend the Http request
# in TclHtppd. Start the TclRFB server in its own Slave Interpreter.
# Let the websocket library return the correct Http headers via the ::websocket::upgrade
# procedure and take control.
if {$wstest == 1} {
Httpd_Suspend $sock 0
::rfbcounter::Setup $sock $session rfbcounterNovnc.tcl -clock 1 000000 0000ff
::websocket::upgrade $sock
} else {
Httpd_ReturnData $sock text/html "Not a valid Websocket connection!"
Session_Destroy $session
# ::novnc::TclRFB --
#This procedure is called when the server
#can read data from the client
# Arguments: appended to the callback procedure by the Websocket library.
# sock The socket connection to the client
# type Type of message either:
# request (initial connection generated by the websocket library.)
# close
# disconnect
# binary
# text
# msg message or data
proc ::novnc::TclRFB {session sock type msg} {
upvar #0 Session:$session state
set interp $state(interp)
switch $type {
request {
set rfbClientAddr [lindex [fconfigure $sock -peername] 0]
set rfbClientPort [lindex [fconfigure $sock -peername] 2]
$interp eval ::rfb::AcceptServerSocket $sock $rfbClientAddr $rfbClientPort
close {
disconnect {
Session_Destroy $session
unset ::Httpd$sock
binary {
set state(lwsockmsg) 1
set state(wsockmsg) $msg
while {$state(lwsockmsg) > 0} {
$interp eval ::rfb::ServerConnectionStateMachine $sock
text {
# ::rfbcounter::Setup --
# This procedure is called just before the WebSocket Library takes over the socket.
# It sets up the rfb server to run using the same event loop as Tclhttpd and the
# WebSocket Library before data is transferred. We want to run rfbcounterNovnc.tcl
# in its own slave interpreter and this way we can capture the I/O by aliasing commands
# and redirecting them to the WebSocket Library.
# Arguments:
# sock The socket connection to the client
# session The session used to create the interp
# sfile The source file in the bin directory.
# args The arguments if rfbcounter.tcl was run on the command line.
proc ::rfbcounter::Setup { sock session sfile args } {
upvar #0 Session:$session state
set interp $state(interp)
# Following taken from httpd.tcl for getting these variables into
# a slave interpreter.
# Transfer the scalar global variables
foreach var {::v ::auto_path} {
$interp eval [list set $var [set $var]]
# Renaming commands and aliasing in the Slave Interpreter
# to capture the socket I/O.
interp eval $interp {rename puts real_puts}
interp alias $interp puts {} ::rfbcounter::Puts $interp
interp eval $interp {rename read real_read}
interp alias $interp read {} ::rfbcounter::Read $sock $session
interp eval $interp {rename close real_close}
interp alias $interp close {} ::rfbcounter::Close $interp
interp eval $interp {rename fconfigure real_fconfigure}
interp alias $interp fconfigure {} ::rfbcounter::Fconfigure $interp
interp eval $interp {rename socket real_socket}
interp alias $interp socket {} ::rfbcounter::Socket $interp $sock
interp eval $interp {rename fileevent real_fileevent}
interp alias $interp fileevent {} ::rfbcounter::Fileevent $interp
interp share {} $sock $interp
interp eval $interp "set argc [llength $args]"
set cmdargv "set argv [list $args]"
interp eval $interp $cmdargv
$interp eval [list set sock $sock]
$interp eval [list set tclhttpdport [lindex [fconfigure $sock -sockname] 2]]
set cmd [list source [file join $starkit::topdir bin $sfile]]
$interp eval $cmd
proc ::rfbcounter::Puts { interp args } {
if {[string match "-nonewline" [lindex $args 0]]} {
set flag -nonewline
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
} else {
set flag ""
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set chan stdout
return [$interp eval real_puts $chan $args]
} elseif {[llength $args] == 2} {
if {[string match "sock*" [lindex $args 0]]} {
set sock [lindex $args 0]
set msg [lindex $args 1]
::websocket::send $sock binary $msg
} else {
return [$interp eval real_puts $flag $args]
} else {
return [$interp error "wrong # args: should be \"puts ?-nonewline? ?channelId? string\""]
proc ::rfbcounter::Read {sock session args} {
upvar #0 Session:$session state
set interp $state(interp)
if { [llength $args] == 2 && [string match "sock*" [lindex $args 0]] } {
set range [expr [lindex $args 1]-1]
set wsockdata [string range $state(wsockmsg) 0 $range]
set state(wsockmsg) [string range $state(wsockmsg) [lindex $args 1] end]
set state(lwsockmsg) [string length $state(wsockmsg)]
return $wsockdata
} else {
return [$interp eval real_read $args]
proc ::rfbcounter::Close {interp args} {
if {[string match "sock*" [lindex $args 0]]} {
::websocket::close $sock
} else {
return [$interp eval real_close $args]
proc ::rfbcounter::Fconfigure {interp args} {
if {[string match "-buffering" [lindex $args 1]]} {
} else {
return [$interp eval real_fconfigure $args]
proc ::rfbcounter::Socket {interp sock args} {
if {[string match "-server" [lindex $args 0]]} {
return $sock
} else {
return [$interp eval real_socket $args]
