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  • a rest framework
    26 Jun 2016calendar) { url method post content-type application/atom+xml headers { Authorization {GoogleLogin auth=%token%} } opt_args { gsessionid: } } set gcal(edit_calendar) { url http
  • About Tcl and popularity
    23 Feb 2016in a project in progress. [FW]: What about ICE? ---- See also [Tcl advocacy]. ---- Anyone see this URL and have comments about it? [DKF]: Someone ought to ... nicest features of an e-book is its access to the public and the ability to edit it as new enhancements come up. Let me know [email protected] ---- [LV] If I
  • Acronym collection
    21 Sep 2012typographic history of the symbol.) * '''ETLA''' - ''Extended'' Three Letter Acronym * '''[ETEN]''' - Exhaustive Tcl Extension Network * '''ETFS''' - Edit the F* Source, the basic configuration system (see RTFM) * '''[FAQ]''' - Frequently Asked Questions [http://www ... the Week ... used occasionally to indicate a small quote that should be considered as the [Tcl-URL!]'s frequently appearing feature "Quote of the Week". * '''QOTWC''' - Candidate for Quote of the Week
  • Additional list functions
    28 Sep 2018couple of list-oriented search functions implementing a tree structure like functionality. [LV]: Anyone have a URL for this ''posting'' of forest.tcl ? ---- Outline of the next steps to do: * Go through ... string length $a] - [string length $b]}}}} $list ====== ---- '''[domino] - 2018-05-25 16:30:34''' (First time edit; forgive formatting and "where on the page" issues) Re: LPREPEND, couldn't you just use
  • AKG Wikit
    08 Sep 2015In this situation'', the system assumes that any url ending in '''.jpg''', '''.png''', or '''.gif''' is an image and displays it inline. 1. URL methods recognized are: * * ftp ... button has been added to the Edit page. This includes a fix to the annoyance of having a "Saved Page" message displayed when cancelling the edit. * A more descriptive prompt has been
  • AndroWish
    01 Aug 2018remember * "ant debug" and test ---- [RS] Good news! Can't wait to test... but for your URL, T-online reports it is "currently not available". Have you been slashdotted/heised? :) You could ... AndroWish 0.3] (just click on one of the blue brackets), don't write in the edit window, but click on "Upload" below. Big progress... .apk downloaded and running, Bluetooth keyboard works
  • AndroWish Feature Requests
    18 Jun 2016of things. Pre-Edison editions worked just fine on an unedited script from Linux. If I edit the script to scale back from 10 to 6 point font, the labels on the ... Tk script from a link on a page displayed in your Android browser using the ''androwish://...'' URL scheme (see the examples on
  • AOLserver
    12 Feb 2015above for various Tcl procs for achieving things like using Netscape and Frames to edit Tcl scripts, a URL selection routine, dynamic database pages, etc. At RubyLane, the creator has a Tcl
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 1
    13 Jul 2018URL vandalism lately? The AOLserver Wiki [] has been getting hit nearly daily -- I'm about to implement registered editors only (confirm identify before being allowed to Edit
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 2
    28 Apr 2015fid [.t get 1.0 end] close $fid .t edit modified 0 };# save proc ask_to_save_file {} { global doc if { [.t edit modified] } { set ans [tk_messageBox -message "You have unsaved ... finding with memory trace] [memory introspection] [measuring memory usage] Anyone else have some Wiki or other URL references on this topic? ---- ***canvas info in Postscript Format*** [MK] We can save canvas information
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 3
    26 Sep 2016one):- ... Is there any way to edit the flow of events that are about to execute in the [after info] results. For example, i would like to edit the event lists in the
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 5
    01 Sep 2015fileevent $ch readable [list readable $ch] } socket -server server 12000 ------ ***edit on this wiki*** (MZ) January 29th 2007. When using the edit on this wiki, I notice that I cannot retrieve back ... http::data $result to obtain the actual HTML). You should check if you can access that URL using a browser. Maybe your internet access is crippled? [MG] Check and make sure your
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 6
    13 Feb 2016iexplore.exe" %1} ;# set by an entry widget's -textvariable set url {} exec {*}[string map [list %1 $url] $path] & What was confusing me was why the backslashes were ... open_in_dir {dir} { set file [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $dir] if {$file == ""} then {return} cd $dir edit $file ; # Or whatever the editor's open file command is } ---- ***Canvas reacting to window resize
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 8
    20 Sep 2018we have other object types some of which may be expensive to construct. -------------- EDIT: It didn't timestamp my edit, so I'll add it below manually. ---- *** Question regarding lappend's adding ... lrange [split [lindex $args 0] /] 3 end] /] # connecting socket set s [socket $srv 80] # requesting target url via http protocol puts $s "GET /$tar HTTP/1.0"; flush $s puts $s "Host
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 10
    02 Sep 2015important, just a nice to have. Thanks. [gkubu] You can test it with === $textWidget edit undo === or === $textWdiget edit redo === and check for error. In case of success, this will change the ... they're not compatible with my system. I tried using --force. I even tried getting the URL from [teacup archive] list to see if I could download it through my browser, but
  • Ask, and it shall be given # 11
    29 Sep 2015from the left, ie. "File","Edit","Options","Help" all appear next to each other. Now I want to place them at separate positions, e.g. "File" and "Edit" as usual at the ... to clearly indicate the versions involved! Also feel free to reference this page using this unambiguous URL: ---- ***List Connected USB devices on
  • ATWF History (How it Started)
    07 Nov 2010you only wanted to maintain the structure using the GUI, it should be possible to directly edit the files (containing for example the templates) within the file system. I wanted to put ... controllers *** models *** layouts *** views ** module2 *** controllers *** models *** layouts *** views ** : ** : * public ** Building of URLs for the Requests ** URL's for sending a request are built as follows: ....../<module name>/<controller name>/<action name
  • Audio Edit Utility - Clip, Change-Volume, Convert, etc. - a front-end for the 'ffmpeg' command
