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  • A Coroutine-Enabled Interactive Command Line
    20 Jul 2015normal. Now, we create a coroutine-enabled version of [http::geturl]: ====== % package require http 2.7.2 % proc fetch url { > http::geturl $url -command [info coroutine] > yield > } ====== We can now use this
  • a delicious api
    16 Jan 2012variable user variable pass lappend headers Authorization "Basic [base64::encode $user:$pass]" #puts "geturl $url" set t [http::geturl $url -headers $headers] if {[http::ncode $t] != "200"} { #parray $t return -code error
  • A little Nasdaq retriever
    13 Oct 2018wants lowercase set url$sym/dividend-history set token [http::geturl $url] set map {Date "" CashAmount div} set buf [list symbol $symbol] foreach line [split [set
  • A little rain forecaster
    05 Mar 2013ims] lappend ims {} if {$throttle < 1} { lappend cmds [list \ http::geturl $url -command [list loadFinished $l]] } else { incr throttle -1 http::geturl $url -command [list loadFinished $l] } } proc loadFinished { l token } { global
  • A little RSS browser
    09 Sep 2012needed for proxy support #autoproxy::init proc fetch {url} { set res [http::data [set tok [http::geturl $url]]] http::cleanup $tok return $res } # add more if desired set site {http://wiki.tcl
  • A little RSS reaper
    11 Jan proc geturl_followRedirects {url args} { array set URI [::uri::split $url] ;# Need host info from here while {1} { set token [eval [list http::geturl $url] $args] if {![string
  • A little spellchecker
    26 Jan 2015format $mtime \ -format {%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT} -gmt 1] set token [::http::geturl $url -validate 1 \ -headers [list If-Modified-Since $web_mtime]] upvar #0 $token state switch
  • A little US election results mashup
    24 Mar 2014proc refresh url { display [decode [fetch $url]] } # Fetch the data proc fetch url { set t [http::geturl $url] if {[http::ncode $t] == 200} { set data [http::data $t] } else { set data {} } http
  • a rest framework
    26 Jun 2016body } elseif {![dict exists $config method] || [dict get $config method] == "get"} { set url $url?$query } #puts "geturl $url" #return set opts [list] if {[dict exists $config content-type]} { lappend opts -type [dict
  • A Tcl repository
    07 Feb 2018pattern *}} { variable repository # We pass the pattern, but the repository MAY ignore it set token [http::geturl $repository?[http::formatQuery pat $pattern]] if {![string match 2?? [http::ncode $token]]} { set msg [join
  • A TclOO Tkhtml 3.0 megawidget - example of how to render html+css
    09 Mar 2018baseurl "[$b scheme]://[$b authority]" set url [$b resolve $full_url] $b destroy set t [http::geturl $url] set data [http::data $t] $hwidget reset $hwidget parse -final $data http::cleanup $t
  • A Very Simple Weather App
    02 Mar 2015set url$where.html set n [catch {set token [::http::geturl $url]}] .t config -bg [lindex [.t config -bg] 3] if {$n || [http::ncode $token] != 200
  • Akismet spam filtering
    07 Jan 2018connect {type prefix args} { variable blog variable app set ver [package require akismet] set token [::http::geturl http://${prefix}$type \ -headers [list User-Agent "$app | akismet.tcl
  • Alexander Schöpe
    04 Sep 2018tcl package for libzint barcode encoding library (no Tk needed)] * [Simple HTTP Authentication Wrapper for http::geturl RFC 2617] * [NaCl - Networking and Cryptography library (pronounced "salt")] * [BAWT] supporting [Paul Obermeier] by adding
  • An HTTP robot in Tcl
    16 Oct 2013comes in handy in this respect. The second step is straightforward. Use the [http] package, http::geturl specifically, and save the html you receive back in a variable. Then the third step
  • AndroWish and its 337 packages
    26 Jan 2014filetype fileutil::magic::mimetype fileutil::magic::rt fileutil::multi fileutil::multi::op fileutil::traverse ftp ftp::geturl ftpd generator getstring gpx grammar::aycock grammar::aycock::debug grammar::aycock::runtime grammar::fa grammar
  • ao3
    31 Aug 2018id?view_full_work=true&view_adult=true" _LOG $this INFO "downloading $url" set token [::http::geturl $url] set ncode [::http::ncode $token] set html [::http::data $token] _LOG $this DEBUG "download
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 1
    13 Jul 2018I used the lines below: ====== set query [http::formatQuery UserName $user Password $passwd] set http [::http::geturl $url -query $query] ====== However, I believe the site is relying on cookies as well. What
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 3
    26 Sep 2016the problem that you describe: exec /sbin/service network start package require http 2.5 http::geturl fails with the error message "couldn't open socket: host is
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 5
    01 Sep 2015Please advise if i am missing something. % package require http 2.5 2.5.3 % http::geturl couldn't open socket: connection timed out 2006-12-30 [gg
  • autoproxy
    16 Sep 2016this: ====== package require autoproxy autoproxy::init autoproxy::configure -basic -user luser -pass sEkRet set tok [http::geturl] http::data $tok http::cleanup $tok ====== **Example for https
  • basic snack stream player
    20 Sep 2018data return } if { $argc == 2 } { set url [lindex $argv 0] set out [lindex $argv 1] http::geturl $url -handler [list savestream $out] } elseif { $argc != 1 } { puts stdout "\n$::argv0 a basic mp3
  • binary data access - tclbin (Demailly)