proc ::rfbcounter::Fileevent {interp args} {
This is the rfbcounterNovnc.tcl in the bin directory of
TclHttpd# This is a slightly modified rfbcounter.tcl file that
# was originally shipped with TclRFB as a demo. It
# allows TclRFB to run with TclHttpd, WebSocket and the
# noVNC client. Save this to rfbcounterNovnc.tcl and drop in
# the bin directory of TclHttpd.
package require tclRFB
set ::rfb::rfb($sock,clientBEIfLittle) 1
# TclRFB - rfbcounter.tcl: Counter/clock RFB server
# Determine command line arguments
set ndx 0
if {[string match {-clock} [lindex $argv 0]]} {
set showClock 1
incr ndx
} else {
set showClock 0
if {[regexp -- {^[1-9]*[0-9]$} [lindex $argv $ndx]]} {
set port [expr 5900 + [lindex $argv $ndx]]
incr ndx
} else {
puts {Incorrect command line options!!!}
puts {rfbcouter.tcl [-clock] display-number [fg [bg]]}
if {$argc - $showClock > 1} {
if {[regexp -- {^[0-9a-f]{6}$} [lindex $argv $ndx]]} {
set fg [lindex $argv $ndx]
incr ndx
} else {
puts {Incorrect command line options}
puts {rfbcouter.tcl [-clock] display-number [fg [bg]]}
} else {
set fg 000000
if {$argc - $showClock > 2} {
if {[regexp -- {^[0-9a-f]{6}$} [lindex $argv $ndx]]} {
set bg [lindex $argv $ndx]
incr ndx
} else {
puts {Incorrect command line options}
puts {rfbcouter.tcl [-clock] display-number [fg [bg]]}
} else {
set bg ffffff
# Either TclDES or TclDESjr can be used with TclRFB.
# If you don't want to use VNC authentication, comment
# out the next line. See the ServerSetup proc also.
#package require tclDES
#package require tclDESjr
# sevenseg(number) {element element ... element}
set sevenseg(0) {a b c d e f}
set sevenseg(1) {b c}
set sevenseg(2) {a b d e g}
set sevenseg(3) {a b c d g}
set sevenseg(4) {b c f g}
set sevenseg(5) {a c d f g}
set sevenseg(6) {a c d e f g}
set sevenseg(7) {a b c}
set sevenseg(8) {a b c d e f g}
set sevenseg(9) {a b c d f g}
# sevenseg(element) {x y w h}
set sevenseg(a) {25 10 50 10}
set sevenseg(b) {75 20 10 50}
set sevenseg(c) {75 80 10 50}
set sevenseg(d) {25 130 50 10}
set sevenseg(e) {15 80 10 50}
set sevenseg(f) {15 20 10 50}
set sevenseg(g) {25 70 50 10}
set sevenseg(colonH) {0 40 10 10}
set sevenseg(colonL) {0 100 10 10}
# Procedure: ServerSetup - Set up the RFB server
# Inputs:
# port - The port number for the RFB server.
# (really TclHttpd port number)
# Output:
# The socket handle for the created server.
# Effect:
# The server awaits connection from one or more clients.
proc ServerSetup {port} {
set optList [list serverVersionMajor 3]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverVersionMinor 3]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverBPP 32]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverDepth 24]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverBE 1]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverTC 1]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverRmax 255]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverGmax 255]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverBmax 255]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverRshift 16]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverGshift 8]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverBshift 0]]
set optList [concat $optList [list serverShared client]]
set optList [concat $optList [list passwd {}]]
set optList [concat $optList [list passfile /home/mcody/.vnc/passwd]]
# If you don't want to use VNC authentication, replace
# "[list scheme 2]" below with "[list scheme 1]".
# set optList [concat $optList [list scheme 2]]
set optList [concat $optList [list scheme 1]]
set optList [concat $optList [list width 600]]
set optList [concat $optList [list height 150]]
set optList [concat $optList [list name "TclRFB Clock Server $::sock"]]
set optList [concat $optList [list updaterequest ProcessUpdateRequest]]
set optList [concat $optList [list keyevent ProcessKeyEvent]]
set optList [concat $optList [list pointerevent ProcessPointerEvent]]
set optList [concat $optList [list servercuttext ProcessServerCutText]]
# Initial last value will guarantee transmission of all characters.
set optList [concat $optList [list lval -1]]
return [::rfb::CreateServerSocket $port $optList]
