Updated 2018-09-28 12:40:39 by PeterLewerin

Looking for someone? Here's a list of people involved in Tcl/Tk, with links to their home page. If you are looking for Tclers in your area, see I would like to meet a Tcler

Know of anyone who's not listed but should be (including yourself)? Just edit this page and add the name and URL to the list. Please keep the list in alphabetic order, sorted by last name.

If you want to set up a page of your own, you can do so by adding brackets around your name. Then save and click on the brackets - you will be taken to a new page created for you - welcome to The Tcler's Wiki!


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Roalt Aalmoeshttp://www.roalt.com/RA
Adly Abdullahhttp://slebetman.homeip.net/slebetman
Binny V Abrahamhttp://www.geocities.com/binnyva/
Bruce Adamshttp://www.tortoise74.me.uk/cybernetics/BSA
Rani Fayez Ahmadhttp://www.superlinux.netsuperlinux
Rolf Adede
Jorge Amador-Monteverdehttp://www.esa.int/
Eric Amundsenhttp://www.mayo.edu/sppdg/
David Andelhttp://www.ifi.unizh.ch/~andelDMA
David T. Andersonhttp://avavenue.com/
Clinciu AndreiLostOne
Donald Arseneau
David T. Ashley
Matt Adamshttp://stuffbymatt.caMattAdams
Stéphane Auleryhttp://saulery.free.frLkpPo


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Philippe Backhttp://www.highoctane.bePBA
Marty Backehttp://www.lucidway.org/
RJ BaconRJ
Anthony Baldwinhttp://www.tonybaldwin.infotonybaldwin
Steve Ballhttp://www.zveno.com/
Joris Ballethttp://www.balletshaw.be/joris
Frank Bannonhttp://www.geocities.com/frankbannon
Brian Baquiranhttp://www.baquiran.com/
Peter G. Baumhttp://www.dr-baum.net/gnocl/
Ashwin Baskaram
Tillmann Basienhttp://www.ingbas.de http://www.tbsol.deTAB
Bruce Baumannhttp://www.qldcom.com.auBEB
Scott Beasley
Dave Beazleyhttp://www.swig.org/
David Beckemeyerhttp://www.bdt.com/david
Robin Beckerhttp://www.jessikat.demon.co.uk/
Robin Becketthttp://www.subwolf.org/RTB
Mario Becrofthttp://becroft.co.nzmbecroft
Andrew Bell
Abderraouf Bencheraiet
Stew Benedict
Mats Bengtssonhttp://coccinella.im/
Torsten BergTorsten Reincke
Frank BergmannProject/Open http://www.project-open.org/
David Bigelowhttp://www.simplifiedlogic.com/ http://www.buydesignautomation.com
Hubert Bischoffhttp://www.megatel.de/hubis
Svenn Are Bjerkemhttp://www.bjerkem.de/svenn
Barney Blankenshiphttp://www.mentalelfz.com see Gladiator Game
Hermann Boeken
James Bonfieldhttp://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pubseq/
Frederic BonnetFB
Richard Boothhttp://www.lehigh.edu/~rvb2/
Nicolas Boretos
Eric Boudaillierhttp://www.unifix-online.com/(Unifix is gone, the domain is for sale)
Catalin Braicahttp://www.museglobal.ro/~catalin/catb
Stephan Branczykhttp://www.seedwiki.com/
Schelte Bronhttp://www.tclcode.com/schelte
Kevin Buchshttp://www.mayo.edu/sppdgbuchs
Aldo BurattiABU
Matthew Burkehttp://seas.gwu.edu/~mmburke
Wolf-Dieter Buschhttp://wolf-dieter-busch.dewdb