    25 Oct 2013etc. Latest version can be built as a Tcl 7.6 dynamically loadable extension. A sample geturl script is included. While this version compiles and passes all tests under Tcl 8, it
  • Blackbox Collection of Network Statistics
    18 Oct 2016exit } } } ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1] netstats capture dump set tok [::http::geturl -keepalive 0] netstats release vwait forever } package provide netstats 0.1
  • careck
    07 Sep 2013password} { set auth "Basic [base64::encode $username:$password]" set headerl [list Authorization $auth] set tok [http::geturl -headers $headerl] set res [http::data $tok] http
  • CEDict Viewer
    25 Jun 2011ts_utf-8_mdbg.txt.gz" set fp [ open [file tail $url] w] set token [http::geturl $url -progress progress -headers {Pragma no-cache} -channel $fp] close $fp eval exec "unzip -o
  • chatlog reaper
    07 Aug 2013format [clock sec] -format %Y-%m-%d] #http::config -proxyhost proxy -proxyport 80 set token [http::geturl $::base/$date.tcl -headers {Pragma no-cache}] puts "<html><head>Tclers' Chat of $date</head
  • Chess4Tcl
    16 Feb 2017file dirname [info script]] chess.js] # code fom dbohdan if {![file exists $chessfile]} { set req [::http::geturl$chessfile] set c [::http
  • CkChat
    20 Nov 2013date {date format} { clock format [clock scan $date] -format $format } proc ::ckchat::geturl url { if {[catch { set token [::http::geturl $url -command "#"] ::http::wait $token set html [::http::data $token] ::http::cleanup
  • Consuming web services
    21 Mar 2016already. ---- [ALX] 2016-03-17 10:18:00 <<br>><<br>> [Simple HTTP Authentication Wrapper for http::geturl RFC 2617] [HaO]: Alex, if you have put the link here, could you also add
  • control roku over lan
    01 Mar 201876:8060/keypress/$key" if { $wt != 0 } { wait $wt } } return } proc quickroku {args} { set token [::http::geturl $args -method POST ] ::http::reset $token } proc uniqkey { } { set key [ expr { pow(2,31) + [ clock
  • Cookies
    07 Jul 2012package require http set login [::http::formatQuery email [email protected] password fooFoo!] set tok [::http::geturl -query $login] upvar \#0 $tok state set cookies
  • coroutine-enabled event handling
    20 Sep 2018NEM] Here's another example - asynchronous [HTTP] requests using a synchronous interface: ====== proc get url { http::geturl $url -command [info coroutine] yield } proc main {} { set t [get
  • CryptoAid
    14 Oct 2009thisDay" return 0 } return 1 } ##+########################################################################## # # DownloadPage -- fetches a web page # proc DownloadPage {url} { set token [::http::geturl $url] ::http::wait $token if {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} { error "cannot download $url: [::http::ncode
  • Daily Dilbert
    05 Dec 2017http::geturl [lindex [regexp -inline {{4}\d{5}/\d{4}/\d{3}/\d{5}/\d{5}.strip(.sunday)?.gif} [http::data [set tok [http::geturl
  • Data structures: from the bit to the Web
    18 Jan 2013proc fetch {v1 url op} { if {[info exists ::web($url)]} { # Do nothing } else { set t [http::geturl $url] set ::web($url) [http::data $t] http::cleanup $t } } ====== [RS]:-) A good example for
  • davkit
    07 Jun 2014webdav, and davvfs. The '''webdav''' package does the real work, using an extended version of http (geturl) which supports DAV's PROPFIND methods, etc. The '''davvfs''' package is a VFS driver on
  • deadlinks.tcl - A Bookmark File Cleaner
    30 Jul 2014good) $line } } } puts -nonewline "\n" flush stdout return } proc verifySite {} { global opt data if {[catch {http::geturl $data(site) -validate 1 \ -timeout $opt(timeout,ms)} tok]} { #puts $tok return 0 } upvar #0
  • Deferred evaluation
    14 Dec 2017return } ====== Usage: lazyEvalOnce test {apply {args { puts "Fetching remote data"; package require http; set token [http::geturl]; set retval [http::ncode $token]; http::cleanup $token; return $retval }}} ---- As shown
  • Dithering
    17 Aug 2010x 0 } ; if {$y < 0} {set y 0} wm geometry .http +$x+$y set token [::http::geturl $fname -progress HttpProgress] ::http::wait $token destroy .http if {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} { ::http::cleanup
  • Download Accelerator
    06 Mar 2017validate] == 0 } { set validate [http::geturl $url -validate 1] } return [set ${validate}(type)] } proc isAcceptRanges { url } { global validate if { [info exists validate] == 0 } { set validate [http::geturl $url -validate 1] } array set
  • Download file via HTTP
    12 Jul 2011url } { set token [::http::geturl $url] set data [::http::data $token] ::http::cleanup $token return $data } ====== ---- [KPV] If you need to download lots of files, check out [Parallel Geturl] which lets you
  • Downloading a File over HTTP
    27 Jul 2008name: ====== package require Tcl 8.5 package require http 2 proc filegrab url { set token [http::geturl $url -validate 1] upvar #0 $token head set cd [dict get $head(meta) Content-Disposition
  • Downloading pictures from Flickr
    01 Feb 20164#########5#########6#########7##### proc GetPage { url } { #: Fetch a webpage from the web set token [::http::geturl $url] set page [::http::data $token] ::http::cleanup $token return $page } proc FetchImage { url fname
  • Downloading Videos from Google Video
    18 Sep 2012set url [lindex $argv 0] puts -nonewline "Downloading $url ..." flush stdout if {[catch {set urlToken [http::geturl $url]} oops]} { puts "$oops" exit 1 } if {[http::status $urlToken] ne "ok"} { puts [http::error
  • Downloading your utility usage from Pacific Gas and Electric using TCL
