Updated 2011-08-07 13:57:43 by RLE

this megawidget creates a row of tabs which switch between frames. you can drag the tabs to rearrange the order. it has scroll buttons for when you have too many tabs to fit in one window and also a close button to close the current tab. tabs can be dragged out of the window which will run a command (edit the tearoff proc). usage example is at the bottom

--AF 24-06-03

lv anyone up for writing a comparison of the various iterations of these?

Also, AF, have you considered working with tklib to get your widgets into that library?
 namespace eval buttonbar {}

 proc buttonbar::create {w frame} {
    variable buttonbar
    set ns [namespace current]
    frame $w
    frame $w.middle -relief raised -bd 1
    button $w.left  -text < -bd 1 -command [list ${ns}::scrollleft $w]   -highlightthickness 0 -width 2 -padx 0 -state disabled
    button $w.right -text > -bd 1 -command [list ${ns}::scrollright $w]  -highlightthickness 0 -width 2 -padx 0 -state disabled
    button $w.close -text X -bd 1 -command [list ${ns}::closecurrent $w] -highlightthickness 0 -width 3 -padx 0
    canvas $w.middle.c -height [winfo reqheight $w.right] -xscrollincrement 1 -highlightthickness 0
    frame $w.middle.c.f
    grid $w.left $w.right $w.middle $w.close -sticky nesw -padx 0 -pady 0
#    grid $w.left $w.middle $w.right $w.close -sticky nesw -padx 0 -pady 0    ; # Use this to put the right scroll button on the right
    grid columnconfigure $w {0 1 3} -minsize 15 -weight 0
    grid columnconfigure $w 2 -weight 2
#    grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 2                                      ; # Use this to put the right scroll button on the right
    pack $w.middle.c -fill both
    $w.middle.c create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $w.middle.c.f
    bind $w.middle.c.f <Configure> "$w.middle.c configure -scrollregion \[$w.middle.c bbox all\]"
    bind tab <Button-1> "[namespace current]::showframe $w %W; bind tab <Motion> \"[namespace current]::tabdrag $w %W\""
    bind tab <ButtonRelease-1> "[namespace current]::tearoff $w %W %X %Y; bind tab <Motion> {}; after cancel \"[namespace current]::tabdrag $w %W\""
    bind $w.middle.c <Configure> "[namespace current]::setscrollstate $w"
    set buttonbar($w) $frame
    return $w

 proc buttonbar::add {w name} {
    variable buttonbar
    eval frame $buttonbar($w).$name
    button $w.middle.c.f.$name -text $name -highlightthickness 0 -padx 3m -relief groove
    pack $w.middle.c.f.$name -side left -pady 0 -padx 0 -fill y
    bindtags $w.middle.c.f.$name tab
    showframe $w $name
    after idle [namespace current]::setscrollstate $w
    return $buttonbar($w).$name

 proc buttonbar::name {w tab name} {
    if {![winfo exists $w.middle.c.f.$tab]} return
    $w.middle.c.f.$tab configure -text $name

 proc buttonbar::scrollright {w} {
    scrollsetleft $w [winfo containing [expr [winfo rootx $w.middle.c] + [winfo width $w.middle.c] - 1] [winfo rooty $w.middle.c]]
    $w.right configure -foreground black -activeforeground black

 proc buttonbar::scrollleft {w} {
    scrollsetright $w [winfo containing [winfo rootx $w.middle.c] [winfo rooty $w.middle.c]]
    $w.left configure -foreground black -activeforeground black

 proc buttonbar::scrollsetleft {w tab} {
    set tab [string map "$w.middle.c.f {}" $tab]
    if {![winfo exists $w.middle.c.f$tab]} return
    $w.middle.c xview scroll [expr [winfo rootx $w.middle.c.f$tab] - [winfo rootx $w.middle.c]] units

 proc buttonbar::scrollleft {w} {
    scrollsetright $w [winfo containing [winfo rootx $w.middle.c] [winfo rooty $w.middle.c]]
    $w.left configure -foreground black -activeforeground black

 proc buttonbar::scrollsetleft {w tab} {
    set tab [string map "$w.middle.c.f {}" $tab]
    if {![winfo exists $w.middle.c.f$tab]} return
    $w.middle.c xview scroll [expr [winfo rootx $w.middle.c.f$tab] - [winfo rootx $w.middle.c]] units

 proc buttonbar::scrollsetright {w tab} {
    set tab [string map "$w.middle.c.f {}" $tab]
    if {![winfo exists $w.middle.c.f$tab]} return
    $w.middle.c xview scroll [expr -1 * (([winfo rootx $w.middle.c] + [winfo width $w.middle.c]) - ([winfo rootx $w.middle.c.f$tab] + [winfo width $w.middle.c.f$tab]))] units

 proc buttonbar::closecurrent {w} {
    variable buttonbar
    foreach x [winfo children $w.middle.c.f] {
        if {[$x cget -relief] == "raised"} {
            destroy $x $buttonbar($w).[string map "$w.middle.c.f. {}" $x]