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Peter Caffin http://pc.autons.net/ peterc
Alex Caldwell
Ben Carbery http://upaya.net.au/ BC
David S. Cargo escargo
Gordon Carrie http://tkgeomap.sourceforge.net
Stuart Cassoff Stu
Andrew Cates http://catesfamily.org.uk/
Gordon Chaffee http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/
Sean Champ work-in-progress...
Philippe Chassany http://www.unifix-online.com/
Wayne A. Christopher
Bob Clark homeless
De Clarke
Jeff Clement http://www.bluesine.com/ JSC
Tory Clement TJC
Michael A. Cleverly http://michael.cleverly.com
Corey Clingo CliC
David Cobac http://dcobac.free.fr cobac
Arlie L. Codina under
Mac Cody http://home.comcast.net/~maccody/ Author of Toucan: A feathered friend for the palm
Will Coleda
Alan Collins AEC
Jeremy Collins http://www.phpsource.net/
Ben Collver http://terrorpin.rogueclass.org/ pi31415
Todd Coram
Edésio Costa e Silva http://www.softaplic.com.br/~edesio/
Michael Costello http://www.io.com/~fraterm/ fraterm
Dawson Cowals http://www.dawsoncowals.com/ dawsonc
Jeremy Cowgar JNC or jeremy_c
Don Cruickshank etdxc
Alejandro Eduardo Cruz Paz


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Koen Van Dammehttp://www.gener8.be
Vince Darleyhttp://www.santafe.edu/~vince
Peter da Silvahttp://scarydevil.com/~peterresuna
Michael Davey
Alastair Davieshttp://aldavies.net
Harvey Davieshttp://members.optusnet.com.au/harvey_daviesHLD
Jos DecosterJos Decosterjdc
Cederik De Leonhttp://unicalculus.sourceforge.netAuthor of UniGNUPlot
Peter De Rijkhttp://rrna.uia.ac.be/~peter
Mo Dejong
Laurent Demaillyhttp://www.demailly.com/~dl
Andy Denthttp://www.andydent.comASDTCLer in Surpac at Gemcom (now Geovia at Dassault Systèmes)
Mark Diekhans
Michael Doylehttp://linkedin.com/in/mikefiosMDD
Christoph Drubechd
Paul Duffinhttp://purl.oclc.org/net/pduffin/homePD
Hugh DunneHD
Mike Durian
Laurent Dupervalhttp://www.duperval.comLD
William Duquettehttp://foothills.wjduquette.com/blogWHD
David Zhengdq
Daniel Saderhttp://danielpontello.wordpress.comdsp
Neophytos DemetriouNDnest


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Carsten Eckelmann
David Eastonhttp://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/davidelizabeth/tcl
Martin EderMEd
John Ellson
Mmxxt Eloelohttp://jsj991.9126.comICQ #150538664
Joe Englishhttp://www.flightlab.com/~joe/
Eric EvansICQ #42191468 - Active List #56087677
Stefan EulerEU


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Donal Fellows http://www.man.ac.uk/~zzcgudf/ DKF
Alexandre Ferrieux homeless look for me on clt :)
Chuck Ferril http://wcferril.home.mchsi.com wcf3
Iain B. Findleton http://pages.infinit.net/cclients IBF
Darel Finkbeiner homeless email me)
Stefan G. R. Finzel http://www.osn.de/user/finzel SGRF
John Fletcher JPF Email via my page here.
Tom Flores
Clif Flynt http://www.msen.com/~clif/
Jean http://jfontain.free.fr/
Alexandre Fortin fortinal
Eric Foster http://www.pconline.com/~erc/index.html
Ron Fox http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~fox RFox, rfoxmich
Kasian Franks
Zach Frey
Emmanuel Frecon http://www.sics.se/~emmanuel/ EF Uses Tcl a lot at http://www.myjoice.com/ nowadays!
Landon Fuller http://www.opendarwin.org/~landonf/


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
David Gale http://openverse.com
Jan Theodore Galkowski http://www.scguild.com/usr/1707I.html disneylogic
Daniele Alberto GALLIANO
Scott Gamon http://www.gamon.org
Hood Gardner http://www.gardnerconsulting.com/
Carl Garland http://www.23pools.com/~lazlo
James Garrison send email to [email protected]
Laurent Gateau http://orangerie.hd.free.fr
Simon Geard http://www.whiteowl.co.uk SJG
Sven Geier http://sgeier.net SG
Leopold Gerlinger homeless LG mail to [email protected]
Steven Gibson http://linudent.sourceforge.net/
William Giddings
Juan http://simpledevlib.sourceforge.net/ JCG http://simpledevlib.sourceforge.net/
Bruce Gingery http://blogigo.at/lipitor/
Satish Goda blendernut
Jeff Godfrey http://www.jeffgodfrey.com JAG
Art Goette http://members.tripod.com/agoette/tcltkin.html
gold homeless gold
Jeff Gosnell Machtyn
Andy Goth http://andy.junkdrome.org/ mailto:[email protected]
Benoit Goudreault-Emond http://bge.kernel-panic.net BGE
Jim Graham http://members.cox.net/jdgweb JDG
Alistair Grant AKG
Andrei Gratchev
David Gravereaux homeless
Mark K. Greene mailto:[email protected]
Carl M. Gregory mailto:[email protected] MC_8
Brian Griffin mailto:[email protected]
Dave Griffin
Mike Griffiths http://www.keyboardzombie.com/ MG
Alexander Grischuk
Wolfgang Grossbauer http://magro-soft.com
Pawel Salawa http://sqlitestudio.one.pl Googie mail: pawelsalawa (at) gmail (dot) com
HaJo Gurt HJG
Rene Gomez


