About Wub: All known Domains documentation (Parent)
- About -- Domain for accessing API documentation of other domains.
- CGI -- A traditional CGI interface
- Coco -- Tcl8.6 Coroutine domain. Invoking the domain URL creates a coroutine with semantics given by a lambda (evaluated within the Coco namespace,) and associates this running coroutine with an automatically-generated URL. The domain URL invocation, having generated its coroutine, redirects to it.
- Commenter -- a utility to parse tcl source files and associate out-line comments with procs.
- Direct -- A domain which dispatches URL requests to commands within a namespace or methods within an object. Note that only commands whose name starts with '/' will be exported to the web.
- File -- provides a traditional Web view for filesystem hierarchies, maping a URL suffix to a file system path.
- Icons -- provides a set of nice icons
- JQ -- jQ domain provides a tight integration to the jQuery web framework. It enables the application to load jQuery plugins and modules (such as the jQuery UI module) in a convenient manner.
- Mason -- A [File]-like domain mapping a URL domain onto a file-system hierarchy, providing templating and pre- and post- filtering of requests and responses (respectively)
- Nub -- The Nub module controls the dispatch function of Wub. Nub allows you to configure server's response to requests by defining a mapping from request-URLs to [http:. Domain] handlers.
- RAM -- in-RAM page store presenting a tcl array to a client with elements named by URL.
- ReCAPTCHA -- ReCAPTCHA interface
- Repo -- A simple file repository providing uploads and tar'ed directory downloads
- Simplicio -- experimental SVG iconset
- Sinorca -- experimental page-livery wrapper
- Sql -- A domain to minimally implement the Sql part of MVC, where the underlying model is an SQL database.
- SqlQ -- A domain to return contents of a tdbc by Sql SELECT
- SqlT -- A domain to minimally implement the Sql part of MVC, where the underlying model is an SQL database.
- Sticky -- A domain which adds a sticky note to any page using jQ
- Tub -- Domain for storage and retrieval of arbitrary form data