 proc buttonbar::hilightbutton {w name} {
    global info
    set name [winfo toplevel $name]
    if {[winfo ismapped $name]} return
    set view [tabvisibility $name]
    set color red
    if {[info exists info(text,$name)] && [string match *hilight* [$info(text,$name) tag names end-1l+8c]]} {
        set color yellow
    if {[$w.middle.c.f$name cget -foreground] != "yellow"} {
        $w.middle.c.f$name configure -foreground $color -activeforeground $color
    if {$view < 0 && [$w.left cget -foreground] != "yellow"} {
        $w.left configure -foreground $color -activeforeground $color
    if {$view > 0 && [$w.right cget -foreground] != "yellow"} {
        $w.right configure -foreground $color -activeforeground $color

 proc buttonbar::tabvisibility {w name} {
    set s [winfo rootx $w.middle.c]
    set ts [winfo rootx $w.middle.c.f$name]
    if {$ts < $s} {return -1}
    if {$ts + [winfo width $w.middle.c.f$name] > $s + [winfo width $w.middle.c]} {return 1}
    return 0

 proc buttonbar::showframe {w name} {
    variable buttonbar
    set name [lindex [split $name .] end]
    if {[$w.middle.c.f.$name cget -relief] == "raised"} return
    foreach x [winfo children $buttonbar($w)] {
        if {$x != $w} {pack forget $x}
    foreach x [winfo children $w.middle.c.f] {$x configure -relief groove}
    pack $buttonbar($w).$name -fill both -expand 1
    $w.middle.c.f.$name configure -foreground black -activeforeground black -relief raised

 proc buttonbar::setscrollstate {w} {
    set width [winfo width $w.middle.c]
    if {$width > 1 && [winfo width $w.middle.c.f] > $width} {
        $w.left configure -state normal
        $w.right configure -state normal
    } else {
        $w.left configure -foreground black -activeforeground black -state disabled
        $w.right configure -foreground black -activeforeground black -state disabled

 proc buttonbar::tearoff {w tab x y} {
    variable buttonbar
    set tab [string map "$w.middle.c.f. {}" $tab]
    set rx1 [winfo rootx $w]
    set ry1 [winfo rooty $w]
    set rx2 [expr $rx1 + [winfo width $w]]
    set ry2 [expr $ry1 + [winfo height $w]]
    if {$x < ($rx1 - 20) || $x > ($rx2 + 20) || $y < ($ry1 - 20) || $y > ($ry2 + 20)} {
        set win $buttonbar($w).$tab
        # add your function here
        closecurrent $w

 proc buttonbar::tabdrag {w tab} {
    set pointery [winfo pointery $tab]
    set pointerx [winfo pointerx $tab]
    set hi [winfo rooty $w.middle]
    if {$pointery < $hi || $pointery > ($hi + [winfo height $w.middle])} return
    set children [winfo children $w.middle.c.f]
    set c [lsearch -exact $children $tab]
    if {$pointerx < [winfo rootx $w.middle.c]} {
        bind tab <Motion> {}
        after 500 "[namespace current]::tabdrag $w $tab"
        if {[set to [lindex $children [expr $c - 1]]] == ""} return
        pack configure $tab -before $to
        lower $tab $to
        update idletasks
        if {[tabvisibility $w [string map "$w.middle.c.f {}" $tab]] < 0} {scrollsetleft $w $tab}
    } elseif {$pointerx > ([winfo rootx $w.middle.c] + [winfo width $w.middle.c])} {
        bind tab <Motion> {}
        after 500 "[namespace current]::tabdrag $w $tab"
        if {[set to [lindex $children [expr $c + 1]]] == ""} return
        pack configure $tab -after $to
        raise $tab $to
        update idletasks
        if {[tabvisibility $w [string map "$w.middle.c.f {}" $tab]] > 0} {scrollsetright $w $tab}
    bind tab <Motion> "[namespace current]::tabdrag $w $tab"
    set in [winfo containing $pointerx $pointery]
    if {$tab == $in} return
    set i [lsearch -exact $children $in]
    if {$i < 0} {
        set to [lindex $children end]
        pack configure $tab -after $to
        raise $tab $to
    } elseif {$i < ($c - 1)} {
        set to [lindex $children [expr $c - 1]]
        pack configure $tab -before $to
        lower $tab $to
    } elseif {$i > ($c + 1)} {
        set to [lindex $children [expr $c + 1]]
        pack configure $tab -after $to
        raise $tab $to

 if {[info level] == 0} {
    pack [buttonbar::create .tabs .windows] -side top -fill x
    frame .windows
    pack .windows -side bottom -fill both -expand 1

    foreach x {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o} {
        buttonbar::add .tabs $x
    buttonbar::name .tabs a "tab 1"
    buttonbar::name .tabs b "tab 2"
    buttonbar::name .tabs c "tab 3"
    buttonbar::name .tabs d "blah blah"
    buttonbar::name .tabs e "test"

    pack [text .windows.a.t]
    pack [listbox .windows.b.l] -pady 5
    pack [entry .windows.c.e] -pady 5

    buttonbar::showframe .tabs a
    update idletasks
    wm geometry . [wm geometry .]