    30 Jun 2014formats --- and many web links (URL's) that will give further information. ------ '''DESCRIPTION OF THE CODE''' Below, I provide the Tk script code for this 'audio-edit' utility. I follow my usual
  • Beginning Tcl
    26 Apr 2018comp.lang.tcl/fmm.html%|%Frequently-Made Mistakes in Tcl%|%]: by [CL] [Tcl Editors]: how to edit the text of a program [Tcl Tutor]: [Tcl Help]: [gotcha]: a variety of illustrative code ... Reviews]: [TCL programs for beginners 1-10]: [Tcl cheat sheet]: [Glossary of terms]: [Acronym collection]: [Tcl-URL!]: [Practice Scripts]: A list of scripts people have written to learn Tcl [Richard Suchenwirth]: a
  • BLT
    23 Feb 2016be found at the bitwalk site. Windows binaries can be found at the showfiles url. The multimania and site files are files used to build RedHat rpm files ... instance, I finally figured out that I needed to --disable-stubs, and then, I had to edit src/bltGrElem.c and src/bltGrElem.h so they no longer made references to an
  • bwise
    23 Feb 2016of modification, for non-commercial purposes when source is clearly mentioned by email, name and/or url; commercial use requires written permission, meaning I don't give the exploitation rights away just ... the editable field in the proc1 info window next to the 'proc1.bfunc' variable name and edit the function associated with the block, for instance to: set proc1.out [[expr ${
  • CGI script to edit csv file
    23 Mar 2017word in it and then see what happens after clicking '''edit''' again... To generate a '''Link''' in a cell, use '''''LinkName url''''' '''@link'''-notation. To show it '''bold''', add '''@bold''' (other gimmicks
  • CkChat
    20 Nov 2013wrong bind . <Control-c> exit bind . <Control-C> exit # # Edit these configuration settings as needed # variable username EDIT_THIS ;# username variable password EDIT_THIS ;# password variable frequency 30 ;# refresh freq in secs ... format } proc ::ckchat::geturl url { if {[catch { set token [::http::geturl $url -command "#"] ::http::wait $token set html [::http::data $token] ::http::cleanup $token } problem]} { log "\nError fetching $url" system log "\n
  • Cleaning up pages on this wiki
    13 Mar 2009no start or end. People are bound to enter it from every conceivable angle, via search, URL references, and browsing. Reaching a page called "My app" on this wiki will probably confuse ... to restore. * Copy the wiki text * Go back to the page you want to restore * Choose ''Edit'' from the menu on the left (or at the bottom) * Replace the wiki text with
  • Comments on the Tcl'ers Wiki
    10 Apr 2014is much more helpful. Many URL's are similarly goobledigook. Indeed, the wiki URL's are a good example. It doesn't seem fair that the wiki URL's get to have ... accidentally truncated by people trying to edit it. Is there a maximum length to a Wiki page? Can there be a warning when somebody tries to edit a maximum length page? [escargo
  • CryptoAid
    14 Oct 2009DownloadPage -- fetches a web page # proc DownloadPage {url} { set token [::http::geturl $url] ::http::wait $token if {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} { error "cannot download $url: [::http::ncode $token]" } set html [::http::data ... 1 # Control panel ::ttk::label -textvariable ::C(sample,info) ::ttk::button .ctrl.retype -text Edit -command GetCipherText ::ttk::button -text Help -command Help ::ttk::button .ctrl.erase -text
  • Dynix2RSS
    26 Nov 2004of all your checked out items. You'll need to either edit the script to add your username, password and library URL or supply them on the command line. It was designed
  • Editing the Tcl'ers Wiki using an editor of your choice
    08 Dec 2012geturl $url } html]} { abort "Error retrieveing $url: $html" } # find the edit URL if {![regexp {Edit <a href="((\d+)@)">} $html => edit page_num]} { abort "$url is not an editable page" } # Retrieve the edit
  • EFX Content Management System
    13 Mar 2013keywords" content="$BLOG_KEYWORDS"/> <meta name="generator" content="EFX"/> <style efx:subst="" type="text/css">@import url("$BASEURL/css/$BLOG_STYLESHEET");</style> </div> <title efx:subst="">$BLOG_NAME</title> <div efx:eval ... everything is a string). [Todd Coram] - The input format is really XHTML, so you can actually edit it with an HTML editor (at least one that respects attributes and namespaces). Also, because
  • Entry Validation
    29 Jul 2011expression to validate e-mail addresses] * [Integer entry validation with range check] * [Determine whether an ftp URL is valid] * [Entry box validation for IP address] * [Time entry that never contains invalid data ... set rc 0 } } # Bugfix; without that, validation is switched off after the first run .... (????) after idle {.edit.eRecv config -validate all -vcmd {checkRecv %P}} return $rc } ====== ---- **See also** * [Entry Field Processing] <<categories
  • eTcl
    07 Jan 2018and edit.tcl directly from the filebrowser. Only the first one was opened. (I use eTcl 8.4.12-pl8 on windows mobile 5.0) pad.tcl must be closed before edit ... having trouble getting data from GPS ID (documented at [] ) in WM5 using eTCL. If I use the
  • File Upload example
    25 Mar 2011upload capability package require httpd::upload Upload_Url /fileupload [file join [Doc_Root] hup] FileUpload -totalbytes 10000000 proc FileUpload {args} { return [Redirect_Self /upfile] } Direct_Url /upfile UpFile proc UpFile {} { append html ... would one go about doing this? Thanks! [gg] - 2007-02-07 ---- Just answered the question myself - edit upload.tcl [gg] - 2007-02-07 ---- '''[stevel] - 2009-07-29 20:30:19''' There is
  • Formatting Rules
    14 Jun 2017the URL to be followed. This will, in general, make the URL appear to be broken. Replace the literal character with the escape sequence and save the page. The resulting URL '''should ... text be added. To include an image see "Upload from file:" at the bottom of the edit page. The image can be made visible within a text page by linking to it
  • formkit
    01 Dec 20051252"> <title>Zero.tml</title> </head> <body> <form method="POST" action="$page(url)"> <p><input type="submit" value="Add/Edit a Record" ><input type="text" name="position" size="3"></p> </form> </form
  • Freewrap
    05 Jan 2017it. Though, lately (I think since I downloaded freeWrap 6), I've found that if I edit the icons or version info of my freeWrap'd executable with Resource Hacker, as I ... of OS X. [Synic]: 2006-09-05 -- Unfortunately, while the freeWrap 6.2 binaries from that URL do run on OS X they only produce Mac OS 9 compatible TCL apps. Attempting
  • GIS