    22 Nov 2011getAttribute name] [$input getAttribute value] } set t [http::geturl $action -query [http::formatQuery {*}$query]] set cookies [cookies $t] http::cleanup $t set t [http::geturl "
  • Dropbox
    20 Sep 2018list Content-Length $contentLength Host Authorization "Bearer $access_token"] set token [http::geturl $url -headers $headers -method PUT -type $contentType -query $content] http::wait $token If the upload
  • Dynix2RSS
    26 Nov 2004Get the authentication page which gives us the session variable # set url $dynix2 set token [::http::geturl $url] set page [::http::data $token] ; ::http::cleanup $token set n [regexp -nocase {[?&]session=(.*?)&} $page
  • Editing the Tcl'ers Wiki using an editor of your choice
    08 Dec 2012package require nstcl-http }]} { namespace import nstcl::* } else { package require http proc ns_geturl {url} { set conn [http::geturl $url] set html [http::data $conn] http::cleanup $conn return $html } proc ns
  • Einfach Tcl
    26 Jan 2016Beispiel: Internet-Dateiherunterlader''' package require http http::config -proxyhost proxy -proxyport 80 puts [http::data [http::geturl [lindex $argv 0]]] Verwendet wird das mit Tcl mitgelieferte package ''http''. Mit ''http::config'' wird
  • Empty interpreter
    05 Apr 2018format [clock sec] -format %Y-%m-%d] #http::config -proxyhost proxy -proxyport 80 set token [http::geturl $::base/$date.tcl -headers {Pragma no-cache}] puts "<html><head>Tclers' Chat of $date</head
  • Enhancing Satellite Weather Images
    28 Oct 2012foreach {x y t} $trans { $image transparency set $x $y $t } } set imagedata [http::data [http::geturl]] image create
  • eTcl
    07 Jan 2018go to another application, like Pocket IE to establish a connection, before I can use http::geturl to get a web page. Is there any way to get eTcl to use the
  • Event Tracing for Windows
    04 Apr 2014through a http::geturl call that shows the script execution comingled with the actual network events at the system level. First we generate a trace file from a http::geturl call. To
  • Excel VBA to OpenOffice Basic converter
    16 Mar 2015Private) (?!Sub|Function)(.+,.+ As .+)$} {[CDim \1 {\2}]} AddSubst {ActiveWorkbook.Name} {FileNameOutOfPath(ThisComponent.getURL)} AddSubst {ActiveWorkbook.Path} {ConvertFromURL(DirectoryNameoutofPath(ThisComponent.getURL, "/"))} AddSubst {\.Visible} {.isVisible} #Databases: AddSubst {conn\.Open (.+)$} "DataSource = createUnoService(\"
  • EZShout
    13 Jan 2014size_limit="off") set stationLen 32 proc getShoutcastGenres {} { global genreListURL set genreList [list] set tok [http::geturl $genreListURL] if {[http::ncode $tok] == 200} { set doc [dom parse [http::data $tok]] set root
  • fallingrain
    02 Nov 2012c %c] if {$i < 65 || $i > 127} {set c $i} append url $c/ set token [http::geturl $url] set page [http::data $token] http::cleanup $token foreach line [split $page \n] { if
  • FastaFile
    07 Apr 2012Just start a tclkit-shell and begin working by fetching the latest biotcl.kit via http::geturl. I will release a first kit this week. Regarding your methods for FastaFile: It should
  • File HTTPS Upload
    18 Oct 2014geturl https://${host}$cgi \ -type "multipart/form-data; boundary=$bound" -query $content \ -headers [list Authorization "Basic $up"]] # Depending on your data and platform, you might also need -binary 1 in the geturl
  • File Upload with tcl's http
    09 May 2014actual http header, if you simply pass the returned block to the -query parameter of http::geturl .. which causes a wrong content-type and then everything goes down the drain.. also, but
  • Finding distances by querying MapQuest
    21 Aug 20061c 1s 2c 2s] { append url &$field=[ns_urlencode [set $field]] } set html [ns_striphtml [ns_geturl $url]] set RE {(?i)Total\s+Distance:\s+([0-9,.]+)\s+mile} if {[regexp $RE
  • firewall
    21 Jun 2017share {} stdout $i; # Give away stdout so we can output data $i eval { set t [::http::geturl] if { [::http::data $t] ne "" } { puts "Properly downloaded [string length [::http
  • Following Redirects
    18 May 2015So, here's an updated version of [Donal Fellows] routine '''geturl_followRedirects''' that can handle this weird case. ---- ====== package require uri proc geturl_followRedirects {url args} { array set URI [::uri::split $url
  • FreeDB Access
    11 Jun 2009other error" return } set did [lindex $ret 0] set cdtemp "" foreach c $cats { set token [::http::geturl "$c+$did&hello=name+host
  • Freshmeat Newsletter Filter
    28 Nov 2011This is # expected to be a redirect (http return code 302). # if {![catch {set urlToken [http::geturl $url -timeout 10000]} \ errorMsg]} { if {[http::status $urlToken] != "ok"} { # # We get here if a timeout
  • Fuzzy Google truth
    02 Feb[string map {" " +} $query]&hc=0&hs=0 set token [http::geturl $url] set data [http::data $token] http::cleanup $token set nhits 0 regexp {\n[ 0
  • geocoder
    26 Jun 2012set geocoder "$encodedURL" set data [http::data [http::geturl $geocoder]] regexp "<geo:long>(.*)</geo:long>" $data X long regexp "<geo:lat>(.*)</geo:lat>" $data
  • Get External IP-address
    24 Aug 2018your external IP-address. For this I created the following proc: ====== proc getExternalIP {} { set token [http::geturl] set externalIP [string trim [http::data $token]] ::http::cleanup $token return
  • Getting stock quotes over the internet
    01 Sep 2012com" append query "/d/quotes.csv?s=[join $symbols +]&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv" set token [http::geturl $query] set actual {} foreach res [split [string trim [http::data $token]] "\r\n"] { if {$res
  • getturl bug?
