What: Plume Where: http://www.zveno.com/open_source/plume.html ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/apps/plume-0.6.2/plume-0.6.2.tar.gz http://www.glinx.com/%7Ehclsmith/tcltk/plume/ ??? Description: Tcl/Tk WorldWideWeb (WWW) browser. Supports HTML v1.0 and v2.0, along with a subset of HTML v3.0 tables. Goal is for it to be completely v3.0 compliant. Handles inline GIF (including transparent GIFs), PPM, and X bitmap images. Supports older Tcl applets using Jacob Levy's Safe-Tcl extension. Runs with Tcl/Tk 8.0b1. Dynamically loads tclX and BLT extensions. Supports CMT's cmplayer. Note that this program contains a module (prot.tcl) to handle the HTTP 1.0 protocol. Includes an HTML megawidget which has table support. Support for XML documents and tcl based DTDs is also available. Also contains Safe-Tk code. Updated: 08/2001 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Steve Ball)AMG: All links on this page are 404.
See also CMT (Berkeley Continuous Media Toolkit).