    19 Feb 2016GIS orientation [|%MapServer Workbench%|%]: [TP] a Tcl-based project to create and edit files for [|%MapServer%|%]. The code is somewhat out-of-date ... It is useful for encoding a long sequence of coordinate data as a single comparatively compact URL parameter. [Shapetcl]: C extension that provides read/write access to Esri shapefiles. http://ogdi.sourceforge
  • godlever
    11 Jan 2008this time for this ''Technology Preview'' since this page has been linked to from the Tcl-URL! newsletter. '''Basics''' All code is kept in nodes. A node has a text block and ... you double click on a single-node, you will open its text block and you can edit it. When you double click on a multi-node, you will open a window showing
  • Google
    20 Jan 2013right. Click the 'No Frame' link, and you'll get a URL with the th=xxx that you can hand edit down to a minimal link." ---- If you check
  • HaJo Gurt
    08 Apr 2018mini demo webserver] - Added "index.html" as default-url. * [MINISS - Mini Spread Sheet] - added demo-worksheets (and wishlist), and then menu [m+], edit-dialog [edit_val], about-box, statusbar, etc. * [Mini Sudoku
  • HelpViewer - based on Tkhtml2.0
    11 Feb 2017regexp {:/[^/]} $url] } { regsub {:/} $url {://} url } if { $tcl_platform(platform) != "windows"} { set comm [auto_execok konqueror] if { $comm == "" } { set comm [auto_execok netscape] } if { $comm == "" } { tk_messageBox -icon warning -message \ "Check url: $url ... Close" # menubutton $base.mbar.edit -text Edit -underline 0 -menu $base.mbar.edit.m # pack $base.mbar.edit -side left -padx 5 # set m [menu $base.mbar.edit.m] # $m add command
  • How to edit Wiki pages in Alphatk
    23 Sep 2012to edit Wiki pages directly. The easiest way to do this is actually to browse the Wiki from within Alphatk, like this: In the 'WWW' menu of Alphatk, select 'View url...', and
  • how to find my own IP address
    09 Jul 2016about your own IP address is if you want to build up a string representing a URL to pass to a client. It is easier to know your own IP than to ... TARGET machine, then, on the host whose IP one wants, ======none telnet $TARGET 6584 ====== or equivalent. [[Edit. 6584 is arbitrary. Explain circumstances in which various methods fail?]] ---- [MS]: another simple-minded option
  • How to grow your own Wiki
    30 Apr 2012to a new edit thing every time. How about some n00b docs for this thing? OK, now I have a series of steps to create new page: 1 Edit an existing page ... title (I know it's another page because my old text isn't there and the "URL number" is incremented). Just tested tk mode and it does the exact same thing. (Don
  • How to link to a page
    19 Apr 2011Link to an external webpage: just write the url: * Link to an external webpage without showing the link: write the url in square brackets: [ ... by specifying a word in a page, such as* Click on the edit-link below to see the source of this wiki-page. <<categories>>Tcler's Wiki
  • Ideas for Wikit enhancements
    26 Oct 2010get the "!" to be part of the URL? 12nov02 [jcw] - Date is now listed on back-ref ("bang!") pages. As for getting it into an URL wikit will accept, try this: http ... s stylesheets redefinitions (works in Mozilla but not IE). * CVS Support has been added: at each edit, a CVS version of the page is committed. (use the generation of source pages of
  • Inplace edit in ttk::treeview
    09 Sep 2013value $w $column $item $newvalue } } # these functions create widgets for in-place edit, use them in your in-place edit handler proc _inplaceEntry {w column item} { variable curfocus set wnd $w.$column ... track focus changes since there is no mechanism in [ttk]::[treeview] for this. [JE] See also: <URL: >. ====== # BSD license package require Tk 8
  • Jeff Gosnell
    25 Mar 2014a basic port snooper. It doesn't do much. In the IP/URL:port line insert your IP or URL and the port number i.e. or 128 ... tcl - see the raw data to/from servers such as SMTP, POP, HTTP, FTP, etc. (Latest edit, included a catch for EOF statements from the server. Before this was added, the script
  • JTcl Interpreter
    19 Jan 2016version) = 1.6 env(java.vendor) = Sun Microsystems Inc. env(java.vendor.url) = env(java.vendor.url.bug) = env(java ... Java\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Progr amme\Tcl\bin;C:\Programme\ActiveState Komodo Edit 7\;C:\Programme\caesar\OraClientNet\bin;C:\Programme\caesar\OraClientN et\;C:\Programme\Python27\;C
  • kbs bugs and comments
    14 Jul 2017This last response confused me. Let me see if I understand. 1. A developer can always edit the kbs/kbs/defs.kbs file to indicate a newer version of a package if ... the very least, generate a license.terms file, or list in the comment line instead a URL where said file is available for reading. [RZ] 1. kbs.tcl needs a wish to
  • Literate programming in a wiki
    28 Oct 2015the wiki through the web * there is a local mode, which may become good enough to edit with ''Just rattling the cage a bit...'' [RS]: joins in rattling - you've been reading ... how high up I would be. I really should have tried that search sooner. Regarding the URL, that's the Lambda the Ultimate reference I was talking about; I was up on
  • Matthias Hoffmann - Tcl-Code-Snippets - wikit-related
    20 Jun 20074 5 6 7 8 9} # the text that gets shown at the bottom of an edit page set EditInstructions { <hr size=1> <b>Editieren - Kurzreferenz:</b> <blockquote><font size=-1> <b ... bold; } hr { width:100%; color:gray; height:2px; border:1px solid gray; } #footer { height: 31px; background: url("/images/HMELOGO_TINY.gif") no-repeat top right; font-family:Verdana,Tahoma,"Lucida Sans Unicode
  • MegaWidgets as nested list
    01 Sep 2015lexer .edit text do tag configure keyword1 -font {Times -16 bold} .edit text do tag configure keyword2 -font {Helvetica -16 bold} -foreground blue .edit text do tag configure string -foreground #7F007F .edit ... handler column$i \ [my methods \ href {url} { exec -- {c:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe} \ [regsub %% {} $url] & }]\ ]\ [my pack -padx 3]\ [my bind
  • MetPad
    01 Jul 2011Some nice features''' * Edit multiple files * File Monitoring (like "tail -f" under linux) * Basic Macro Recording and Playback (keystrokes) * Highly configurable * Quick launch bar to open files, directories and url's * Command
  • NaTcl
    12 Feb 2015Can you run these non-tcl demos? (URL is 404 on Oct 4, 2011) ... if not, there's something wrong with your chrome ... docroot]]/NaTcl/exe * cp tcl.nexe [[docroot]]/NaTcl/exe * cp index.html tcl.nmf [[docroot]]/NaTcl/ Edit tcl.nmf to ====== { "nexes": { "x86-32": "exe/tcl.nexe", } } ====== Add to site.config: ====== /natcl/ { domain
  • Notebook App