    19 May 2016Dos http::geturl methods with channel option has bug in it? Test this. The file downloaded has extra stuff in it at the top and the end: package req Tk package req
  • Google AJAX search API
    24 Jan 2008en sig $api_key q $query key internal v 1.0 nocache 7] set t [http::geturl $url] if { [http::ncode $t] == 200 } { set d [http::data $t] set idx 0 while
  • Google Chart API Wrapper
    06 Jul 2009hnd} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set url [build_plot_URL chart_array] set toc [http::geturl $url] set chart_graph [http::data $toc] upvar $toc state if {$state(type) ne {image
  • Google Image Search Slideshow
    01 Sep 2015URL set url [ string map { "\"" "" " " "+" } $url ] puts "URL: $url" if { [catch { set readpage [http::data [::http::geturl $url -timeout 10000 ] ]} msg] } { puts "http error - $msg" return "error - $msg" } else { puts "http ok
  • Google Translate ajax API
    31 Mar 20100 ] set url "" set t [http::geturl $url -query $q] set translated "" if { [http::ncode $t] == 200 } { set d [http::data $t
  • Google Translation via http Module
    12 Feb 2015http::formatQuery \ hl en \ ie UTF8 \ text $text \ langpair $source|$destination \ ]; if {[catch { set post [http::geturl \ $postUrl \ -query $query \ -progress ::googleTranslation::progress \ ]; } reason] == 1} { error "couldn't translate a text via
  • Googling with SOAP
    16 Sep 2012name]]]} { set f [open $fname r] set wsdl [read $f] close $f } else { set tok [http::geturl $wsdl_url] if {[http::status $tok] eq "ok"} { set wsdl [http::data $tok] set f
  • grabchat
    19 Jan 20061} { buildProxyHeaders [lindex $argv 1] [lindex $argv 2] } proc ::http::geturl_followRedirects {url args} { while {1} { set token [eval [list http::geturl $url] -headers [list $::headers] $args] switch -glob -- [http::ncode $token
  • Herring
    08 Sep 2012MSG Herring } proc herring::wikisearch {what {max -1}} { set z {} set c 0 set h [http::geturl$what] if {[http::status $h] eq {ok}} { foreach {. p
  • hkassem
    26 Jun 2018proc download {url} { set token [http::geturl $url -timeout 200] eval set data $$token\(body\) return $data } package require http proc download2 {url} { set token [http::geturl $url] eval set data $$token
  • how to find my own IP address
    09 Jul 2016require http proc whatIP {} { regexp {Your IP Address:</B><BR>\n([0-9.]*)} [http::data [http::geturl]] {} ip return $ip } ====== [rdt] says that this will probably give you the address
  • HTML to DOM via http/htmlparse/struct::tree packages
    14 Jan 2015while {$ncode < 200 || $ncode >= 300} { # test if the url is valid # if {[catch {set token [http::geturl $url -validate 1];} reason options] == 1} { http::config -accept "*/*"; return -options $options $reason; } # error and
  • http
    03 Oct 2018protocol. ** Documentation ** [|%official reference]: ** Commands ** [http::geturl%|%http::geturl]( Performs an HTTP transaction. ** History ** As of version
  • http 1.1
    03 Oct 2018option to enable HTTP requests other than GET, HEAD and POST. For instance ====== set tok [http::geturl -method OPTIONS] ====== will get the options header from the server. For
  • http authentication
    17 Mar 2016for each [http::geturl], then this could (not tested) work: ====== rename ::http::geturl ::http::geturl_orig set ::http::SASL::geturl ::http::geturl_orig interp alias {} ::http::geturl {} ::http::SASL::geturl ====== Works for
  • http in Jacl
    26 Oct 2009strings, as this procedure does.) ---- ====== package require java # getUrl - returns a list of 4 elements # {contentType contentLength contentEncoding contentData} # NOTE: no error handling proc getUrl {url} { set url [java::new
  • http::geturl
    03 Oct 2018allow files to be downloaded: ====== proc geturl {url {_meta {}}} { if {$_meta ne ""} { upvar 1 $_meta meta } http::config -useragent moop ;# thanks source forge! set tok [::http::geturl $url] ;# -headers {User-Agent moop
    30 May 2018the http::geturl function because I already had to modify it. It may be better to add it to the http::config command. The modified http::geturl command: ====== proc http::geturl { url
  • imgsizer
    29 Jul 2011size of an image after first downloading # from the web # proc GetWebImageSize {url} { set token [::http::geturl $url] ::http::wait $token set idata [::http::data $token] ; list ::http::cleanup $token if {$::OPT
  • interp
    21 Jun 2017use [winfo id .f] proc http_source {interp base filename} { regsub {.*:/*} $filename {} trimmed set token [http::geturl $base$trimmed] set script [http::data $token] http::cleanup $token $interp eval $script } $i alias
  • Interpreting TOOT
    03 Jan 2013passed around. For instance: ====== set url "" ;# Un-typed representation http::geturl $url ;# Command interprets $url as an HTTP URL set http_url [Url create $url] ;# Returns
  • IP-geolocation
    09 Oct 2010set ip $argv puts "get geo data from $argv" #get the desired data set ht [::http::geturl$ip] set geo_ip
  • JM
    05 Oct 2018organism_name</organismName> </orgPdbQuery> " set url "" set tok [::http::geturl $url -query $xml -type application/x-www-form-urlencoded] set rep [::http::data $tok] puts
  • Keith Vetter
    26 Sep 2018a rotating fan * [Parsing XML] : yet another xml/html parser, this one in pure tcl * [Parallel Geturl] : how to efficiently download lots of web pages * [Azimuth Plotting] : help in locating benchmarks * [Universal
  • KEXP radio playlist a System Tray icon
    16 Jul 2009updateNow {} { winico taskbar modify $::ico -text [scrapText] } proc scrapText {} { if { [catch {set html [http::data [http::geturl $::target_page]]} errohttp] } { return "Erro! $errohttp" } else { set linha "[between "class=\"programtime\">" and "</tr>" in
  • lambda
    30 Nov 2014proc lambda {params body} { list apply [list $params $body] } lsort -command [lambda {a b} { ... }] $xs http::geturl $url -command [lambda tok { ... }] after 1000 [lambda {} { puts Hello! }] socket -server [lambda {sock addr port
  • Last.FM
    21 Jan 20112.1 c tst v 1.0 u $user t $timestamp a $authtoken] set r [::http::geturl -query $query] set data [::http::data $r] ::http::cleanup $r return
  • cover grabber
    27 Aug 2013user] return [___requestData $query] } #run query and return received data proc ___requestData {query} { set r [::http::geturl -query $query] set data [::http::data $r] ::http::cleanup
  • LemonTree branch