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
D. J. Hagberg
B. C. Hahn http://www.meridian-enviro.com bch
Hubert Halkin http://www.math.ucsd.edu/~hhalkin
Leam Hall http://www.reuel.net LH
Michael Halle
Glenn Halstead glenn at glennh dot com
Michael Hankinson
Karl C. Hansen http://www.BrilliantPoints.com kch Karl (dot) Hansen --at-- BrilliantPoints <dot> com
Mark Harrison http://www.markharrison.net mh
Bruce Hartweg bbh
Michael Haschek
Eric Hassold http://www.evolane.com EH
Svein Haustveit
Michael Heca
Joachim Heidemeier joheid
Todd M. Helfter http://icdweb.cc.purdue.edu/~tmh
Robert Heller
Lars Hellström Lars H
Mattias Hembruch MGH mhembruch at yahoo dot com
Rolf Hemmerling, hemmerling http://www.hemmerling.com hemmerling hemmerling at gmx dot net
Scott Hess
Volker Hetzer
Robert Hicks RLH
D. Richard Hipp http://www.hwaci.com/drh
Adrian Ho AH or lexfiend
Jeffrey Hobbs http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs
Mark Hobley http://markhobley.yi.org
Mike Hoegeman http://www.habanerotech.net/personal-pages/mh
Matthias Hoffmann https://mhoffi.jimdo.com/ MHo
Janos Holanyi http://janos.holanyi.hu https://www.facebook.com/BonanzaGroove Csan or [Csani] or [Johnny] janos.holanyi at gmail
George Howlett
Chin Huang
Doug Hughes http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~doug
Ed Hume http://www.hume.com
Steve Huntley
Joel Hutchins http://HutchSoft.com


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Jim Ingham Apple
Max Ischenko mfi
JM Ivler http://www.net-quest.com/~ivler/
Venkat Iyer VI


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Holger Jakobs http://jakobs.com HolgerJ http://plausibolo.de
George Jempty jemptymethod
Bruce Johnson http://www.onemoonscientific.com/management.html BAJ
Glenn Jackman http://www.purl.org/net/glennj/
Howard Jess homeless HJ if I have an attack of clever and post something
Ken Jones http://www.avia-training.com training.com
Michael Jacobson http://www.jakeforce.org/ MPJ
Ray Johnson
Ricardo Jorge http://www.ricardo-jorge.eti.br jorge.eti.br
Steve Jankowski
Stoian Jekov http://www.eda.bg/~sto/
Ulf Jasper http://de.geocities.com/ulf_jasper/
Jose Ignacio Marín Alberdi jima
[Jerome Baum] [JMPB], [GG], [Gratemyl]
Mark Janssen MJ or mjanssen
Nick James http://www.njames.co.uk nickj noob as of Jan 2018!