    07 Oct 2018is one of several [Personal Wikis] currently available. It allows a single user to easily create, edit, browse, search, and link together a collection of pages on their own personal machine. You ... Publish the pages in a wiki website''' - You click on Export, then you enter the wikisite URL, your login and password, and all the pages are uploaded. Simple like that. Futurely, the
  • Notebook App - User Code Snippets
    06 Sep 2013user agent with the selected url proc goToInternet {name} { set prg "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE" exec $prg $name & } Usage : [@ URL-> @] [@ URL-> ... UltraEdit/UEDIT32.EXE"} default {return} } exec $prg "$args" & } Usage in a page of my Notebook for edit or view something : [@ -> @] [@ ->
  • Noty
    29 Jan 2015TCL/TK developers, it contains a ""rtext"" mega-widget that encapsulates all the logic needed to edit text with formatting. Also a simple add-on to it - "ser.tcl" - allows it to ... following protocols are supprted: (file|http|https|ftp) And - as a suggestion ... what about activating an URL only if the user double clicks? This is only a strong personal preference - something about
  • Perl/Tk
    12 Feb 2015Where: Description: Perl/Tk tool to view and edit the data stored by pilotmgr's SyncAB (synchronizes Palm Pilot Addressbook database). Updated: 12/1998 ... WML tags, including tables. Currently at version 0.05. Updated: 07/2001 Contact: See the above URL. What: Win32::FileOp Where: Description: Perl
  • PHP under Tclhttpd
    07 Jun 2012Httpd$sock data Url_Handle [list CgiHandle $data(url) {} $path] $sock } proc Doc_application/x-php {path suffix sock} { upvar #0 Httpd$sock data Url_Handle [list CgiHandle $data(url) {} $path] $sock ... to use tclhttpd;-) With these hacks below, PHP seems to work as a [cgi] under [TclHttpd]. Edit cgi.tcl in the lib directory.., specifically CgiSpawn and CgiClose, essentially setting/unsetting env(REDIRECT
  • Playing HTTP
    06 Apr 2013foreground $i} focus .e raise . proc go {w url} { set token [http::geturl $url] upvar #0 $token arr $w insert end \n$arr(url) blue if [info exists arr(error)] {$w insert ... use the scrollbar: bad option "yscroll": must be bbox, cget, compare, configure, debug, delete, dlineinfo, dump, edit, get, image, index, insert, mark, scan, search, see, tag, window, xview, or yview [RS] apologizes
  • pop3line
    29 Jul 2011nicht (0)?" puts $fd "set delete 1" close $fd puts "Created configuration file: $config ." puts "Please edit and run me again." exit 1 } package require http package require tls package require mime ... main {} { set error 0 set BASE # login and redirect debug URL $BASE/index.cgp set token [http::geturl $BASE/index.cgp] debug STATUS [http::status $token
  • problem reports against previous wikit version
    01 Sep 2015thing which may need some improvement, please feel free to add notes: * URL recognition is tricky, "(URL)" links to "URL)", for example. * It's yet another formatting convention (albeit a very simple ... in CGI-mode: if you edit a page through your browser, then hit save or cancel and then the browser's '''back'''-button, you are again in edit mode. But what you
  • ProcMeUp
    26 Jul 20110 end-1c] close $fd $::plan edit modified 0 } proc save.script {} { if {"" == $::procedure} return if {![.pw.ftext.t edit modified] && \ ![ edit modified]} return set args [.pw ... version * Useful with: [memory file system] Browsable directory: (URL is 404 on 2011-07-26) ---- This is an older version: ====== proc add.procedure {name
  • puts
    01 Dec 2012would edit the string and hard code the new sequence. Or you could look into terminfo/curses related work being done in things like [ck], [CTk], etc. ---- ''Any ISO 6429 url about
  • Regular Expression Examples
    11 Apr 2018PYK] 2016-02-28: In the previous edit, a `-` character was added to the regular expression, prohibiting the occurrence of `-` in ''scheme'' component of a URL. As far as I can tell
  • Regular Expressions
    07 Aug 2017concatenated. For example: ====== set url set pattern {^(https?:\/\/\/)(?:.*\?redir=([0-9]+)|_\/edit\?N=([0-9]+)|([0-9]+))$} regexp $pattern $url -> prefix b1 b2 b3
  • REpresentational State Transfer, REST
    23 Jun 2009natural step to support a new edit mode for local wiki's which are set up to be a replica of a central server. Such an edit mode would not just alter ... HTTP GET, doesn't mean that it is REST. If you are encoding parameters on the URL, you are probably making an RPC request of a service, not retrieving the representation of
  • rgb combinations
    12 Jan 2009edit -label "Edit" -underline 0 # Edit/Copy .m.edit add command -label "Copy" \ -underline 0 \ -accelerator Ctrl+C \ -state disabled \ -command {on_edit_copy} set menu_indexes(.m.edit.copy) [.m.edit ... License: \n" append left_side "Author: \n" append left_side "E-Mail: \n" append left_side "URL: \n" .about.canvas create text \ [expr {$cwidth / 2}] \ [expr {$cheight / 2}] \ -font "helvetica -12 bold
  • RS's RSS
    21 Jun 2014the URL itself:} proc click {rsswin textwin} { set url [lindex [$rsswin tag names insert] 1] $rsswin tag configure $url -foreground purple4 showHTML $textwin $url } if 0 {This renders a RSS URL with ... when this page is rendered (on IE 5 at least), so best copy the source in Edit mode, if you care for umlauts :) JSI 09feb05 This link shows the sourcefile readonly ;-) http
  • Searching and bookmarking URLs on the Tcl'ers Wiki
    24 Mar 2014following URL is an instruction to look for a page titled "hawaii": Assuming there is a page titled "hawaii" (case is ignored), the above URL will ... Searching the quick way:'' Go to page "2" - the page [Search] - type a keyword in the edit field and press Enter. Note that this is a one-level search only and it
  • SEE
    10 Sep 2012suite evaluator/executor. (Add url here). * Management of help texts and documentation. See [Bryan Oakley] and his thread about a text dump format. (Note: Find dejanews thread url, insert here). * Utilities helping ... my (AK) vision the SEE is '''not''' a monolithic application containing everything which is required to edit, browse, add, delete in packages, scripts, files, etc., but a set of applications each doing
  • SOAP Complex Data
    25 Jan 2014of how to edit a SOAP body element attribute? I wasn't succesful in edit the attributes using XPath I had to use next child, next sibling to edit them. Is this ... of relevant schemas. foreach {nsname url} [concat \ [rpcvar::default_schemas $soapenc] \ $procvar(schemas)] { if {! [string match "xmlns:*" $nsname]} { set nsname "xmlns:$nsname" } dom::element setAttribute $envx $nsname $url } # Insert the Header elements
  • Software Free to a Good Home!