    23 Sep 2015html location" return } ::struct::tree t if {[string range $url 0 3] == "http"} { set http [::http::geturl $url] set html [::http::data $http] } else { set html [read [set fh [open $url]]] close
  • List of Tcl commands by bytecode status
    22 Apr 2014history redo] [http] http::cleanup http::code http::config http::data http::error http::formatQuery [http::geturl] http::meta http::ncode http::register http::reset http::size http::status http::unregister http
  • LocusLinkFile
    10 Jul . In the future downloading may be done via http::geturl directly from the package. Candiate for future [biotcl] package. ====== # Author : Dr. Detlef Groth, MPIMG Berlin
  • mailip.tcl
    18 Sep 2009external IP # or # set result set request [::http::geturl] set answer [::http::data $request] set adom [::dom parse -html $answer
  • Markov
    08 Aug 2005fetch it from the web. if { [ string compare -nocase -length 7 http:// $flnm ] } { set page [::http::geturl $flnm] set data [http::data $page] regsub -all {<[^>]*>} $data "" data regsub -all {&[^;]*} $data "" data } else
  • minimalist wget
    30 Jul 2014package require http set url [lindex $argv 0] set filename [file tail $url] set r [http::geturl $url -binary 1] set fo [open $filename w] fconfigure $fo -translation binary puts -nonewline $fo
  • Mormon Porn
    10 Sep 2010save tk_messageBox -message "Saved $fname" } ##+########################################################################## # # GetURLorFile -- Puts up either the stock getOpenFile dialog or custom # getUrl dialog, and returns either the filename or url # proc GetURLorFile {what} { global S if {$what
  • MusicBrainz
    29 Aug 2013get some basic info: ====== package require http package require tdom proc ___returnArtistID {artist} { set r [::http::geturl$artist] set data [::http::data $r] ::http
  • My House
    20 Aug 2013cursor watch .c itemconfig quad -fill {} -stipple {} set url "$::S(url)$::S(quad)" set token [::http::geturl $url] ::http::wait $token set data [::http::data $token]; list ::http::cleanup $token ::img::map
  • New Pages
    14 Aug 2018launcher] * [doctools::changelog] * [Fault trees] * [Filesystem Hierarchy Standard] * [fileutil::traverse] * [fileutil] * [foreach async] * [formula calculators] * [ftp::geturl] * [ftpd] * [ftp] * [FullyTransparentDigitalClock2] * [Generating Syntax Diagrams Using Tk] * [getstring] * [getWindowsAPIVendor] * [gingerbread man] * [globfind] * [Google Code
  • NOAA Weather Forecast
    21 Dec 2017format)&startDate=$startdate" append url "&numDays=$::S(days)&Submit=Submit" set ::URL $url set token [::http::geturl $url] set ncode [::http::ncode $token] set xml [::http::data $token] ; list ::http::cleanup $token
  • NTLM
    25 Apr 2013s a simple way to get around NTLM using basic authentication with [Jos Decoster]'s http::geturl modification at [HTTPS] (Note: check for repeated lines in the code!) and a python-based
  • OpenID
    07 Aug 2011regexp's dont work propperly. ====== package require http proc geturl {url} { if {![regexp {^http://.*} $url]} { set url "http://[set url]" } set token [http::geturl $url] set ncode [http::ncode $token] if {($ncode
  • Orphans
    19 Jan 2014to} {incr i} {lappend res $i} set res } proc getPage {id} { memoize return ::http::data [::http::geturl "$base/references/$id!"] } proc pageExists {id} { if {$id == 2} { return 1 } if [regexp "<title>References
  • Parallel Geturl
    20 Aug 2013not demo set url [lindex $queue($id) 0] ::http::geturl $url -timeout $options(-timeout) \ -command [list ::PGU::_HTTPCommand $id] } } ##+########################################################################## # # ::PGU::_HTTPCommand -- our geturl callback command that handles # queue maintenance, timeout retries and
  • Playing HTTP
    06 Apr 2013t tag config $i -foreground $i} focus .e raise . proc go {w url} { set token [http::geturl $url] upvar #0 $token arr $w insert end \n$arr(url) blue if [info exists
  • Polling web images with Tk
    12 Jul 2011c:/ temp wc.jpg] set f [open $name w] fconfigure $f -translation binary set imtok [http::geturl $url -binary true -channel $f] flush $f close $f image create photo wc -file $name
  • Poor Yorick
    06 Sep 2018try it out . ====== proc github {api query} { set http [http::geturl$::github_repo/$api?$query_string \ -headers [list Authorization "Basic $::github_auth
  • pop3line
    29 Jul # login and redirect debug URL $BASE/index.cgp set token [http::geturl $BASE/index.cgp] debug STATUS [http::status $token] set data [http::data $token] debug DATA
  • Posting to Google's Blogger
    27 Jun 2008query option http::geturl sends a POST instead of a GET request, with a Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header # sent the POST request set token [::http::geturl $var(loginurl
  • problem reports against previous wikit version
    01 Sep 2015of the html. However, when using Tcl's http package to get these urls (with ''[http]::geturl''), the page is not seen as utf-8. This is because the header information being
  • rest
    24 Sep 20132 [split $where /] } return -level 2 $where } method LogWADL url { return;# do nothing set tok [http::geturl $url?_wadl] set w [http::data $tok] http::cleanup $tok if {![info exist wadls($w
  • Retrieving movie information from IMDB
    28 Aug 2011query [http::formatQuery btnI "I'm Feeling Lucky" q " $input"] set http [http::geturl$query] # get HTTP header info upvar 0 $http arr array
  • RS's RSS
    21 Jun 2014res } proc deblank string {regsub -all {\s+} $string " "} #-- This redirecting geturl is courtesy of KPV's proc geturl_followRedirects {url args} { array set URI [::uri::split $url
  • RSS
    29 Apr 2015the Recent Changes page. package require http package require rss proc fetch {url} { set tok [http::geturl $url] set res [http::data $tok] http::cleanup $tok return $res } set rawrss [fetch http
  • RSS Monitor
    19 Jan 2014hash,$url)]} { set hash $::options(hash,$url) } else { set hash {} } #Retrieve the URL. set token [::http::geturl $url -timeout 2000] if {[::http::status $token] != "ok"} { puts "Could not retrieve data for $url
  • RSS Reader
    28 Sep 2018load xml to temporary file set file "[ clock seconds].xml" set out [ open $file w ] http::geturl $url -channel $out close $out # load xml into dom from temporary file set doc [ dom
  • RssPoint
