Updated 2005-11-23 04:00:51

What: Swish
 Where: http://www.zveno.com/zm.cgi/in-products/in-swish/ (???)
        ftp://ftp.zveno.com/  (???)
        ftp://ftp.zveno.com/swish/Swish-1.0b5.tar.gz  (???)
 Description: Non-validating XML editor, with both a tree and document
        view of the XML document. Commercial product. Free 30 day
        evaluation copy available for Linux, Windows 95/98/NT, and
        Macintosh PPC. The DOM-based tree and text view widgets
        from this editor are being released as OpenSource.
 Updated: 02/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

I believe this is no longer available; see WAX instead.

Category Application - Category XML