    24 Feb 2010s approval. Contact: Email, wiki page, or other contact information. Website: URL of the project's website, if any. Project site: URL of the project's development website, source code repository, source ... or website. In the case where the last known author/maintainer cannot be contacted, help yourself! Edit this page, adding your name and/or contact information in the ''Adopted by:'' and the
  • SpecTcl
    15 Jan 2013Attributes ** What: Menu Edit tool Where: Description: GUI interface to edit menus. Runs stand alone and will be a plugin for SpecTcl ... 4.02.002 and perl 5. The python URL is a Python script to convert SpecTcl tcl output to Python Tkinter format. The Digital URL is to code which creates a specPython
  • SSL Tunnel
    15 Sep 2016state array set URL [uri::split $opts(targetUrl)] if {$URL(port) == {}} { set URL(port) [expr {$URL(scheme) == "https" ? 443 : 80}] } set state(sock) [socket $URL(host) $URL(port)] if {$URL(scheme) == "https ... before. Any newly created directories will record the -d options though and you may need to edit the CVS/Root file for those directories. If you are trying to use '''pserver''' access
  • Starpal - TCL Development and Starkit generation
    01 May 2009kit URL above appear to no longer be valid. ---- [LV] That last image isn't showing up on the page. Also, I didn't understand why there were two buttons for edit
  • StarSite
    08 Sep 2012set of permissions. Initially, I think the following permissions: * '''page''' - create, delete, read, edit. * '''subsection''' - create, delete, read, edit. * ''groups'' are like they are on [UNIX]. ''users'' are people viewing/editing the ... name, it does not do access-control. * Next step, the starsite runtime looks at the requested URL, and figures out which section it falls in (as sections are mapped onto directories, this
  • Stefan Vogel
    04 Sep 2013net/projects/tclvfs or * TrapEd - an application written in Tcl to edit those files which are produced by the "transferproject"-utility of Vignette (all those Vignette-developers ... Vogel] 2004-07-28: As mentioned on the Microsoftpage []: This [[NewWindow]] event is obsolete. Use one of
  • stockwatch - Simple Stock Market Ticker
    16 Jul 2010field) "" } return } proc geturl_followRedirects {url args} { array set URI [::uri::split $url] ;# Need host info from here while {1} { set token [eval [list http::geturl $url] $args] if {![string match {30 ... button .s.ctrl.edit \ -activebackground #ffffff -activeforeground #0000ff \ -background #eaeaea -foreground #0000ff \ -borderwidth 1 -relief solid -font {Helvetica 10} \ -text "ADD/DEL" -height 1 -width 8 -command {pop_win "edit" "Add/Del
  • Stonehenge Circle Accuracy Slot Calculator Example
    09 Mar 2017link by single square bracketing the title of the page, and not by placing the explicit URL into the wiki page. I.e., do this: "[[Tcl Style Guide]]" instead of this "Tcl ... the start of a line. Take for example your "****Appendix Code****" title just below. If you edit that line to remove all of the leading spaces, then the four asterisks will function
  • Structured TeXt
    16 Apr 2015used to edit pages here (see [Formatting Rules]) * I've written a pretty slick implementation of a wiki-like Structured Text translator, here [][[Bad URL 2011-07
  • Suggestions for Wikit
    09 Oct 2017Added "edit/" to form url + cgi_form $::script_name/edit/$N { cgi_export O=$origtag catch { set z "http://$::env(HTTP_HOST)$::env(REDIRECT_URL)" and the corresponding Apache config: <LocationMatch "/edit
  • Suggestions for Wikit Archive 1
    11 Apr 2014within Alphatk (like lynx) and when you hit 'edit' it extracts the page from the HTML form which follows, and then allows you to edit the page in its very nice environment ... from the top of the page) and the URL (from the top line of my browser) into an e-mail. The problem is, the URL in the browser is not a PURL
  • switch
    28 Sep 2018switch's pattern/action block with `""` allows substitutions within the entire argument. So, yes you get `$URL_NOT_FOUND` substituted. But you also get the contents of the actions substituted before switch ... that I did not need. Maybe someone else will cover fix/post those ;) Feel free to edit/move this as appropriate. ====== proc switch_8.5 args} { ## this is an 8.4 version
    11 Feb 2007rss_newsitems_urls($title)]} { return } set url $::rss_newsitems_urls([$newsobj get $idx]) puts "Loading URL: $url" # XXX: TODO, Figure out how to actually load a URL across platforms } listbox .newsInfo -width ... I didn't realize this until I didn't feel like changing it. Feel free to edit the above, or use it in your own code. ---- [LV] Do you have any examples
  • tcap
    13 Oct 2012tcap: [Tcl] pcap interface homepage: 1. install edit the makefile for your local paths, then run "make install" as root or via sudo 2. use: $ tclsh ... Flynt]'s Packet Master library (a Tcl interface to libdnet). Very useful when combined with tcap. URL: Also see [pktsrc], the (formerly) QACafe
  • Tcl Chatroom
    19 Sep 2018to insert a version check, but for now please keep fetching a new release off the url listed above every (few) day(s) or so. FWIW, I'm not going to turn ... on backup router or router port, specifically using the router specific commands below. Config sys int Edit sfpp2 Get status down End Can anybody please help me? It has been years since
  • Tcl Editors
    05 Oct 2018edit 'projects', consisting of groups of chunks of text. It has support for primitive data-flow diagrams, generates EPS files from the diagrams, and uses emacs style key-bindings. The first URL
  • Tcl nano proxy server
    04 May 2012the url's are listed on the console. Of course you could run the proxy on another machine than you use to surf. ---- When making this page, I got to the edit
  • Tcl Tutorial Discussions