    02 Feb 2012data [set tok [http::geturl $url \ -headers [list If-Modified-Since $rss(last,$url) If-None-Match $rss(etag,$url)]]]] } else { set res [http::data [set tok [http::geturl $url]]] } upvar #0
  • Selenium
    17 Aug 2017main difference of this test setup as compared to doing HTTP requests with Tcl's http::geturl is that there is a browser in between, so it can test browser compatibility for
  • Signing a JWT header for Google OAuth2
    12 Feb 2015oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" assertion $final] ::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket set fp [::http::geturl "" -query $postdata] set status [::http::status $fp] set
  • Simple Download Progress Widget
    17 Dec 2011update to improve handling of large files. The code now uses the -channel option of http::geturl in order to download directly to disk. Before, it was downloading into memory, and then
  • Simple ftp uploader
    17 Jul 2013Code ** ====== package require Tk catch { console show } # load necessary packages package require ftp package require ftp::geturl #--------------- # set appropriate values... #--------------- set host ******* set user ******* set pass ******* set directory / #--------------- # transfer files to server
  • Simple HTTP Authentication Wrapper for http::geturl RFC 2617
    17 Mar 2016password {} } if {[info commands ::http::geturl_original] == {} && [lsearch -exact [interp aliases] {::http::auth::geturl}] == -1} { rename ::http::geturl ::http::geturl_original interp alias {} ::http::geturl {} ::http::auth::geturl } proc ::http::auth::config
  • Simple Tcl Archive Network
    28 Jun 20066 I get the same behaviour running under tclsh. [PS] It is probably in the http::geturl that it goes wrong. I have limited error checking there, as yet. Are you behind
  • Simple Tkhtml web page displayer
    10 Jul 2016y;pack \ [html .html -bg white -yscrollcommand {.vsb set}] -fill both \ -expand 1;set t [http::geturl];.html \ parse [http::data $t];http::cleanup $t ====== (it was
  • single command http fetcher
    04 Nov 2010queued yet. } file - dir { if {$loading < $limit} { incr loading 1 variable base set cmd [list ::http::geturl $base/$path -command [namespace code [list got$op $path]]] puts stderr "GETTING: $op $path $loading
  • Sitemap Generator
    10 Jul 2016url --> psite x]} { # reject incomplete urls return } puts "getting $url" # get page 'url' set p [::http::geturl $url] if {[set status [::http::ncode $p]] != 200} { # update visit counter and status lappend inv
  • Sitemap Validator
    20 Apr 20061+"$@"} package require http proc validate {url} { set query [::http::formatQuery uri $url] set p [::http::geturl$query] upvar 0 $p state array set arr $state(meta
  • Slashdot MetaModeration
    01 Oct 2004unickname $username returnto \ op userlogin upasswd $password login_temp yes] set tok [http::geturl -query $q] upvar \#0 $tok state set cookies [list] foreach
  • Slippy Map Demo
    07 Jul 20101}]" set url $V(url,$S(scheme)) append url /$zoom/$col/${row}.png set token [::http::geturl $url] ::http::wait $token set ncode [::http::ncode $token] if {$ncode != 200} { ::http::cleanup $token
  • SMS
    13 Jun 20094] == "+354"} { switch -exact [GSM_which_Icelandic_provider?] { "OgVodafone" { # send the text message set token [http::geturl "" -query \ [http::formatQuery "_ctl1:_oContentSection:_ctl4:txtTelno" [string range $phonenumber 4
  • snitbrowser
    28 Sep 2012Alt-Home> [mymethod home] } method _FetchImage {src w h args} { # Fetch the image if {[catch { http::geturl $src -timeout 10000 } token]} { return smgray } set data [http::data $token] http::cleanup $token # Hack
  • Speech Synthesis, or Talk to me Tcl
    06 May 2012loginKey=LoginKey&loginPassword=$loginPassword&voice=$voice&outputFormat=FORMAT_WAV&sampleRate=16&text=$str" set token [::http::geturl $url] set resultCode [getXMLResponseAttr [::http::data $token] resultCode] if {$resultCode != 0} { puts Error:[getXMLResponseAttr [::http
    20 May 2015install over the 'net using [http] or [wget] ======none $ echo 'package require http; set r [http::geturl -binary 1]; fconfigure stdout -translation
  • SQL JSP Tcl Responder
    22 Jan 2010connection "jdbc:odbc:Northwind" username sa password "" querytype select maxrows 50] puts $postData set response [::http::geturl "http://Insert JSP URL" -query $postData] upvar #0 $response state puts $state(status) puts $state
  • Starting Tclhttpd in a slave interpreter
    08 Jun 2012even access our own server via http % package require http 2.4.2 % set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:9001/] ::http::1 ====== It is even possible to start multiple servers if they
  • stockwatch - Simple Stock Market Ticker
    16 Jul 2010stock($s,$field) "" } return } proc geturl_followRedirects {url args} { array set URI [::uri::split $url] ;# Need host info from here while {1} { set token [eval [list http::geturl $url] $args] if {![string
  • Synchronizing System Time
    01 Sep 2013package require http set url "" set idx [::http::geturl $url] set r [::http::data $idx] ::http::cleanup $idx regsub -all {<script.*?/script>} $r {} r
  • TaeglicherStrahlungsBericht
    28 Jun 2011http package require Img catch { console show } # http::config -proxyhost <host> -proxyport 8080 set hConn [::http::geturl] catch {set data [::http::data $hConn]} catch {set
    11 Feb 2007a small example: #! /usr/bin/env tclsh package require rss package require http set token [http::geturl ""] set rssdata [http::data $token] http::cleanup $token
  • Tcl Chatroom
    19 Sep 2018to throttle the current polling cycle. All one has to do is insert an appropriate http::geturl in there. For accurate tracking, the next chatter.cgi access should give the returned timestamp
  • Tcl chatroom snaphost history
    09 Mar 2015and cleanup the data from the chat. proc getChat {} { set token {} if {[catch {set token [::http::geturl $::URL -timeout 30000]}]\ || ([::http::status $token] != "ok")\ || ([::http::ncode $token] != "200")} { ::http::cleanup $token return
  • Tcl chatroom snaphost history (2)
    09 Mar 2015cleans up the data from the chat. # proc getChat {} { set token {} if {[catch {set token [::http::geturl $::URL -timeout 30000]}]\ || ([::http::status $token] != "ok")\ || ([::http::ncode $token] != "200")} { ::http::cleanup $token return
  • Tcl Extension Archive