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Sergey Kalininhttp://conero.lrn.ru
Matti Karkihttp://www.iki.fi/mjk/mjk
Frank Keijzers
Eric Kemp-Benedicthttp://www.ipat-s.org/ and http://www.sei-us.org/about/staff-kemp-benedict.htmlEKB
Kevin KennyKBK
Willam Kingwjk
Blair Kitchen
Michael Kirkhamhttp://www.muonics.com/MAK
Harald Kirschhttp://wsd.iitb.fhg.de/~kir/
Matthias Kraftsome Tcl related stuff at http://github.com/makrMAKR
Philipp Knueselphk
Dmitry Kobylinkdl
Wojciech Kocjan
Larry Kollar(home page is stale, nothing TCL-related)LK
Konovalov Vadimhttp://www.vkonovalov.ruVK
Anton Kovalenkohttp://kovalenko.webzone.ruA/AK
Tom Krehbielmailto:[email protected]tomk
Christian Krone
Alexander Kruzlikkruzalex
Dan Kuchler
Jussi Kuosa
Andreas Kuprieshttp://www.purl.org/NET/akupries/AK
Larry KurfishomelessLEK
Aaron S. Kurlandhttp://www.bostoncircuits.com/DrASK
Krunal Thakar[email protected]/iFUSER


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Dennis LaBelle http://home.nycap.rr.com/dlabelle/
Cameron Laird http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl CL
Ioi Lam http://sourceforge.net/users/ioilam/
Brad Lanam http://gentoo.com/
Steve Landers http://www.digital-smarties.com/ stevel
Charles Laurent CHL
Kristoffer Lawson http://www.fishpool.com/~setok/ Setok
Yann Lechelle http://etheryl.com
Karl Lehenbauer http://lehenbauer.com/
Georg Lehner http://www.magma.com.ni/~jorge/ LEG
Richard Lee
Andreas Leitgeb http://avl.enemy.org/TclTk/
Martin Lemburg homeless ML
Thorsten Lemler
Gerald Lester
Jacob Levy http://e4graph.sf.net/ - Also see e4graph jyl
Nir Levy nl
Sascha Leuthold SL
Aldric L'Hernault homeless ALH
Wenchi Liao WL
Don Libes http://www.mel.nist.gov/msidstaff/libes/ DL
Alex Liebowitz http://www.pseudoquasi.net/ FW
Robert Liguori http://www.gliesian.com/
Veronica Loell http://www.nakawe.se/ veronical
Jochen Loewer jolo
Robert Loggia http://www.geocities.com/loggiacompute/loggia.html
John Robert LoVerso
Tomasz L/uczak http://team-tl.livenet.pl/ TLu


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Peter MacDonald http://pdqi.com pcm
Neil Madden http://www.tallniel.co.uk NEM
Peter-Henry Mander PHM
Andrew Mangogna
Massimo Manghi MXM
D.Manikandan http://www.nadars.org
José E. Marchesi http://es.gnu.org/~jemarch
Rob Maris RJM
Arjen Markus http://www.deltares.nl
Dave Marquardt http://www.zilker.net/~marquard DRM
Lindsay Marshall http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Lindsay/
Joseph Martin C F http://www.meerasworld.8m.com
Reinhard Max rmax in the Tcl'ers Chat, RM in discussions
Jackson McCann
David McClamrock http://www.pa-mcclamrock.com/icebox.html D. McC
Charles McColm http://members.porchlight.ca/charm/
Shane McDonald sm
Peter MacDonald PM
Marty McGowan http://martymcgowan.tiddlyspace.com applemcg
Neil McKay NDM
Michael McLennan http://www.tcltk.com/itcl/mmc/
Bill Medland WGRM
Joerg Mehring http://sesam-gmbh.org/spezial-applikationen.html JMeh
Eric Melski
Phil Mercurio http://thyrd.org/mercurio PJM
Christophe Mertz http://tls.www.cena.fr/~mertz/ CME
Sheila Miguez skm or sheila
Jeremy Miller vile of Openverse a tcl/tk visual chat
Paul Miller pdm I'm new here and new to TCL ...
Stefano Mimmi s_m
In-Hak Min http://tcltk.co.kr/ Tcl/Tk Korea user site.
Joe Mistachkin https://www.mistachkin.com/ JJM Author of Eagle and TclBridge
Lino Monaco LM
Gabriel Mongefranco https://gabriel.mongefranco.com/ Developer and writer. Author of [Tkovid] and [Autopoker for Facebook]
Blaise Montandon http://www.freedomenv.com/ uniquename Started contributing code here in 2012.
Denny Moore mailto:[email protected] dmoore
Jorge Moreno JM
Art Morel http://www.rain.org/~art/
Thomas Morel TM
Luc Moulinier
Christophe Muller CM
Jean Muller
Joshua M. Murphy BLX - Pois