    09 Apr 2014summarize and point out common things in the answers. But the responses were too good to edit, some were educatingly verbose, others were simply to the point. As you read, mull over ... l.t.) that can respond quickly. * Correlations between Tcl and other languages. * GUI application building. * Tcl-URL! * Professional publications showing tools built. * Ways Tcl has been adapted to meet a need. ''Task
  • Tcl'ers
    28 Sep 2018of anyone who's not listed but should be (including yourself)? Just edit this page and add the name and URL to the list. Please keep the list in alphabetic order, sorted
  • tclreadline
    21 Mar 2018one dll and free from the other resulting in a crash. The current dll at the url above only links to msvcrt.dll, solving the problem. [MJ] -- 14/08/2006 -- The newer ... tclsh and get an '''"alloc: invalid block: ..."''' error, then you will have to do the following: * Edit tclreadline.c file and rename all MALLOC to malloc and FREE to free (and remove
  • TclWiki Public API
    02 Jul 2012urls}} proc StreamToRefs {stream infoProc} -> {pageNum ...} * The "Text" format is a Wiki-like one you can edit with a text editor. * The "Tk" format can insert styled text information in a text ... outputs a 3 element list: page_id, page_name, and page_modify_date ''cgiPrefix'' is the URL prefix used to construct html links ---- [Bryan] I'm not sure I like that for
  • Teach programming to children
    02 Jan 2016Wiki-like mark-up is being processed with a little program, so that I can easily edit the files and do not need to rely on some word processor of sorts. It ... on a tutorial for children. I believe [Larry Virden] participated in it. Perhaps someone has the URL. [MG]: I'm not sure exactly what's on it, but there's a page
  • text
    28 Sep 2018provides routines for synchronizing two or mor Tk text widgets [URL behaviour in a text widget]: a minimal package to simulate URL behaviour in a text widget [xtt: XML <--> Text Tag translator ... event might look tempting but it's not quite what you want. `<<Modified>>` fires when the `edit modified` state changes - it's most useful in conjunction with the `-undo 1` flag. See
  • Things holding Tcl back
    13 Feb 2016into a browser. I think it's a grievous flaw in their whole capitalization/marketing scheme. edit May 13, 2004 : I went looking for the open source plugin before posting this obviously ... in the wrong place? is where I went. also, the only url I associated with keiichi is
  • Tk crash with Linux/Intel
    04 Sep 2014in. You can be anonymous. The login URL is Then you can enter a ticket. The new ticket URL is ... if something is peculiar about mine. As it stands, this program does not crash. If I edit the canvas dimensions to 400x400 it does. If I change the comments to enable one
  • Tk Game Pack
    14 Oct 2010starkit full of almost 90 games and animations, mostly from this Wiki. ---> See [Bundle o' Starkits] - URL: The download is now starsync capable and can be ... hobbs/tcl/tclet/tetris {Puzzle Games} * Horses {A little horse-racing game: ten horses (you can edit their names if you don't like my defaults) run at random speed from left
  • Tkinspect
    13 Aug 2014defaults.tcl in the tkinspect directory * Edit/Add the following for filtering Procs option add *Procs_list.patterns { ^tkPriv.* ^auto_.* ^tk.* # add more filters here... } * Edit/Add the following for filtering Globals ... better. <<br>> Note that a Tclkit based Scripted document of tkinspect is available - see the prdownloads url above.| || Currently considered version 5.1.6p10| | Updated:| 21/Jun/2003| | Contact:| See the web
  • TkTwig
    24 Mar 2014list New View Exit] \ Twig [list Run View Sum Edit New Delete] \ Bundle [list Load Append Reload Save "Save As..." Unsum] \ Config [list Edit Load Save "Save As..."] \ Help [set helps [list ... set idx [lindex $sel 0] set twig [lindex $cfg(twigs) $idx] lassign $twig page blocks sum url name if {[catch { if {[info exists attached($twig)]} { if {$rovos in {run view sum}} { set
  • tls
    10 Apr 2018shortcut some of this. * Create a suitable openssl configuration file : Copy the distributed openssl.cnf and edit the Distinguished Name stuff to suit you. * Generate a 1024-bit private key for your ... that works with most of the Certificate Authorities. Hier is the link:
  • Tunnel HTTP through SMTP
    11 Jan 2012list email url ] $request { break } log "getting $url for $email" set localname [ localName $url ] getCurlUrl $url $localname set tarball [ getImages $url [ file dirname $localname ] ] after 5000 [ list emailResult $email $url $tarball ] } } proc ... as needs mail support. (There are other ways to handle this, this is the simplest.) 2. edit the configuration options 3. let er rip. Please feel free to modify. Modifying it to
  • Twentieth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2013)
    23 Nov 2015the Wyndham Group. Its website changed from to ! The old URL is redirected to **Program/Schedule** %|When|What|Status|% &|Sep 23, 2013|Tutorials start ... Protocols for the Internet of Things'': Emmanuel Frécon ** [|%Presentation] * ''A State-Driven, Service-Oriented Dynamic Web Development Framework'': Stephen Huntley '''13
  • Unicode
    10 Mar] (let's see how long that URL lasts...) about ways that the Tcl code itself could evolve to handle things better. But ... substring would probably take linear time due to recomputing the index from the start of the edit. I don't really mind that though because this operation ''already'' takes linear time due
  • URL Parser
    17 May 2010blabla match url]} { puts "$url is a valid url." } # # Getting an URL from a HTML code... # set blabla {<div class="title">Edit <a href="">URL Parser</a
  • Use Windows default mail client