    14 Aug 2018magic::filetype * fileutil::magic::rt * fileutil::multi * fileutil::multi::op * fileutil::traverse * flightaware-tcltools * [ftp] * ftp::geturl * [ftpd] * [Garuda] * [getstring] * [globfind] * [gnocl] * [grammar::fa] * grammar::fa::dacceptor * grammar::fa::dexec * grammar::fa
  • Tcl nano proxy server
    04 May 2012close $s; return} switch $command { GET { set hh [http::geturl $url -command "proxyfeedpage $s" ] fileevent $s readable "proxyservnextevent $s" } POST { set hh [http::geturl $url -command "proxyfeedpage $s" -querychannel $s ] # fileevent $s
  • Tcl Style Guide
    26 Jul 2018for example, all the http-3.n tests in http.test are for the procedure http::geturl). The order of the tests within a group should be the same as the order
  • Tcl-URL! - 1999/07/06
    21 Jul 1999discussion thread) (see []) * Good tip for getting http::geturl to work for you (see []) * Changing the
  • Tcl/Tk 8.6 Roadmap
    28 Mar 2013to read [trace]s | hobbs | semantics |& &| []| [Tcl]| [http::geturl] abuses [vwait] on async call | patthoyts | |& %||||||% &| []| [Tk
  • TcLeo
    21 Oct 2008table set url set query [http::formatQuery search $query] set tok [::http::geturl $url -query $query] foreach line [split [::http::data $tok] "\n"] { if {[string match "*ENGLISCH*DEUTSCH
  • TclHttpd RSS Processing
    06 Jan 2013feed in the above sample template have been redirected. Replacing '''''http::geturl $uri''''' in line#4 of tmlrss::fetchXML routine, by '''''geturl_followRedirects $uri''''' will fix the problem. BTW, when I ran
  • tDOM
    01 Aug 2018your HTML document $doc delete # finished return $urlList } # Test it set urlList [pullOutTheURLs [http::data [http::geturl [lindex $argv 0]]]] foreach url $urlList { puts $url } ====== MHN 2012-11-08: I have not
  • tdom encoding woes
    19 May 2016times rss feed but to no avail. I resorted to first getting the file with http::geturl, saving it as utf-8, and then parsing it with [dom parse] command. I used
  • tinyurl
    08 Feb 2013out: The tiny URL # proc TinyURL {url} { set query [::http::formatQuery url $url] set token [::http::geturl -query $query] if {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} { return -code error
  • title index
    05 Jun 2016package require nstcl-http }]} { namespace import nstcl::* } else { package require http proc ns_geturl {url} { set conn [http::geturl $url] set html [http::data $conn] http::cleanup $conn return $html } proc ns
  • tkGetComics - to get 'old' comics from comic archive web-sites
    07 Jun 2014strip --- ## via a 'http:geturl' command and a 'http:data' command. ############################################################ set TEMPurlID [http::geturl "$picURL"] ## FOR TESTING: if {0} { puts "" puts "PROC 'show_image_forPicURL' did 'http::geturl' on" puts "picURL
  • tkhtml3
    31 Aug 2017file or url. ====== package require Img package require http proc get_url url { set token [::http::geturl $url] set data [::http::data $token] ::http::cleanup $token return $data } proc get_image uri
  • TkMapper
    19 Aug 2013the script. Fixing this was non-trivial because I was using the -command option to http::geturl. Also, Yahoo also changed the url when clicking on the image. I was simulating a
  • TkTopoMap
    19 Aug 2013the image from terraserver into our tempfile set f [open $state(tempfile) w] set token [::http::geturl $state(xurl) -channel $f] ::http::wait $token close $f ;# Display the image image create photo
  • tkWorld
    24 Mar 2014firewalls; even the ''http'' package is better. So... ====== package require http proc fetchTclers {} { set tok [http::geturl] set tclers {} foreach line [split [http::data $tok] \n
  • tls
    10 Apr 2018at the begining I had a problem communicating with my web server. When I input ====== ::http::geturl ====== I get the error: error reading "sock560": operation not supported on
  • treeselect
    08 Jun 2017html $documentTree return $documentTree } proc url-to-tree {url} { set documentTree [::struct::tree] set conn [::http::geturl $url] set html [::http::data $conn] ::http::cleanup $conn htmlparse::2tree $html $documentTree return $documentTree
  • True Random Numbers
    03 Apr 2014minVal)}] } # internal helper procs ----------------------------------------------------- proc ::RandomOrg::_getData {url} { variable baseURL variable proxy set cmd [list ::http::geturl $baseURL$url] # if proxy is set - configure it if {[string length $proxy(host)] > 0} { ::http
  • Tutorial: Converting synchronous HTTP requests to event driven code
    05 Jan 2018bin/tclsh # tested 2017-8 package require http proc fetchURL { url } { set htoken {} set htoken [http::geturl $url] set ncode [::http::ncode $htoken] set data [::http::data $htoken] ::http::cleanup $htoken return
  • TWiG
    15 Aug 2012split $r(rawData) :] { addBlock $rc $l } } proc reapHttp {rc} { upvar 1 $rc r set tok [http::geturl $r(url)] if {[http::ncode $tok] != 200} { errExit $r(cfg) "HTTP problem: ([http::code $tok
  • Twigging
    27 Nov 2008proc image {create photo name -file file} { global _c _u package require http set tok [http::geturl $_u$file] _i create photo $name -data [http::data $tok] http::reset $tok if {[incr
  • Twigs
    21 Nov 2008Octabug 11193 2 55F6103995FAEF1599178DBB039474BE {} {Once In A Lifetime} 10882 1 99981D9BBA81D49826B445287B623480 {} Panner 11060 1 4D42C3E044EDF960B5CF9AF4BCD9498D {} {Parallel Geturl} 14130 3 8332348860A96B7388FFA6F1D85A4900 {} {Parametric curves drawing} 3252 1 4B18AC81BC079B3C953EBF39CA22D66F {} {Particle System} 10924 1 DC31092AF119A9889F44A2FFEDD3D7C9 {} {Pascal
  • Twitter
    02 Jul 2018oauth/access_token set authurl proc geturl {url secret args} { set cmd [list http::geturl $url] if {[llength $args] & 1} { set method POST set args [dict
  • ucnetgrab
    07 Aug 2009read stdin] -> url rel regsub {^https} $url {http} url # Fetch the whole thread set token [http::geturl $url] set html [http::data $token] http::cleanup $token # Parse the HTML and select the
  • uniquename
    23 Feb 20186277) (broken) * [Daily Dilbert] (8899) * [Wiki History Diff] (10335) * [A Very Simple Weather App] (10507) * [Parallel Geturl] (11060) * [Following Redirects] (11831) * [minimalist wget] (12871) * [Dynix2RSS] (13070) * [My House] (14330) (broken) * [Simple ftp
  • Uploading files to Flickr
    25 Jan 2014Disposition: form-data;\ name=\"photo\"; filename=\"[file tail $file]\"\n\n$photo\n" set token [http::geturl $posturl -type "multipart/form-data; boundary=$bound" \ -query $outputData] set body [http::data $token] http
