namespace eval CmdInput { # We want to allow shell commands to execute automatically # as in normal interactive use. The "unknown" proc checks # that "info script" returns "", before it enables that # behaviour, so we subclass "info". In Tcl 8.4 we could simply # call 'info script ""' I believe, but 8.3 and earlier don't do # that. variable this_script [info script] proc info {args} { set result [uplevel [concat __org_info $args]] set cmd [lindex $args 0] variable this_script if {"script" == $cmd && "$result" == $this_script} { return "" } else { return $result } } rename ::info ::__org_info ;# using a namespace proc here cores proc ::info {args} "uplevel \[concat [namespace which info] \$args\]" proc loop {} { # preparations fconfigure stdin -buffering line fconfigure stdout -buffering line fconfigure stderr -buffering line set ::tcl_interactive 1 if {[file exists ~/tclshrc.tcl]} { namespace eval :: {uplevel \#0 source ~/tclshrc.tcl} } # input loop while {1} { catch {uplevel \#0 $::tcl_prompt1} flush stdout set cmd {} while {1} { append cmd [gets stdin] "\n" if {[info complete $cmd]} { break } catch {uplevel \#0 $::tcl_prompt2} flush stdout } history add $cmd catch {uplevel \#0 $cmd} result puts $result } return "" } } catch {CmdInput::loop} result puts $result exit 0To use this code: Save it to a file called cmd-input.tcl. In Emacs customize the variable tcl-application to read "tclsh83.exe" and the variable tcl-command-switches to include "c:/your-path-here/cmd-input.tcl" (this is with Emacs 21.1, Emacs 20 used other names for the variables, I believe).I hope this is clear, if not or if you have ideas for improvement, you can always contact me at mailto:[email protected] . Just to clarify: This code is free to use by everybody, but I don't give any guarantees for anything. See also: Who owns the content on this Wiki.
Note: Jim Graham has a similar thing called interp.tcl on his homepage [1].
2003-12-01 VI I just set tcl_interactive 1. Works fine for me after that. A proc in the tclshrc will make it even easier.
Even easier, add the following to your .emacs file:
(add-hook 'inferior-tcl-mode-hook (lambda () (tcl-send-string (inferior-tcl-proc) "set ::tcl_interactive 1\n")))This will automatically set tcl_interactive whenever you launch the inferior-tcl-mode
A similar solution has been added to tcl.el in Emacs CVS. So it should work out-of-the-box when Emacs 22 is released. (It still doesn't work if you're using wish, though).
Nathan: I am using EMACS and activestate tcl 8.4.13 and the integration works fine out-of-the-box except when my tcl code calls any file dialog box (tk_getOpenFile) at which point it hangs. I can call other dialogs (tk_messageBox) without any problem. Any ideas on what could be the cause?
escargo 2006-11-17: I'm using Emacs 21.3 (the latest version I found). When I'm editing Tcl programs, the Tcl menu shows a choice, Tcl Help, that's grayed out. I don't know what I might need to add nor where in order to enable Tcl mode help. Any suggestions? (Knowing where later versions of Windows Emacs could be found might be helpful too.)