    15 Oct 2009the user's SMTP server configuration. The idea is to create a mailto: URL, and to hand the URL to the system to open. The user will see his or her familiar ... out of your hands: it is up to the user if he or she wishes to edit the message further and to send it. #-- Generate email set address "[email protected]" set
  • Username/Password Database for Tclhttpd
    25 Jan 2014fmkt</title> </head> <body> <H3>Add or Edit a User</H3> <form method="POST" action="page2.fmkt"> [formSession] <p><input type="submit" value="Add/Edit a Username" ><input type="text" name="user ... fmkt {path suffix sock} { upvar #0 Httpd$sock data global Fmkt append data(query) "" set queryList [Url_DecodeQuery $data(query)] # Destroy any old session that are laying around. In this instance # 5
  • Using Tcl to write CGI applications
    01 Feb 2015resembles PC based applications. Can specify virtual root directory and working directory, URL where directories are to be linked, and URL where files are to be linked. Updated: 08/1998 Contact: Unknown ... A "wiki wiki web" application written in Tcl. It allows anyone with a web browser to edit pages of the application remotely. Allows a loosely organized web forum. The application provides hypertext
  • Visual REGEXP
    03 Nov 2015w:sample) insert 1.0 $sample + #$data(w:sample) edit separator + $data(w:sample) replace 1.0 end $sample + #$data(w:sample) edit separator } proc regexp::replace:toggle {} { variable data - if {$regexp ... mode replace # database of some regexp to appear in the "Insert regexp" menu set regexp_db { "URL" {(?:^|")(http|ftp|mailto):(?://)?(\w+(?:[\.:@]\w+)*?)(?:/|@)([^"\?]*?)(?:\?([^\?"]*?))?(?:$|")} @@ -88,8 +101,6 @@ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval regexp {} { - set data(v
  • Webserver combined with bwise
    24 Jan 2011n$url -textvariable counterhit($url) -width 0 grid .serv.l$url .serv.n$url -sticky w grid configure .serv.n$url -sticky e } foreach {counter label} { urlhits "URL Requests" urlreply "URL Replies ... all in one file, 8.4 compatible], and you might want to add the latest procedure edit window from [interactive command composer] or the latest [Automatically generate Bwise blocks from procedures] page
  • Webserver with in core database from BWise
    24 Jan 2011can now edit the data fields in out database fairly comfortably however, and 'stepping through' the dbase with image can be done at high speed on a recent machine. Simply edit the ... want about them in the dbvar global variable, it is easy enough to make a Direct_Url /test test which uses a procedure test which must return a webpage when it is
  • weeEdit
    25 Jan 2014else { frame .link frame .url label .url.urlink -text "Link to what? " entry .url.linkent -width 90 .url.linkent insert 0 $linktype pack .url.urlink .url.linkent -in .url \ -side left -expand ... filid } ### EDIT MENU ### # using built-in procedures tk_textCut, tk_textCopy, tk_textPaste menu .filemenu.edit -tearoff 0 .filemenu add cascade -label "Edit" -underline 0 -menu .filemenu.edit ### Edit -- Cut .filemenu.edit
  • Why a separate page for each book
    19 Apr 2011the pages describing individuals. See [Tcl'ers]. JC: Yikes indeed, my "<URL:" and ">" text got deleted, probably on the subsequent edit. I'll look into that. JC: I propose to use "Book
  • Wibble bugs
    25 Feb 2016from the formatted HTML. Therefore I have to remember to re-add it every time I edit the page. Sometimes I forget. :^( See [ ... similarly to the above, except the data goes in the query string, and it's always URL-encoded. %|`accept-charset`|`rawquery`|% &|`iso-8859-1`|`?key1=&key2=%26%2312399%3B&file=%26%2312399
  • Wibble change log
    20 Apr 2014pagetoc40fc9a27] [AMG]: Now that I've finished reorganizing all the Wibble pages, I'm eager to edit them some more! :^) * Write [[dumprequest]] to partially "flatten" a request dictionary to make it easier ... most non-alphanumerics with hexadecimal codes. ** [[dehex]]: Decode hexadecimal encoding. ** [[enurl]]: Encode for URLs. ** [[deurl]]: Decode URL encoding. ** [[delist]]: Decode header list encoding. ** [[dequote]]: Decode header quoting. ** [[deheader]]: Decode HTTP headers. (!!!) * Actually
  • Wibble discussion
    22 Sep 2012how that's supposed to interact with [Unicode]) and + with space. I believe this is called URL encoding. Hex encoding ([[enhex]]/[[dehex]]) works the same except spaces map to %20. * [SEH]: Right ... path] / path to: regsub -all {(?:/|^)\.(?=/|$)} [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [dehex $path]] / path The note on the edit is: "UTF-8 characters are not decoded properly. Converting from utf-8 does it, while
  • Wibble discussion archive
    22 Apr 2012org/] to handle quoting, etc., and I'll also bring in handling of HTTP headers and URL query parameters. But still, this would leave me without pipelining, uploads, cookies, sessions, or authentication ... even though I had plans. ---- **[MS] adding [variable] command** [AMG]: [MS], I am curious about your edit (changing wibble::handle to use [variable] instead of a namespace qualifier). I had thought that
  • Wiki admin notice
    11 Apr 2014shopt -s extglob case "$REQUEST_URI" in ?(/tcl)/+([0-9])?(.txt|.html)) ;; ?(/tcl)/[^0-9/@!]+([^/@!])) ;; ?(/tcl)/edit/+([0-9])\@) ;; ?(/tcl)/references/+([0-9])\!) ;; ?(/tcl)/2\?+([^/@!])) ;; /cgi-bin/nph-wikit/+([0-9])) ;; *) cat ... EOF' HTTP/1.0 400 Bad request Content-type: text/plain This is not a valid URL for this site EOF exit;; esac echo HTTP/1.0 200 OK It leads to
  • Wiki Announcements
    11 Apr 201422 Apr 09 CETDST'' * More toolbar buttons on edit page (save, preview, cancel, help) * Move preview and help up so they appear above the edit area Jos, I tried to submit a ... 24 Nov 09 AEST'' Time to Grasp the Nettle. The Wiki currently resides directly under the / URL. This has been a niggling problem for ages, but more recently has prevented effective caching