  • URL behaviour in a text widget
    05 Jan 2012error "unknown operation \"$operation\"" } } uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 $op $w] } # --------------- # get the current URL # --------------- proc getURL {w type} \ { variable {} # get current index set current [$w index current] # get corresponding range foreach
  • Useful scripts for Sophos AV
    27 Sep 2012user) } # authenticated geturl proc geturl_auth {url username password} { puts stdout "Getting URL: $url" set auth "Basic [base64::encode $username:$password]" set headerl [list Authorization $auth] set tok [http::geturl $url -headers
  • Using Tcl to write CGI applications
    01 Feb 2015 Description: Source for geturl, geturl2, uncgi, test-cgi, guest book, as well as other WWW related Tcl tools. Note
  • using tdom to check generated html
    27 May 2011html select tag:} ====== package require tdom package require http # get the html page set token [http::geturl] set data [http::data $token] # parse the html
  • vfs::http
    02 Jun 2016a path '$path' and file '$file')" } if {![string length $user]} { set user anonymous } set token [::http::geturl $dirurl -validate 1] if {![catch {vfs::filesystem info $dirurl}]} { # unmount old mount ::vfs::log "ftp
  • vfs::webdav
    18 Dec 2011proc vfs::webdav::stat {dirurl extraHeadersList name} { ::vfs::log "stat $name" # ::vfs::log "geturl $dirurl$name" set token [::http::geturl $dirurl$name -method PROPFIND \ -headers [concat $extraHeadersList [list Depth 0]] -protocol 1
  • Weather Animations
    28 Sep 2012web proc get_image { url } { for {set i 1} {$i < 4} {incr i} { set um [http::geturl $url -timeout [expr {1000 + $i * 3000}]] http::wait $um set ncode [http::ncode $um] if
  • Web Scraping with htmlparse
    16 Nov 2017a><li>. proc parse-list-of-links {url startNodePath} { set documentTree [::struct::tree] set conn [::http::geturl $url] set html [::http::data $conn] ::http::cleanup $conn htmlparse::2tree $html $documentTree htmlparse::removeVisualFluff
  • Web Site Status
    12 Nov 2008get rid of it regsub http:// $this_site "" this_site set result [catch {set token [http::geturl http://$this_site]} msg] # Delete any information in the text widget .html.html_out configure
  • web2desktop
    30 Nov 2015153.41 -proxyport 8080 #... now I can get the initial page set html [http::data [http::geturl $target_page]] #Image size parameters change, get the whole <IMG> first: set url [between "<IMG
  • webrobot - a package for web scraping
    18 Mar 2008url set max [$self cget -maxredirects] for {set i 0} {$i <= $max} {incr i} { lassign [$self geturl $current] code data meta switch -glob $code { 200 { break } 30[1237] { set current [dict get
  • websearch
    03 Sep 2013search#] upvar 0 [set search#] token return [join [set ::websearch::$token(search_engine)::variables]] } proc ::websearch::GetUrl {search# url {headers ""}} { variable [set search#] upvar 0 [set search#] token array set config_old
  • WebServices
    25 Oct 2017org documentation on WSDL: [] * [Simple HTTP Authentication Wrapper for http::geturl RFC 2617] ---- [Web Service] [Consuming web services] ---- Has anyone worked on [
  • WebSocket Client Library
    13 Feb 2016to call the http library. set cmd [list ::http::geturl $hturl] # Control the geturl options that we can blindly pass to the # http::geturl call. We basically remove -validate, which has no
  • Why does Tcl leak memory?
    20 May 2018is a failure to clean up such Tcl [global%|%global variables] as the token `[http%|%http::getUrl]` return. ** Discussion ** [LV]: Is there a list of known memory leaks in either Tcl 8
  • Wiki History Diff
    27 Sep 2012set S(right) ""] update set url "$S(pnum)" set token [::http::geturl $url] set data [::http::data $token] ; list ::http::cleanup $token set S(title) "No Wiki
  • Wiki Revision History Feature via tclhist
    16 Jul 2009operation on the server. proc pageExists {PageNumber} { global TclhistURL set URL $TclhistURL/$PageNumber* set Token [::http::geturl $URL] set PageContents [::http::data $Token] ::http::cleanup $Token # The page contents returned should start
  • wiki-reaper
    17 Nov 2017reaper if {$useCurl} { set data [exec curl -s -f -b $cookie $url] } else { set connection [::http::geturl $url -headers [list Cookie $cookie]] set data [::http::data $connection] ::http::cleanup $connection } return $data
  • wiki-runner
    18 Jan 2013package require nstcl-http }]} { namespace import nstcl::* } else { package require http proc ns_geturl {url} { set conn [http::geturl $url] set html [http::data $conn] http::cleanup $conn return $html } proc ns
  • WikiRun
    25 Jul 2009length $line] > 0 && \ ![string equal [string index $line 0] " "] } { return 0 } } return 1 } set tok [::http::geturl $wiki[lindex $argv 0]@] switch [::http::status $tok] { ok { set data [::http::data $tok] ::http
  • William Jeffrey Rankin
    27 Aug 20121+"$@"} package require http set base_url set site [http::geturl $base_url/astropix.html] set html [http::data $site] regexp -nocase -linestop {(src="(.*)")} $html match
  • Windows 95
    30 Jul 2016single dir FAILED ==== filesystem-1.38 file normalisation with volume relative FAILED ==== http-3.13 http::geturl socket leak test FAILED ==== http-4.14 http::Event FAILED ==== winDde-3.5 DDE request
  • wish-reaper
    28 Oct 2017found." \ -type ok -parent .reaper exit } else { catch {package require autoproxy} } proc ns_geturl {url} { set conn [http::geturl $url] set html [http::data $conn] http::cleanup $conn return $html } proc ns
  • XML/tDOM encoding issues with the http package
    27 May 2011DOM object of the RSS feed. proc tmlrss::fetchXML {uri {recurse_limit 4}} { set token [http::geturl $uri] upvar #0 $token state if {[http::status $token] != "ok" || [http::ncode $token] != 200} { # was
  • YouTube Playlist Downloader Frontend Interface For get-flash-videos
    24 Feb 2015all_video_ids set playlist_id [ lindex [ split $youtube_playlist_url "=" ] 1 ] set http_token [ ::http::geturl "$playlist_id/?v=2&alt=rss" -method GET
  • Zarutian's Thingy Package
    06 Jan 2012uri $name proc dispatch args { variable uri package require http 2.5.0 set token [http::geturl $uri -query "[urlEncode $args]"] set data [http::data $token] http::cleanup $token if {[lindex $args