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Ashok P. Nadkarnihttp://www.magicsplat.com/APN
Chris Nelsonhttp://www.purl.org/net/tcltkprogrefCLN
Darren New
Matt Newmanhttp://www.sensus.org/MN
Gustaf NeumannGN
Németh József Gáborhttp://cpluscsystems.axelero.netNJG
Jan Nijtmanshttp://purl.oclc.org/net/nijtmans/
Julian M Noble
Paolo Nolihttp://www.eriskouma.com/erisk
Roy Nurmihttp://www.solagem.fi/~rnurmi/author of TclODBC


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Bruce O'Neelhttp://homepage.iprolink.ch/~bioneel/beo/homepage.html
Mark OakdenMNO
Bryan Oakleyhttp://purl.oclc.org/net/oakley/BO
Paul Obermeierhttp://www.tcl3d.org or http://www.poSoft.de/PO
Catalin Ochisorhttp://www.TclingInOttawa.com/CO
Eduardo Ochshttp://angg.twu.net/Edrx
Robert OConnor
Harald OehlmannHaO
Steve Offutthttp://www.stevescripts.com
Kola Ogundipeaka [email protected]
Brian O'Haganhttp://home.comcast.net/~brian199/tcl.htmlBEO
Elaine Olsonhttp://www.koasoftware.com/
Andreas Ottohttp://www.xing.com/profile/Andreas_Otto6
John Ousterhouthttp://home.pacbell.net/ouster/


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Jorge PaciosVERY homelessjp
Jonathan D. Pagehttp://www.jd-page.com/jdp
Rohan Pallhttp://www.RohanPall.comRo
Fabrice PardoFP
Brian Passinghamhttp://www.passisoft.comBP
Gilles Pérezhttp://www.octidi.frGP-L
Steve Perkinshttp://www.steveperkins.netSDP
Tom Phelpshttp://http.cs.Berkeley.edu/~phelps/
Santeri Piippoaleksanteri
Frank Pilhoferhttp://www.fpx.de/fp/FPX
Andrew PiskorskiATP
Tom Poindexterhttp://www.nyx.net/~tpoindex/TP
Michael PolisMFP
Donald Porterhttp://math.nist.gov/mcsd/Staff/DPorter/DGP
Bill Poserhttp://billposer.orgWJP
Rildo Praganahttp://www.pragana.net/
Robert Premurpr
Nat Prycehttp://www-dse.doc.ic.ac.uk/~np2/index.html
Erik Purins
Adrien Peulvast


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Philip Quaife http://qs.co.nz/Tcl/


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Dave Raftery http://www.wikiweb.com/~RafteryFamilyWiki DGR
Christian Rapp saedelaere
Dan Razzell http://www.starfishsystems.ca/ maintainer of Tls extension
Bob Rashkin RR - http://pwp.t-3.cc/rrashkin
Steve Redler IV SRIV
Torsten Reincke, now Torsten Berg http://www.typoscriptics.de TR
Phillip J Rhoades http://www.crosswinds.net/~openfreedom
Ramon Ribo ramsan http://gid.cimne.com/ramsan
Benny Riefenstahl BR
Tono Riesco http://cern.ch/tono.riesco/
Roland B. Roberts http://www.astrofoto.org/
Fabricio Rocha http://www.fabriciorocha.jor.br
Jay Rohr
John Roll http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~john JBR
Marshall T. Rose http://not.invisible.net/about/people.html
Dave Roseman
Mark Roseman http://www.markroseman.com/
Larry Rowe http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/people/larry/
Jade Rubick http://rubick.com