# Procedure: ProcessUpdateRequest - Process the update request event that
# comes fromt the client.
# Inputs:
# sock - Socket handle ID.
# inc - Flag for incremental update (1) or complete update (0).
# x - Coordinate of the lefthand side of the requested update region.
# y - Coordinate of the top side of the requested update region.
# width - Width of the requested update region.
# height - Geight of the requested update region.
# Output:
# 1 - successful completion.
# Effect:
# Appropriate frame buffer update message is sent to the client.
proc ProcessUpdateRequest {sock inc x y width height} {
global showClock bg fg sevenseg
# It appears noVNC doesn't take notice of the Server Endianness
# and wants to have the colours in Little Endian order.
# (Not sure if this is the correct terminalogy. Instead of
# the colours in RGB order it wants BGR order.) Don't know
# if the rfb($sock,clientBE) changes depending on the OS running
# on the client machine but this should handle it if it does.
if {$::rfb::rfb($sock,clientBEIfLittle)} {
if {$::rfb::rfb($sock,clientBE) == 0} {
set bgRed [string range $bg 0 1]
set bgGreen [string range $bg 2 3]
set bgBlue [string range $bg 4 5]
set bg $bgBlue$bgGreen$bgRed
set fgRed [string range $fg 0 1]
set fgGreen [string range $fg 2 3]
set fgBlue [string range $fg 4 5]
set fg $fgBlue$fgGreen$fgRed
set ::rfb::rfb($sock,clientBEIfLittle) 0
} else {
set ::rfb::rfb($sock,clientBEIfLittle) 0
if {$::rfb::rfb($sock,state) eq {halted}} { return 0 }
if {$showClock} {
# Get the current time
set cval [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H%M%S]
} else {
set cval [string trimleft $::rfb::rfb($sock,lval) 0]
if {$cval != {}} {
incr cval
} else {
set cval 1
if {$cval > 1000000} {
set cval 0
set cval [format %06d $cval]
# encodeList: {{2 x y w h bg {{x y w h fg} ... {x y w h fg}}} ... {2 x y w h bg {{x y w h fg} ... {x y w h fg}}}}
if {![string match $::rfb::rfb($sock,lval) $cval] || !$inc} {
# start the RRE rectangle list with the background color
set i 0
foreach ndx {0 100 200 300 400 500} {
set num [string index $cval $i]
if {($num ne [string index $::rfb::rfb($sock,lval) $i]) || !$inc} {
set rreList [list 2 $ndx 0 100 150 $bg]
set rectList {}
foreach elm $sevenseg($num) {
lappend rectList [concat $sevenseg($elm) $fg]
lappend rreList $rectList
lappend encodeList $rreList
incr i
if {$showClock} {
# add the semicolons
set rectList [list [concat $sevenseg(colonH) $fg]]
lappend rectList [concat $sevenseg(colonL) $fg]
lappend encodeList [list 2 195 0 10 150 $bg $rectList]
lappend encodeList [list 2 395 0 10 150 $bg $rectList]
::rfb::SendFramebufferUpdate $sock $encodeList
set ::rfb::rfb($sock,lval) $cval
} else {
# Send a dummy frame buffer update.
::rfb::SendFramebufferUpdate $sock {}
return 1
# Procedure: ProcessKeyEvent - Process the keyboard event that comes fromt the client.
# Inputs:
# sock - Socket handle ID.
# downflag - Key depressed (1) or released (0).
# keysym - Keysym value.
# Output:
# 1 - Successful completion.
# Effect:
# RFB message to ring the console bell is sent to the client.
proc ProcessKeyEvent {sock downflag keysym} {
if {$downflag} {
::rfb::SendBell $sock
return 1
# Procedure: ProcessPointerEvent - Process the mouse pointer event that comes fromt the client.
# Inputs:
# sock - Socket handle ID.
# buttonmask - States for the mouse buttons (1 - depressed, 0 - key released).
# x - Current x coordinate of the mouse cursor.
# y - Current y coordinate of the mouse cursor.
# Output:
# 1 - Successful completion.
# Effect:
# RFB message to ring the console bell is sent to the client.
proc ProcessPointerEvent {sock buttonmask x y} {
if {$buttonmask} {
::rfb::SendBell $sock
return 1
# Procedure: ProcessServerCutText - Process the cut buffer event that comes fromt the client.
# Inputs:
# sock - Socket handle ID.
# text - Cut buffer text sent by the client.
# Output:
# 1 - Successful completion.
# Effect:
# RFB message to ring the console bell is sent to the client.
proc ProcessServerCutText {sock text} {
::rfb::SendBell $sock
return 1
# Start up the server.
ServerSetup $tclhttpdport
# Wait until the server is shut down (Ctrl-C).
#set forever 0
#vwait forever