What: Assign using equals
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl code to define new unknown command which allows one
to use = as a simple assignment command.
Contact: mailto:[email protected]
(Mike Taylor)
RS: This is one of the most frequent wishes for Tcl: to be able to write, in the Fortran/Algol/Pascal/C infix tradition,
i = $j + 1
as opposed to Tcl's Polish notation (command name always comes first):
set i [expr {$j + 1}]
A compromise would be to have a
let command whose arguments have the required structure (e.g.
Let's assign with let) - a most simple implementation could be this:
proc let {varName "=" args} {
upvar 1 $varName v
set v [uplevel 1 [list expr] $args]
But of course directly using
expr is still a tad more efficient...
See also edit