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Tim Saker
Peter Salus
Michel Salvagniac
Salvatore Sanfilippo antirez at invece dot org SS
Jaen Saul http://jaen.saul.ee/
Mark G. Saye http://www.binarism.com/ MGS
Sacha Schär SSch
Pascal Scheffers http://pascal.scheffers.net PS
Kristian Scheibe Kris
Michael Schlenker
Nicolas Schmidt http://netcetera.ch ns
Ulrich Schoebel homeless US mailto:[email protected]
Alexander Schöpe https://tcl.sowaswie.de ALX
Alexandros Stergiakis alsterg
Rolf Schroedter http://www.rolf-schroedter.de RoS
Stefan Schreyjak http://www.cyperon.de
Melissa Schrumpf http://www.geocities.com/m_schrumpf MKS
Leo Schubert
Foster Schucker http://www.schucker.org/Wiki.jsp?page=ToolControlLanguage
Michael Schwartz http://www.schwartzcomputer.com/tcl-tk
Jesse Schwartz jaschwar
Brett Schwarz
Walter Schweitzer http://schweitzertech.com Walter mailto:[email protected]
Robert Seeger http://robert.rkseeger.net/tcl RHS
Steve Shaw http://www.hammerdb.com/ ss2
Dossy Shiobara http://panoptic.com/ Dossy
Andreas Sievers http://tcl-home.de/ased AS
Jared Silvaahart jys jys
Steve Simmons http://www-personal.umich.edu/~scs scs
Stefan Sinnige
Dan Smart
Chad Smith
Hume Smith http://www.glinx.com/~hclsmith/ escargo 14 Jun 2005 Got a 404 looking for his applets
Larry Smith http://www.smith-house.org:8000/
Mark Smith http://www.7bsoftware.com/
Martyn Smith
Miguel Sofer <msofer at users dot sf dot net> MS
Gerry Snyder GCS
Gerard Sookahet GS
Henry Spencer
Peter Spjuth
Mykhaylo Sorochan msorc
Angel Sosa [email protected]
Edward M. Stadick http://tcl.cjb.com
George Peter Staplin http://www.xmission.com/~georgeps/ GPS
Daniel P. Stasinski http://www.scriptkitties.com/
Daniel Steffen http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~steffen/tcltk DAS
Rodney Stephenson http://alumni.caltech.edu/~rodney/
Strick http://smilax.org/ ; http://www.yak.net/
Thomas Stromberg http://toadstool.sh/
Mark Stucky MBS
Richard Suchenwirth 'intranet only' RS
Marcio Rosa da Silva http://galileo.unisinos.br/~marcio MRS


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Daniel Tadic http://www.parizienne.ch pariz
Jason Tang http://www.jtang.org jt
Andrew Tannenbaum http://shamash.org/trb/xhome.trb.html trb
Jay E. Taylor http://jetlib.com/ JET
Mark Taylor M1T
Bob Techentin http://www.mayo.edu/sppdg/sppdg_home_page.html RWT
Roy Terry http://tclbuzz.com
Brian Theado BPT
T.J. Theodore mailto:[email protected]
Spencer W. Thomas
Vincent Thomas mailto:vpthoma (at sign) us.ibm.com (I get enough spam) VPT
Ian Thompson-Bell mailto:ianbell AT ukfsn DOT org
Rennor Thomson jooky
Pat Thoyts http://www.patthoyts.tk/ PT
Tim Tomkinson TLT
Steffen Traeger http://home.t-online.de/home/Steffen.Traeger/index.htm
Stephen Trier http://kg8ih.cit.cwru.edu/sct/ SCT
Tom Tromey
Artur Trzewik http://www.xdobry.de/tclcorner.html
Manolis M. Tsangaris http://www.karpathos.net/~mt/ mmt
Mike Tuxford http://moogy.unstable.org:8080/ MT in discussions - moogy in chat
Tomasz Tyzenhauz Tyzio


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Stephen Uhler
Maurice Bredelet http://wfr.tcl.tk/314 ulis
Rickard Utgren http://www.pix.pp.se/tcl


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
William Van Meter http://www.vanmetco.com
Jeffrey Van Zander http://www.noplacecalledhome.com
Zoran Vasiljevic
Andrej Vckovski
Taylor Venable http://real.metasyntax.net:2357/ TCV in discussions, metasyntax in chat
Theo Verelst http://home.tiscali.nl/theoverelst
Keith Vetter
Igal Vigonich vigal mailto:[email protected]
Larry Virden LV
Stefan Vogel http://www.vogel-nest.de/
Felipe Voloch http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/voloch
Hai Vu http://wuhrr.wordpress.com/category/programming/tcl-programming/ HV Hai Vu
Sinisa Vujic SV