  • wiki database for offline use
    24 Sep 2018at [jdc] 19-mar-2009: More control over url as displayed on wiki pages. Released as kit and as zip. Zip can be used ... TOC to page 8 or use the '''toc wub''' option. ** [gasty] After unwrap the kit and edit a little the proc yscroll in file wubwikit20090319.vfs\lib\wikitcl\wikit\gui.tcl, I
  • Wiki Gripes
    17 Aug 2018thing which may need some improvement, please feel free to add notes: * URL recognition is tricky, "(URL)" links to "URL)", for example. * Bold and italic can be used only once on each ... to "moderate" an area. Hm. ... I am not thinking of moderation in the sense of "pre-edit approval", it is more like gardening. First a spurt(?) of growth, then the moderator/gardener
  • Wiki Spamming
    12 Feb 2015org [DKF] (same day) - I wonder if it would be possible to check on edit submission whether a URL listed is on the chongqed list? I suppose it could be cached locally
  • wiki-reaper
    17 Nov 2017fetch url { variable useCurl # The cookie is necessary when you want to retrieve page history. set cookie wikit_e=wiki-reaper if {$useCurl} { set data [exec curl -s -f -b $cookie $url ... have to start somewhere ;-) . So somehow save this page into a file called "wiki-reaper", and edit the contents to remove comments, etc. 2. Make certain that the file is going to
  • Wikignoming: what is to be done
    11 Apr 2014Gnome would like to see URL references like (that is, use of the page number) or turned ... 2008 which legitimately might deserve a reference somewhere). The first category are easy enough to fix - edit the page, and give it a category. We have tons to choose from, and if
  • Wikit configuration
    10 Jan 2012BASE) -> ::env(SCRIPT_NAME) } } This fixes the problem that the edit pages do not allow you to save the page (because the URL is wrong). I am working on a [[ns_register
  • Wikit in local mode
    30 Apr 2012you should be up and running ---- [LV] Quick note - Daniel's latest ''wishkit'' at the above URL appears to be Tcl 8.4.10 . Is there some newer location for this item ... without the additional tcl subdirectory. Renaming tcl to wiki results in wrong edit/reference and so on URLS. ''[jcw] - Try adding a slash at the end (this is
  • Wikit Problems
    06 Dec 2016t work for me. The Palm browser doesn't give the URL (without .html) in the address bar, where I could edit it. Instead, it pops up an error message saying that
  • Wikit Reference Formatting
    27 Aug 2012html} {urls}} # proc StreamToRefs {stream infoProc} -> {pageNum ...} # proc StreamToUrls {stream} -> {url type ...} # # The "Text" format is a Wiki-like one you can edit with a text editor. # The "Tk" format can insert
  • WiKit under CGI
    30 Apr 2012before calling tclkit seems to fix the trailing slash requirement in the calling URL. --WL You can also edit the exec line in the wikit. I changed mine to: exec /usr/bin
  • Wikit user names
    29 Oct 2017ll know this worked because the ''Edit'' pages will have "(you are: '''your initials''')" at the bottom.) Note: * If you use as URL, you'll have to set things
  • Wikit web Preview button
    15 Jul 2009hr noshade + + cgi_h2 "Re-edit $name" + p + + cgi_form $::script_name/$N { + cgi_export O=$origtag + catch { + set z "http://$::env(HTTP_HOST)$::env(REDIRECT_URL)" + regsub {@$} $z {} z + cgi_export
  • Wikit web Search prompt
    08 Jan 200516.png" /> Home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi"><img src="/img/stock_edit-16.png" /> Wiki</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="./1"><img src="/img/stock_help-16 ... would expect a typical web application (i.e. a name/value pair is passed through the URL or the form post. A colleague at work helped me figure out this solution. ---- [Category
  • wish-reaper
    28 Oct 2017type ok -parent .reaper exit } else { catch {package require autoproxy} } proc ns_geturl {url} { set conn [http::geturl $url] set html [http::data $conn] http::cleanup $conn return $html } proc ns_striphtml ... it would be a subset of '''Category Application'''. [Luciano ES] 19 July 2003 - How about this: edit all of the reapable applications' pages, adding the hidden tag <!-- reap-ready --> to all of
  • Workflow
    07 Nov 2014a bit lost to with regard to the information above. Is it possible to add an url referencing the ftp site or any other place having this workflow engine ? ---- Anyone want to ... may choose to interact in any of the following ways: reconfigure the taskflow interconnections, view or edit data, descend/ascend the taskflow hierarchy, select the mode of execution, invoke the taskflow, abort
  • Wub
    13 Feb 2018switch over some fields in the request dict - specifically and primarily the -url field which contains the incoming request URL. After Domain package handling, the returned response dict is queued up to ... which interfaces to the original wikit code (which is almost completely unmodified) and provides additional functionality (edit history, diffs, etc.) CSS files, javascript, images, and other similarly static content are served via
  • WubWikit
    08 Oct 2017a URL of the form `<PageNumber>` invokes the web text widget with the wiki raw page loaded * a URL
  • WubWikit Problems
    10 Apr 2014want to expose the naked URL. -- [escargo] Since the brackets are clickable, and clicking them leads to an error (/_revision/_edit/19613 Not Found The entity '/_revision/_edit/19613' doesn't exist
  • Xmingwin installation
    23 Mar 2011newline in the middle of 'BASE_URL=...' which needs to be removed). This script downloads Xmingwin, builds it and installs under /usr/local/Xmingwin (you can edit the script and change the
  • Æjaks
    08 Apr 2016aejaks2.war and adjust your URL to to http://localhost:8080/aejaks2/app/...etc... 2) extract the file ''WEB-INF/web.xml'' from the aejaks.war file, edit it, copy the elements