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Adrian Waddell http://adrian.waddell.ch adrian
Vitus Wagner http://www.ice.ru/~vitus/
Steve Wainstead http://wcsb.org/~swain/
Kevin Walzer http://www.codebykevin.com
Sebastian Wangnick
Vincent Wartelle http://www.oklin.com VWA mailto:vw, same domain
Michael Wax http://www.programmingtoolkit.com
William J. Webb http://williamjwebb.com
Martin S. Weber MSW mailto:[email protected]
Christian Wegehaupt
Brent Welch http://beedub.com/
David Welton http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/ davidw
Paul Welton
Paul Whitfield Homeless PSW
Peter F Whyte PFW
Zbigniew Wieckowski mailto:[email protected]
Arnulf Wiedemann - APW
John Wiersba jrw32982
Ro Wiijkejak
Moritz Wilhelmy http://barfooze.de/ ente
Tom Wilkason http://snackamp.sourceforge.net/
Andreas Wilm
[Chuck Winters] Homeless [CEW]
Jean-Claude Wippler http://www.equi4.com/jcw/ JCW http://www.equi4.com/jcw/
Franz Wirl
Lawrence Woodman TechTinkering Lorry
Sean Deely Woods http://www.etoyoc.com. SDW / Hypnotoad
[C. Wayne Wright] http://lidar.wff.nasa.gov [CWW] deadlink
Scott D Ware scottdware
Christian Werner http://www.androwish.org chw http://www.ch-werner.de


Name Home page Nick name Remarks


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Poor Yorick http://www.pooryorick.com PYK or pooryorick
Ivan Young Just had to fill this gap.


Name Home page Nick name Remarks
Umberto Zanghieri
Piotr Zaprawa PZ
René Zaumseil RZ
Carsten Zerbst
Xiaokun Zhu
J Adrian Zimmer
Zipguy http://www.geocities.ws/thezipguy
David Zolli http://www.zolli.fr kroc

RLH 2006-01-26: Do we have to link our pictures from an outside source? It would be nice, just for personal pictures, to be able to stash them on the server.

[gg] 2007-01-03 - You do indeed. See http://www.cjb.net for a free host with easy setup. I think they support linking to pictures externally. Else there are enough free hosts available.

FB 2007-07-20 Photobucket http://photobucket.com hosts photos for free

AMG: Would it be acceptable to post pictures in the Half Bakery? Example: http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/images/.

For a world map with Tclers, see http://www.frappr.com/tcl (dead link)

NJG January 5, 2005 -- Please, whoever processes this (and other pages) pay attention that accented characters remain intact!

AMG 27 Jul 2005: (Is there a wiki page to discuss this problem? If so, move these comments and post a link. And put the link in the editing quick reference. If not, we need such a page.)

I know it's an ugly solution, but we might try writing a filter to convert atrocities like "Hellstr????öm" and "Hellstr?öm" back to what nature intended. I guess you'd just recursively apply [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $mangled_string] until the step's result equals the step's input. (But I doubt this always works...) Or at least scan the wiki for "double Unicode" so we can manually patch up problems.

Or add a detection script which checks each page edit for charset bogosity and either attempts to silently fix (i.e. break) the submission or give the user a chance to make things right. I dunno. Something. But I do know this is making Tcl look bad; this wiki gives the impression that Tcl isn't really Unicode-safe after all, even though I logically understand that the real problem is misconfigured browsers.

Lars H: The page for this issue should be [Wikit Problems], should it not? (I'm not making this a link because don't recall if linking to a page from this page will exclude it from Wikidiff or not.)

As to your concrete questions:

  1. I know from experience that [encoding convertfrom utf-8] mostly does the trick, but not always; sometimes there has been other sorts of garbling at work as well. Also be aware that not all of a page need to have undergone the same number of garbling rounds, and that [encoding convertfrom] won't necessarily stop at the ungarbled form of the string.
  2. I'm pretty sure I've suggested some kind of detection check (just idea, no code), but at that time noone seemed to be interested.

Feel free to move this discussion to a more suitable page when you've read it.

[paulspeller] - 2011-03-01 09:52:47

Hi Tcl community,

I wonder if you can help me, I currently have a requirement from a very well known company in the UK for 15 Tcl developers, they specifically want people who have transactional experience for permanent roles, if this is you or if you know of anyone who may be interested can you please pass on my contact details [email protected]

Kind regards
